West Calaveras Archives

Record – #3001-4000

As of January 2, 2014

A=Artifact; B=Book; CD=Compact Disc; MP=Map; P=Photograph; R=Recording; V=Video

No.    Type    Title    Description    Other Details

3001    P    Harold Messing #2    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Messing, Lester Marek, Violet Rowe, Les Rowe, 3 1/2″ x 5″, b&w

3002    P    Lulu & Emma Higginbotham    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Sisters, 3 3/8″ x 5 5/8″, b&w

3003    P    Emma Higginbotham    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Holding Darrel, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3004    P    Harold Messing #3    Paper, photo, Stockton, 1943    Lying on grass in uniform, 3 1/2″ x 2 1/2′”, b&w

3005    P    Budd Higginbotham #1    Paper, photo, Brannon’s Studio, Stockton, date unknown     Studio portrait with wife, On back: Uncle Budd Higginbotham, first wife she died, married again, 3 3/8″ x 5 3/8″, b&w

3006    P    Verna Higginbotham #3    Paper, photo, Haywards Creek, 1927    In front of auto, On back: Camp at Haywards Creek above Big Trees, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3007    P    Haywards Creek    Paper, photo, date unknown    Campsite, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3008    P    Lulu Higginbotham #2    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    93rd birthday party, 4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3009    P    Pearl Wright Postcard    Paper, postcard, Sydney, Australia, July 1963    Sydney Harbor Bridge postcard from Pearl Wright to Roy Thomas, Lemon Grove, 5 1/2″ x 3 1/2″, full color

3010    P    Ruth Hood #14    Paper, photo, Schadds, date unknown     On back: Ruth & I at Schadds, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3011    P    Frank Hood #2    Paper, photo, Haywards Creek, date unknown    With fishing pole, 3 1/2″ x 5 5/8″, b&w

3012    P    Hay Press Crew    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Two boys in front of tent, 3″ x 5″, b&w

3013    P    Stull Family    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    On back: Delpha Stull, Genaro & Peterson, Lillian & Jo Brandt, Lillian boy, Josephina Stull, 3 1/4″ x 4 1/4″, b&w

3014    P    Budd Higginbotham #2    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    On back: Budd on tractor coming down grade from his mine, 4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3015    P    Verna Higginbotham #4    Paper, photo, Haywards Creek, date unknown    Washing cups in creek, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3016    P    Frank Hood #3    Paper, photo, Dos Palos, date unknown    In front of trailer with dog, 5 1/2″ x 3 1/2″, b&w

3017    P    Ruth Hood #15    Paper, photo, Haywards Creek, 1939    On back: Dam on creek I built, 3 1/2″ x 5″, b&w

3018    P    Haywards Creek Camp #1    Paper, photo, Haywards Creek, date unknown    Camp table, person on left, person on right, 3 /1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3019    P    Verna Higginbotham #5    Paper, photo, Dos Palos, date unknown    Faye Abert and son and Verna, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3020    P    Margaret Higginbotham    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, 1 1/4″ x 1 7/8″, b&w

3021    P    Women On Stilts    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Two young women laughing, possible Higginbotham relatives, 3 3/8″ x 4 3/8″, b&w

3022    P    Frank Hood #4    Paper, photo, Haywards Creek, date unknown    With fish catch on line, 3 1/2′ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3023    P    Frank Hood #5    Paper, photo, Haywards Creek, date unknown    With fishing gear, 3 1/2′ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3024    P    Tony Silveira #2    Paper, photo, Burson, date unknown    On back, Tony Silveira, Burson swimming pool I helped build, 3 1/8″ x 4 1/4″, b&w

3025    A    Higginbotham Square Nail    Metal, Jenny Lind, date unknown    Bent, 3″, from Higginbotham Ranch

3026    P    Haywards Creek Camp #2    Paper, photo, date unknown    On back: the park around camp, 5 3/4″ x 3 3/8″, b&w

3027    P    Haywards Creek Camp #3    Paper, photo, date unknown    Boy on steps of camp cabin, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3028    P    Lulu Higginbotham #3    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    95th birthday party, Verna and Frank Hood in foreground, 3 1/4″ x 4 1/2″, b&w

3029    P    Lulu Higginbotham #4    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Cake for 95th birthday party,  3 1/4″ x 4 1/2″, b&w

3030    A    Jeptha Ritchee Homestead Certificate    Paper ,document, Jenny Lind, April 1896    May be Higginbotham property, 10″ x 14″, red and b&w

3031    P    Verna Higginbotham #6    Scan, photo, taken by Jos. Brannon, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, Verna and Wilber, b&w

3032    P    Wilma Unknown    Scan, photo, location unknown, 1930    On horse, possibly Higginbotham relative, b&w

3033    P    Marion Dickhaut    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    Reading letter, b&w

3034    P    Higginbotham Family    Paper, photo, Jenny Lind, Christmas unknown year    On back: Hig family one Xmas, 3 1/4″ x 5 5/8″, b&w

3035    P    Tony Silveira #3    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    In living room with bandanna around neck, b&w

3036    P    Vinetta Unknown    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    Possible Higginbotham relative, b&w

3037    P    Verna Higginbotham #7    Scan, photo, Paradise Grove, date unknown    On back: ? on May’s lap, May Thomas & Verna in swing, picnic at Paradise Grove, b&w

3038    P    Verna Higginbotham #8    Scan, photo, location and date unknown     On back: Jenny Huston, Jack Huston & Verna, b&w

3039    P    Verna Higginbotham #9    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    On back: Budd, Verna, Mother Hig, Cecil in baby buggy, 3 1/4″ x 4 1/4″, b&w

3040    P    Gertrude Hood    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Standing, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″ in 4 1/2″ x 9″ folder, b&w

3041    P    Gertrude Hood    Scans (2), photo, taken by Fricke & Co., Canon City, Colorado, circa 1880s    Studio portrait as baby, note on back, b&w

3042    P    Yosemite Falls    Paper, photo, taken by Nathan Reiman, date unknown    Auto on road beneath falls, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3043    P    Higginbotham Possible    Tintype, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, man and woman, possible Higginbotham ancestor, 2 3/4″ x 4 1/4″, b&w

3044    P    Hood Family    Scan, photo, location unknown, January 1936    John and Mrs. Hood, and others, possibly Marchs (Silas P., Minette, Gertrude), b&w

3045    P    John and Mrs. Hood Possible    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    Dressed up in front of exterior house wall, b&w

3046    P    Dunlap-Hood Document    Scan, documentEl Dorado Co., January 1943    Margaret Dunlap and Frank Hood Superior Court case, red and b&w

3047    P    Auntie May & Uncle Walt #1    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Plus Lee, Chester and Harry, Higginbotham relatives, 4 3/8″ x 3 3/8″, b&w

3048    P    Auntie May & Uncle Walt #2    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Plus Lee, Chester and Harry, women and children, Higginbotham relatives, 4 1/4″ x 3 1/2″, b&w

3049    P    Four Women    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Dressed up in row, left woman holding jacket, possible Higginbotham relative, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3050    P    Woman and Crane    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Possible Higginbotham relative, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″ in 4 1/2″ x 9″ folder, b&w

3051    P    Woman and Two Babies    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Possible Higginbotham relative, 3″ x 5 1/4″, b&w

3052    P    Unknown Workshop    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Interior of machine shop, three men, unknown Higginbotham connection, 5 3/8″ x 3 1/4″, b&w

3053    P    John Hood    Paper, photo, location unknown, February 1934    With girl and chicken, 2 3/4″ x 4 1/2″, b&w

3054    P    Boy and Girl on Auto    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Possible Haywards Creek, possible Higginbotham relatives, 3 1/2″ x 5 5/8″, b&w

3055    P    Unknown Bearded Higginbotham    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Higginbotham relative, 1 3/8″ x 7/8″, b&w

3056    P    Unknown Woman in Bonnet    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    In front of bush in front of house, possible Higginbotham relative, 2 1/4″ x 3 1/4″, b&w

3057    P    Budd Higginbotham Mine    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Overview of mine and buildings, 4 1/8″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3058    MP    Calaveras County Thomas Bros. Map    Paper, map, late 1950s-early 1960s    With multiple photos of towns, 5 1/4″ x 8 3/4″, green, red, b&w

3059    P    Ruth Hood #16    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    In wagon pulled by horse, b&w

3060    P    Unknown Family #1    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Possible Higginbotham relatives, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3061    P    Unknown Family #2    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    With tents and auto, possible Higginbotham relatives, 3 1/2″ x 5 3/4″, b&w

3062    P    Icle Higginbotham    Scan, photo, location unknown, circa 1906    In suit, On back: Icle, about 18 yrs., b&w

3063    P    Icle Higginbotham and Alfred Wakeham    Paper, photo, Stockton, 1918    Three studio wedding portraits, 5 3/8″ x 3 1/8″, b&w

3064    P    Unknown Man Negative #1    Negative, photo, location and date unknown    Man with hat standing and looking over shoulder, possible Higginbotham relative, 3 3/8″ x 4 1/2″, b&w

3065    P    Unknown Man Negative #2    Negative, photo, location and date unknown    Man lifting child by shoulders, possible Higginbotham relative, 3 3/8″ x 4 1/2″, b&w

3066    A    Ruth Hood Poem #1    Paper, document, Jenny Lind, date unknown    “Day Dreaming,” three stanzas, back of Burpee receipt, 6″ x 9 1/2″

3067    A    Ruth Hood Poem #2    Paper, document, Jenny Lind, date unknown    “Left Sad,” three stanzas, notebook paper, 5″ x 7 7/8″

3068    P    Aunt Lou    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    Unknown family related to Higginbothams, b&w

3069    P    Milton Masonic Hall #2    Scan, photo, late 1950s-early 1960s    From Thomas Bros. Calaveras Co. map #3058, b&w

3070    P    Paloma Street    Scan, photo, late 1950s-early 1960s    From Thomas Bros. Calaveras Co. map #3058, b&w

3071    P    Jenny Lind #6    Scan, photo, late 1950s-early 1960s    From Thomas Bros. Calaveras Co. map #3058, b&w

3072    P    Valley Springs Main Street #22    Scan, photo, late 1950s-early 1960s    From Thomas Bros. Calaveras Co. map #3058, b&w

3073    P    Burson Intersection    Scan, photo, late 1950s-early 1960s    From Thomas Bros. Calaveras Co. map #3058, b&w

3074    P    Wallace Street    Scan, late 1950s-early 1960s    From Thomas Bros. Calaveras Co. map #3058, b&w

3075    P    Camanche Main Street #3    Scan, photo, late 1950s-early 1960s    From Thomas Bros. Calaveras Co. map #3058, b&w

3076    P    Burson School #16    Digital photo, May 1906    Students with teacher Jenny Southworth, all identified on back, b&w

3077    P    Camanche School #5    Digital photo, circa 1910s    Students with teacher in front of schoolhouse, b&w

3078    P    Helisma Store    Scan, photo, Burson, date unknown    D.M. Dyer store, b&w

3079    P    Mary and Will Hawk #1    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Studio wedding portraits, serious and smiling, 3 7/8″ x 5 1/2″, b&w

3080    P    Mary and Will Hawk #2    Paper, photo, taken by Lovett, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait as older couple, in gray folder, 8 1/2″ x 5 7/8″, b&w

3081    A    Masonic Lodge Ticket #2    Paper, Milton, December 31, 1884    Ticket for 4th Annual Ball, Keystone Lodge, 4 3/8″ x 2 5/8″, b&w

3082    P    John Bewley #3    Paper, photo, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, Pioneer Gallery, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3083    P    Irene Harper    Paper, photo, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, Pioneer Gallery, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3084    P    Lulu Higginbotham #5    Paper, photo, Jenny Lind, 1951    In front of the Higginbotham cabin, 5 7/8″ x 3 1/2″, b&w

3085    P    Budd & Icle Higginbotham    Paper, photo, taken by Batchelder, Stockton, circa 1880s    Studio portrait, as children, 4 1/4′ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3086    P    May Thomas    Paper, photo, taken by Batchelder, Stockton, circa 1880s    Studio portrait, as child, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3087    P    Ruth Hood #17     Paper, photo, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, at 15 months, 3 3/8″ x 5 1/4″, plus folder, b&w

3088    P    Lulu Higginbotham #6    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    On porch with family, 2 3/4″ x 4 1/2″, b&w

3089    P    Orilla Newton    Paper, glass and metal, photo, Asher’s Gallery, Sacramento, 1879    Studio portrait in golden oval frame, 2 1/2″ x 3 1/8″, b&w

3090    P    Highway 26    Paper, photo, Jenny Lind, date unknown    Woman in carriage with horse, On back: When Hwy. 26 went along the hill, 4 1/8″ x 3 1/8″, b&w

3091    P    Wilber and Cecil    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Higginbotham family, 1 3/4″ x 2 1/4″, b&w

3092    A    Calaveras Teachers Institute    Paper, booklet, San Andreas, date unknown    10-page program, lists all county teachers, 4″ x 5 7/8″, brownish red cover

3093    A    Eastern Star Bylaws    Paper, booklet, Milton, date unknown    18-page booklet, 3 3/4″ x 5 1/2″, blue cover

3094    A    Orilla Newton Letter #1    Paper, letter, location unknown, April 20, 1879    To Robert Higginbotham, 4 7/8″ x 8″, four pages, purple ink

3095    A    Orilla Newton Letter #2    Paper, letter, Sacramento, July 7, 1879    To Robert Higginbotham, 7 3/4″ x 5″, two pages, black ink

3096    A    Orilla Newton Letter #3    Paper, letter, Sacramento, July 24, 1879    To Robert Higginbotham, 8″ x 11 7/8″, one page, brown ink

3097    A    Orilla Newton Letter #4    Paper, letter, Sacramento, May 21, 1879    To Robert Higginbotham, 7 3/4″ x 5″, two pages, purple ink

3098    A    Orilla Newton Letter #5    Paper, letter, location unknown, May 19, 1879    To Robert Higginbotham, 7 3/4″ x 5″, two pages, purple ink

3099    A    Orilla Newton Letter #6    Paper, letter, location unknown, April 14, 1879    To Robert Higginbotham, 4 7/8″ x 8″, four pages, purple ink

3100    A    Orilla Newton Letter #7    Paper, letter, location unknown, March 24, 1879    To Robert Higginbotham, 6 1/4″ x 5 1/88″, four pages, purple ink

3101    P    Lulu Higginbotham Poem    Scans (3), document, Jenny Lind, 1881    “The Fatal Sleigh Ride,” b&w

3102    P    Stone Corral Church Homecoming #2    Scan, booklet, May 1950    Cover, b&w

3102    P    Stone Corral Church Homecoming #3    Scan,booklet, May 1952    Cover, b&w

3103    P    John Hood Birth Affidavit    Scan, document, Valley Springs, February 1942    Certifies father and mother, b&w

3104    P    Katie Friday Letter    Paper, letter, location unknown, June 14, 1886    To uncle and aunt, Enos and Mary Beaumont, 5′ x 8″, purple ink

3105    A    Samuel Beaumont Letter    Paper, letter, location unknown, June 13, 1886    To brother Enos, 5″ x 8″, purple ink

3106    A    William Fletcher Naturalization    Paper, document, Randolph Co., Illinois, September 20, 1865    Co. G, 80th Illinois (Civil War), 8″ x 8 1/4″, b&w

3107    A    William Fletcher Pension Bureau Cover    Paper, envelope, Washington, DC, December 1897    From Bureau of Pensions to Fletcher in Crawfordsville, Oregon, Co. G, 80th Illinois (Civil War), 8 7/8″ x 3 7/8″, b&w

3108    A    William Fletcher Pension Claim #1    Paper, postcard, Washington, DC, August 1891    From George Lemon, Attorney, Co. G, 80th Illinois (Civil War), 5 1/8″ x 3″, b&w

3109    A    William Fletcher Pension Claim #2    Paper, postcard, Washington, DC, November 1890    From George Lemon, Attorney, Co. G, 80th Illinois (Civil War), 5 1/8″ x 3″, b&w

3110    A    Vogelsang School Appointment #1    Paper, postcard, San Andreas, 1917    To Gus Vogelsang in Valley Springs, appointment as clerk of Petersburg School District, 5 1/2″ x 3 1/4″, b&w

3111    A    Vogelsang School Appointment #2    Paper, postcard, San Andreas, 1916    To Gus Vogelsang in Valley Springs, appointment as clerk of Petersburg School District, 5 1/2″ x 3 1/4″, b&w

3112    A    William Fletcher Pension Claim #3    Paper, letter, Washington, DC, October 1903    From Milo Stevens to widow Ann Fletcher, Co. G, 80th Illinois (Civil War), 5 3/8′ x 8 3/8″, b&w

3113    P    Camp Seco IOOF Receipt    Scan, document, Jenny Lind, April 1905    Paid by Robert Higginbotham, b&w

3114    A    ST&E Brochure    Paper, booklet, Stockton, 1908    Promotional investment brochure, includes photos of Jenny Lind, 9″ x 6″, green and yellow cover

3115    P    Couple on Rock    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Man and woman on rock, possible Higginbotham relative, possible Calaveras, 2 3/4″ x 4 1/2″, b&w

3116    A    Harper School Award    Paper, document, location and date unknown    Cristilla Harper Reward of Merit from teacher A.S. Cleary, 2 3/4″ x 4 3/4″, full color

3117    A    Lulu Wood Olive Sale    Paper, document,  Jenny Lind, October 1910    Certifying sale of part of olive crop to Budd Higginbotham, 8″ x 10″, b&w

3118    A    Marvin Letter    Paper, letter, location unknown, October 1876    From Joseph Marvin to mother, brother and sister, on one side and from his wife Clara to her mother-in-law on other, 7 3/8″ x 9 3/8″, b&w

3119    A    William Fletcher Letter    Paper, letter, location and date unknown     Two-page letter possibly from Fletcher’s father in England, 8″ x 5 1/4″, b&w

3120    P    James Walsh Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Los Angeles, May 2012    Co. A, 1st California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3121    P    Willard Kittredge Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Los Angeles, May 2012    Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3122    P    Daisy Kittredge Gravesite    Digital photos (2), taken by Sal Manna, Los Angeles, May 2012    Also with Willard’s gravesite, Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3123    P    Henry Hilton Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Los Angeles, May 2012    Co. B, 73rd Pennsylvania Infantry (Civil War), full color

3124    P    Henry Haskins Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Los Angeles, May 2012    Co. K, 2nd California Cavalry (Civil War), full color

3125    A    Gwin Mine Development Co.    Paper, letter, Gwinmine, August 10, 1901    One-page letter on company letterhead, to Mr. Ross from B. Johnston, 8″ x 10 5/8″, b&w

3126    P    Robert Higginbotham and Girlfriend    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait CDV, 4 1/4″ x 2 1/2″, b&w

3127    P    Ann Elizabeth Higginbotham    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait CDV, 4″ x 2 3/8″, b&w

3128    P    Esther Sinclair and Verna Higginbotham    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    As children, with dog, 3 1/4″ x 4 1/4″, b&w

3129    P    Wallace Baseball Team    Paper, photo, location unknown, early 1900s    With four girls in front, 5 3/8″ x 3 3/8″, b&w

3130    P    Verna Higginbotham and Dogs    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    With two dogs, 3 3/4″ x 3 1/4″, b&w

3131    A    Cavagnaro & Cochran Billhead    Paper, billhead (2), Camanche, 1900s    From general store, 8 3/8″ x 7″, b&w

3132    A    Road Poll Tax Receipt #2    Paper, document, Jenny Lind, 1905    From R.S. Higginbotham for $2, 7 1/2″ x 3 1/4″, green, purple stamps and black ink

3133    A    Voter Registration List    Paper, booklet, Calaveras County, November1946    Index to Registration Affidavits, 94 pages, 6 1/4″ x 9 3/4″

3134    A    Enos Beaumont Remembrance Card    Paper, document, location unknown, 1898    Died November 9, 1898, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″

3135    A    J.M. Sinclair Store Receipt    Paper, billhead, Jenny Lind, 1910s    To R.S. Higginbotham, 3 3/8″ x 5″, red, blue and black ink

3136    A    Rodent Notice    Paper, document, Wallace, August 1911    To R.S. Higginbotham and Mary Crocker regarding rodent infestation, from Deputy Inspector March, 7 1/4″ x 3 7/8″

3137    A    Beaumont Tax Receipt    Paper, document, Jenny Lind, 1892    First installment, 9″ x 13″

3138    P    Unknown Tintype    Photo, location and date unknown    Unidentified man, possible Higginbotham, 2 1/2″ x 3 1/8″, b&w

3139    A    Frank Hood Receipt    Paper, billhead, Valley Springs, date unknown    Frank Hood Welding and Machine Works, 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″, blue and red ink

3140    P    Enos and Mary Anna Beaumont    Paper, photo, taken by Batchelder, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, Grandma and Grandpa Beaumont, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3141    A    City Drug Store Billhead    Paper, billhead, Angels Camp, November 1909    Receipt to E.M. Higginbotham, 4 3/4″ x 8 1/4″

3142    P    Beaumont Couple    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w

3143    P    Man and Woman with Gloves    Paper, photo, taken by Freese & Fetrow, Eureka, circa 1888    Studio portrait, possible Higginbotham relatives, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3144    P    Ruth Hood and Boyfriend    Paper, photo, location unknown, 1936    On back: Ruth & Burdeth (her first boyfriend at age 18), 2 1/2″ x 3 1/2″, b&w

3145    P    Mrs. Bewley’s Sister    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait in white frame, 2 1/4″ x 2 1/2″, b&w

3146    P    Mrs. Bewley and Sister    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait in brown frame, 3″ x 3 3/8″, b&w

3147    P    Bewley Woman    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait in white frame, possible Bewley woman, 2 1/4″ x 2 1/2″, b&w

3148    A    Tracy Stroud Masonic Certificate    Paper, document, Campo Seco, date unknown    Signed by Hiram Messenger, 9 7/8″ x 11 7/8″

3149    P    Unidentified Higginbotham Man    Paper, photo, taken by Spooner, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Higginbotham relative, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w

3150    A    Lulu Higginbotham Poem    Paper, document, location unknown, 1881    Four pages, 4 7/8″ x 8″

3151    A    Hedges & Buck Billhead    Paper, billhead, Stockton, April 1878    To W.D. Penson, 4 3/4″ x 8 1/2″

3152    A    Agricultural Lease    Paper, document, Jenny Lind, October 1900    From Mary Ives Crocker and Kate May Dillon to Robert Higginbotham, 8 1/2″ x 14″

3153    P    Auntie Moffett and Verna Higginbotham    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Picnic with others, b&w

3154    P    Grandma Beaumont    Paper, wood and glass, photo, taken by Logan, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, 6″ x 8″ in black cardboard frame, all in wood frame with glass, b&w

3155    MP    Chamber of Commerce Map    Paper, map, San Andreas, 1970    Fold-out map, 7 1/2″ x 4″

3156    P    Hood Siblings    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portraits, includes Frank Hood, from “Scott” 1961 genealogy, b&w

3157    P    Marchs and Rowes    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    Includes Gem and Mim March and Paul and Ginger Rowe, from “Scott” 1961 genealogy, b&w

3158    P    Lambert Littlefield    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    Also includes Frank Hood Jr., from “Scott” 1961 genealogy, b&w

3159    P    John and Anna Hood    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, from “Scott” 1961 genealogy, b&w

3160    P    Wallace Railroad Cancel    Digital photos (2), postcard, Wallace, January 26, 1908    To Mr. Peterson in Wallace from Stockton, with Southern Pacific RR and Stockton cancels, full color

3161    A    Chilean Independence Poster    Paper, document, Chili Gulch, 1866    Hymns to republics of Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, 12 1/2″ x 18″, full color

3162    P    Osborn Ayer Gravesite    Digital photo, Guide Rock, Nebraska, date unknown    Co. L, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (Civil War), full color

3163    P    Osborn Ayer #1    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    Co. L, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (Civil War), sepia

3164    P    Osborn Ayer #2    Scan, photo, Havana, Cuba, 1900    With Wilber Ayer, Co. L, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (Civil War), sepia

3165    P    Abraham Sells Gravesite    Digital photo, Columbus, Ohio, date unknown    Co. F, 95th Ohio Infantry (Civil War), full color

3166    P    William Broad Gravesite    Digital photo, Bakersfield, date unknown    Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3167    P    Wendell Drury Gravesite    Digital photo, Bakersfield, date unknown    Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3168    P    George Nottage Gravesite    Digital photo, Portland, Oregon, date unknown    Co. H, 4th Rhode Island Infantry (Civil War), full color

3169    P    Andrew Pennington Gravesite    Digital photo, Pacific Grove, date unknown    Co. F, 60th Ohio Infantry (Civil War), full color

3170    P    Robert Baird Gravesite    Digital photo, El Cerrito, date unknown    Spanish-American War, full color

3171    P    Charles Bilderback    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Spanish-American War, b&w

3172    P    Lefebvre Hotel    Paper, photo, Bloomfield, date unknown    Standing on hotel porch might be John and Mary Lefebvre Baumhogger, 8 1/8″ x 6″, b&w

3173    P    Maher House #1    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Front overview from slight left, full color

3174    P    Maher House #2    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Closeup of front door and above, full color

3175    P    Maher House #3    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    With Doug Hardy on front porch, full color

3176    P    Maher House #4    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    With Doug Hardy and Kim on front porch, full color

3177    P    Maher House #5    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Overview of cork tree planted 1858, full color

3178    P    Maher House #6    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Closeup of trunk of cork tree planted 1858, full color

3179    P    Maher House #7    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    View of Campo Seco from Maher House, full color

3180    P    Maher House #8    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Stone building behind Maher House, possibly Mackey House, full color

3181    P    Ballard House #1    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Overview from the road, full color

3182    P    Ballard House #2    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Closeup from the side, full color

3183    P    Campo Seco School    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Built early 1920s, full color

3184    P    Campo Seco General Store    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Overview from the road, full color

3185    P    Ballard Gravestones    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Charles and Melissa, full color

3186    P    Maher Gravestones    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Ed, Mamie, children Nelson and Edward, full color

3187    P    Leila Messenger Gravestone    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Hiram and Hattie daughter, full color

3188    P    David Nye Stone    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Possible lintel to Nye house or hotel, possibly carved by William Watt, full color

3189    P    Lone Fir Cemetery    Scan, Portland, Oregon, 1911    Gathering of veterans, likely includes George Nottage (Co. H, 4th Rhode Island Infantry, Civil War), b&w

3190    P    Thomas McGorray Gravesite    Digital photo, Los Angeles, date unknown    Co. B, 8th Illinois Infantry (Civil War), full color
3191    P    Nelson Messenger House    Scan, Campo Seco, circa 1870    Burned 1940, b&w

3192    P    Iron Brigade Ribbons    Scan, Campo Seco, 1882, 1885    From 1882 and 1885 reunions in Wisconsin, from Capt. Messenger estate, possibly originally from H.C. Southworth, full color

3193    P    Maher House #9    Scan, Campo Seco, July 1989    Pre-gingerbread restoration, b&w

3194    P    Yount General Store #2    Scan, Paloma, 1941    Paloma’s Inn, b&w

3195    P    Pick Ax    Digital photos (2), taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2012    Antique pick ax with vintage weld, including closeup, excavated at Doug Hardy’s house, full color

3196    P    Messenger Ribbon    Scan, Campo Seco, date unknown    Director, perhaps for county fair or agricultural exposition, full color

3197    P    Villegas Grandfather    Scan, Campo Seco, date unknown    Grandfather of Bill Villegas, with horse, b&w

3198    P    Maher Horse    Scan, Campo Seco, 1907    Ed Maher and his favorite horse Pollie, b&w

3199    P    Gwin House #2    Paper, photo, Campo Seco, 1936    House of William Gwin Jr., moved from Gwinmine, wider overview than #2600, 7″ x 5″, b&w

3200    P    Gwin Mine Float    Scan, location and date unknown    In parade, perhaps 4th of July, supposedly with William Gwin Jr. on float, b&w

3201    P    Campo Seco Fight    Scan, Campo Seco, circa 1860s    Supposedly street brawl in town, b&w

3202    P    Dr. Lee Building    Scan, Campo Seco, 1987    Housed doctor’s office, drugstore and saloon, b&w

3203    P    Eureka School    Paper, photograph, Rail Road Flat, circa 1900    Relocated schoolhouse, 4 1/2″ x 6″, b&w

3204    P    Possible Ann Schaffer Family    Paper, enameled photograph, location and date unknown    See #668, possible Late Family relative, with husband and child, 6 1/2″ x 4 1/4″, b&w

3205    P    Man with Goatee    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w

3206    P    Man in Fringed Chair    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w

3207    P    Young Man on Horse    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Possible Late Family relative, 6″ x 4″, b&w

3208    P    Man in Top Hat on Horse    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Possible Late Family relative, same man as #3209, 7″ x 5″, b&w

3209    P    Man in Top Hat Leading Horse    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Possible Late Family relative, same man as #3208, 6 5/8″ x 4 3/4″, b&w

3210    P    Three Boys with Horns    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Possible Late Family relative,  7 1/4″ x 5 1/4″, b&w

3211    P    Three Women in Field    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Possible Late Family relative,  7″ x 9″, b&w

3212    P    Young Boy in Sailor Suit    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Late Family relative,  7 3/4″ x 5 7/8″, b&w

3213    P    Young Man with Hand on Hip    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Late Family relative,  4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3214    P    Old Man Feeding Chickens    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Same man as #3215, possible Late Family relative,  5 1/2″ x 5 1/2″, b&w

3215    P    Old Man Pulling Cloth    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Same man as #3214, possible Late Family relative,  5 1/2″ x 5 1/2″, b&w

3216    P    Young Man in Ornate Chair    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Late Family relative,  2 1/2″ x 4 1/4″, b&w

3217    P    Boy Looking Right    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Late Family relative,  2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w

3218    P    Snow Scene    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Possible upcountry Late Family location,  6 1/2″ x 4 3/4″, b&w

3219    P    Woman in Striped Blouse    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Late Family relative,  2 1/8″ x 3 1/8″, b&w

3220    P    Trio Before Palm Tree    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Two men, one woman, one dog, possible Late Family relative,  5 3/8″ x 3 382″, b&w

3221    P    Girl with Bow in Hair    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Late Family relative,  2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w

3222    P    Young Man with Tie    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Late Family relative,  2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w

3223    P    Man with Pince Nez    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possible Late Family relative,  “Davey” on photo, 3 7/8″ x 5 7/8″, b&w

3224    P    House Where Married    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    On back: The house we were married in my sister in laws – Ira (or Ina), possible Late Family relative,  2 5/8″ x 4 3/8″, b&w

3225    P    Stately Building    Paper, photograph, location and date unknown    Possible Late Family connection, 7″ x 5″, b&w

3226    P    Two Negatives    Film negatives (2), location and date unknown    Camanche and/or Genochio connection, 1) Man with three women, 2) Same three women, 3 1/8″ x 4 1/4″, b&w

3227    P    Woman Holding Baby    Film negative, location and date unknown    Camanche and/or Genochio connection, 3 1/8″ x 4 1/4″, b&w

3228    P    Pardee #111    Scan, photo, taken by Robert Hicks, Campo Seco, April 1995    Reservoir intake tower, Historic American Engineering Record, b&w

3229    P    Pardee #112    Scan, photo, taken by Robert Hicks, Campo Seco, April 1995    Powerhouse, Historic American Engineering Record, b&w

3230    P    Amos McClelland Gravesite    Digital photo, Woodbridge, date unknown    Co. D, 38th Indiana Infantry (Civil War), full color

3231    P    Andrew Montgomery Gravesite    Digital photo, Escondido, date unknown    Co. A, 24th Ohio Infantry (Civil War), full color

3232    P    John Gingery Gravesite    Digital photo, Clinton, Ohio, date unknown    Co. D, 21st Ohio Infantry (Civil War), full color

3233    P    John Henry Warren Gravesite    Digital photo, Campbellsburg, Indiana, date unknown    Co. E, 23rd Indiana Infantry (Civil War), full color

3234    P    Joseph Avery Gravesite    Digital photo, Walla Walla, Washington, date unknown    Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3235    P    Ropbert Crandall Gravesite    Digital photo, Tucson, Arizona, date unknown    Co. C, 1st California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3236    P    William Dunn Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    11th New York Light Artillery (Civil War), full color

3237    P    Wallace Bookcase    Digital photos (2), Calgary, Canada, 2012    Bookcase made by John Wallace for AR Wallace, circa 1848, full color

3238    P    Francis Parks Gravesite    Digital photo, Black Oak, Texas, date unknown    6th Georgia Infantry (Civil War – Confederate), full color

3239    P    Bill Wallace Family #1    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Wallace, August 2012    Eliza, Natalie, Jack, George and Bill, full color

3240    P    Bill Wallace Family #2    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton, August 2012    George, Eliza, Jack, George, Bill and Natalie, full color

3241    P    Wallace Family    Scan, Stockton, 1899    Mary Webster Wallace with unknown woman, sons Alfred and William, nephew William Grennell Wallace, daughter Mary Wallace and unknown child, b&w

3242    P    Wallace House #1    Scan, Stockton, 1899    Taken during William Grennell Wallace visit, b&w

3243    P    Wells Fargo Envelope    Scan, Valley Springs, 1892    Blue straight line cancel supposedly reads: Valley Springs CA SA & SN Route FF Everett, full color

3244    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #1    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Rock fence, beside Young’s Creek, full color

3245    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #2    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview from right angle of Lime Kiln #1, full color

3246    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #3    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Looking up from inside of Lime Kiln #1, full color

3247    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #4    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview from left angle of Lime Kiln #1, full color

3248    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #5    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview from a distance and left of Lime Kiln #1, full color

3249    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #6    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview from left angle of Lime Kiln #2, full color

3250    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #7    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Looking down shaft of Lime Kiln #2, full color

3251    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #8    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Limestone workings above Lime Kiln #2, full color

3252    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #9    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Front view of Lime Kiln #2, full color

3253    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #10    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Adze marks on outside of Lime Kiln #2, full color

3254    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #11    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Limestone hill to left and above Lime Kiln #2, full color

3255    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #12    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview from left of limestone hill, Lime Kiln #2 and Young house foundation in foreground, full color

3256    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #13    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview from left of limestone hill, Lime Kiln #2, Young House foundation and Watt House to right, full color

3257    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #14    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview of barn foundation and Watt House to right, full color

3258    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #15    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview of Unknown House #1 foundation with Young’s Creek behind it, full color

3259    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #16    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Corner of Unknown House #2 from left, full color

3260    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #17    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Looking into Unknown House #2 from interior, full color

3261    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #18    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Looking out of window casement of Unknown House #2, full color

3262    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #19    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Watt House from left side, full color

3263    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #20    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Watt House from left front, full color

3264    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #21    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Watt House fireplace, full color

3265    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #22    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Watt House window casements and door from interior, full color

3266    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #23    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Wall of Watt House including plaster from interior, full color

3267    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #24    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview of Watt House from windows and door side, full color

3268    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #25    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview of Watt House from windows and door side at greater distance than #3267, full color

3269    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #26    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview of Watt House from windows and door side and at right angle, full color

3270    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #27    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Overview of barn foundation with wooden fence posts, full color

3271    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #28    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Young House wall, full color

3272    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #29    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Young House foundation with Lime Kiln #2 at upper left, full color

3273    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #30    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, August 2012    Looking down Young’s Creek with rock fence to right, full color

3274    P    John Byers Gravesite    Digital photo, College City, date unknown    Co. G, 1st West Virginia Cavalry (Civil War), full color

3275    P    Morgan Pratt #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Co. M, 3rd Colorado Cavalry (Civil War), b&w

3276    P    John Hilby Gravesite    Digital photo, Spokane Falls, Washington, date unknown    Co. C, 3rd Missouri Mounted Volunteers (Mexican War), full color

3277    P    Joseph Adcock Gravesite    Digital photo, Linden, Missouri, date unknown    Co. H, 1st Missouri Mounted Volunterrs (Mexican War), full color

3278    P    Dewitt McCain Gravesite    Digital photo, Grandview, Texas, date unknown    Co. C, 30th Alabama Infantry (Civil War – Confederate), full color

3279    P    Hiram Ostrander Gravesite    Digital photo, Boydtown, Wisconsin, date unknown    Co. K, 12th Wisconsin Infantry (Civil War), full color

3280    P    Henry Stephens Gravesite    Digital photo, Chico, date unknown    Co. L, 5th Kansas Cavalry (Civil War), full color

3281    P    Jacob Rees    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Pennsylvania Infantry (Civil War), b&w

3282    P    William Corson Gravesite    Digital photo, Glassboro, New Jersey, date unknown    Co. G, 24th New Jersey Infantry (Civil War), full color

3283    P    W.W. Reynolds    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait with wife Mary, Co. G, 5th California Infantry (Civil War), sepia

3284    P    Wimer Family    Scan, Calaveras/San Joaquin Co., Thanksgiving 1905    Front: Aaron Wimer, Margaret Wimer Kirk, Henry Clay Wimer, Barbara Brower Wimer, Annie Wimer Hasselhoffer, Jacob Wimer/Back: Frank Wimer, May (Barbara Mae) Wimer Kirk, Elizabeth Wimer Hatler, Leland Wimer, Rozella Wimer, Effra Wimer, b&w

3285    P    Herman Henry Donner    Scan, San Francisco, circa 1888    Studio portrait, sepia

3286    P    Donner Store #2    Scan, Milton, circa 1901    In front of store: Unknown, Lee Hunt, Elmer Hunt (boy in front), Ed Powers, Frank Brown (?), Herman Lee Donner, Herman Henry Donner, Unknown, b&w

3287    P    John Q. Donner #1    Scan, taken by Richardson, San Francisco, date unknown    Studio portrait with wife Mary Rebecca Ellis, b&w

3288    P    Doris Donner    Scan, Milton, 1908    Photo from postcard postmarked December 30, 1908, to Dora Minger of Sheepranch from Milton, b&w

3289    P    John Q. Donner #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Candid as elderly couple with wife Mary Rebecca Ellis, b&w

3290    P    Henry Reinking    Digital photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait in yellowish frame, b&w

3291    P    Henry Reinking Memorial Card    Scan, Valley Springs, 1901    January 1901, b&w

3292    P    Lizzie Reinking    Scan, taken by Monaco, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, b&w

3293    P    Lizzie Reinking & Charles Hart    Scan, taken by Bushnell, San Francisco, 1900    Studio portrait, wedding photo, b&w

3294    P    Minnie Reinking    Scan, taken by O. Elliott, Stockton Art Gallery, date unknown    Studio portrait, sepia

3295    P    Minnie Reinking & John Thomson    Scan, San Francisco, date unknown    Studio portrait, wedding photo, b&w

3296    P    Ralph Reinking    Scan, taken by Boussum, San Francisco or Sacramento, date unknown    Studio portrait in paper frame, b&w

3297    P    Oscar Reinking & Grace Haupt    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, wedding photo (?), b&w

3298    P    Ralph Reinking & Jessie Haupt    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, wedding photo (?), b&w

3299    P    Winnie Syme #1    Scan, taken by Charles Johnson Portable Gallery, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, as adult woman, b&w

3300    P    Winnie Syme #2    Scan, taken by ? & Hayes, San Francisco, date unknown    Studio portrait, as young woman, b&w

3301    P    Lewis Milton Gann #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, in top hat, b&w

3302    P    Lewis Milton Gann #2    Scan, location unknown, June 17, 1900    Studio portrait, wedding portrait with wife, b&w

3303    P    Lewis Milton Gann Stagecoach    Scan, location and date unknown    Without passengers, b&w

3304    P    Louis Haupt    Scan, location and date unknown    Portrait illustration, b&w

3305    P    Winnie Syme #3    Scan, Berkeley, date unknown    Candid, as older woman in house yard, b&w

3306    P    Winnie Syme #4    Scan, Mokelumne Hill, 1911    Candid, with two children on house steps, b&w

3307    P    Winnie Syme #5    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait in paper frame, b&w

3308    P    Winnie Syme #6    Scan, location and date unknown    Candid holding Helen at El’s Camp, b&w

3309    P    Samuel Crewdson    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, b&w

3310    P    Winnie Syme #7    Scan, taken by Fowzer, San Francisco, date unknown    Studio portrait in paper frame, with Muzzie?, b&w

3311    P    James Ross    Scan, location and date unknown    Portion of larger photo, sitting with hands on shoulder, sepia

3312    P    Otis Willis    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, 1st New York Volunteers (Mexican War), b&w

3313    P    Stockton GAR    Digital photo, Stockton, July 4, 1920    Gathering in front of building, b&w

3314    P    Albert Nichols Gravesite    Digital photo, Cole Camp, Missouri, date unknown    Mexican War, full color

3315    P    Christopher Stevens Gravesite    Digital photo, Stockton, date unknwon    New Mexico Volunteers (Mexican War), full color

3316    P    James Tait Gravesite    Digital photo, Santa Cruz, date unknown    1st New York Volunteers (Mexican War), full color

3317    P    Josiah Pool Gravesite    Digital photo, Tucson, Arizona, date unknown    Illinois Mounted Volunteers (Mexican War), full color

3318    P    Philip Baxter Gravesite    Digital photo, Chillicothe, Missouri, date unknown    1st Missouri Mounted Volunteers (Mexican War) and 2nd Missouri Infantry (Civil War – Confederate), full color

3319    P    Daniel Murphy Gravesite    Digital photo, Santa Cruz, date unknown    Co. G, California Battalion (Mexican War), full color

3320    P    Alden Jackson Gravesite    Digital photo, St. George, Utah, date unknown    Texas Rangers (Mexican War), full color

3321    P    Charles D. Davis    Digital photo, Vale, Oregon, date unknown    Studio portrait, 15th U.S. Infantry (Mexican War) and Missouri Cavalry (Civil War – Union), b&w

3322    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #31    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, September 2012    Lime Kiln #1, with Frances Schabram, full color

3323    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #32    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, September 2012    Lime Kiln #1, with Judith Marvin, full color

3324    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #33    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, September 2012    Judith Marvin, Frances Schabram,  Melinda Gardner excavating foundation of house, full color

3325    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #34    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, September 2012    Artifacts collected at foundation of house, full color

3326    P    Lime Kiln Ranch #35    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, September 2012    Lime Kiln #2, with Judith Marvin, full color

3327    A    Lime Kiln Ranch #36    Glass, Paloma, September 2012    Glass shard from area of house foundation, triangular, approximately 2″ each side

3328    P    Maud Messenger    Scan, Modesto, circa 1940s    Daughter of Hiram Messenger, sitting in chair, b&w

3329    P    Andew Ray Family    Scan, Ione, 1900    Studio portrait, Alice Miller Phillips sitting on left, born in Campo Seco in 1857, children Hazel, Carroll, Andrew front row, Norma, Vernice, Calla back row, b&w

3330    P    Tiscornia Family    Scan, California, circa 1916    Family outing, left to right: Florinda Raggio, Vesta Theresa Cademartori, Gerolomo Tiscornia, Eujania Raggio Tiscornia, Eda Raggio Walter, Chester Joseph Tiscornia with sons Lester Clinton Tiscornia (held) and Vincent Chester Tiscornia (kneeling), Oliver Reginald “Buster” Tiscornia, Elsie Rebecca Roberts Tiscornia, Elmer Frank Tiscornia, Grace Gricelda Gnecco Tiscornia, Leeza Dora Raggio Cademartori, b&w

3331    P    Batavia GAR Post    Scan, Batavia, Illinois, date unknown    GAR reunion, John Ballard (Co. E, 7th California Infantry) possibly in photo, b&w

3332    P    Edwin Lunt Gravesite    Digital photo, Yankee Hill, date unknown    Mexican War, full color

3333    P    Paloma Inn #1    Digital photo, Paloma, date unknown    Building from right front, b&w

3334    P    Paloma Inn #2    Digital photo, Paloma, date unknown    Building from left with car on left, b&w

3335    P    Governor Pardee House #1    Scan, Oakland, 1960    Corner view, 672 11th St., Oakland, b&w

3336    P    Pardee Campaign Button    Digital photo, California, 1900    For Governor, full color

3337    P    John O’Connell Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas, October 2012    Spanish-American War, full color

3338    P    Albert Henley Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas, October 2012    Spanish-American War, full color

3339    P    John W.H. Baker     Scan, Iowa, date unknown    Studio portrait, Asst. Surgeon, Civil War, b&w

3340    P    John McDermott Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas, October 2012    Spanish-American War, full color

3341    A    Camanche Last Day #3    Paper, envelope, June 22, 1962    Last Day of Camanche Post Office special rubber stamp, to Clinton Young, Paola, Kansas, 3 5/8″ x 6 1/2″, full color

3342    P    Joseph Tilden Gravesite    Digital photo, Los Angeles, date unknown    Co. H, 7th California Infantry (Spanish-American War), full color

3343    P    Paul E. Lewis Gravesite    Digital photo, Kaufman, Texas, date unknown    1st U.S. Infantry (Spanish-American War), full color

3344    P    Ted Vogelgesang Gravesite    Digital photos (2), Arlington, Virginia, date unknown    U.S. Navy (Spanish-American War), cross and plaque, full color

3345    P    Unknown Family #3    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Men, women, children and dog in front of tent, possible Higginbotham relatives, 8″ x 5″, b&w

3346    P    Unknown Family #4    Paper, photo, location and date unknown    Two men, one woman, two children and two dogs in laps, possible Higginbotham relatives, 8″ x 5″, b&w

3347    P    Governor Pardee House #2    Scan, Oakland, 1960    Front view, 672 11th St., Oakland, b&w

3348    A    Pardee Medal    Sterling silver, Los Angeles, July 1929    Presented by Atkinson Construction to workers who worked one year or more on Pardee Dam, to G.E. Snyder, Welder, 16 Months, 1 1/2″ diameter

3349    P    Lewis Weeks Gravesite    Digital photo, Sebastopol, date unknown    U.S. Navy (Civil War), full color

3350    P    Ada Morrill Wanted Poster    Scan, San Andreas, August 1911    Wanted for child stealing, b&w

3351    P    William Wall Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. B, 1st Battalion California Mountaineers (Civil War), full color

3352    P    John Custerd Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. F, 18th U.S. Infantry (Civil War), full color

3353    P    Frederick Homer Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. E, 6th New Jersey Infantry (Civil War), full color

3354    P    Daniel Crist Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. A, 3rd California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3355    P    Archibald Cameron Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. C, 1st California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3356    P    Alpheus Townsend Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. F, 1st U.S. Dragoons (Civil War), full color

3357    P    Gilman Eastman Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. E, 30th Maine Infantry (civil War), full color

3358    P    Stephen LeCourt Gravesite    Digital photo, San Francisco, date unknown    Co. C, 4th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3359    P    Jacob Mulford Gravesite    Digital photo, Los Angeles, date unknown    Co. A, 4th Iowa Infantry (Civil War), full color

3360    P    Rancho Calaveras Postcard    Paper, postcard, Valley Springs, late 1960s    To T. Wellman, Modesto, front and back of promotional real estate postcard showing two landscapes and information center, 5 1/2″ x 3 1/2″, full color

3361    P    Linza King    Paper, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, with wife Eliza Jane, 5 3/4″ x 3 1/8″, b&w

3362    P    Henry Bates Gravesite    Digital photo, Milton, 2012    At Schroebel Ranch, full color

3363    P    James Williamson Gravesite    Digital photo, Milton, 2012    At Schroebel Ranch, full color

3364    P    Harry Behnken CDV #1 and Back    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait (Behnken on left), U.S. Navy (Civil War), sepia

3365    P    Harry Behnken CDV #2 and Back    Scan, taken by May & Nye, Stockton, 1868    Studio portrait, U.S. Navy (Civil War), sepia

3366    P    Robert Freeman    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Co. K, 1st Iowa Cavalry (Civil War), b&w

3367    P    Jacob Rees Gravesite    Digital photo, Livermore, date unknown    Pennsylvania Infantry (Civil War), full color

3368    P    Thomas Van Buren Gravesite    Digital photos (2), Livermore, date unknown    102nd New York Infantry (Civil War), including closeup, full color

3369    A    Stockton & Copperopolis Railroad Magazine    Paper, San Mateo, April 1974    Western Railroader issue #407, 12 pgs., 5 1/2 x 11″, b&w

3370    P    New Hogan Dam #2    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, November 2012    Overview, showing orange buoys indicating Old Hogan Dam, full color

3371    P    Agnes Cavanaugh    Paper, taken by Jonathan O. Tucker, San Jose, 1900-1920    Studio portrait, Aunt Hannah Maley Cavanaugh’s daughter, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3372    P    James Porteous    Paper, taken by J.D. Palmer, Sacramento, circa 1895    Studio portrait, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3373    P    Tom Westfall #3    Paper, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3374    P    Alma Haupt    Paper, location unknown, 1889-1890    Studio portrait, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3375    P    Ella Haupt    Paper, taken by Duane W. Dowe, California, 1880-1910    Studio portrait, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3376    P    John Gabbert    Paper, taken by Wallace Kay, Jackson, 1880-1900    Studio portrait, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3377    P    Libbie Gabbert    Paper, taken by C.H. Whitten, location unknown, circa 1900    Studio portrait, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3378    P    Perry Gabbert    Paper, taken by Wallace Kay, Jackson, circa 186    Studio portrait, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3379    P    Lucy Lillie Schwoerer    Paper, taken by McCafferty, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3380    P    Blanche Schrack    Paper, taken by Tennant, Haverhill, Massachusetts, 1880-1900    Studio portrait and back, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3381    P    Barker Friend    Paper, taken by Burnett & Slattery, San Francisco, 1885-1896    Studio portrait and back, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3382    P    Unknown Folsom Friend    Paper, taken by B. Ogilvie, Angels Camp, date unknown    Studio portrait, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w

3383    P    Unknown Wildermuth Gravesites    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, November 2012    Indecipherable crypts, full color

3384    P    Elizabeth Eno Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, November 2012    Wife of Henry Eno, full color

3385    P    Vieusseux & Lang Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, November 2012    Gaspard and Mary Vieusseux and Lois Lang, full color

3386    P    Libby Fife Artwork    Digital photos (2), Valley Springs, December 2012    Front painting of reservoir overlook, back collage including railroad ephemera, text and credit to SPWCH, full color

3387    P    Hannibal Whitmore Gravesite    Digital photos (2), Uxbridge, Massachusetts, date unknown    Co. H, 25th Massachusetts Infantry (Civil War), with closeup, full color

3388    P    Patrick A. Gallagher Gravesite    Digital photo, Murray, Idaho, date unknown    3rd California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3389    P    Henry Cordwell Gravesite    Digital photo, Delhi, Kansas, date unknown    Co. D, 13th Wisconsin Infantry (Civil War), full color

3390    P    George Ruhland    Scan, taken by Rose, Galveston, Texas, date unknown    Studio portrait with wife Louise, Co. L, 1st California Cavalry (Civil War), b&w

3391    P    William Zinn Gravesite    Digital photo, Geneva, Nebraska, date unknown    Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3392    P    Harvey Light Gravesite    Digital photo, Snohomish, Washington, date unknown    Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3393    P    Andrew Russell Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3394    P    Charles Tanner Gravesite    Digital photo, Sutter Creek, date unknown    Co. G, 9th Illinois Cavalry (Civil War), full color

3395    P    Johnathan Rhoades Gravesite    Digital photo, Kingsburg, date unknown    Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3396    P    Martin McCue Gravesite    Digital photo, Sutter Creek, date unknown    Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3397    P    Lorenzo Alvord    Scan, location and date unknown    Mariposa resident died January 1, 1907 in Campo Seco, b&w

3398    P    Jenny Lind Cover #3    Digital photo, 1860s    Wells Fargo, To Thomas M. Curtis, San Francisco, full color

3399    P    Camanche Cover #5    Digital photo, 1871    Wells Fargo, to J.L. Martel, San Francisco, full color

3400    P    North Branch Cover #3    Digital photo, January 23, 1888    To Emilie Martin, San Francisco, full color

3401    A    Mitchell Mill Cover    Paper, December 24, 1935    Envelope from Paul Fuchs, Mitchell Mill, to Div. of Animal Industry, Sacramento, 5 3/8″ x 3 3/8″

3402    P    Rick & Mabel DeMartini    Scan, Valley Springs, 1920    At DeMartini Ranch, Rick in suspenders, b&w

3403    P    Keystone School    Scan, Nassau Station, date unknown    Amy, Bertha, UNK, Kathryn DeMartini (Mabel DeMartini was teacher), b&w

3404    P    DeMartini Picnic    Scan, Valley Springs, 1937    Bottom: Noel Bartholomew, Shirley DeMartini, Katherine DeMartini, UNK, Freddy Bernardo, wife Eleanor Bernardo/Middle: UNK, UNK, UNK, UNK, UNK, Peter DeMartini/Top: Louis DeMartini, Rick DeMartini, Cliff DeMartini, UNK, UNK, b&w

3405    P    DeMartini Brothers #1    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Pete, Louis, Cliff, with two dogs, b&w

3406    P    Andrew DeMartini Family    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Andrew, Lizzie and Johnnie DeMartini, b&w

3407    P    Louis & Peter DeMartini    Scan, Stockton, July 1925    In front of Rick DeMartini House, b&w

3408    P    DeMartini Buggy    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Pete, Louis, Cliff, Danny, Angel, Angel’s husband, Amy holding baby Bruce, b&w

3409    P    Grandma DeMartini    Scan, Valley Springs, July 2, 1928    Grandmother Caterina and granddaughter Kathryn DeMartini on her eighth birthday, b&w

3410    P    The Steps    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Cliff, Winnie, Amy, Kathryn, Shirley, in front of Valley Springs post office (Pliler & Lillie’s), b&w

3411    P    Andrew DeMartini     Scan, Rembrandt Studio, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, with wife, b&w

3412    P    Cliff DeMartini #1    Scan, taken by Monaco, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, b&w

3413    P    DeMartini Barn    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Family’s first house, b&w

3414    P    Angel DeMartini #1    Scan, location unknown, circa 1901    Studio portrait, b&w

3415    P    Lucy DeMartini    Scan, Valley Springs, circa 1901    On horse, b&w

3416    P    Angel DeMartini #2    Scan, location unknown, circa 1901    On horse, b&w

3417    P    Hogate Family    Scan, location and date unknown    Ras Hansen, Charles Hogate, Susie Hogate, Roy Vote, Sarah Hogate, Mr. Hogate/Seated: Angeline Hart, Mrs. Hogate, b&w

3418    P    Second DeMartini House #1    Scan, Valley Springs, circa 1917    Horse and buggy on left, unidentified people, automobile on right, b&w

3419    P    Second DeMartini House #2    Scan, Valley Springs, circa 1920s    Showing porch, b&w

3420    P    Second DeMartini House #3    Scan, Valley Springs, circa 1920s    Angled view showing front door, on back: DeMartini House along river just before being taken down, b&w

3421    P    Second DeMartini House #4    Scan, Valley Springs, circa 1920s    Side view, porch to right with automobile farther right, b&w

3422    P    DeMartinis Crossing River    Scan, Valley Springs, 1922    Kathryn, Charlotte Tyler and Amy, on horses, b&w

3423    P    DeMartini House #3    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    With automobile, man with back to camera, automobile and dog, b&w

3424    P    DeMartini House #4    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    With four automobiles, including flatbed truck, b&w

3425    P    Viola Ellingwood    Scan, location unknown, 1928    Studio portrait, b&w

3426    P    Willie Ellingwood    Scan, location unknown, 1928    Studio portrait, b&w

3427    P    Cliff DeMartini & Dog    Scan, Valley Springs, July 15, 1940    With dog Danny hanging by knife, goat shed in background, b&w

3428    P    DeMartini Sisters    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Lucy, Lizzie, Angel, Mabel, b&w

3429    P    Willie Ellingwood & Amy Mathis    Scan, Valley Springs, 1939    In field with barn in background, b&w

3430    P    DeMartini Barn & Dog    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Dog in foreground, b&w

3431    P    Mr. & Mrs. Ellingwood    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Willie and Lucy on their wedding day, b&w

3432    P    Cliff DeMartini #2    Scan, Valley Springs, July 15, 1940    Wiith dog, b&w

3433    P    Ellingwood Family    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Viola, Lucy, Bill, Willie at DeMartini Ranch, b&w

3434    P    DeMartini Brothers #2    Scan, Valley Springs, 1939    Cliff, Shirley, Louis, Clifford, Pete, b&w

3435    P    DeMartinis & Ellingwoods #1    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Shirley, John, Willie, Clifford at DeMartini Barn, b&w

3436    P    DeMartinis & Ellingwoods #2    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Mabel, Dan, Lizzie, Bill Ellingwood, b&w

3437    P    DeMartinis & Ellingwoods #3    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Standing: Angel, Willie, Pete, Lizzie, Louis, Mabel, Rick, Cliff, Winnie, Bill Ellingwood, Johnnie, Front: Velda, Amy, Viola, Danny, Shirley, Lucy, Kathryn, Bruce, Clifford, Andrew, b&w

3438    P    DeMartini Family #2    Scan, Valley Springs, date unknown    Two boys lower left, b&w

3439    A    Edison Phonograph    Wood, metal, location unknown, 1915-1925    Amberola Model 30, oak, metal grille, 12 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ x 16″, photos #1-5 of phonograph as donated, #6 and #7 of restored artifact

3440    A    Aloha Oe     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1914    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2409, performed by Toots Paka’s Hawaiians, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3441    A    Bing! Bang! Bing ‘Em On The Rhine     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1918    Edison Blue Amberol Record #3494, performed by Premier Quartet, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3442    A    The Boy Scouts Of America March     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1917    Edison Blue Amberol Record #3233, performed by New York Military Band, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3443    A    Dardanella    Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1920    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4042, performed by Gladys Rice & Vernon Dalhart, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3444    A    Doodle-Doo-Doo (Fox Trot)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, circa 1924    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4940, performed by Broadway Dance Orchestra, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3445    A    Dreamy Melody (Medley Waltz)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1923    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4615, performed by McNalpak’s Dance Orchestra, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3446    A    The Golden Wedding     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1871, performed by Ada Jones & Len Spencer, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3447    A    He’s The Makin’s Of A Darn’d Fine Man     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1916    Edison Blue Amberol Record #3010, performed by Ada Jones, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3448    A    Hilo March (Hawaiian Guitar)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1916    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2927, performed by Helen Louise & Palakiko Ferreira, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3449    A    I Long To See The Girl I Left Behind     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2053, performed by Manuel Romain , cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3450    A    I Love Her, She Loves Me (Fox Trot)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, circa 1923    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4596, performed by Atlantic Dance Orchestra, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3451    A    I Love You, California     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1838, performed by Knickerbocker Quartet & Elizabeth Spencer, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3452    A    I’ll Change The Shadows To Sunshine     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1832, performed by Irving Gillette, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3453    A    I’ll Stand Beneath Your Window, Etc.     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, circa 1923    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4646, performed by Green Bros. Novelty Band, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3454    A    I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles (Medley Waltz)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1919    Edison Blue Amberol Record #3841, performed by Tuxedo Dance Orchestra, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3455    A    I’m On My Way To Dublin Bay     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1915    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2610, performed by Premier Quartet, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3456    A    It’s A Long Long Way To Tipperary     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1914    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2487, performed by Albert Farrington & Chorus, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3457    A    Jesus, Lover Of My Soul     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1809, performed by Edison Mixed Quartette, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3458    A    Jimmy Trigger’s Return From Mexico     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1914    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2429, performed by Billy Golden & Joe Hughes, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3459    A    Jolly Fellows Waltz     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1878, performed by Sousa’s Band, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3460    A    Laughing Love     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1732, performed by New York Military Band, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3461    A    Life’s Railway To Heaven     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1918    Edison Blue Amberol Record #3441, performed by Edward Allen, Charles Hart & Chorus, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3462    A    Light As A Feather (Bells)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1912    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1508, performed by Charles Daab, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3463    A    Nearer My God To Thee     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1912    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1557, performed by Knickerbocker Quartet, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3464    A    Oh You Can’t Fool An Old Hoss Fly     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1924    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4942, performed by Billy Jones & Ernest Hare, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3465    A    Panama Exposition Overture (Accordion)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1915    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2537, performed by P.J. Frosini, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3466    A    Red Wing     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1543, performed by Frederic H. Potter & Chorus, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3467    A    Shall We Meet?     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1920    Edison Blue Amberol Record #3948, performed by Vernon Archibald & Lewis James, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3468    A    Smiles, Then Kisses (Waltz)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1916    Edison Blue Amberol Record #3011, performed by Waikiki Hawaiian Orchestra, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3469    A    Songs Of Other Days No. 2     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1916    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2896, performed by Metropolitan Mixed Chorus, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3470    A    Songs Of Other Days No. 6    Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1917    Edison Blue Amberol Record #3175, performed by Metropolitan Mixed Chorus, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3471    A    Stradella Overture     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1764, performed by Edison Concert Band, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3472    A    That Old Gang Of Mine     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1924    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4863, performed by Billy Jones & Ernest Hare, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3473    A    Uncle Josh Takes The Census     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1921    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4277, performed by Cal Stewart, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3474    A    Wacht Am Rhein/Deutschland Uber Alles     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1914    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2469, performed by Manhattan Quartet, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3475    A    Cow Bells (Fox Trot)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, circa 1923    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4665 in Edison Gold Moulded Record package, performed by H. Raderman’s Jazz Orchestra, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3476    A    Rose Of Bombay (Fox Trot)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1923    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4660 in Edison Gold Moulded Record package, performed by Rudy Wiedoeft’s Californians, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3477    A    The Beautiful Galatea Overture     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1914    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2115 in Edison Amberol Record (Four Minute) package, performed by Edison Concert Band, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3478    A    Mother Machree     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1921    Edison Blue Amberol Record #4177 in Edison Amberol Record (Four Minute) package, performed by Albert Lindquest, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3479    A    Nearer My God To Thee (Piano)     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1647 in Edison Amberol Record (Four Minute) package, performed by Ferdinand Himmelreich, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3480    A    The Little Ford Rambled Right Along     Celluloid, paper, location unknown, 1915    Edison Blue Amberol Record #2556 in Edison Record package, performed by Billy Murray, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3481    A    Manhattan Beach & El Capitan Marches     Celluloid, location unknown, 1913    Edison Blue Amberol Record #1711, without packaging, performed by Sousa’s Band, cylinder, 2 1/2″ diameter, 4 1/2″ inch, blue

3482    A    Camanche Last Day #4    Paper, envelope, June 22, 1962    Last Day of Camanche Post Office special rubber stamp, to Robert Baughman, Liberal, Kansas, 3 5/8″ x 6 1/2″, full color

3483    A    Camanche Last Day #5    Paper, envelope, June 22, 1962    Last Day of Camanche Post Office special rubber stamp, to Harry Turner, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 3 5/8″ x 6 1/2″, full color

3484    P    Benjamin Ross Gravesite    Digital photo, Volcano, date unknown    Co. E, 1st Massachusetts Volunteers (Mexican War), full color

3485    P    James Foy Gravesite    Digital photo, Covington, Kentucky, date unknown    Co. A, 23rd Kentucky Infantry (Civil War), full color

3486    P    John Brockway    Scan, location unknown, 1919    Studio portrait, Co. E, 5th California Infantry (Civil War), b&w

3487    P    Gustavus Wright Buckle    Digital photos (4), California, circa 1864    Front, back and two back close-ups, military belt buckle, Co. E, 7th California Infantry, full color

3488    A    Something From Nothing, Vol. IV    Paper, magazine, Valley Springs, February 2013    52-page magazine compiling “Something From Nothing” Valley Springs News columns by Sal Manna, 8 1/2″ x 11″, full color

3489    P    William Williams    Scan, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1908    Portrait illustration from Hawaiian Gazette, Co. H, 8th California Infantry (Civil War), b&w

3490    A    Calaveras Cement Matchbooks    Paper, San Francisco, date unknown    Eight unused matchbooks, four each in two wrapped original packages, 1 7/8″ x 2 1/8″

3491    P    Jonathan Stevenson #2    Scan, San Francisco, 1894    Illustration from San Francisco Morning Call obituary, February 15, 1894, Mexican War, b&w

3492    A    Spring Valley Garage    Paper, Valley Springs, August 1, 1922    General Tire billhead to Percy Hunt, 8 3/8″ x 7 1/4″, blue, b&w

3493    A    Fred’s Place Matchbooks    Paper, Camanche, circa 1960    Four unused matchbooks with history and Fred Lyons printed signature on back, 1 5/8″ x 2″

3494    P    Sidney Kelley Gravesite    Digital photo, Palmyra, Missouri, date unknown    Spanish-American War, full color

3495    P    William Henry Allen Gravesite    Digital photo, Stockton, date unknown    Spanish-American War, full color

3496    P    Harry Day Chapman Gravesite    Digital photo, Seattle, Washington, date unknown    Spanish-American War, full color

3497    P    Camanche Marker    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, February 2013    At South Camanche Recreation Area, full color

3498    P    John Walter Davis Gravesite    Digital photo, Stockton, date unknown    51st Iowa Infantry (Spanish-American War), full color

3499    P    J. Ryno Saloon    Digital photo, Campo Seco, cicra 1910    Storefront reads The Utica, man standing to right and male sitting to left, b&w

3500    A    Civil War Vets Pendant    Metal, paint, location and date unknown    Used by Grand Army of the Republic organization, same version as for Chickamauga Post, see #2127, 1 3/4″ diameter

3501    P    N.W. Spaulding    Scan, San Francisco, 1903    Photograph in Nathan Weston Spaulding obituary, San Francisco Call, October 9, 1903, b&w

3502    P    Elbridge Garland Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. H, 1st California Cavalry (Civil War), full color

3503    P    Eugene Loud    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Co. L, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (Civil War), b&w

3504    P    William Homer Gravesite    Digital photo, Newman, date unknown    Co. H, 95th Pennsylvania Infantry (Civil War), full color

3505    A    Pete’s Café Matchbook    Paper, Valley Springs, 1940s    Without matches, 4 1/2″ x 1 1/2″

3506    P    Jacob Hess Gravesite    Digital photo, Manti, Utah, date unknown    Co. K, 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery (Civil War), full color

3507    P    R. R. James Gravesite    Digital photo, Ione, date unknown    Co. C, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3508    P    Hoerchner Gravesite    Digital photo, Mokelumne Hill, date unknown    Co. B, 4th U.S. Infantry (Mexican War), full color

3509    P    Samuel Richards Gravesite    Digital photo, Altaville, date unknown    Unknown (Civil War), full color

3510    P    Jacob Hess    Digital photo, location and date unknown    Jacob second from left, Co. K, 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery (Civil War), b&w

3511    P    Milco Insufflator    Digital photos (4), Stockton, circa 1890s    For insecticide from Euphemia Hill’s buhach, full color

3512    P    J.J. Rogers Gravesite    Digital photo, Los Angeles, date unknown    12th U.S. Infantry (Mexican War), full color

3513    P    Isaac Mylar Gravesite    Digital photo, Hollister, date unknown    3rd Missouri Mounted Volunteers (Mexican War), full color

3514    P    Isaac Mylar #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, 3rd Missouri Mounted Volunteers (Mexican War), b&w

3515    P    Isaac Mylar #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait with family, 3rd Missouri Mounted Volunteers (Mexican War), b&w

3516    P    Milton #4    Scan, 1880s    Town overview, b&w

3517    P    Campo Seco Post Office    Scan, circa 1940s    From left angle, b&w

3518    P    North Branch Post Office    Scan, date unknown    With occupied stagecoach, b&w

3519    P    George W. King Gravesite    Digital photo, Sutter Creek, date unknown    Co. K, 3rd California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3520    A    Watkins Scrapbook    Paper, California, 1850s    From early Calaveras Assemblyman Joseph S. Watkins, California newspaper clippings, 34 pages, 7 1/4″ x 8 1/4″

3521    P    Joseph Raggio    Paper, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, 4″ x 6″, b&w

3522    B    Yosemite Valley    Paper, Images of America Edition, by Leroy Radanovich, 2004    128 pgs., b&w

3523    B    Downtown Stockton    Paper, Images of America Edition, by Daniel Kasser, 2005    128 pgs., b&w

3524    B    Ione and the Jackson Valley    Paper, Images of America Edition, by Deborah Coleen Cook, 2008    Signed, 128 pgs., b&w

3525    B    Alpine County (Bear Valley, Kirkwood, and Markleeville)    Paper, Images of America Edition, by Alpine Co. Historical Society, 2005    128 pgs., b&w

3526    B    Wells Fargo    Paper, Images of America Edition, by Robert J. Chandler, 2006    Signed, 128 pgs., b&w

3527    B    Calaveras Big Trees    Paper, Images of America Edition, by Carol A. Kramer/Calaveras Big Trees Assoc., 2010    Signed, 128 pgs., b&w

3528    B    Murder In The Gold Country    Paper, by Red Johnson, 2006    Signed, 126 pgs., b&w

3529    P    Double Springs Courthouse #9    Paper, date unknown    With handwritten description at right, 4 7/8″ x 7 7/8″, b&w

3530    P    Wheat House    Paper, Double Springs, date unknown    Double Springs Ranch sign on chain link fence, 2 7/8″ x 4 3/8″, b&w

3531    P    Martha Jane Wheat #2    Paper, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, older than #1092, 3 5/8″ x 2 3/8″, b&w

3532    P    Vera Wheat    Paper, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, 3 5/8″ x 2 3/8″, b&w

3533    P    Wheat Family    Paper, location and date unknown    Reads “Arriving at Double Springs in late 1850s” (seems highly unlikely), 2 5/8″ x 4 3/8″, b&w

3534    P    Campo Seco Cover #5    Paper, photo in magazine, Vancouver, Canada, September 1867    To George L. Hunt, Campo Seco, 4″ x 6″, full color

3535    P    North Branch Cover #4    Paper, photo in magazine, October 13, 1853    To Daniel Fairchild, Lynn, Massachusetts, 2″ x 3 5/8″, full color

3536    P    A.C. Lewis Cover    Paper, photo in magazine, September 14, 1850s    To Capt. Arnold Colt Lewis, Mokelumne Hill, 3 1/8″ x 4 13/4″, full color

3537    V    Gold Rush    VHS, 1996    One hour documentary narrated by John Lithgow, full color

3538    C    Moving West Songs    Two cassettes, by Keith & Rusty McNeil, 1989    One hour each of music and narration, Texas and the Mexican War and Immigrants from China, Ireland and Germany

3539    MP    Britton & Rey Map #2    Paper, San Francisco, 1857    Reproduction, State of California map, 44″ x 36″, b&w

3540    A    Camanche Courier    Paper, San Andreas, 1966    Front Page March 29, Full April 12, June 28, July 12, Incomplete July 5, 11 1/2″ x 15 1/2″, b&w

3541    A    Double Springs Courthouse Sawdust #2    Sawdust in cloth bag with artwork    From Chinese-built camphor timbers in 1850 courthouse construction, sawed by Wally Motloch in 2008

3542    MP    Early Maps of California    CD, 2002    140 digital maps, b&w and full color

3543    A    Jumping Frog Jubilee 1966    Paper, San Andreas    24 pgs., b&w with full color front and back pages

3544    P    Black Bart #3    Paper, San Francisco, circa 1883    Studio portrait, full length, 8 1/2″ x 11″, b&w

3545    A    Government Center Cornerstone    Paper, San Andreas, August 20, 1966    Program for cornerstone laying ceremony, 4 pgs., 8 1/4″ x 10 3/4″, blue

3546    A    Double Springs Artwork    Paper, 2008    Artwork for #3541, 5″ x 3 3/4″, full color

3547    P    Double Springs Dismantling #1    Paper, 2008    Wally Motloch and Julia Costello in front of courthouse, 6 3/8″ x 4 1/4″, full color

3548    P    Double Springs Dismantling #2    Paper, 2008    Two photos on one page: Interior roof and Exterior with man in opening, 8 1/2″ x 11″, full color

3549    MP    Calaveras County Map #2    Paper, San Andreas, 2004    By Calaveras County GIS, 8 1/2″ x 11″, full color

3550    P    Possible Double Springs    Paper, location and date unknown    Tents and men at bench, supposition that Double Springs prior to 1850, 8 1/2″ x 11″, sepia

3551    MP    Calaveras County Map #3    Paper, 1854    By Pilkington, modified by Wally Motloch, 8 1/2″ x 11″, b&w

3552    P    Genochio QSL Card #1    Paper, Camanche, 1940s    W6RXU, blank, with gold prospector, 5 1/2″ x 3 1/2″, blue and red

3553    P    Genochio QSL Card #2    Paper, Camanche, March 8, 1940    W6RXU, with outline of U.S. map, info filled in, 5 1/2″ x 3 1/2″, red and b&w

3554    P    Genochio QSL Card #3    Paper, Philippines, October 24, 1939    KA1HQ, received by Frank Genochio, front and back, 5 1/8″ x 3 1/4″, blue & white

3555    P    Genochio QSL Card #4    Paper, Havana, Cuba, March 4, 1940    CM2BA, received by Frank Genochio, front and back, 5 1/2″ x 3 1/2″, black & white

3556    A    Calaveras Enterprise #1    Newspaper, San Andreas, April 27, 1966    Of note: first drowning at Hogan, 12 pgs.

3557    A    Calaveras Enterprise #2    Newspaper, San Andreas, July 13, 1966    Of note: Double Springs history, 10 pgs.

3558    A    Calaveras Enterprise #3    Newspaper, San Andreas, March 30, 1966    Of note: Camanche fishing, 10 pgs.

3559    A    Calaveras Weekly    Newspaper, Mokelumne Hill, June 4, 1943    Of note: Notes from Burson and Paloma, 6 pgs.

3560    A    Calaveras Prospect #1    Newspaper, San Andreas, January 30, 1937    Of note: Perry Lamb obit, 8 pgs.

3561    A    Calaveras Prospect #2    Newspaper, San Andreas, May 29, 1937    Of note: Double Springs wedding, 8 pgs.

3562    A    Stockton Record    Newspaper, November 30, 1931    Of note: Double Springs anniversary, 8 pgs.

3563    A    Calaveras Prospect #3    Newspaper, San Andreas, August 4, 1966    Of note: Cattle in Calaveras, 8 pgs.

3564    A    Calaveras Prospect #4    Newspaper, San Andreas, June 30, 1966    Of note: History of cattle in Calaveras, community building in Valley Springs, 8 pgs.

3565    A    Pony Express    Paper, magazine, Sonora, August 1959    Of note: articles on E.D. Baker of Civil War fame, 16 pgs.

3566    MP    Breuner’s Map    Paper, newspaper, Stockton, July 24, 1948    Playful map showing area highlights, 14″ x 19″, red and b&w

3567    MP    Central California Map    Photo, location unknown, 1873    Area map, 11″ x 14″, b&w

3568    MP    Map of the Southern Mines    Paper copy, location unknown, 1852    By C.D. Gibbes, 11″ x 14″, b&w

3569    MP    Calaveras County Map #4    Paper copy, location unknown, 1888    By Henry Gannett, topographical, west and south county, 8″ x 14″, b&w

3570    P    Jason Crockett Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. H, 2nd California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3571    P    Lionel Hartt Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    95th New York Infantry (Civil War), full color

3572    P    Amos Crowell Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. K, 6th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3573    P    Byron Paddock Gravesite    Digital photo, Coldwater, Michigan, date unknown    1st Michigan Light Artillery (Civil War), full color

3574    P    Edward Halbert Gravesite    Digital photo, Porterville, date unknown    Missouri Home Guards (Civil War), full color

3575    P    Henry Gilmore Gravesite    Digital photo, Tenino, Washington, date unknown    Co. H, 2nd Maine Infantry (Civil War), full color

3576    P    Michael Yost Gravesite    Digital photo, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, date unknown    Co. A, 1st California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3577    P    Benjamin Ross #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, with wife, Co. E, 1st Massachusetts Volunteers (Mexican War), full color

3578    P    Robert Bainbridge Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. F, 2nd California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3579    P    William Lyon Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. A, 5th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3580    P    John Brady    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), b&w

3581    P    James Tait Family    Scans (2), Santa Cruz, 1896    1st New York Volunteers (Mexican War), including close-up, 40th wedding anniversary (James and Mary); top from left: George, James D., Joseph, Robert, Alexander and William; bottom: Elizabeth, James A. and Mary Tait

3582    P    Joseph Adcock    Digital photo of painting, location and date unknown    1st Missouri Mounted Volunteers (Mexican War), with wife Louisa, full color

3583    P    Andrew Schollars    Scan of CDV by Kissel, Leavenworth, Kansas, circa 1870s    Studio portrait with wife, Mexican War, sepia

3584    P    Francis Pate Gravesite    Digital photo, Catheys Valley, date unknown    Texas Rangers (Mexican War), full color

3585    P    Nathan Mead    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry (Civil War), b&w

3586    P    James Cameron Monument    Digital photo, Burlington, Iowa, date unknown    Co. C, 1st California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3587    P    Lewis Platts Gravesite #2    Digital photo, Newburg, Oregon, date unknown    Co. B, 9th Michigan Infantry (Civil War), full color

3588    P    Daniel R. Taylor    Scan, location unknown, circa 1880s    Studio portrait, with wife Lydia Baker, married in Jenny Lind 1877, b&w

3589    P    John Carnahan Eproson    Scan, Oakland, circa 1920    Candid, with wife Mary Amelia, Milton residents, b&w

3590    P    William S. Shaw    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, with wife Henryetta Stipes, married in Jenny Lind 1865, b&w

3591    P    John Eproson Saloon #2    Scan, photo, Milton, 1892    Bob Thompson, Art, Nip, Win, Forest, Joe Breen, Charles Sourby, Tip Breen, George Mead, Ray, Bob, Joe Fox, Cal Stevenson, dog Bounce, Officer Green, b&w

3592    P    Etta Peck Day #1    Scan, photo, location and date unknown    Studio portrait with short hair, born Campo Seco October 27, 1858, b&w

3593    P    Etta Peck Day #2    Scan, photo, location unknown, 1903    In black dress, b&w

3594    P    Etta Peck Day #3    Scan, photo, location unknown, 1903    Studio portrait, in chair, b&w

3595    P    Zachariah Rice    Scan, illustration, location and date unknown    Cobb’s Legion (Civil War – Confederate), b&w

3596    P    Zachariah Rice Gravesite    Digital photo, Atlanta, Georgia, date unknown    Cobb’s Legion (Civil War – Confederate), full color

3597    P    Albert Abbey    Scan, photo, Stockton, circa 1875    Milton resident circa 1900, b&w

3598    P    Cordelia Smith    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Mrs. A.M.C. Smith, b&w

3599    P    Alfred Lincoln Granados    Scan, possibly Valley Springs, 1930s    In butcher apron beside auto, b&w

3600    P    Valentine and Josie Granados #1    Scan, Valley Springs, 1942    Valentine holding pith helmet, b&w

3601    P    Valentine and Josie Granados #2    Scan, Valley Springs, 1942    Beside auto, b&w

3602    P    Valentine and Josie Granados #3    Scan, Valley Springs, Summer 1952    Valentine holding child Tim Held, Josie, Lynette Held, b&w

3603    P    Joseph Giles    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton clergyman, b&w

3604    P    Selso Dean Gravesite    Digital photo, Arlington, New Jersey, date unknown    25th New York Infantry (Civil War), full color

3605    P    Mary Elizabeth Settle    Scan, location and date unknown    Standing next to tree, Mrs. Joseph Giles, Milton clergyman, b&w

3606    P    Juana Reyna    Scan, probably Burson, circa 1927    With three children, b&w

3607    P    Grace Ivy Eutsler    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, sepia

3608    P    Henry Clay and Hannahetta Eutsler #2    Scan, photo, taken by Erichson, Moscow, Idaho, date unknown    Studio portrait, with young daughter Dolly, sepia

3609    P    Henry Clay and Hannahetta Eutsler #3    Scan, photo, taken by Erichson, Moscow, Idaho, date unknown    Studio portrait, with two adult daughters, sepia

3610    P    James Eutsler Family    Scan, location and date unknown    Group photo with elderly James and wife seated in front, sepia

3611    P    Annie Syme    Scan, taken by Clark, Berkeley, date unknown    Studio portrait, Campo Seco resident, b&w

3612    P    Clois Doty Gravesite    Digital photo, Turlock, date unknown    2nd Ohio Heavy Artillery (Civil War), full color

3613    P    Eutsler Brothers    Scan, photo, taken by Erichson, Moscow, Idaho, date unknown    John, Henry Clay and James S., includes identifications on back, b&w

3614    P    William Seth and Mary Morrill    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton residents, b&w

3615    P    William Belderrain Gravesite    Digital photo, La Grange, date unknown    1st California Native Cavalry (Civil War), full color

3616    P    Clara Eutsler    Scan, photo, taken by Erichson, Moscow, Idaho, date unknown    Studio portrait, Belle Currins and Clara Randall Eutsler, includes identifications on back, b&w

3617    P    Antone Ponte    Scan, illustration, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, sepia

3618    P    Isabella Briseno Ponte    Scan, illustration, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, sepia

3619    P    Alice Peck Cross    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Campo Seco resident, sepia

3620    P    Levinston Judson Lucas    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, sepia

3621    P    Sophie Buyck    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Burson resident, sepia

3622    P    Stephen Augustus Morrill    Scan, taken by Logan Studios, Stockton, 1890s    Studio portrait, b&w

3623    P    Thomas Matthew Eproson    Scan, probably Milton, date unknown    Standing in front of house, b&w

3624    P    Udell Children    Scan, location and date unknown    William Charles, 9; Emma Ursula, 13; John Lester, 11, b&w

3625    P    Oliver and Elizabeth Seward    Scan, Natron, Oregon, circa 1915    In front of cabin, Milton residents, b&w

3626    P    George Webb Gravesite    Digital photo, Los Angeles, date unknown    2nd Georgia Infantry (Spanish American War), full color

3627    P    Alice Miller Phillips    Scan, Ione, 1900    At far left, Campo Seco resident, b&w

3628    P    Dean Sisters    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Ann Dean, Benjamin Brown, Lucy Dean Brown, Campo Seco residents, b&w

3629    P    Charles Udell #3    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, in dress hat, b&w

3630    P    Charles Udell #4    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, in cowboy hat, b&w

3631    P    Charles Udell #5    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portraits, profile and front on one page, b&w

3632    P    William Gale    Scan, Calaveras Co., October 1880    Studio portrait, Campo Seco resident, b&w

3633    P    Ada Gullion and Michael Ware    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3634    P    Emily Sager    Scan, location unknown, circa 1895    Studio portrait, Burson area resident, b&w

3635    P    May Gulick #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3636    P    May Gulick #2    Scan, Polk Co., Iowa, date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3637    P    Oscar Gale    Scan, location unknown, early 1900s    Studio portrait, Paloma resident, b&w

3638    P    Samuel Charles Crawford    Scan location unknown, mid-1920s    Studio portrait, with wife Mary Elizabeth Dye, b&w

3639    P    Ethel Phillips    Scan, Calaveras Co., October 1880    Studio portrait, Campo Seco resident, b&w

3640    P    George Wickham and Sarah Taylor #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, probably wedding photo, Co. A, 9th Michigan Cavalry (Civil War), b&w

3641    P    George Wickham and Sarah Taylor #2    Scan, Coquille, Oregon, 1880-1890    Studio portrait, older than in #3640, Co. A, 9th Michigan Cavalry (Civil War), b&w

3642    P    Sidney Schroebel    Scan, taken at Pioneer Gallery, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, CDV, Milton resident, b&w

3643    P    Daniel and Richason Schroebel    Scan, taken by E.A. Langevin, Milton, date unknown    Studio portrait, CDV, Milton residents, b&w

3644    A    Nick Ponzetto Token    Metal, Campo Seco, circa 1900    Good for 10 cents in Trade at the bar, 7/8″ diameter

3645    P    Louis Frederick Haupt #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Alongside car, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3646    P    Louis Frederick Haupt #2    Scan, location and date unknown    In front of car, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3647    P    Agnes McCarty    Scan, taken by J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton, circa 1890s    Studio portrait, Milton resident, sepia

3648    P    Alfred Bottorff    Scan, location and date unknown    Spanish-American War, b&w

3649    P    David Board Jr.    Scan, taken at Pioneer Gallery, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, sepia

3650    P    David McAfee    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3651    P    Moses Harper    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3652    P    John Peyton McClenahan Jr.    Scan, location unknown, 1925    With son Leo Manning McClenahan, Milton resident, b&w

3653    P    Delpha Jefferies Harper    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, Mrs. Hiram Harper, b&w

3654    P    John and Minnie Thomson    Scan, San Francisco, date unknown    Studio wedding portrait, Jenny Lind residents, b&w

3655    P    George Pendergast Harper    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3656    P    William Henry Mitchell    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3657    P    Philip Stephen Dean    Scan, location and date unknown    In suspenders, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3658    P    Thomas Franklin Ross    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3659    P    Parker Family    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, father J.C. Parker, mother Elsie Brewer Parker, children Ethel, Charley William L., Jenny Lind residents, b&w

3660    P    Grant Celaya    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3661    P    Christina Eva Mester Burns #1    Scan, location and date unknown    With Hazel Burns and Lewis sister, Petersburg residents, b&w

3662    P    Christina Eva Mester Burns #2    Scan, location and date unknown    With Hazel Burns, Petersburg residents, b&w

3663    P    Christina Eva Mester Burns #3    Scan, location and date unknown    With dog on lap, Petersburg residents, b&w

3664    P    John Levi Dalton    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3665    P    Josie Muti Celaya    Scan, Yosemite, 1920s    With brother-in-law Nativo and daughter Ramona Celaya, b&w

3666    P    William Henry Mitchell Family    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, with wife Rowena South and daughter Rowena Mitchell, b&w

3667    P    Martha Caroline Ross    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, sepia

3668    P    Rosa Laux Jantzer    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, sepia

3669    P    Christie German Coffer #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Camanche resident, b&w

3670    P    Christie German Coffer #2    Scan, Strong’s Station, date unknown    With daughters Hazel and Gladys, and two others, Camanche resident, b&w

3671    P    Thomas Nicholls    Scan, location unknown, 1873    Studio portrait, with children Louis, William, Emily and Mary, Jenny Lind residents, b&w

3672    P    Sam Ping Lee    Scan, New York, October 22, 1892    Illustration, Camanche resident, b&w

3673    P    Arthur Klump    Scan, probably Iowa, 1899    Studio wedding portrait, Spanish American War, b&w

3674    P    Arthur Klump Gravesite    Digital photo, Murphys, date unknown    Spanish American War, full color

3675    P    Hance Murdock    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3676    P    Frances Murdock    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, Mrs. Hance Murdock, sepia

3677    P    Clement Eproson    Scan, taken by Edward A. Langevin, British Columbia, Canada, early 1890s    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3678    P    Erastus Holladay #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3679    P    Daniel Gard Family    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, children William, Ed, Mary, Robert, sepia

3680    P    Elizabeth Jane Cummins Murdock    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3681    P    William Loughlin & Ann Marie Brown    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio wedding portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3682    P    Robert Lee Wright & Leah Anne Woolsey    Scan, taken by Mrs. Cheney, Lima, Montana, 1899    Studio wedding portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3683    P    Marie Clara Gordon    Scan, location unknown, 1890    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3684    P    Lyman Weeks Gravesite    Digital photo, Lopez Island, Washington, date unknown    Co. D, 39th New York Infantry (Civil War), full color

3685    P    Blanche Eproson #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, b&w

3686    P    Blanche Eproson #2    Scan, taken by O. Elliott, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, b&w

3687    P    Blanche Eproson #3    Scan, location unknown, July 26, 1939    Eproson sisters Blanche, Dot and Laura with mother Mary, b&w

3688    P    Frank Eproson #1    Scan, taken by Logan, Stockton, date unknown    With Central California Traction Co. car, sepia

3689    P    Eproson Brothers    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Art, Charles “Win” and Frank “Nip”, b&w

3690    P    Gerolomo Tiscornia    Scan, location unknown, 1941    Studio portrait, Camanche resident, b&w

3691    P    Frances Delores Cruz    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3692    P    Isabelle Susan Cruz    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3693    P    Frank Eproson #2    Scan, taken by Edward A. Langevin, Milton, date unknown    With Jack Deguire, b&w

3694    P    Cruz Brothers #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Ernie, Edward, Gilbert, Alexandro, Louis, Jenny Lind residents, b&w

3695    P    Cruz Brothers #2    Scan, location unknown, 1917    Younger than #3694: Ernie, Edward, Gilbert, Alexandro, Louis, Jenny Lind residents, sepia

3696    P    Eva Edith Lewis #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, as baby, Burson resident, b&w

3697    P    Eva Edith Lewis #2    Scan, location and date unknown    With siblings Hazel, David, Velma, Howard, and dog, Burson residents, b&w

3698    P    Eva Edith Lewis #3    Scan, location and date unknown    Ellen Isophine Wright with daughter Eva Edith Wright Lewis, Burson residents, b&w

3699    P    Helen Hunt McCarty    Scan, location and date unknown    Riding horse, Milton resident, b&w

3700    P    Bert Lane Taylor #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3701    P    Bert Lane Taylor #2    Scan, taken by Hayes, Portland, Oregon, and date unknown    Studio portrait, with brother John, Jenny Lind residents, b&w

3702    P    Ida Marie Gomez Cruz    Scan, location and date unknown    Sitting in center, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3703    P    Nellie Shearer    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, with husband Frank Smith, Burson residents, b&w

3704    P    Eproson Sisters    Scan, location and date unknown    Laura, Carrie “Dot”, Blanche, Bertha “Grouchy”, b&w

3705    P    Bertha Eproson #1    Scan, taken by O. Elliott, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, b&w

3706    P    Bertha Eproson #2    Scan, taken by Edward A. Langevin, Milton, date unknown    Studio portrait, with Maude Dolan, b&w

3707    P    John Simeon Taylor     Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3708    P    Marie McGorray #4    Scan, location and date unknown    With her four sisters, Wallace residents, b&w

3709    P    Maude and Blanche Eproson    Scan, taken by Imperial Studio, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, b&w

3710    P    Horace and Ellen Lewis    Scan, location and date unknown    Burson residents, b&w

3711    P    Martha May Walker    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Elmer Valentine Hilton with half-siblings Joseph Arthur Walker and twin Martha May Walker (Burson residents), Laura, Benjamin and Sadie Bowden, b&w

3712    P    Roy March #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Burson resident, b&w

3713    P    Forrest Eproson #1    Scan, location unknown, 1912    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3714    P    Forrest Eproson #2    Scan, location and date unknown    With wife Lalla, Milton residents, b&w

3715    P    Celaya Family    Scan, location and date unknown    Isabel, Eddie and Lucy Sambrano Celaya, b&w

3716    P    Laura Eproson #1    Scan, taken at Pioneer Gallery, Stockton, circa 1892    Studio portrait, as baby, Milton resident, b&w

3717    P    Laura Eproson #2    Scan, taken at Pioneer Gallery, Stockton, circa 1892    Studio portrait, as baby with sister Carrie, Milton residents, b&w

3718    P    Laura Eproson #3    Scan, taken by C.H. Whitten, location unknown, circa 1897    Studio portrait, with lamb, Milton resident, b&w

3719    P    Laura Eproson #4    Scan, location unknown, circa 1910    Studio portrait, as young woman, Milton resident, b&w

3720    P    Laura Eproson #5    Scan, location unknown, circa 1910    Studio portrait: Laura front, Dot behind, friend to right, Milton residents, b&w

3721    P    Laura Eproson #6    Scan, location and date unknown    Dot left, Milton residents, b&w

3722    P    Forrest Eproson #3    Scan, Milton, 1914    With brother Warren and dog on horse, Milton residents, b&w

3723    P    Gus Fugitt    Scan, taken by C.H. Whitten, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, as child, Milton resident, b&w

3724    P    Milton School    Scan, 1898-1899    Class group photo, Laura Eproson behind girl in sailor dress, b&w

3725    P    Mack Montijo    Scan, location unknown, May 25, 1935    With wife Belle, Valley Springs residents, b&w

3726    P    Sophie and Caroline Fugitt    Scan, location unknown, 1930    Milton residents, b&w

3727    P    Thomas Westfall #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3728    P    Thomas Westfall #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Tom and wife Goldie, Alta, Lorene, Sherman and Unknown, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3729    P    Palace Saloon Paloma    Digital photos (2), date unknown    Trade token, Good for 1 Drink, A.J. Swenson, Paloma, full color

3730    P    Charles Gaylord Family #1    Scan, Wilton, 1910    Under tree: Evelyn, Unknown, Dudley, Maude, Charles, Vivian, Bert, Burson residents, b&w

3731    P    Charles Gaylord Family #2    Scan, location unknown, circa 1918    Beside house: Maude, Charlie, Vivian, Bert, Dudley, Evelyn, Burson residents, b&w

3732    P    Charles Gaylord #1    Scan, Washington, date unknown    Logging, Burson resident, b&w

3733    P    Charles Gaylord #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Burson resident, b&w

3734    P    Charles Gaylord #3    Scan, location and date unknown    On house porch: Charles, Maude and Evelyn, Burson residents, b&w

3735    P    Dudley Gaylord #1    Scan, California, circa 1910    Studio portrait, high school graduation, Burson resident, sepia

3736    P    Dudley Gaylord #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Burson resident, b&w

3737    P    Dudley Gaylord #3    Scan, Washington, date unknown    With brother Bert at logging camp, Burson residents, b&w

3738    P    Dudley Gaylord #4    Scan, Washington, date unknown    With car, Burson resident, b&w

3739    P    Maude Edna Ellis Gaylord #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, as young woman, Burson resident, b&w

3740    P    Maude Edna Ellis Gaylord #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, as older woman, Burson resident, b&w

3741    P    Maude Edna Ellis Gaylord #3    Scan, location and date unknown    With daughter Vivian, Burson residents, b&w

3742    P    Maude Edna Ellis Gaylord #4    Scan, location and date unknown    With sister Electa, Burson residents, b&w

3743    P    Maude Edna Ellis Gaylord #5    Scan, location and date unknown    Maude, Peg, Frank, Electa, Burson residents, b&w

3744    P    Maude Edna Ellis Gaylord #6    Scan, location and date unknown    Electa, Frank, Matilda, Maude, Manoah, Guy, Lavinia, Baby, Burson residents, b&w

3745    P    Maude Edna Ellis Gaylord #7    Scan, location and date unknown    Evelyn, Maude, Bert, Dudley, Burson residents, b&w

3746    P    John Abbey Gravesite    Digital photo, San Bruno, date unknown    Spanish American War, full color

3747    P    William Mills Gravesite    Digital photo, Altalville, date unknown    Spanish American War, full color

3748    P    Malcolm Carruthers Gravesite    Digital photo, San Bruno, date unknown    Spanish American War, full color

3749    P    Harry Tremain    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, in uniform, Spanish American War, b&w

3750    P    John Early Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas, June 2013    Co. E, 2nd Missouri Cavalry (Civil War – Confederate), full color

3751    P    Ed Zwinge Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas, June 2013    Spanish-American War, full color

3752    P    Lucius Fairchild #3    Scan, location unknown, probably late 1860s    Studio portrait, in uniform, younger than #931, 2nd Wisconsin Infantry (Civil War), b&w

3753    P    Mary Rebecca Ellis    Scan, location and date unknown    Standing in front of hotel, Milton resident, b&w

3754    P    George McIntire    Scan, San Francisco, date unknown    Studio portrait, in police uniform, Camanche resident, b&w

3755    P    Beatrice Eproson    Scan, taken by E.A. Langevin, Milton, date unknown    Studio portrait, on swing, Milton resident, b&w

3756    P    Fanny Eproson    Scan, taken by Andrew Price, Oakland, date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3757    P    Jahiel Eproson    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3758    P    Jane Eproson and Israel Nossett    Scan, taken by Morse, San Francisco, date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3759    P    Hobart Eproson #1    Scan, taken by Logan, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, as baby, Milton resident, b&w

3760    P    Hobart Eproson #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, eldest boy on left, Milton resident, b&w

3761    P    Mary Elizabeth Eproson    Scan, taken by J. Hardy, Healdsburg, date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3762    P    Matilda Jane Eproson Remembrance Card    Scan, location unknown, 1889    Milton resident, b&w

3763    P    Maud Eproson Remembrance Card    Scan, Milton, 1888    Milton resident, b&w

3764    P    Maud Eproson Gravesite    Scan, Milton, 1888    Milton resident, b&w

3765    P    Robert Lee Eproson #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Candid, beside house, Campo Seco resident, b&w

3766    P    Robert Lee Eproson #2    Scan, taken by A. Granier, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, as child, Campo Seco resident, b&w

3767    P    Robert Lee Eproson #3    Scan, Calaveras Co., 1916-1918    With Uncle Bob Hoskinson at mine claim cabin, b&w

3768    P    David Board    Scan, location and date unknown    Milton resident, b&w

3769    P    David and Mary Board    Scan, Salt Spring Valley, date unknown    With daughter Martha Beckwith, in front of house with horses and buggies, sepia

3770    P    Olive Granados    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3771    P    Ole Nelson Gravesite    Digital photo, San Andreas, date unknown    Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3772    P    James W. Austin Gravesite    Digital photo, China, Maine, date unknown    Co. I, 8th Maine Infantry (Civil War), full color

3773    P    James W. Austin #1     Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Co. I, 8th Maine Infantry (Civil War), b&w

3774    P    James W. Austin #2    Scan, location unknown, circa 1889    Studio portrait, Co. I, 8th Maine Infantry (Civil War), with Annie, Harry, Aurie, Edith, Percy, b&w

3775    P    Louise Reinking and Morton Avery    Scan, taken by Whigham, San Francisco, date unknown    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3776    P    Estelle Bewley #1    Scan, Palm Springs, April 10, 1938    Candid, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3777    P    Estelle Bewley #2    Scan, Southern California, May 8, 1954    Candid, in desert, on back: Far from the madding crowd’s ignoble strife, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3778    P    Diego Celaya    Scan, taken by Monaco, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, Petersburg resident, sepia

3779    P    Frank Biedinger    Scan, taken by Elliott, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3780    P    Irwin March    Scan, location and date unknown    In a doorway, with daughter Winnie and brother Roy, Burson residents, full color

3781    P    Roy March #2    Scan, location and date unknown    With sons Ron, Don and Jim, and father Dr. William March, Burson residents, b&w

3782    P    Inez Granados    Scan, Valley Springs, 1960s    With half sisters Bell and Ramona Celaya, Valley Springs residents, full color

3783    P    Irene Celaya #1    Scan, taken by Bartlett, Oakland, circa 19213    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3784    P    Irene Celaya #2    Scan, location unknown, circa 1909    With Simon and Frankie Granados, b&w

3785    P    Esek Sisson Family #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Group photo outside home, Co. B, 18th Wisconsin Infantry (Civil War), b&w

3786    P    Esek Sisson Family #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, left couple unknown, Esek and Melinda Sisson, and Martin and Esther Sisson, Co. B, 18th Wisconsin Infantry (Civil War), b&w

3787    P    Mary Christina Maxwell    Scan, Angels Camp, date unknown    On right, with Lela May Bishop Walker, Milton resident, b&w

3788    P    Jesse Annetta Land    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Mrs. Bryant, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3789    P    Charles and Bim Hollingshead    Scan, location and date unknown    Candid, at lake, Spanish American War, b&w

3790    P    Martha Schachten    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3791    P    Carrie “Dot” Eproson    Scan, taken at Pioneer Gallery, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, as child, on back: Little Dotie Chicken, Milton resident, sepia

3792    P    Nettie Jane Wright #1    Scan, location and date unknown    With son Earle Warner, Sr., Milton resident, b&w

3793    P    Nettie Jane Wright #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Wearing hat, Milton resident, sepia

3794    P    Burson School #17    Scan, Burson, 1920-1930    Students and teachers in front of school, b&w

3795    P    Nettie Jane Wright #3    Scan, location and date unknown    With husband Lewis Warner, Milton resident, b&w

3796    P    Mary Sollars    Scan, location and date unknown    Camanche resident, b&w

3797    P    Azariah and Mary Sollars    Scan, location and date unknown    Camanche residents, b&w

3798    P    Gordon Coats #1    Scan, location and date unknown    With Sarah Viola, Martha Jane and Hubert, Burson residents, b&w

3799    P    Lillian Coats    Scan, location and date unknown    Burson resident, b&w

3800    P    Pearl Coats    Scan, location and date unknown    With unknown man, Burson resident, b&w

3801    P    Clement Vann McNair #1    Scan, location and date unknown    With hat, Camanche resident, b&w

3802    P    Clement Vann McNair #2    Scan, location and date unknown    As older man than #3801, Camanche resident, b&w

3803    P    Martha Childress McNair    Scan, location and date unknown    Camanche resident, b&w

3804    P    Matilda Jane Carnahan Eproson    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, sepia

3805    P    Bell Celaya    Scan, location and date unknown    With husband Simon Granados, b&w

3806    P    Bert Holmes    Scan, location and date unknown    With Pearl Kingery, Burson resident, b&w

3807    P    Waldo and Lester Tiscornia    Scan, Calaveras Co., circa 1923    Anita Arend, Waldo, Lester, Jack Kennedy, Leeza Raggio, Camanche residents, b&w

3808    P    Valley Springs & Lodi R.R.P.O.    Scans (3), 1906    Front and back and closeup of postcard to Lula Miner of Stockton showing San Francisco earthquake damage, full color

3809    B    Southern Pacific Lines Standard-Design Depots    Paper, Berkeley and Wilton, June 2013    Book by Henry Bender, includes Milton and Valley Springs, 320 pgs., 8 3/4″ x 11 1/4″

3810    P    Gilbert Witham Gravesite    Digital photo, Sacramento, date unknown    Co. M, 1st California Cavalry (Civil War), full color

3811    P    Howard Woodrow Gravesite    Digital photo, Cincinnati, Ohio, date unknown    17th U.S. Infantry (Civil War), full color

3812    P    Daniel Haskell Gravesite    Digital photo, Santa Fe, New Mexico, date unknown    1st California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3813    P    George Crist Gravesite    Digital photo, Woodridge, date unknown    3rd California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3814    P    William C. Harris Gravesite    Digital photo, Stockton, date unknown    Co. F, 4th California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3815    P    Ida Tallamdge Fugitt    Scan, location and date unknown    Illustration, Burson resident, b&w

3816    P    Ada Edna Fugitt    Scan, location and date unknown    With auto, Burson resident, b&w

3817    P    Wilbur Robbins    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Burson resident, b&w

3818    P    William Riley Gaylord    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Camanche resident, b&w

3819    P    Clarence Cordwell    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3820    P    Crewdson Family    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind residents, b&w

3821    P    Charles Dent Reynolds     Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3822    P    Simpson Family    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Wallace residents, b&w

3823    P    Harry Peake    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, part owner Gold Hill Dredging Co., Camanche, b&w

3824    P    James Crewdson    Scan, location unknown, circa 1866    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind residents, b&w

3825    P    Kenneth Udell    Scan, Lodi, 1914    Studio portrait, high school graduation photo, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3826    P    Susan Ellen Potter Hoover    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3827    P    Vesta Wilson    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3828    P    William Bush Gravesite    Digital photo, Fresno, date unknown    23rd/26th U.S. Infantry (Spanish American War), full color

3829    P    Gordon Coats #2    Scan, location unknown, 1903    Studio portrait, Burson resident, b&w

3830    P    Gordon Coats #3    Scan, location and date unknown    With Hubert, Burson residents, b&w

3831    P    Geraldine Mobley    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, full color

3832    P    Ellen Mary Perry    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, with Jesse Allen Look, Isabel May and Vernon, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3833    P    George Marion Davidson    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Texas Infantry (Civil War – Confederate), with wife Angie Harper, b&w

3834    P    Edward Cruz    Scan, location and date unknown    With woman, Jenny Lind resident, full color

3835    P    Alexander Cruz    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, full color

3836    P    Emma Cruz    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, full color

3837    P    Luis Cruz    Scan, San Andreas, date unknown    Jenny Lind resident hydraulic mining the Isabella, b&w

3838    P    Levi Gard    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, full color

3839    P    Levi & Mary Gard    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind residents, full color

3840    P    Levi Gard Children    Scan, Petaluma, 1922    At Levi’s funeral, Ansel, James, Earl, Arthur, Bertha and Albert, b&w

3841    P    Erastus Holladay #2    Scan, location unknown, summer 1913    Addison, Lena, Katherine, E.H. Tanner, Beersheba, Arthur, Janet Loring, Maude, Katherine Loring, Stella Ayres (holding Ellen), Anderson, Mary Alice, Eula Taylor, Erastus (holding Louise), Jenny Lind residents, b&w

3842    P    Mary Eliza McLain Gard    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident,  b&w

3843    P    Mary Frances Barnett Reynolds    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3844    P    Rowena South Mitchell #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Fishing, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3845    P    Rowena South Mitchell #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Valley Springs resident, b&w

3846    P    Walter & Mary Robie    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portraits (2) on one page, Milton residents, b&w

3847    P    Robert Stull & Rosetta Crewdson    Scan, taken by Elliott, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, Robert Harrison Stull and granddaughter, Jenny Lind residents, b&w

3848    P    Halleck Gold    Scan, location unknown, February 2, 1921    On chair, Jenny Lind resident, sepia

3849    P    Allace Rhoda Wilson    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3850    P    William Gann    Scan, Los Angeles,1897    Studio portrait, Milton resident, b&w

3851    P    Sarah Cook Robbins    Scan, probably Pacific Grove, date unknown    With sister-in-law, Burson resident, b&w

3852    P    Lydia Baker    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Mrs. Daniel R. Taylor with daughter Ocea, Jenny Lind residents, b&w

3853    P    Lillie Belle Fiedler Glass    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3854    A    Beysser Receipt    Paper, Milton, September 29, 1872    Louis Beysser receipt to G. Arata, Vallecito, 8 1/2″ x 7″

3855    A    Union Hotel Invoice    Paper, Campo Seco, January 26, 1912    Shipping request from Nick Ponzetto to Valley Brew, 6 1/2″ x 8 1/2″

3856    P    Amanda Laumeister    Scan, taken by A. Liljegreen, Forbestown, 1896    Studio portrait, Campo Seco resident, b&w

3857    P    Charles and Elizabeth Makee Howard     Scan, location and date unknown    With auto, Campo Seco resident, b&w

3858    A    H.C. Davis Receipt    Paper, Milton, February 25, 1892    From drayman Davis to Paul Dering, Angels, 8 1/4″ x 7″

3859    A    T.J. French Receipt    Paper, Valley Springs, January 2, 1906    To F.W. Peek, Mokelumne Hill, statement of account 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″, with envelope 3 1/2″ x 6 1/4″

3860    P    Frank Muti    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Valley Springs resident, b&w

3861    P    Amasa Bigelow    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Clays Bar/Camanche resident, b&w

3862    P    Phebe Boyce Bigelow #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Clays Bar/Camanche resident, b&w

3863    P    Phebe Boyce Bigelow #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Clays Bar/Camanche resident, older than #3862, b&w

3864    A    George S. Evans Letter #1    Paper, Sacramento, February 11, 1865    From Adjutant-General’s Office, printed, signed by Evans, 9 3/4″ x 7 3/4″

3865    A    George S. Evans Letter #2    Paper, Sacramento, May 17, 1865    From Adjutant-General’s Office, handwritten, signed by Evans, includes back typescript dated December 6, 1909, 9 3/4″ x 7 3/4″

3866    A    George S. Evans Letter #3    Paper, Sacramento, March 10, 1864    From Adjutant-General’s Office, handwritten, signed by Evans, 9 3/4″ x 7 3/4″

3867    P     William Richey    Digital photo, Copperopolis, date unknown    Civil War, full color

3868    A    Wangenheim Cover    Paper, Jenny Lind, 1860s    Wells Fargo cover, to A.L. Wangenheim from Jenny Lind (probably Sol Wangenheim), 5 1/8″ x 3 1/4″

3869    B    Scott    Paper, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1961    Book by Grace Hartley, genealogy of Scott family, hardcover, 300 pages

3870    A    Hood Birth Affidavit    Paper, Calaveras Co., February 4, 1942    Affidavit of December 28, 1892 birth of Francis Robert Hood, 8 3/8″ x 14″

3871    A    William Fletcher Jenny Lind Cover    Paper, envelope, Clements and Jenny Lind, November 7, 1901    From Clements to Fletcher in Jenny Lind, Co. G, 80th Illinois (Civil War), 4 1/2″ x 3 5/8″, b&w

3872    P    Wallace Depot #4    Scan, Wallace, 1912    With railroad crossing sign, b&w

3873    P    Lockeford Depot #2    Scan, Lockeford, date unknown    With Lockeford sign to right, b&w

3874    A    Anvil Firing Playing Card    Paper, Sheep Ranch, July 13, 2013    King of spades blown up during anvil firing by Donn Marinovich at 30th anniversary of Foothill Resources, 2 1/2″ x 3 1/2″

3875    P    Peter Moro Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    1st U.S. Dragoons (Mexican War), full color

3876    P    Joseph Webb Gravesite    Digital photo, Lavaca, Arkansas, date unknown    Arkansas Infantry (Mexican War), full color

3877    P    Craig Santy    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, July 25, 2013    TV producer/cameraman at Black Bart Rock, full color

3878    P    Shannon Van Zant    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, July 25, 2013    Calaveras Co. Archivist at Black Bart Rock, full color

3879    P    Shannon Van Zant and Sal Manna    Digital photo, taken by Craig Santy, Funk Hill, July 25, 2013    At Black Bart Rock, full color

3880    P    John L. Brown and Rebecca Eutsler    Scan, taken by M. Monaco, Stockton, 1881    Wedding photo, Burson residents, b&w

3881    P    Wildermuth House Painting    Digital photos (3), Campo Seco, 1961    By Genevieve Thompson Markwood, including identifying writing on frame back, full color

3882    P    Wildermuth House Painting Ribbon    Digital photos (2), Angels Camp, 1961    First Place won at Calaveras County Fair, including back, full color

3883    P    Wallace Map    Digital photo, circa 1880s    Townsite diagram, b&w

3884    P    Burson Map Logo    Digital photo, September 1884    Accompanying townsite map, b&w

3885    P    Burson Map     Digital photo, September 1884    Townsite map, b&w

3886    P    Camanche Map Title    Digital photo, 1872    Accompanying townsite map, b&w

3887    P    Valley Spring Map    Digital photos (2), 1884    Townsite map, including closeup of title, b&w

3888    P    Paloma Map    Digital photos (2), 1897    Townsite map, including closeup of title, b&w

3889    P    Bonomi Hiteshew House #1    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, August 2013    Hanging wall section with ship on top, woman below, full color

3890    P    Bonomi Hiteshew House #2    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, August 2013    Wood boards, full color

3891    P    Bonomi Hiteshew House #3    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, August 2013    Shadowbox with ephemera, January 1, 1891 date visible, full color

3892    P    Bonomi Hiteshew House #4    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, August 2013    Shadowbox with house construction photos and Subscribe At Once! newspaper, full color

3893    P    Bonomi Hiteshew House #5    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, August 2013    Shadowbox with house construction photos and woman in #3889, full color

3894    P    Bonomi Hiteshew House #6    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, August 2013    Shadowbox with house construction photos and Steamship Lines, full color

3895    B    Jenny Lind     Paper, San Jose, 1981    Family history by Bernice Grace Sanborn Brancato, 130 pgs., 11 1/4″ x 8 1/2″

3896    P    Wilcox Home    Scan, Milton, date unknown    Jim, Ida and Lula Wilcox (age 3 years), and others, b&w

3897    P    Ida Wilcox    Scan, Imperial Studio, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, Ida Irene Jenkins Wilcox as young woman, Milton resident, b&w

3898    P    Lula Wilcox    Scan, Pioneer Studio, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, as child with brother, Milton resident, b&w

3899    P    Jeff and John McClenahan    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton residents, b&w

3900    P    J.F. Chase    Scan, taken by S. Locke, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, including back, Milton resident, b&w

3901    P    Catherine Beysser    Scan, Milton, March 28, 1921    At 80th birthday, b&w

3902    P    Robert Jenkins    Scan, reproduction by J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait illustration, grandfather of Lula Wilcox, Milton resident, including back, b&w

3903    P    Minnie Willis    Scan, taken by J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton, circa 1878    Studio portrait, at 11 mos. old, Jenny Lind and Milton resident, including back, b&w

3904    P    Emma Wayne    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, possibly Emma Mobley, Milton resident, including back, b&w

3905    P    Laura Mercer Pfortner    Scan, taken by W.A. Reed, Mobile, Alabama, date unknown    Studio portrait, including back, b&w

3906    P    Unknown Wilcox Milton     Scan, taken by B.P. Batchelder, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, including back, b&w

3907    P    Lula Bolvig    Scan, taken by Monaco, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, including back, Wilcox family connection, b&w

3908    P    Carlo Derivi #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, as young boy, b&w

3909    P    Carlo Derivi #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, as young man in uniform, b&w

3910    P    Carlo Derivi #3    Scan, San Francisco, 1900s    With Fairmont Hotel cooks, third from right, b&w

3911    P    Carlo Derivi #4    Scan, location and date unknown    As older man, with grandchildren, b&w

3912    P    Minnie Freshour    Scan, Lodi, 1923    On back; age 14, standing in front of barn, b&w

3913    P    Carlo Derivi #5    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, as young man in suit next to pedestal, b&w

3914    P    Elizabeth Matthews     Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Mrs. Joel Eproson, Milton resident, b&w

3915    P    Albert Henley    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Spanish-American War, b&w

3916    P    Andrew and Emma Dahlin    Scan, taken by Michel, Vermillion, South Dakota, date unknown    Studio portrait, Campo Seco residents, b&w

3917    P    Colim Hatler    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Llind resident, b&w

3918    P    Columbus Cherry Gravesite    Scan, Squaw Valley, date unknown    Mexican War, full color

3919    P    Lyman Gilmore #1    Scan, California, circa 1867    Massachusetts Light Artillery (Civil War), sepia

3920    P    Lyman Gilmore #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Massachusetts Light Artillery (Civil War), seated outdoors, with wife Sarah Augusta Gray, b&w

3921    P    Lyman Gilmore Gravesite    Digital photo, Castle rock, Washington, date unknown    Massachusetts Light Artillery (Civil War), full color

3922    A    Gillam Postcard    Paper, Rail Road Flat, June 14, 1911    From granddaughter Sadie to Joseph Gillam, Valley Springs, 5 1/2″ x 3 1/2″, full color

3923    P    Claudia and Ralph Harness    Scan, California, circa 1913    Studio portrait, Campo Seco resident(s), b&w

3924    P    George Hobron     Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3925    P    Bert Holmes #1    Scan, location unknown, 1912    Studio portrait, Spanish American War, b&w

3926    P    Bert Holmes #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Brothers Dell, Bert and Howard, Spanish American War, b&w

3927    P    Bert Holmes #3    Scan, location unknown, 1922    With child Alma, Spanish American War, b&w

3928    P    Bert Holmes #4    Scan, location and date unknown    With wife Lulu in front of car, Spanish American War, b&w

3929    P    Bert Holmes #5    Scan, location and date unknown    Standing with wife Lulu , Spanish American War, b&w

3930    P    James William Ellis    Scan, Quartz Mountain, Tuolumne County, circa 1899    John Q. App with Ruby and Mary Ellis and her father James William Ellis, Milton resident, b&w

3931    P    Orion Hunter     Scan, Campo Seco, 1913-1914    Dorothy Hartmen (center), Uncle Orion, cousins Louis, Bill and Helen Kilday-Hunter “on the road from the barn to the house – Penn Mine”, b&w

3932    P    Louis Marion Hunter     Scan, San Francisco, 1915    At Panama Pacific World’s Fair, Back: Callie, Orville, Lewis Marion Hunter, Front: Susan Margaret Wright Hunter with baby May Virginia Hunter, Therrien Brammer, Louis Marion Hunter, b&w

3933    P    Jennie Bell Holman    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Mrs. George Hobron, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3934    P    Henry Asbury    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Mexican War, b&w

3935    P    Hardy Medlin Gravesite    Digital photo, Carroll Co., Missouri, date unknown    23rd Missouri Infantry (Civil War), full color

3936    P    James McCain Gravesite    Digital photos (2), Talladega Co., Alabama, date unknown    Alabama Infantry (Civil War – Confederate), including closeup, full color

3937    P    L.A. Barnes #4    Scan, photo, location unknown, 1900    At fair exhibit, Mexican War, b&w

3938    P    Bert Lane Taylor #3    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, wedding photo with wife, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3939    P    Edna Potter Adams and Lillie Potter    Scan, taken by J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton, date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton residents, raised in Wilcox Family, b&w

3940    P    Henry Marquering    Scan, location and date unknown    At ranch, U.S. Navy (Mexican War), 3 1/2″ x 4 1/2″, b&w

3941    P    Adams & Co. #4    Scan, Campo Seco, circa 1960s    Overview of ruins of building, from Dept. Of Mines bulletin, b&w

3942    P    Campo Seco Brick Oven    Scan, Campo Seco, circa 1960s    From Dept. Of Mines bulletin, b&w

3943    P    John Bund Gravesite    Digital photo, San Jose, date unknown    1st New York Infantry (“Stevenson’s Regiment”), Mexican War, full color

3944    P    Wallace House #2    Scan, Stockton, 1899    Taken during William Grennell Wallace visit, b&w

3945    P    Maggie Schroebel    Scans (2), taken by Keller, Stockton, circa 1890s    Studio portrait, including back, b&w

3946    P    Rocca Bella Can #1    Digital photo, taken by Terry Beaudoin, Valley Springs, 2013    Fifty five large whole ripe olives, full color

3947    P    Rocca Bella Can #2    Digital photo, taken by Terry Beaudoin, Valley Springs, 2013    Back of can, 1930s, full color

3948    P    Rocca Bella Jar    Digital photo, taken by Terry Beaudoin, Valley Springs, 2013    Olive halves, full color

3949    P    Frederick Birdsall    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, b&w

3950    P    Birdsall Home    Scan, Auburn, 1900    Front view, b&w

3951    P    Aeolia Heights #1    Scan, Auburn, 1900    Birdsall olive orchard, with home in background, b&w

3952    P    Birdsall Olive Mill    Scan, Auburn, 1900    With boy on steps, b&w

3953    P    Birdsall Olive Display    Scan, St. Louis, 1904    At World’s Fair, b&w

3954    P    Aeolia Heights #2    Scan, Auburn, date unknown    Southern Pacific postcard, full color

3955    P    Birdsall Olive Oil Bottle    Digital photo, Auburn, date unknown    Pure Olive Oil, Birdsall Olive Co., Auburn, Cal., full color

3956    P    Aeolia Heights #3    Digital photo, taken by Terry Beaudoin, Auburn, August 2013    Olive orchard, full color

3957    A    Webster’s Dictionary    Paper, leather, Campo Seco, August 28, 1855    1851 edition pocket dictionary signed by John Robinson, 3″ x 4 1/2″, 249 pgs.

3958    P    Asa Kirby Gravesite    Digital photo, Yountville, date unknown    Co. C, 1st California Infantry (Civil War), full color

3959    P    Vogelgesang Bench    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Arnold, October 19, 2013    Bench on South Grove trail at Big Trees State Park, full color

3960    P    Jeremiah Austill Gravesite    Digital photo, Rockville, Alabama, date unknown    War of 1812, full color

3961    P    Joseph Arthur Nugent    Scan, location and date unknown    With Kobbe the ocelot, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3962    P    Joseph Charles Nugent    Scan, location and date unknown    Third from left, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3963    P    Robert Lee Wright    Scan, location and date unknown    Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3964    P    Henry Blasdel Jr.    Scan, location and date unknown    Jenny Lind resident, son of first governor of Nevada, b&w

3965    P    Lee Roy Waters    Scan, location and date unknown    In work clothes, b&w

3966    P    James Waters Cabin    Scan, location and date unknown    Maybe Greasertown, b&w

3967    P    James Waters    Scan, location and date unknown    With son John, grandchildren Marjorie and John, b&w

3968    P    Harry Nugent    Scan, Paradise, date unknown    On right with brothers Richard and Joseph, b&w

3969    P    Leocario Varelas    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, with wife Josepha Reyna, Valley Springs residents, b&w

3970    P    William Belderrain    Scan, location and date unknown    1st California Native Cavalry (Civil War), third from right standing, b&w

3971    P    Wright Children    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Daniel Gard and Emily Butler Wright children Will, Ed, Mary, Robert, b&w

3972    P    Lucy Robbins    Scan, location and date unknown    Burson resident, b&w

3973    P    Mary Amelia Biedinger #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Milton resident, Mrs. John Carnahan Eproson, sitting in chair, b&w

3974    P    Mary Amelia Biedinger #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Milton resident, Mrs. John Carnahan Eproson, standing holding purse, b&w

3975    P    Mary Amelia Biedinger #3    Scan, location and date unknown    Milton resident, Mrs. John Carnahan Eproson, sitting on porch, b&w

3976    P    Librada Martinez Garcia    Scan, location and date unknown    Jenny Lind resident, looking out of cabin, b&w

3977    P    Crawford & German    Scan, location and date unknown    Front: Unknown, Samuel Raymond Crawford, Lee German; back: Tom West, Burson residents, b&w

3978    P    Otto Engel Gravesite    Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Diego, November 2013    Spanish-American War, full color

3979    P    Campo Seco Mining Scene Cover    Digital photo, February 1855    To John Briton, West Salem, Ohio, full color

3980    P    Ruby Steacy Welch    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, with paper frame, Gwin Mine resident, b&w

3981    P    Susan Helfreich    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Milton resident, sepia

3982    P    Harriet Wiley #1    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, bust only, Jenny Lind resident, sepia

3983    P    Harriet Wiley #2    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, full standing, Jenny Lind resident, sepia

3984    P    Robert Whitney Burns    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, sepia

3985    P    Rosalie Werle    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3986    P    Mildred Mintun and Evangeline Womble #1    Scan, location unknown, 1914    Studio portrait, Mildred standing at left, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3987    P    Mildred Mintun and Evangeline Womble #2    Scan, location unknown, 1914    Studio portrait, Mildred at right, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3988    P    Melvina Dalton    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3989    P    Etta Hoerl    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Wallace resident, b&w

3990    P    Hoerl Family    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Faith and Hazel standing, Ruth, Etta, Joseph,Lillian in front, Wallace resident, b&w

3991    P    Fay Pottorff Waters    Scan, location and date unknown    Standing in front of gate, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3992    P    Hattie Eutsler Campbell    Scan, location and date unknown    With Ben Campbell and daughter Ruby, Burson resident, b&w

3993    P    John and Rose Currier    Scan, possibly Valley Springs, circa 1935    Standing beside auto, b&w

3994    P    Messick Sisters    Scan, location unknown, 1940    Julia Belle front right, Nora back, others unknown, b&w

3995    P    Mabel Mary Hansen    Scan, location and date unknown    Studio portrait, Jenny Lind resident, b&w

3996    P    Elizabeth Seward #1    Scan, location and date unknown    In front of house and gate, Milton resident, b&w

3997    P    Elizabeth Seward #2    Scan, Natron, Oregon, date unknown    Feeding chickens at homestead, Milton resident, b&w

3998    P    David Drew Family    Scan, location unknown, circa late 1880s    Studio portrait, standing: Lurie, Hattie, Helen Minette, Solon; seated: Helen Mar, David Ellis, Julia (Jenny Lind resident), Charles, David, b&w

3999    P    Mary Ann Eutsler    Scan, location and date unknown    Grace Elenora Bertholf, Mary Ann Eutsler (Burson resident), Nancy Anna Bertholf, b&w

4000    P    Vera Nevans    Scan, location and date unknown    Back: Arthur Lobb, Mary Etta Hargrave Reed; front: Vera Nevans (Jenny Lind resident), Gladys Lobb, Lillie Dennis Lobb, b&w

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