September 24, 2010 – The Society for the Preservation of West Calaveras History (SPWCH) today honored all Valley Springs postmasters throughout history with a presentation to the latest postmaster, Timothy C. Brown, at his official swearing-in ceremony. After an introduction by SPWCH founder Sal Manna detailing the role of the post office in the naming of the town, he presented Brown and the Valley Springs post office with a plaque listing all 15 postmasters. The plaque will be prominently displayed at the post office. The postmasters are Robert Eproson (P.O. established December 3, 1872-1876), Edward H. Williams (1876-1879 – P.O discontinued), Andrew Newhall (P.O. re-established June 30, 1882-1883), John Kellogg Pattee (1883-1886), Andrew Sinks (1886-1893), Edward J. Borger (1893-1897), James Bennett Lucas (1897-1906), Louisa J. (Lillie) Pliler (1906-1938), Robert B. Finnegan (1939-1973), Sonja R. Quarton (1973-1986), Michael L. Perez (1986-1988), Rodney E. Mahaffey (1989-2005), Richard Mondragon Sr. (2005-2006), Dann L. Myers (2007-2010) and Timothy C. Brown (2010-present).

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