BURSON, CA — September 15, 2006 — Twenty years from now on the “Antiques Roadshow” someone will carry in a painting of historic Valley Springs and the appraiser is going to gush, “Do you realize that this is one of the first gallery-quality paintings of an historic building from that part of Calaveras County? Do you have any idea how much this is worth?” Well, you can be among the first to see that painting by coming to the September 28th mixer at the Bank of Rio Vista in Valley Springs. “Scenes of Historic Valley Springs: New Original Paintings and Vintage Photographs” features 2006 paintings by three exceptional county artists based on three photographs of historic Valley Springs (the train depot circa 1890s, the Late House circa 1970 and the business district circa 1930s). They will be presented together for the first and only time at the mixer.
Artists Cate Culver, Dave Gano and Kathy Laughlin generously donated their talents for the unique fundraising effort by the Society for the Preservation of West Calaveras History (SPWCH) and they will be present at the mixer. Each set, three paintings plus the original photographs, are offered for a tax-deductible donation of $600 (sorry but as of this writing only two are still available). The program’s success ensures that the SPWCH will continue to sponsor future paintings based on other historic photographs of the area. For more information, please call Sal Manna at the SPWCH at 772-0336.