October 1, 2010 – The Valley Springs railroad depot has been evaluated as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places thanks to the efforts of the Society for the Preservation of West Calaveras History. The SPWCH enlisted the services of a State-certified cultural resources firm to evaluate the building and the conclusion cited the depot for its local significance. That report has been filed with the appropriate State agencies with the full cooperation of the building’s owners, Mike and LeAnn Jurek. Any activity affecting the building will have to comply with certain State regulations regarding historic properties. Historian Sal Manna, with the assistance of renowned Southern Pacific depot expert Henry E. Bender (information on the depot will appear in his forthcoming book on the subject) and Kyle Wyatt, curator of the California State Railroad Museum, have recently determined that the current building was originally constructed in 1888-1889, though an earlier depot existed at that location beginning in late 1885. Remnants of the seminal building may be part of the present building.