West Calaveras Archives
RECORD – #1-1000
As of February 5, 2014
A=Artifact; B=Book; CD=Compact Disc; MP=Map; P=Photograph; R=Recording; V=Video
No. Type Title Description Other Details
1 A Brand Board Wood, brands of nearby ranches, 1950s-1960s Penciled and inked identifications uncertain, 73 1/4″ x 20″ x 1″
2 P Robert Saunders CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by E.A. Kusel, Oroville, 1869 Studio portrait, Co. H, 8th California Infantry (Civil War), not in uniform, 2 1/2″ x 4″
3 A Burson Postcard and Back Paper, postcard, February 22, 1894 To Fred Parrott, Woodbridge, from W.C. Day, correspondence on back, 3 3/4″ x 6 1/4″
4 A Railroad Receipt #1 Paper, SJ&SNRR, June 19, 1886 To C. Agostini, shipment Lodi to Valley Springs, 6 3/4″ x 5 1/4″
5 P Ben Langford #1 Film negative, probably Lodi, 1894-1899 SJ&SNRR locomotive #1025, combine #1009, coach #1010, baggage #1200, 3 1/2″ x 4 3/4″, b&w
6 A Purple Pear #1 Matchbook w/matches, Burson, probably 1970s Restaurant matchbook, 1 5/8″ x 3 7/8″, purple and white
7 A Railroad Receipt #2 Paper, SJ&SNRR, July 15, 1886 To C. Agostini, shipment Lockeford to Valley Springs, 6 3/4″ x 5 1/4″
8 A Milk Bottle Cap #1 Paper, Wm. Gerberding, Valley Springs, unknown date Pastry cream, 1 5/8″ diameter, purple and green
9 A California Centennial Paper, FDC, Jenny Lind, February 18, 1950 Blue rubber stamp misspells “Calavaras Co”, cancellation over centennial stamp, unaddressed, 3 5/8″ x 6 1/2″, full color
10 A Southworth Envelope Paper, Burson, January 26, 1939 To Stockton Dry Goods, from Bertha Southworth, 6 1/4″ x 3 1/2″, full color
11 A Valley Springs Envelope and Back Paper, June 1893 To T.B. Bishop, San Francisco, 3 5/8″ x 5 1/2″
12 A Pattee Bros. Receipt Paper, Pattee Bros. billhead, Valley Springs, February 28, 1905 To R.B. Knox for railroad spikes, 4 1/2″ x 8 3/8″
13 A Toxon Club Matchbook w/o matches, Valley Springs, probably 1950s Lounge, Petty Girl, may be incorrect proof, misspells “Toyon”, 1 1/2″ x 4″, full color
14 A Stockton Route Paper, FDC, Valley Springs, January 20, 1936 To Paul Lewis, Stockton, First Run Stockton-Mother Lode Star Mail Route, 3 5/8″ x 6 1/2″, full color
15 P Burson Illinois Graves Paper, photo, Illinois, 2000s Three-photo montage of graves of L.A. Burson and others, 8 1/2″ x 11″, full color
16 B Southern Pacific Combine 1010 Paper, Quick Pic Book by Tim Mulina, 2005 62 pgs., 94 b&w photos, BHI Publications, O’Fallon, Missouri
17 B Ritual of the Woman’s Relief Corps Paper, April Edition 1895 38 pgs., rules and ceremonies of the WRC, auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, 4 1/2″ x 6 3/4″
18 A Rancho Calaveras Promo Packet Paper, postcard size packet, circa 1968 Promo photos of recreation, homes, etc., plus postcard for more info, 4″ x 6″, full color
19 A Milk Bottle Cap #2 Paper, Wm. Gerberding, Valley Springs, unknown date Raw market milk, 1 5/8″ diameter, red and green, plus 500 in Star Pull Caps tube
20 A Southworth Postcard and Back Paper, February 26, 1908 To Bertha Southworth, “Greetings from Valley Springs, Cal.” in gold glitter with red roses, 3 3/8″ x 5 1/2″
21 A Camanche Last Day #1 Paper, postcard, June 22, 1962 To Mrs. Sylvester Brown, Altadena, Last Day of Camanche Post Office special rubber stamp, 3″ x 5″, full color
22 B Grand Army Blue-Book Paper, Fifth Edition, Philadelphia, January 1889 255 pgs., rules and regulations of the GAR by Robert Beath, 5 3/4″ x 9″, blue cover
23 AR Railroad Cement Hopper Plastic, Walthers 100 Ton Cement Covered Hopper Model railroad HO kit #142, in original box
24 A Pattee Calendar Plate Ceramic, Valley Springs, 1911 Carnation/McNicol, gold-edged, lady in carriage, red roses and cherubs, “Compliments of J.K. Pattee, Valley Springs, Cal”, with metal hanger, 9 1/8″ diameter
25 A Burson School Election Certificate and Back Paper, School District Clerk, 1923 To Dr. March, signed W. Kennedy and John Hood, 3 1/2″ x 5 1/2″
26 A Burson School Trustee Certificate Paper, Appointment of School Trustee, 1923 To John Hood, signed Charles Schwoerer, and Oath of Office signed John Hood, 7″ x 6″
27 P Sinclair Hotel Paper, photo, Jenny Lind, 1962 Ruins, 3 1/2″ x 5″, full color
28 A Historic Calaveras County Brochure Paper, Calaveras Co. Chamber of Commerce, circa 1948 12 pgs., 6″ x 9″, b&w with green cover
29 A Pete’s Café Menu Paper, circa 1930s Tri-fold, 5 3/8″ x 11 1/2″, orange
30 A Pete’s Café Grand Opening Paper, brochure, November 4, 1933 Four pgs. plus covers, includes photos, program, menu, and poem, 5 1/2″ x 8 3/8″, b&w
31 A New Hogan Dam & Lake Paper, brochure, US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, 1975 Fold-out, with photos and map, 11 1/4″ x 16″, full color
32 A Calaveras County Brochure Paper, Calaveras Co. Chamber of Commerce, 1970s or earlier Foldout with photos and map, 4″ x 9 1/4″, blue and b&w
33 P John Carley CDV Scan, photo by E.W. Baker, Angels Camp, circa 1890 Studio portrait, Carley in Knights of Pythias uniform, b&w
34 A Hotel Leger and Back Paper, postcard, circa early 1960s Two interior scenes, 5 3/8″ x 3 1/2″, full color
35 P SJ&SNRR #1 Paper, Valley Springs, circa 1890 Locomotive, Ettie passenger car and #1010 combination car, 6″ x 10″, b&w
36 P Pedroli Ranch Paper, photo, pre-1900 7 1/4″ x 5 1/4″, b&w
37 P Camanche School #1 Paper, photo, October 26, 1909 Teacher, third from right in top row, and pupils, 3″ x 4 1/2″, b&w
38 P Camanche School #2 Paper, photo, pre-1920 Teacher and pupils, horse and buggy behind them, 4 3/4″ x 6 3/4″, b&w
39 A John Folsom #1 and Back Paper, postcard, circa 1940s Panning for gold, 3 1/2″ x 5 1/2″, full color
40 P Box Factory Paper, photo, Valley Springs, circa 1940s 8″ x 10″, b&w
41 A Date Nails Metal, Southern Pacific RR, Wallace, Burson, Valley Springs, 1922-1968 46 nails, 2 5/8″ x 1/4″, every year 1922-1963, 1965-1968
42 P WWI Enlistees #1 Paper, photo, Valley Springs, October 7, 1917 With “Calaveras Liberty Boys” banner, 3/4″ x 4 1/2″, b&w
43 P Capt. Messenger CDV and Back Paper, photo, Edouart’s Photographic Gallery, San Francisco, circa 1864 Studio portrait, Messenger in uniform, 2 cent revenue stamp on back, 2 3/8″ x 4″, b&w
44 P John & Miller Late Paper, photo, Valley Springs, circa 1900 At harness shop, 4″ x 5″, b&w
45 P Addie Long Paper, photo, Camanche, perhaps 1910 On scrapbook page beneath photo – This was the day I left Camanche, 3 1/4″ x 4 1/4″, b&w
46 P Withington CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by Mrs. E.W. Withington, Ione City, 1860s-1870s Studio portrait, child, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
47 P Valley Springs Schoolteacher Paper, photo, Valley Springs, circa 1900s Unidentified teacher alongside schoolhouse, 6 1/2″ x 4 5/8″, b&w
48 P Baumhogger Ranch Paper, photo, Valley Springs, circa 1900s Landscape, 4 7/8″ x 4″, b&w
49 P John & Mary Baumhogger Paper, photo, taken at Keller studio, Stockton, circa 1890 Studio portrait, John and Mary Baumhogger, probably wedding photo, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w
50 P Burson-Helisma Sign Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, September 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
51 P John Baumhogger #1 Paper, photo, probably Valley Springs, circa 1900 Baumhogger with three horses, 4 7/8″ x 4″, b&w
52 P E.W. Baker CDV #1 and Back Paper, photo, taken by E.W. Baker, Mokelumne Hill, circa 1890s Studio portrait, unidentified man, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w
53 P E.W. Baker CDV #2 and Back Paper, photo, taken by E.W. Baker, Sutter Creek, circa 1890s Studio portrait, unidentified woman, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
54 A Engineering & Mining Journal Paper, weekly magazine, New York, November 30, 1912 84 pgs., includes article “Righting the Calaveras Dredge”, 9″ x 12″, b&w
55 B Journal of Military History Paper, Society for Military History, Lexington, Virginia, October 2003 351 pgs., includes article “Escape from Andersonville”, b&w
56 F Come Next Spring #1 Videotape (VHS), motion picture, 1956 90 mins., filmed partly in Camanche, full color
57 B Burson Index Paper, manuscript, San Francisco, 2000 60 pgs., Burson family genealogy by Charles Marsteller
58 P Pete Ormes #1 Paper, photo, Valley Springs, date unknown On back – Mike Schroven, Pete, Emma, Pete, Cynthia, 2 3/4″ x 4″, b&w
59 P Valley Springs School #11 Paper, photo, 1935 Students, IDs on back of accompanying photocopy, 6 1/2″ x 8 1/2″, b&w
60 P Emma Duke & Mabel Ormes Paper, photo, taken by Pete Ormes, San Jose Mission, 1942 2 7/8″ x 4 5/8″, b&w
61 P Emma Duke & Pete Ormes Paper, photo, taken by Mabel Ormes, San Jose Mission, 1942 2 7/8″ x 4 5/8″, b&w
62 P Pete’s Waitresses Paper, photo, Valley Springs, circa 1940s On back – from right to left – Mabel Ormes, Dolly, Bernice, Emma Duke, 2 7/8″ x 4 5/8″, b&w
63 P Tom Duke Grandpa Paper, photo, Campo Seco, date unknown On back – Grandpa Green & Ruth – Campo Seco Bridge over the Mokelumne River, 2 3/4″ x 4 3/8″, b&w
64 P Toyon Club Matchbook w/matches, probably 1950s Lounge, 1 5/8″ x 3 7/8″, yellow and black
65 P Burson Depot #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, October 2005 Site of train depot in foreground, 4″ x 6″, full color
66 P Burson Depot #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, October 2005 John Huston at site of train depot to left, 4″ x 6″, full color
67 P Valley Springs Depot #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, May 2006 Full view from southeast angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
68 P Burson Post Office #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, May 2006 Two buildings, one on left reportedly old Burson post office, 4″ x 6″, full color
69 P Valley Springs Depot #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, May 2006 Full view from northeast angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
70 P Valley Springs Depot #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, May 2006 Close-up of struts, 4″ x 6″, full color
71 P Valley Springs Depot #4 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, May 2006 View from east, 4″ x 6″, full color
72 P Valley Springs Depot #5 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, May 2006 View from northwest, 4″ x 6″, full color
73 P Valley Springs Depot #6 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, May 2006 View from northwest, focus on east front, 4″ x 6″, full color
74 P Valley Spring Monument Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, May 2006 4″ x 6″, full color
75 P Burson Townsite #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, October 2005 Looking east to match #454, down Helisma Road with depot to right, 4″ x 6″, full color
76 P Burson Townsite #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, October 2005 Looking west to townsite plaza, perhaps original tree, 4″ x 6″, full color
77 P Late House #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, February 2006 Front view, 4″ x 6″, full color
78 P Valley Spring Standard Oil #1 Paper, photo, circa 1925, copy November 1981 On back – Left to Right – Floyd Ross, Charles Eberhardt, ?, Joe Serra, ? Myrea, year about 1925, 4 3/4″ x 3 1/2″, b&w and tinted
79 P Valley Springs Depot #7 Paper, photo, circa 1914 On back – Left to Right – Charles Eberhardt, ?, Lillie Stage run from Valley Springs to Mokelumne Hill – original picture is a Post Card, 4 3/4″ x 3 1/2″, b&w and tinted
80 P Valley Spring Standard Oil #2 Paper, photo, circa 1921 On back – Year around 1921, Left to Right – ?, Driver Charles Eberhardt, 4 3/4″ x 3 1/2″, b&w and tinted
81 P Valley Springs Turntable Paper, photo circa 1923 On back – Year about 1923, Turntable for train at Valley Springs, 2 3/4″ x 4 3/8″, b&w and tinted
82 P Valley Springs Train & Depot Paper, photo circa 1923 On back – Valley Springs, Year about 1923, 2 3/4″ x 4 1/4″, b&w
83 P TC Evans Whiskey Glass Paper, photo, 2006 Whiskey glass from TC Evans’ Wallace saloon, 5″ x 7″, full color
84 P Patrick Henry Cook #1 Paper, photo, 2003, original photo location and date unknown Photo of colored studio portrait in frame, 4″ x 6″, full color
85 P Annie Cook Paper, photo, 2003, original photo location and date unknown Photo of colored studio portrait in frame, 4″ x 6″, full color
86 P Sarah Elizabeth Cook Paper, photocopy, original photo location and date unknown Studio portrait, 3 7/8″ x 5″, b&w and tinted
87 P Al Folsom #1 Paper, photo, probably at Paloma, date unknown With dog, 2 1/2″ x 5″, b&w
88 P Alice & John Folsom Paper, photo, Paloma, 1938 John with gold pan, 2 3/4″ x 4 1/2″, b&w
89 P Railroad Anniversary 1956 #1 Paper, photo, Valley Springs, April 22, 1956 Town sign, 4″ x 5 1/2″, b&w
90 P Railroad Anniversary 1956 #2 Paper, photo, Valley Springs, April 22, 1956 West end of depot with Valley Spring sign and speaker, probably Fred Stindt, on platform, 4″ x 5 1/2″, b&w
91 P Railroad Anniversary 1956 #3 Paper, photo, Kentucky House, April 22, 1956 Diesel engine, 4″ x 5 1/2″, b&w
92 P Railroad Anniversary 1956 #4 Paper, photo, Kentucky House, April 22, 1956 Steam locomotive next to warehouse, 4″ x 5 1/2″, b&w
93 P Railroad Anniversary 1956 #5 Paper, photo, Kentucky House, April 22, 1956 Steam locomotive with crowd, 4″ x 5 1/2″, b&w
94 P Railroad Anniversary 1956 #6 Paper, photo, Kentucky House, April 22, 1956 Steam locomotive with woman on right, 4″ x 5 1/2″, b&w
95 P Railroad Anniversary 1956 #7 Paper, photo, Valley Springs, April 22, 1956 Train on right and freight station on left, 4″ x 5 1/2″, b&w
96 P Sowden Ranch Paper, photo, Paloma, date unknown Cattle and cowboys, 2 5/8″ x 4 1/2″, b&w
97 P Will Sowden #1 Paper, photo, Paloma, date unknown Sowden and horse, 2 3/4″ x 4 3/8″, b&w
98 P Violet Huberty & Alice Folsom Paper, photo, location and date unknown By arbor, 2 1/4″ x 4″, b&w
99 P Benjamin F. Foster Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, May 2006 Co. K, 1st California Cavalry (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
100 P Cyrus W. Thompson Gravesite Paper, photo taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, May 2006 Co. B, 1st Arkansas Cavalry (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
101 P Edward Hanford Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Mokelumne Hill Protestant, May 2006 Co. H, 2nd U.S. Cavalry (Civil War), Congressional Medal of Honor, 4″ x 6″, full color
102 P Samuel Pearsall Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Mokelumne Hill Protestant, May 2006 Co. C, 2nd California Infantry (Civil War) and Stevenson’s Regiment (Mexican War), name misspelled “Persall”, 4″ x 6″, full color
103 P Lemuel Baldwin Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Mokelumne Hill Protestant, May 2006 Co. K, 5th New York Infantry (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
104 P Nathan Townsend Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Mokelumne Hill Protestant, May 2006 Co. G, 44th Iowa Infantry (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
105 P John Siegler Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Mokelumne Hill Protestant, May 2006 Co. H, 8th California Infantry (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
106 P Stephen Hughes Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Mokelumne Hill Protestant, May 2006 Co. D, 2nd California Cavalry (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
107 P Mokelumne Hill Protestant Cemetery Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, May 2006 Entrance, 4″ x 6″, full color
108 P Stull Threshing Crew Paper, photo, West Calaveras, 1900s-1910s Al Stull (owner/boss), Harry Main, Manuel Martine, Frank Rochester, Unknown Stull, Archie Titherington, George Ross, 8″ x 10″, b&w
109 A Calaveras County Fair 1987 Paper, program, “Diamond Days”, Angels Camp, May 1987 68 pgs., b&w, yellow and green cover
110 A Belle of the Camp Paper, program, Miss Calaveras Reunion, May 3, 2003 4 pgs., full color
111 A Belles & Whistles Paper, program, “70 Years of Belles & Whistles,” March 29, 2008 History of Miss Calaveras including photographs of winners 1937-2007, 16 pgs., b&w
112 A Calaveras County Fair 2003 Paper, program, “Diamond Anniversary”, Angels Camp, May 2003 Includes Frog Jump history, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” 36 pgs., largely b&w
113 A Jumping Frog Jubilee 1929 Paper, souvenir edition official program, Angels Camp, May 1929 Includes Twain’s short story, Gold Rush, Calaveras and Twain story history, 24 pgs., b&w except for yellow and green cover
114 A Discover Wine Country Periodical, Valley Publications, Lockeford, March/April 1999 Includes Wallace history, cover photo of Wallace blacksmith shop, 12 pgs., b&w with blue on cover
115 A GAR Pin and Back Metal, celluloid pinback, 37th National Encampment, San Francisco, 1903 Manufacturer on back (Walter A. Blunt), 1 1/4″ diameter, gold, red & white
116 A William Hannah Discharge Certification Paper, California Adjutant-General’s Office, Sacramento, June 19, 1899 Co. G, 3rd California Infantry (Civil War), certifies earlier service, 8 1/2″ x 12 1/2″, with gold seal
117 MP Interior Dept. 1870 Map Paper, copy of 1907 copy of 1870 official survey taken 1869 BLM 141, Township 4N, Range 10E, 26″ x 32″
118 MP Interior Dept. 1871 Map Paper, copy of 1907 copy of 1871 official survey taken 1855-1870 BLM 73, Township 3N, Range 10E, 24″ x 18″
119 MP Interior Dept. 1870 Map Paper, copy of 1907 copy of 1870 official survey taken 1852-1869 BLM 138, Township 4N, Range 9E, 26″ x 18″
120 MP Interior Dept. 1871 Map Paper, copy of 1907 copy of 1871 official survey taken 1859-1870 BLM 150, Township 4N, Range 11E, 26″ x 18″
121 MP Interior Dept. 1883 Map Paper, copy of 1907 copy of 1883 official survey taken 1872-1883 BLM 151, Township 4N, 11E, 26″ x 18″
122 A Great Men and Historical Moments In Stockton Paper, booklet, Bank of Stockton, 1977 Limited edition, 40 pgs., sepia
123 A Pete’s Menu Book Paper, plastic & metal, notebook, Valley Springs, 1941 Handwritten daily menu notes from Pete’s Café, 43 pgs.
124 A Moonshine War Paper, 8 lobby cards for “The Moonshine War” motion picture, 1970 Filmed at Jenny Lind, photography and graphics, each 14″ x 11″, full color
125 A Genochio Calendar #1 Paper, Calendar from Genochio Store, Comanche, 1931 Artwork of bathing beauty in red called “Vacation Days”, full calendar, 10″ x 16″, full color
126 A Genochio Scrapbook Paper, Frank Genochio scrapbook, 1950s-1960s Newspaper articles on history and demise of Camanche, Genochio documents, 12″ x 13″
127 A Camanche School Register Paper, State of California Teacher’s Public School Register, Camanche, 1912-1913 Includes daily program, attendance records, rules, 8″ x 13 1/2″
128 A Calaveras Citizen 1873 Newspaper, March 1, 1873 4 pgs.
129 B Madam Felix’s Gold Paper, The Story of the Madam Felix Mining District, Foothill Resources, 1996 By Willard Fuller, Judith Marvin, Julia Costello, 166 pgs., 8 1/2″ x 10 3/4″
130 B Melones Paper, A Story of a Stanislaus River Town, Calaveras Heritage Council, 1986 By Julia Costello, for Interior Dept. 1983, second edition 1986, 67 pgs., 8 1/2″ x 11″, sepia photos
131 P Camanche 4th of July Digital photo, unknown date Several men in Indian costumes, b&w
132 P Camanche #1 Digital photo, circa 1940s-1950s Street scene, b&w
133 P Camanche #2 Digital photo, circa 1940s-1950s House and water tank, b&w
134 P Camanche School #3 Digital photo, date unknown Full color
135 P Genochio Store #1 Digital photo, Camanche, date unknown Interior, b&w
136 P Dredger Digital photo, Duffy’s Field, June 1936 Unknown dredger, b&w
137 P Genochio Store #2 Digital photo, Camanche, circa 1913 Wagons and horses in front of store, b&w
138 P Genochio House #1 Digital photo, Camanche, date unknown Frank and Mariel Genochio in front and to right of house, b&w
139 P Camanche Main Street #1 Digital photo, date unknown Street scene, b&w
140 P Genochio Store #3 Digital photo, Camanche, date unknown People in front of store, with Chevron sign, b&w
141 P Frank & Mariel Genochio #1 Digital photo, date unknown Individual studio portraits on single sheet, b&w
142 P Frank & Mariel Genochio #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown By window of a house, b&w
143 P Genochio Store #4 Digital photo, Camanche, date unknown Front of auto to left, b&w
144 P Genochio Store #5 Digital photo, Camanche, date unknown Frank David Genochio on right, b&w
145 P Genochio Store #6 Digital photo, Camanche, date unknown Cavagnaro Store closed, b&w
146 P Tintype Of Girl Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, unidentified olive-skinned young girl, b&w
147 P Genochio Group Digital photo, Camanche, date unknown People in front of unknown building, b&w
148 P San Andreas Fire Dept. #1 Digital photo, taken by Logan (Stockton), San Andreas, date unknown At Donovan residence, far left – James Donovan, far right – Lorenzo Oneto, on wheel – A.I. McSorley, on porch – Aunt Kate, also in photo – George Groves, b&w
149 P San Andreas Fire Dept. #2 Digital photo, close-up of #148 John Early (Civil War Confederate) in suspenders on left, b&w
150 P Camanche Bottle #1 Digital photos (2), Bromo Seltzer, Emerson Drug Co., Baltimore, date unknown ID #100-38, 4″ x 1 3/4″ diameter, blue, full color
151 P Camanche Bottle #2 Digital photo, Philadelphia, date unknown ID #100-44, Continental Distilling Corp., full color
152 P Camanche Bottle #3 Digital photos (2), Furst-McNess, Freeport, IL, date unknown ID #100-52, 1 3/4″ x 3/4″ x 6.5″, clear, full color
153 P Camanche Bottle #4 Digital photos (2), Redington & Co, Ess of Jamaica Ginger, San Francisco, date unknown ID #100-55, 2 1/8″ x 1 1/3″ x 5 1/2″, aqua, full color
154 P Camanche Bottle #5 Digital photos (2), C.P. Harters Wild Cherry Bitters, St. Louis, date unknown ID #100-57, 1″ x 2 1/4″, brown, full color
155 P Camanche Bottle #6 Digital photos (2), Bunte, Chicago, date unknown ID #100-39, 4 1/4″ x 1 7/8″ diameter, clear, full color
156 P Camanche Bottle #7 Digital photos (2), Paine’s Celery Compound, Burlington, VT, circa 1890s ID #100-49, 10″ x 2″, brown, full color
157 P Camanche Bottle #8 Digital photos (2), Foley & Co., Chicago, date unknown ID #100-53, 1 3/4″ x 3/4″ x 5 5/8″, clear, full color
158 P Camanche Bottle #9 Digital photos (2), J.H. Newbauer, Yacht Club Salad Oil, San Francisco, unknown date ID #100-56, 11 3/4″ x 2 1/2″, clear, full color
159 P Camanche Bottle #10 Digital photos (2), Doyles Hops, Rochester, NY, circa 1870s ID #100-69, 2 3/4″ x 9 1/2″, brown, full color
160 P Camanche Bottle #11 Digital photos (2), Old Quaker, location and date unknown ID #100-42, 3 1/2″ x2″, clear, full color
161 P Camanche Bottle #12 Digital photos (2), California Fig Syrup Co., Wheeling, WV, date unknown ID #100-50, 2 1/4″ x 7/8″ x 7″, aqua, full color
162 P Camanche Bottle #13 Digital photos (2), J.R. Watkins, location and date unknown ID #100-54, 2 1/4″ x 3/4″ x 8″, clear, full color
163 P Reason McConnell Manuscript Scans (74), San Francisco, 1912 Includes stagedriver experiences and Black Bart account, 72 pgs. plus front and back covers
165 P Pardee #1 Digital photo, 1928 Aerial, dam left to right, b&w
166 P Pardee #2 Digital photo, 1928 Aerial, dam at top, b&w
167 P Pardee #3 Digital photo, April 21, 1928 General view of mixing plant, etc., b&w
168 P Pardee #4 Digital photo, December 15, 1928 Railroad trestle, b&w
169 P Pardee #5 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Gov. C.C. Young and two young girls at dedication, b&w
170 P Pardee #6 Digital photo, October 2, 1928 Construction camp, b&w
171 P Pardee #7 Digital photo, November 2, 1927 Excavating for dam foundation, b&w
172 P Pardee #8 Digital photo, October 4, 1927 Dam site blasted, b&w
173 P Pardee #9 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Burning of gravel bunkers, b&w
174 P Pardee #10 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Camp Pardee, b&w
175 P Pardee #11 Digital photo, August 19, 1927 Camp Pardee Hill with three autos on left, b&w
176 P Pardee #12 Digital photo, August 19, 1927 Camp Pardee Hill, b&w
177 P Pardee #13 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Gatehouse and auto, b&w
178 P Pardee #14 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Pouring cement, b&w
179 P Pardee #15 Digital photo, February 1, 1928 Cleaning streambed before cement pouring, b&w
180 P Pardee #16 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Dam construction at angle, b&w
181 P Pardee #17 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Dam construction straight on, b&w
182 P Pardee #18 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Construction from upstream, b&w
183 P Pardee #19 Digital photo, January 31, 1928 Pouring concrete on left, cleaning streambed at right, b&w
184 P Pardee #20 Digital photo, 1927 Construction begins, b&w
185 P Pardee #21 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Crew sweeping, b&w
186 P Pardee #22 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Dam on left, reservoir on right, b&w
187 P Pardee #23 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Dam construction with auto in foreground, b&w
188 P Pardee #24 Digital photo, October 20, 1946 A.P. Davis plaque dedication with speaker at microphone, b&w
189 P Pardee #25 Digital photo, August 12, 1927 Dam site from Progress Point from above, b&w
190 P Pardee #26 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Dam base with women in foreground, b&w
191 P Pardee #27 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication from above with reservoir on left and dam on right, b&w
192 P Pardee #28 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication from above with dam in center, b&w
193 P Pardee #29 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon, b&w
194 P Pardee #30 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon from above, b&w
195 P Pardee #31 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Truck moved by crane, b&w
196 P Pardee #32 Digital photo, 1927 Early dam construction, earth mover on left, bridge in center, b&w
197 P Pardee #33 Digital photo, 1927 Early dam construction, stream in center, earth movers on both sides, b&w
198 P Pardee #34 Digital photo, September 28, 1927 Early dam construction, three earth movers, three trucks, b&w
199 P Pardee #35 Digital photo, 1927 Early dam construction, earth mover on left, two trucks on right, b&w
200 P Pardee #36 Digital photo, 1927 Excavating streambed, earth mover on right, b&w
201 P Pardee #37 Digital photo, 1927 Excavating streambed, earth mover on left, b&w
202 P Pardee #38 Digital photo, April 15, 1929 Looking along face of dam to north, b&w
203 P Pardee #39 Digital photo, March 4, 1929 Looking along face of dam to south, b&w
204 P Pardee #40 Digital photo, October 28, 1927 First flood during construction, b&w
205 P Pardee #41 Digital photo, March 24, 1928 Second flood during construction, b&w
206 P Pardee #42 Digital photo, March 25, 1928 Second flood during construction at peak, b&w
207 P Pardee #43 Digital photo, March 25, 1928 Second flood during construction, men at right, b&w
208 P Pardee #44 Digital photo, March 25, 1928 Second flood during construction from above, b&w
209 P Pardee #45 Digital photo, February 2, 1928 Dam foundation from bunkers above, b&w
210 P Pardee #46 Digital photo, October 28, 1927 First flood from above, high water, b&w
211 P Pardee #47 Digital photo, February 15, 1929 Jackson Creek Spillway, b&w
212 P Pardee #48 Digital photo, 1929-1930s Jackson Creek Spillway with man standing inside, b&w
213 P Pardee #49 Digital photo, 1929-1930s Jackson Creek Spillway downstream side, b&w
214 P Pardee #50 Digital photo, August 18, 1927 Dam site from Progress Point, b&w
215 P Pardee #51 Digital photo, April 15, 1929 Upstream face of dam, b&w
216 P Pardee #52 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon, looking down table, man in foreground looking toward camera, b&w
217 P Pardee #53 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon, man in foreground looking down at table, b&w
218 P Pardee #54 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon, black male server on left, b&w
219 P Pardee #55 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon, Atkinson derrick at upper left in background, b&w
220 P Pardee #56 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon, Lynn Atkinson speaking, b&w
221 P Pardee #57 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon, Lynn Atkinson, George Pardee and others posing, b&w
222 P Pardee #58 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon, man walking along edge of dam, b&w
223 P Pardee #59 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon preparation, b&w
224 P Pardee #60 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon preparation, man walking along dam toward auto, b&w
225 P Pardee #61 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon preparation from above, showing full dam, b&w
226 P Pardee #62 Digital photo, November 5, 1928 Concrete mixing plant with workers, b&w
227 P Pardee #63 Digital photo, November 5, 1928 Concrete mixing plant without workers, b&w
228 P Pardee #64 Digital photo, May 1948 Jackson Creek Spillway model, Cecil Blankenship and Francis Blanchard, b&w
229 P Pardee #65 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dam dedication, Gov. C.C. Young, Lynn Atkinson and Dr. George Pardee, b&w
230 P Pardee #66 Digital photo, August 26, 1929 Looking down construction of outlet tower, b&w
231 P Pardee #67 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Construction of outlet tower, b&w
232 P Pardee #68 Digital photo, August 25, 1927 Dam site before construction, b&w
233 P Pardee #69 Digital photo, April 15, 1929 Construction at night, b&w
234 P Pardee #70 Digital photo, August 18, 1927 Stream with earth mover and lorry at right, b&w
235 P Pardee #71 Digital photo, November 4, 1927 Looking downstream to north bank, b&w
236 P Pardee #72 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Camp Pardee Hill with auto in right foreground, b&w
237 P Pardee #73 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Construction with five autos in foreground, b&w
238 P Pardee #74 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Construction with auto facing camera, earth mover in background, b&w
239 P Pardee #75 Digital photo, 1929 Dam face with boat in left foreground, b&w
240 P Pardee #76 Digital photo, 1929 Dam face with boat in center, b&w
241 P Pardee #77 Digital photo, 1929 Dam face with boat in center speeding away from camera, b&w
242 P Pardee #78 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Camp Pardee with cabins, two women at left, b&w
243 P Pardee #79 Digital photo, 1927-1929 Reservoir with man at point, b&w
244 P Pardee #80 Digital photo, November 7, 1927 Ladies restroom, b&w
245 P Pardee #81 Digital photo, 1929 Powerhouse penstocks open full, b&w
246 P Pardee #82 Digital photo, October 16, 1929 Powerhouse penstock on right open, b&w
247 P Pardee #83 Digital photo, 1929 Dedication plaque at dam, b&w
248 P Pardee #84 Digital photo, October 20, 1946 A.P. Davis plaque dedication, let to right – General Barrows, Mrs. Davis, K.L. Hamman, Roscoe Jones, A.B. Robertson, John Longwell, b&w
249 P Pardee #85 Digital photo, October 20, 1946 A.P. Davis plaque dedication, two men laughing, b&w
250 P Pardee #86 Digital photo, October 20, 1946 A.P. Davis plaque dedication with John Longwell and Mrs. Davis, b&w
251 P Pardee #87 Digital photo, 1929 Powerhouse floor under construction, penstock open, from above, b&w
252 P Pardee #88 Digital photo, April 2, 1930 Powerhouse, b&w
253 P Pardee #89 Digital photo, January 28, 1929 Powerhouse floor under construction, b&w
254 P Pardee #90 Digital photo, August 9, 1929 Powerhouse floor under construction, penstock at left open, b&w
255 P Pardee #91 Digital photo, 1929 Interior of completed powerhouse, b&w
256 P Pardee #92 Digital photo, 1927 Men placing rails down, building railroad to dam site, b&w
257 P Pardee #93 Digital photo, 1927 Men carrying rails, building railroad to dam site, b&w
258 P Pardee #94 Digital photo, February 15, 1929 Road from dam to Jackson Creek Spillway, looking north, b&w
259 P Pardee #95 Digital photo, March 28, 1928 Flood damage, wrecked steam shovel, b&w
260 P Pardee #96 Digital photo, March 25, 1929 South spillway, b&w
261 P Pardee #97 Digital photo, 1929 Spillway from a distance, b&w
262 P Pardee #98 Digital photo, February 14, 1929 South spillway showing excavation and pouring, b&w
263 P Pardee #99 Digital photo, February 14, 1929 South spillway looking southeast from Progress Point, b&w
264 P Pardee #100 Digital photo, October 19, 1929 Dedication luncheon, black female servers working center aisle, b&w
265 P Pardee #101 Digital photo, January 16, 1928 5-ton truck on suspension cable crossing stream, b&w
266 P Pardee #102 Digital photo, January 16, 1928 5-ton truck being raised, man standing on truck, b&w
267 A Mitchell Lumber Paper, Valley Springs, August 7, 1911 Billhead to J.J. Agostini, from W.H. Mitchell, 4 1/2″ x 8 1/4″
268 P Allison Family #1 Digital photo, Middletown, CT, circa 1880 Left to right – Mr. & Mrs. Merrill (friends), Francis & Samuel Allison (Fred’s parents), Frank Robbins, b&w
269 P Alida Allison #1 Digital photo, probably Connecticut, 1880s-1890s Studio portrait, b&w
270 P Alida Allison Burson Home Digital photo, 1898 b&w
271 P Samuel & Philip Allison #1 Digital photo, California, circa 1898 As children, b&w
272 P Samuel & Phillip Allison #2 Digital photo, California (probably Burson), circa 1910 As adolescents, b&w
273 P Allison Soap Cards Digital photo, Middletown, CT, circa late 1800s Four premium cards from Allison Brothers Soap Co., colored
274 P Allison Store Digital photo, Burson, Christmas 1899 With cardboard frame, b&w
275 P Allison Overdue Bill Digital photo, Burson, September 14, 1910 Photocopy of Alma Marshall response to overdue bill
276 P Al Stull Hay Bailer Digital photo, Valley Springs, 1900s-1910s Maybe Gann Ranch, b&w
277 P William Armstrong Grave Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Sheep Ranch, March 2007 Co. I, 3rd Ohio Infantry (Civil War), full color
278 P Charles & Melissa Ballard Graves Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, June 2006 Protestant cemetery, full color
279 P Baseball Team of Pioneers Digital photo, original taken by E.W. Baker, Coulter Flat, July 4, 1890 Fred Wyllie (lower left kneeling), Ira Reed (middle standing, looking left), ? Nichols (middle, top hat), F.J. Solinsky (fourth from right, bonnet), B. Thorn (second from right, beard), b&w
280 P Eli & Nancy Bewley #1 Digital photo, Los Angeles, circa 1895 Studio portrait, b&w
281 P Canal Cave #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Overview of cave, full color
282 P Canal Cave #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Looking back down trail, full color
283 P Canal Cave #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Looking across cave, full color
284 P Canal Cave #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Fireplace, full color
285 P Canal Cave #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Sun in center, full color
286 P Canal Cave #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Snake or river and teepee, full color
287 P Canal Cave #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Dark red snake or river, full color
288 P Canal Cave #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Closeup of snake or river and teepee, full color
289 P Canal Cave #9 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Grinding holes, full color
290 P Canal Cave #10 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Steve Diers, full color
291 P Canal Cave #11 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Closeup of grinding holes, full color
292 P Canal Cave #12 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Looking across cave, starting farther to right, full color
293 P Canal Cave #13 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 POV from trailhead, with river, full color
294 P Canal Cave #14 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Canal Cave, October 2006 Drawings of mountains, full color
295 P Fred Carnduff #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown Carnduff second from left, wearing GAR medals with other Civil War veterans, b&w
296 P Fred Carnduff #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown With Mrs. Carnduff and two unidentified men, b&w
297 P Carnduff Home Digital photo, Milton, date unknown From west, b&w
298 P Catts Camp #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, April 2007 Julia Costello sitting on stone cellar, full color
299 P Catts Camp #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, April 2007 Right section of stone cellar, full color
300 P Catts Camp #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, April 2007 Left section of stone cellar, full color
301 P Catts Camp #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, April 2007 Overview of stone cellar with Julia Costello and Judith Marvin, full color
302 P Catts Camp #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, April 2007 Closeup of Julia Costello and Judith Marvin at stone cellar, full color
303 P Catts Camp #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, April 2007 Looking down hill to pond, full color
304 P Catts Camp #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, April 2007 Closeup of edge of stone cellar, full color
305 P Catts Camp #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, April 2007 Remains of spring, full color
306 P Catts Camp #9 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, April 2007 Overview of stone cellar, full color
307 P Chinese Road #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Closeup of stone road, full color
308 P Chinese Road #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Foundation of stone road at angle from below, full color
309 P Chinese Road #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Foundation of stone road straight on from below, full color
310 P Chinese Road #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Foundation of stone road with trees in foreground, full color
311 P Chinese Road #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Looking down to Calaveras River, fence posts in foreground, full color
312 P Chinese Road #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Bill Yee on road, full color
313 P Chinese Road #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Looking down road curving to left, full color
314 P Chinese Road #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Looking down hill from road, full color
315 P Chinese Road #9 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Looking down road curving to right, full color
316 P Chinese Road #10 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Road with arrowhead stone in foreground, full color
317 P Chinese Road #11 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Looking down to Calaveras River, full color
318 P Chinese Road #12 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Side view of road and stone foundation, full color
319 P Chinese Road #13 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Road along cliff, full color
320 P Civil War Days #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Cannons lined up, full color
321 P Civil War Days #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Fife and drums, full color
322 P Civil War Days #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Union soldiers marching, full color
323 P Civil War Days #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Confederate soldiers marching, full color
324 P Civil War Days #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Confederate soldiers being addressed, full color
325 P Civil War Days #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Men on horseback shooting, full color
326 P Civil War Days #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Men on horseback sword fighting, full color
327 Civil War Days #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Confederate soldiers firing, full color
328 P Civil War Days #9 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 One Union cannon firing, another cannon ready on left, full color
329 P Civil War Days #10 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 One Union cannon at the ready, full color
330 P Civil War Days #11 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Union troop being positioned on battlefield, full color
331 P Civil War Days #12 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Union troop ready to fire, full color
332 P Civil War Days #13 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Cannon firing behind Union troop, full color
333 P Civil War Days #14 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Confederate soldiers preparing, half standing, half kneeling, some dead behind, full color
334 P Civil War Days #15 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Union troop firing, full color
335 P Civil War Days #16 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 One Union cannon firing, full color
336 P Civil War Days #17 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Union soldier on horseback with command looking over field, full color
337 P Civil War Days #18 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Union soldiers from behind firing, dead soldier on left, full color
338 P Civil War Days #19 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Union soldiers, half standing, half kneeling, Confederate dead to right, full color
339 P Civil War Days #20 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Union officer examining troops in line, full color
340 P Civil War Days #21 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Men in uniform of 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, full color
341 P Civil War Days #22 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Officer in uniform of 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, full color
342 A Club Paradiso Plastic, Valley Springs, date unknown Club game tokens with gold lettering, $5 (one, yellow/gray), $1 (one, blue/orange), 50 cents (three, red/black/white), 10 cents (one, white)
343 P Dick & Sandy Pattee Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco Protestant, June 2006 At J.K. & Margaret Pattee gravesite, full color
344 P TC & Kate Evans Gravesite #1 Digital photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, April 2006 Dave and Cecil Evans at Evans gravesite, full color
345 P TC & Kate Evans Gravesite #2 Digital photo, taken by Cecil Evans, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, April 2006 Dave Evans at Evans gravesite, full color
346 P Evergreen School #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, September 2008 Residence owner Carole Hedger in front of original blackboard and original wainscotting below, full color
347 P Evergreen School #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, September 2008 Original teacher’s desk, full color
348 P Evergreen School #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, September 2008 Front of house, with original colors, full color
349 P Evergreen School #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, September 2008 Refurbished original outhouse from school, full color
350 P Evergreen School #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, September 2008 Drive to house, “Evergreen” in original type style, full color
351 P Evergreen School #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, September 2008 Closeup of “Evergreen” sign, full color
352 P Evergreen School #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, September 2008 Original flagpole, full color
353 P Fickert Family #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton, July 2006 Fred Fickert at Wallace Family plot, Stockton Rural Cemetery, full color
354 P Fickert Family #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton, July 2006 Fred Fickert with John Wallace monument at Wallace Family plot, Stockton Rural Cemetery, full color
355 P Wildermuth House #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Alongside road, Wildermuth House in distance, full color
356 P Wildermuth House #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Steve Diers witching, full color
357 P Wildermuth House #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Woman witching, full color
358 P Wildermuth House #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Along road, Wildermuth House not seen, full color
359 P Wildermuth House #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 House from rear angle, full color
360 P Wildermuth House #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Rebuilt granary from right angle, full color
361 P Wildermuth House #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Rock corral with tree in foreground, full color
362 P Wildermuth House #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Old Campo Seco Road in front of house, full color
363 P Wildermuth House #9 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Rock corral, full color
364 P Wildermuth House #10 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Rock wall and tree in front of house, full color
365 P Wildermuth House #11 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Tree in foreground with Pardee Reservoir in distance, full color
366 P Wildermuth House #12 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Full view of house from front, full color
367 P Wildermuth House #13 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Lintel above door, “J.H. Wildermuth 1861.”, full color
368 P Wildermuth House #14 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Rebuilt granary from left angle, full color
369 P Wildermuth House #15 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Adze or saw marks on interior wall, full color
370 P Wildermuth House #16 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Looking out window, full color
371 P Wildermuth House #17 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Down walk from door to front gate, full color
372 P Wildermuth House #18 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Looking out granary opening, full color
373 P Wildermuth House #19 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Full view of house from right front, full color
374 P Wildermuth House #20 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Full view of house from right, full color
375 P Wildermuth House #21 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 Pardee Reservoir from atop sandstone hill, full color
376 P Wildermuth House #22 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 House area from atop sandstone hill, full color
377 P Wildermuth House #23 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco, October 2006 House front from left angle, full color
378 P John Wildermuth Digital photo, probably California, 1860s-1870s Oval studio portrait, b&w
379 P Elizabeth Wildermuth Digital photo, probably California, 1860s-1870s Oval studio portrait, b&w
380 P Gee Lane House #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 Residence owner Ellie Watkins in front of house, full color
381 P Gee Lane House #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 Interior wall with wallpaper stripped off exposing original redwood, full color
382 P Gee Lane House #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 Aeromotor Co., Chicago, windmill, full color
383 P Gee Lane House #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 Front of house, full color
384 P Gee Lane House #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 Windmill with devil’s postpile stone in front, full color
385 P Gee Lane House #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 Closeup of devil’s postpile stone, full color
386 P Gee Lane House #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 Down Gee Lane, looking at Calaveras Lunch Hill, full color
387 P Gee Lane House #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 House from left angle, horizontal, full color
388 P Gee Lane House #9 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 House from left angle, vertical, full color
389 P Gee Lane House #10 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 House and windmill, full color
390 P Gee Lane House #11 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 Closeup of original lock, full color
391 P Gee Lane House #12 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 From house, looking across Gee Lane at Calaveras Lunch Hill and Highway 26, full color
392 P Devil’s Postpile Marker #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Cloverdale School site, looking east, full color
393 P Devil’s Postpile Marker #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Closeup, Cloverdale School site, full color
394 P Devil’s Postpile Marker #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Cloverdale School site, looking north, full color
395 P Devil’s Postpile Marker #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 North American House site, looking south, full color
396 P Devil’s Postpile Marker #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 North American House site, looking north, full color
397 P Devil’s Postpile Marker #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 North American House site, with Highway 26 to right, full color
398 P Devil’s Postpile Marker #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Closeup, Big Oak site, full color
399 P Devil’s Postpile Marker #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Big Oak site, full color
400 P Devil’s Postpile Marker #9 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Big Oak trunk, full color
401 P Lost City #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Rock wall, full color
402 P Lost City #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Rock wall ruin, full color
403 P Lost City #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Rock wall trail, full color
404 P Lost City #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Low rock ruin of building, full color
405 P Lost City #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Chalet rock wall with Les Martin, full color
406 P Lost City #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Chalet from right angle, full color
407 P Lost City #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Interior Chalet wall, full color
408 P Lost City #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Chalet from behind lower wall, full color
409 P Lost City #9 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Chalet from behind lower wall, with people, full color
410 P Lost City #10 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Don Urbanus & Russ Thomas through Chalet window, fullcolor
411 P Lost City #11 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Corner of Chalet, chimney ruins in foreground, full color
412 P Lost City #12 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 One grinding hole, full color
413 P Lost City #13 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Waterfall (dry) and pond, full color
414 P Lost City #14 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Ruins of smaller building, full color
415 P Lost City #15 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Chalet from right side, full color
416 P Lost City #16 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Chalet corner from outside, chimney ruins farther from camera, full color
417 P Lost City #17 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Multiple grinding holes, full color
418 P Lost City #18 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 General view, site of multiple grinding holes, full color
419 P Lost City #19 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Outside of oven, full color
420 P Lost City #20 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Oven, full color
421 P Lost City #21 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Russ Thomas atop oven, full color
422 P Lost City #22 Digital photo, taken by Russ Thomas, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Lost City Expedition – Les Martin, Sal Manna, ?, ?, Don Urbanus, ?, ?, full color
423 P Lost City #23 Digital photo, taken by Russ Thomas, Salt Spring Valley, August 2006 Lost City Expedition, Chalet in background – ?, Sal Manna, ?, Les Martin, ?, ?, Don Urbanus, full color
424 P George Russell Gravesite Digital photos (2), taken by Sal Manna, Sheep Ranch, March 2007 Co. F, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), also closeup, full color
425 P Valley Springs Main Street #16 Digital photo, original taken by Judge J.A. Smith, Jenny Lind, 1937 Looking east, b&w
426 P J.K. & Margaret Pattee Gravesite Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco Protestant, June 2006 J.K. & Margaret Pattee monument, full color
427 P Capt. Messenger Gravesite Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco Protestant, July 2006 Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War), full color
428 P Messenger House #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, April 2007 East side of house, full color
429 P Messenger House #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, April 2007 Original stone section, full color
430 P Messenger House #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, April 2007 Closeup, interior rock wall, full color
431 P Messenger House #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, April 2007 Interior rock wall, full color
432 P Messenger House #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, April 2007 Exterior rock wall, east side, full color
433 P Messenger House #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, April 2007 Front of house, right angle, full color
434 P Messenger House #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, April 2007 Front of house, full color
435 P Messenger House #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Paloma, April 2007 Left corner of house, rock wall in rear, full color
436 A Maley Remembrance Book Cloth cover, paper, Valley Springs, 1881-1891 Cover of hummingbirds pollinating flowers, blue, green, yellow and red, 30 pgs. plus cover, 4 1/4″ x 7″
437 P Burson Founders Day #25 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, September 2005 Wooden A-frame, includes address, 4″ x 6″, full color
438 P Burson Founders Day #26 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, September 2005 Wooden A-frame, with arrows, 4″ x 6″, full color
439 P Burson Founders Day #27 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, September 2005 Two wooden A-frames, 4″ x 6″, full color
440 P Burson Founders Day #28 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, August 2005 Sign at Valley Oaks Shopping Center, 4″ x 6″, full color
441 A Burson Founders Day Cover Paper, FDC, September 17, 2005 Special cancel, “Burson Founders Day – Celebration Station”, unused, from Wallace/Burson Association, Wallace, 4 1/4″ x 9 1/2″, full color
442 A Burson Founders Day Card Paper, booklet, September 17, 2005 Includes Program, Memorial Hymn by Job Thomas and Acknowledgments, 4 pgs., 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″, b&w
443 CD Calaveras County Cemetery Records Scans of documents, San Andreas, 2005 All known county cemeteries
444 CD Chamber of Commerce Radio Show KVML, Sonora, January 2005 or 2007 On local history with Don Cuneo, Doris Barger and Nancy Whittle
445 M Wallace Las Calaveras Booklet, Calaveras Co. Historical Society, San Andreas, July 2006 “Charles Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace, Evolution and the Man After Whom the Calaveras County Town of Wallace Is Named” by Sal Manna, 8 pgs., 8 1/2″ x 11″, b&w
446 M Calaveras Crossroads Newspaper supplement, Calaveras Enterprise, San Andreas, 2004 “Calaveras County’s cities and towns of yesterday and today”, 48 pgs., 13 1/2″ x 11″, b&w with some color
447 M Burson Las Calaveras Booklet, Calaveras Co. Historical Society, San Andreas, July 2005 “The True Story of the Founding of Burson” by Sal Manna, 12 pgs., 8 1/2″ x 11″, b&w
448 M California History Magazine, California Historical Society, San Francisco, Vol. 85/#4, September 2008 Includes “A Brothers’ Reunion: Evolution’s Champion Alfred Russel Wallace and Forty-niner John Wallace” by Sal Manna, 88 pgs., 8 1/2″ x 11″, b&w with full color cover
450 DVD Jump Frogumentary by Justin Bookey, Los Angeles, 2005 Film about Frog Jump, 67 mins., full color
452 P First Frog Jump Paper, photo, Angels Camp, 1928 Belle of the Camp Betty Cummings, New York mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, San Francisco mayor Sam Rossi, 18 1/2″ x 13″, b&w
453 P Valley Spring Standard Oil #3 Paper, photo, circa 1921 Trucks lined up, 11″ x 16 1/2″, b&w
454 P Burson Intersection Paper, photo, 1917 Two women and child in buggy approaching train depot, 11″ x 16 1/2″, b&w
455 P John Wallace Digital photo, Stockton, circa 1880s Studio portrait, b&w
456 A Bank of Stockton Calendar 2008 Paper, Stockton, 2008 Includes colored historical photos, 12 pgs., 10″ x 12″, full color
457 P Ken Schwoerer Digital photo, Jenny Lind, 1930s On back – Ken’s 1st deer at Jenny Lind, Calif., killed at Opal Hill, b&w
458 P Dolores Fallon, Sal Manna & Edna Haley Digital photo, Burson, September 2006 Cook Family descendants Fallon and Haley, full color
459 P GAR Motto Digital photo, location and date unknown “The Three Cardinal Principles of the Grand Army of the Republic”, full color
460 P Giacomo Leoni Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
461 CD Late Journal Transcription, journal pages, Valley Springs, 1892-1914 Journal of Oscar Late, unknown number of pgs.
462 P Lillie/Washburn Marriage Certificate and Back Digital photo, George H. Lillie and Emily Washburn, May 11, 1893 With seal, full color
463 P Lincoln National Union Ticket and Back Digital photo, Abraham Lincoln/Andrew Johnson election handbill, Stockton, 1864 Full color
464 P Alice & Kate Cook Digital photo, location and date unknown Lou Noraquria, Alice Cook, Kate Cook Leahy and Frank Leahy, b&w
465 P Pliler Interior #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, October 2008 Inside current building, exterior wall of earlier building, full color
466 P Pliler Interior #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, October 2008 Inside current building, exterior wall of earlier building with roof, full color
467 P Co. E Muster Roll Digital photo, San Francisco, document 1864 Co. E, 7th California Infantry (Civil War)
468 P Lake Aishihik #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Skagway, Alaska, May 2006 Former SJ&SNRR Ettie parlor car, with passengers, full color
469 P Lake Aishihik #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Skagway, Alaska, May 2006 Former SJ&SNRR Ettie parlor car, full view and empty, full color
470 P Lake Aishihik #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Skagway, Alaska, May 2006 Former SJ&SNRR Ettie parlor car, empty and angled to right, full color
471 P Lake Aishihik #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Skagway, Alaska, May 2006 Former SJ&SNRR Ettie parlor car, empty and angled to left, full color
472 P Daniel Severance Gravesite Digital photo, Milford, Utah, date unknown Co. H, 8th California Infantry (Civil War), full color
473 P W.S. Ryland #1 Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1910 Ryland on road to Valley Springs, b&w
474 P W.S. Ryland #2 Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1910 Town with depot, store, saloon and hotel, b&w
475 P W.S. Ryland #3 Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1910 Two men and donkeys, Marsh Livery in right background, b&w
476 P W.S. Ryland #4 Digital photo, Valley Springs area, circa 1910 Tent and camp, b&w
477 P W.S. Ryland #5 Digital photo, Valley Springs area, circa 1910 Ryland and two rifles leaning against oak, b&w
478 P W.S. Ryland #6 Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1910 Depot with two women, b&w
479 P W.S. Ryland #7 Digital photo, Valley Springs area, circa 1911 Frank Whitescarver team, b&w
480 P W.S. Ryland #8 Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1910 Ore team at depot, b&w
481 P W.S. Ryland #9 Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1910 Pattee General Store, b&w
482 P W.S. Ryland #10 Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1910 Stage to San Andreas at depot, hotel in background, b&w
483 P W.S. Ryland #11 Digital photo, Valley Springs area, circa 1910 Ryland on horseback with cattle, b&w
484 P W.S. Ryland #12 Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1910 Two men and donkeys, Ryland on right, b&w
485 P Daniel Severance Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1870s Co. H, 8th California Infantry (Civil War), in uniform, b&w
486 P Teachers Institute and Back Digital photo, San Andreas, date unknown Dozens of teachers, John Kennedy standing third from left, IDs on back, also closeup of Kennedy, b&w
487 P Valley Springs School #1 Digital photo, 1952 Exterior, b&w
488 P Valley Springs School #2 Digital photo, 1952 Class with teacher working at desk and students, b&w
489 P Valley Springs School #3 Digital photo, 1952 Class with teacher at desk instructing young girl, b&w
490 P Valley Springs School #4 Digital photo, 1952 Class with teacher at blackboard at side of room, b&w
491 P Valley Springs School #5 Digital photo, 1952 Students reading at desks, b&w
492 P Valley Springs School #6 Digital photo, 1952 Class with teacher standing at left at window, b&w
493 P Valley Springs School #7 Digital photo, 1952 Class with boy writing on large paper at front, b&w
494 P Valley Springs School #8 Digital photo, 1952 From teacher’s POV, students reading at desks, b&w
495 P Valley Springs School #9 Digital photo, 1952 From teacher’s POV, students reading at desks, fire extinguisher on wall to right, b&w
496 P Valley Springs School #10 Digital photo, 1952 From teacher’s POV, students reading at desks, boys standing at back, b&w
497 P Wallace School #1 Digital photo, 1952 Exterior with students playing, b&w
498 P Dollie Late Digital photo, Rail Road Flat, date unknown Mrs. Miller Late driving a plow, b&w
499 P Gelbke Bros. #1 Digital photo, taken by Hugo Weitz (Fruitvale), Wallace, July 19, 1918 Starting to work on road from Wallace to Valley Springs in Schacht auto, b&w
500 P Gelbke Bros. #2 Digital photo, taken by Belle Oudry, Oakland, 1900s-1910s Studio portrait, b&w
501 P Gelbke Family #1 Digital photo, taken by Belle Oudry, Oakland, 1900s-1910s Family in front of house, b&w
502 P Gelbke Girl Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
503 P Wallace School #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, January 2006 Baptist Church building, front view, 4″ x 6″, full color
504 P Wallace School #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, January 2006 Baptist Church building, front view, left angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
505 P Higginbotham Cabin #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, January 2006 Front view, 4″ x 6″, full color
506 P Higginbotham Cabin #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, January 2006 Front view, right angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
507 P Higginbotham Cabin #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, January 2006 Rear view, 4″ x 6″, full color
508 P Higginbotham Cabin #4 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, January 2006 John Huston & Ruth Silveira, 4″ x 6″, full color
509 P Tallmadge Family Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, December 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
510 P Isaac DeWitt & Martin Lofquist Gravesites Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, December 2005 Isaac DeWitt, Co. K, 4th Missouri State Militia Cavalry (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
511 P Charles Fessier Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, December 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
512 P Fessier Family Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, December 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
513 P Daniel & Martha Burson Gravesite #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, December 2005 Overview of area with new monument, 4″ x 6″, full color
514 P Daniel & Martha Burson Gravesite #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, December 2005 Closeup of new monument, 4″ x 6″, full color
515 P Daniel & Martha Burson Gravesite #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, December 2005 Co. D, 7th Kansas Cavalry (Civil War), original Burson marker and new monument, 4″ x 6″, full color
516 P Double Springs Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, December 2005 Overview from Double Springs Cemetery, 4″ x 6″, full color
517 P Double Springs Cemetery #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, December 2005 View approaching cemetery, full color
518 P Double Springs Cemetery #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, December 2005 View toward rear, 4″ x 6″, full color
519 P Wheat & Gillam Family Gravesites Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Double Springs, December 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
520 P Reinking Family Gravesite #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Double Springs, December 2005 Front view, 4″ x 6″, full color
521 P Reinking Family Gravesite #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Double Springs, December 2005 Right angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
522 P Late & Reinking Family Gravesites Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Double Springs, December 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
523 P Late Family Gravesite #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Double Springs, December 2005 Front and left sides, 4″ x 6″, full color
524 P Late Family Gravesite #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Double Springs, December 2005 Back and right sides, full color
525 P Late Family Gravesite #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Double Springs, December 2005 Closeup, front side, 4″ x 6″, full color
526 P William Watts Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Double Springs, December 2005 Probably William Watt, 4″ x 6″, full color
527 P Turner Lillie Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Double Springs, December 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
528 P Pettinger House Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, October 2005 Portion in center is original house, 4″ x 6″, full color
529 P Campo Seco Catholic Cemetery Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, August 2005 Entrance, 4″ x 6″, full color
530 P Patrick & Eliza Kennedy Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco Catholic, August 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
531 P Kennedy Family Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco Catholic, August 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
532 P Cook Family Gravesite #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco Catholic, August 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
533 P Thomas Cook Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco Catholic, August 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
534 P John Cook Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco Catholic, August 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
535 P Cook Family Gravesite #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco Catholic, August 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
536 P Jenny Lind Cemetery Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, September 2005 Entrance, 4″ x 6″, full color
537 P Charles K. Jones Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
538 P Tracy Stroud Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
539 P Harvey Averill Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
540 P Messing Family Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
541 P Elijah Swinford Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 Co. M, 12th Missouri Cavalry (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
542 P George M. Stage Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 Co. D, 3rd New Jersey Infantry (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
543 P Dawson Family Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
544 P John Dawson Gravesite #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 Box marker, Co. C, 22nd Pennsylvania Infantry, U.S. Colored Troops (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
545 P Lucy Dawson Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
546 P John Dawson Gravesite #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 Marble marker, Co. C, 22nd Pennsylvania Infantry, U.S. Colored Troops (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
547 P Wright Family Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Jenny Lind, September 2005 Includes John S. Wright (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
548 P Wallace Family Gravesite #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton Rural, March 2006 Overview, 4″ x 6″, full color
549 P Wallace Family Gravesite #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton Rural, March 2006 Monument toppled, 4″ x 6″, full color
550 P Wallace Family Gravesite #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton Rural, March 2006 Closeup, monument toppled, 4″ x 6″, full color
551 P Wallace Family Gravesite #4 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton Rural, March 2006 John & Mary Wallace, 4″ x 6″, full color
552 P Wallace Family Gravesite #5 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton Rural, March 2006 Minnie Wallace, 4″ x 6″, full color
553 P Wallace Family Gravesite #6 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton Rural, March 2006 Herbert & Arthur Wallace, 4″ x 6″, full color
554 P Wallace Family Gravesite #7 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton Rural, March 2006 John Wallace, 4″ x 6″, full color
555 P Hattie Sterling Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Glen View, Clements, March 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
556 P Biddle Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Glen View, Clements, March 2005 Probably Louis Dibble, 4″ x 6″, full color
557 P Herbert & Mary Southworth Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Glen View, Clements, March 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
558 P Leroy & Bertha Southworth Gravesites Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Glen View, Clements, March 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
559 P John Meyer Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Glen View, Clements, March 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
560 P Andrew Meyer Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Glen View, Clements, March 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
561 P March Family Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas Peoples, March 2005 James, William, Ermina, Elizabeth & Silas March and Gertrude Lamb, 4″ x 6″, full color
562 P John Storey Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas Peoples, March 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
563 P Charles C. Stage Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Campo Seco Catholic, August 2005 4″ x 6″, full color
564 P Cannon Memorial #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas Peoples, March 2005 Overview, 4″ x 6″, full color
565 P Cannon Memorial #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas Peoples, March 2005 View of cannon from front, 4″ x 6″, full color
566 P Cannon Memorial #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas Peoples, March 2005 View of cannon from rear, 4″ x 6″, full color
567 P Cannon Memorial #4 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas Peoples, March 2005 Plaque, 4″ x 6″, full color
568 P Cannon Memorial #5 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas Peoples, March 2005 View from side, 4″ x 6″, full color
569 P Harmony Grove Church Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Lockeford, March 2005 Front view, 4″ x 6″, full color
570 P Glen View Cemetery Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, March 2005 Entrance, 4″ x 6″, full color
571 P Calaveras Cement Plant #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas, March 2005 Entrance, 4″ x 6″, full color
572 P Calaveras Cement Plant #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas, March 2005 Main plant, 4″ x 6″, full color
573 P Calaveras Cement Plant #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, San Andreas, March 2005 Railroad tracks into plant, 4″ x 6″, full color
574 P Burson Townsite #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, October 2005 Original townsite well, 4″ x 6″, full color
575 P Burson Townsite #4 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, October 2005 Looking northwest across townsite plaza, 4″ x 6″, full color
576 P Burson School Site Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, October 2005 Looking west, 4″ x 6″, full color
577 P Late House #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, February 2006 Front view looking up to second floor, 4″ x 6″, full color
578 P Late House #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, February 2006 Left angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
579 P Burson School #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, February 2006 Left angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
580 P Burson School #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, February 2006 Right side, 4″ x 6″, full color
581 P Burson Full Gospel Church #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, February 2006 Originally Fred’s Place, front view, 4″ x 6″, full color
582 P Burson Full Gospel Church #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, February 2006 Originally Fred’s Place, side view, 4″ x 6″, full color
583 P Burson Full Gospel Church #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, February 2006 Originally Fred’s Place, front view of original building, 4″ x 6″, full color
584 P Burson Full Gospel Church #4 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, February 2006 Originally Fred’s Place, front view, looking south, 4″ x 6″, full color
585 P Frances Robie House #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, February 2006 Front view, 4″ x 6″, full color
586 P Frances Robie House #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, February 2006 Right angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
587 P Burson Market #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, February 2006 Originally Stage store and post office, left angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
588 P Burson Market #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, February 2006 Originally Stage store and post office, right angle, looking east, 4″ x 6″, full color
589 P Dr. March House #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, October 2005 Front view, 4″ x 6″, full color
590 P Dr. March House #2 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, October 2005 Right angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
591 P Dr. March House #3 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, October 2005 Left angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
592 P Daniel & Martha Burson Gravesite #4 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, March 2005 First view, 4″ x 6″, full color
593 P Daniel Burson Gravesite Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, March 2005 Closeup, Co. D, 7th Kansas Cavalry (Civil War), 4″ x 6″, full color
594 P Wallace Post Office #1 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, March 2005 Original building, side view, 4″ x 6″, full color
595 P Evergreen School #8 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, October 2005 Front view, left angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
596 P Evergreen School #9 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, October 2005 Front view, right angle, 4″ x 6″, full color
597 P Devil’s Postpile Marker #10 Paper, photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2006 North American House site, front view, 4″ x 6″, full color
598 P Come Next Spring #2 Paper, photo, perhaps taken by Frank A. Genochio, Camanche, June 1955/On back – Amador Progress, newspaper, March 22, 1956 Four on-location photos on one scrapbook page, including Walter Brennan, each 2 3/4″ x 4 1/2″, b&w, On back – article about movie premiere
599 P Come Next Spring #3 Paper, photo, perhaps taken by Frank A. Genochio, Camanche, June 1955 Eleven on-location photos on one scrapbook page, including Sonny Tufts, Ann Sheridan, Walter Brennan, Sherry Jackson, each 2 3/4″ x 4 1/2″, b&w
600 CD Calaveras County Aerial Map Digital aerial photography, 2005 All Calaveras County, full color
601 P Sinclair Bros. Thresher #1 Digital photo, Wallace, 1898 At Haddock Ranch, tall man in middle is Andrew Sinclair, b&w
602 P Haying Machine & Workers Digital photo, perhaps Valley Springs, circa 1900 Steam machine to left, three men kneeling, six men standing, other machine to right, b&w
603 P John Storey Digital photo, Camanche, circa 1880s Storey third from left, in front of Camanche store, b&w
604 P John Baumhogger #2 Paper, photo, probably Valley Springs, date unknown Baumhogger on porch of house, 4″ x 4 7/8″, b&w
605 P Vroman Colt Paper, photo, probably Valley Springs, date unknown Vromans with colt, 4 7/8″ x 3 3/8″, b&w
606 P Rana Ranch #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, April 2007 Former Gillam Ranch, full color
607 P Rana Ranch #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, April 2007 Former Gillam Ranch, showing mine entrance, full color
608 P Hiram Gillam Gravesite #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, April 2007 Crypt, front view, full color
609 P Hiram Gillam Gravesite #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, April 2007 Crypt, side view, full color
610 P Hiram Gillam Gravesite #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, April 2007 Closeup of ID, full color
611 P Hiram Gillam Gravesite #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, April 2007 View of hill with crypt, full color
612 P Hiram Gillam Gravesite #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, April 2007 Baby Gillam marker, full color
613 P Higginbotham Tax Receipt Paper, photo, document 1904 Robert Higginbotham road tax, 8 1/2″ x 11″, full color
614 P Rocca Bella #1 Digital photo, original taken by E.W. Spencer (Lodi), Wallace, date unknown Olive orchard, trees in background, b&w
615 P Rocca Bella #2 Digital photo, original taken by E.W. Spencer (Lodi), Wallace, date unknown Olive orchard, large tree in center, b&w
616 P Railroad Car 1010 #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Exterior of rear, SJ&SNRR, Ardenwood Historic Farm, full color
617 P Railroad Car 1010 #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Rear steps, SJ&SNRR, Ardenwood Historic Farm, full color
618 P Railroad Car 1010 #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Interior toward front, SJ&SNRR, Ardenwood Historic Farm, full color
619 P Railroad Car 1010 #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Nameplate, SJ&SNRR, Ardenwood Historic Farm, full color
620 P Railroad Car 1010 #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Interior toward rear, SJ&SNRR, Ardenwood Historic Farm, full color
621 P Railroad Car 1010 #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Toilet, SJ&SNRR, Ardenwood Historic Farm, full color
622 P Railroad Car 1010 #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Wheels, SJ&SNRR, Ardenwood Historic Farm, full color
623 P Railroad Car 1010 #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Closeup, exterior, rear door, SJ&SNRR, Ardenwood Historic Farm, full color
624 P Railroad Car 1010 #9 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Overview of cars on track, #1010 under tarp, SJ&SNRR, Ardenwood Historic Farm, full color
625 P Ardenwood Historic Farm #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Entrance end of depot, track on left, full color
626 P Ardenwood Historic Farm #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Fremont, November 2006 Park side of depot, track on right, full color
627 P Civil War Days #23 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 1st U.S. Sharpshooters Company, full color
628 P Civil War Days #24 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Clements, September 2006 Flag of the 1st U.S. Sharpshooters Company, full color
629 P Sheep Ranch Cemetery Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, March 2007 Entrance, full color
630 P Valley Springs School Band Digital photo, original photo circa 1935 Rhythm Band, children in uniform, IDs on photocopy, full color
631 P Ira Late Digital photo, original photo location unknown, 1880s-1890s Studio portrait, b&w
632 P Dutch Schwoerer House #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, February 2006 Front view, former Methodist parsonage, full color
633 P Dutch Schwoerer House #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, February 2006 Side view, former Methodist parsonage, full color
634 P Dr. March House #4 Digital photo, original taken by E.W. Spencer (Lodi), Burson, circa 1910s Peach orchard, full color
635 P Dr. March House #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, February 2008 View looking east from house, full color
636 P Dr. March House #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Burson, February 2008 Probable site of original well, full color
637 A Lillie/Maley Marriage Certificate and Back Paper, George H. Lillie and Sarah Maley, February 21, 1889 With seal, 10 3/4″ x 10″, full color
638 P Burson Full Gospel Church #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, September 2008 Originally Fred’s Place, right angle, full color
639 P Byerly CDV #1 and Back Paper, photo, taken by J. Byerly, Frederick, MD, circa 1870 Studio portrait, probably Late Family relative or neighbor, 2 1/2″ x 3 7/8″, b&w
640 P William Baltzell CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1875 Studio portrait, on back – William Robert Baltzell, age 13 years, Late Family and/or Thomas Darnall relative, 2 1/2″ x 3 7/8″, b&w
641 P Louis Haller CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1875 Studio portrait, on back – Louis M. Haller, age 2 years, Late Family and/or Thomas Darnall relative, 2 1/2″ x 3 7/8″, b&w
642 P Alice Haller CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1875 Studio portrait, on back – Alice M. Haller, age 7 years, Late Family and/or Thomas Darnall relative, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
643 P Marion Haller CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1875 Studio portrait, on back – Marion C. Haller, age 9 years, Late Family and/or Thomas Darnall relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/4″, b&w
644 P Lizzie Haller CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1875 Studio portrait, on back – Lizzie Haller, age 5 years, Late Family and/or Thomas Darnall relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
645 P Byerly CDV #2 and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.D. Byerly, Frederick, MD, circa 1870 Studio portrait, Julia Unknown, perhaps Kefauver Family (related to Minnie Unknown), Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
646 P Byerly CDV #3 and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.D. Byerly, Frederick, MD, circa 1870 Studio portrait, Minnie Unknown, perhaps Kefauver Family (related to Julia Unknown), Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
647 P Byerly CDV #4 and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.D. Byerly, Frederick, MD, circa 1870 Studio portrait, unidentified female child, probably Late Family relative or neighbor, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
648 P Edward Baltzell CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1875 Studio portrait, on back – Edward Darnell Baltzell, age 14 years, Thomas Darnall relative, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
649 P George Fout CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1880s Studio portrait, on back – George L. Fout, George Late Fout, Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
650 P Marken CDV #1 and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1880s Studio portrait, unidentified husband & wife, probably Late Family relative or neighbor, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
651 P Wildermuth House Ruins Digital photo, Campo Seco, circa 1960s Cover of booklet, Wildermuth House without roof, b&w
652 P Marken CDV #3 and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1870s Studio portrait, unidentified lady in formal dress, probably Late Family relative or neighbor, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
653 P Marken & White CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by Marken & White, Frederick, MD, 1865-1900 Studio portrait, unidentified young man, probably Late Family relative or neighbor, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
654 P Martha Schaffer CDV Paper, photo, taken by W.A. Burger, Frederick, MD, circa 1883 Studio portrait, on back – Martha Ora May youngest daughter aged 4 years last May, Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w with gold trim
655 P Burger CDV #1 and Back Paper, photo, taken by W.A. Burger, Frederick, MD, circa 1880s Studio portrait, unidentified young girl, probably Late Family relative or neighbor, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w
656 P Nicholas Schaffer CDV Paper, photo, taken by W.A. Burger, Frederick, MD, circa 1883 Studio portrait, on back – Nicholas G. oldest son aged 26 years last, January, probably Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/4″, b&w
657 P Jonathan Schaffer CDV #1 and Back Paper, photo, location unknown, circa 1854 (possibly 1870s-1880s CDV) Studio portrait, on back – Jonathan A. Schaffer at 25 years of age, probably Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
658 P Jonathan Schaffer CDV #2 and Back Paper, photo, location unknown, circa 1884 Studio portrait, on back – Jonathan A. Schaffer as he is now at 55 years of age, Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
659 P Celia Crocker #1 and Back Paper, postcard photo, location unknown, May 29, 1914 Studio portrait, on back – (To) Aunt Libbie, Celia Crocker Taken May 29, 1914, age 13 yrs., 4 mo., 16 days, Wildermuth relative, 3 3/8″ x 5 3/8″, b&w
660 P Celia Crocker #2 Paper, photo in paper display folder, Hartsook, CA, location unknown, circa 1916 Studio portrait, on back of folder – Celia Crocker, Wildermuth relative, 4″ x 7 1/4″, b&w
661 P Celia Crocker #3 Paper, photo, location unknown, circa 1904 Studio portrait, on back – Celia Crocker, Wildermuth relative, 5 7/8″ x 7 7/8″, b&w
662 P James Schaffer CDV Paper, photo, taken by W.A. Burger, Frederick, MD, circa 1883 Studio portrait, on back – James Clark youngest son aged 15 years last May, Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
663 P Marken CDV #4 Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1880s Studio portrait, unidentified man with goatee, probably Late Family relative or neighbor, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
664 P Marken CDV #5 and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1880s Studio portrait, unidentified clean-shaven young man, probably Late Family relative or neighbor, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
665 P Marken CDV #6 and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1880s Studio portrait, unidentified young woman, probably Late Family relative or neighbor, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
666 P Marken CDV #7 and Back Paper, photo, taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1880s Studio portrait, unidentified husband & wife, probably Late Family relative or neighbor, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
667 P James Shaffer CDV and Back Paper, photo, Martinsburg, WV, January 17, 1880 Studio portrait, on back – James E. Shaffer (perhaps Schaffer), Martinsburg, WVa, January 17, 1880, Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
668 P Ann Schaffer CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by R.J. Rankin, Martinsburg, WV, circa 1883 Studio portrait, on back – Ann Rebecca Catherine, oldest daughter aged 18 last March, probably Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
669 P Charles Schaffer CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by R.J. Rankin, Martinsburg, WV, circa 1883 Studio portrait, on back – Charles M., second son aged 20 years last Sept., Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
670 P Stephen Fout CDV Paper, photo, probably taken by J.R. Marken, Frederick, MD, circa 1880s Studio portrait, on back – Stephen S. Fout, Stephen Sylvester Fout, Late Family relative, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
671 P Virgie Conard Paper, photo, cardboard frame, possibly West Virginia, circa 1890s Studio portrait, on back – Virgie Conard Royer, Olivia Fout Conard’s married daughter, probably Late Family relative, 3 3/4″ x 5 1/8″, b&w
672 P Royer Children Paper, photo, cardboard frame, probably MD, circa 1870s Studio portrait, on front – Joe, Conard, Virgie, On back – Royer Children, probably Late Family relative, 3 3/8″ x 2 7/8″, b&w
673 P J.D. Conard Jr. Paper, photo, cardboard frame, taken at Smith Bros. Art Studio, Frederick, MD, circa 1920s-1930s Studio portrait, on front – J.D. Conard Jr., On back – Olivia Fout Conard’s son, probably Late Family relative, 5 5/8″ x 7 5/8″, b&w
674 P Irving Kefauver Paper, photo, cardboard frame, photo taken at Bell studio, Frederick, MD, August 1, 1906 Studio portrait, on back – Irving Schaffer Kefauver, Thirteen months old August 1st, 1906, Late Family relative, 5 7/8″ x 9″, b&w
675 P Bell #1 Paper, photo, cardboard frame, taken at Bell studio, Frederick, MD, circa 1910s Studio portrait, boy & girl, perhaps Kefauver children, Late Family relative, 5 7/8″ x 9″, b&w
676 P Bell #2 Paper, photo, cardboard frame, taken at Bell studio, Frederick, MD, circa 1910s Studio portrait, baby, perhaps Irving Kefauver, Late Family relative, 6 7/8″ x 10″, b&w
677 P Smith Bros. #1 Paper, photo, cardboard frame, taken at Smith Bros. Art Studio, Frederick, MD, circa 1920s-1930s Studio portrait, young man, perhaps Conard Family member, probably Late Family relative, 5 1/8″ x 7 1/4″, b&w
678 P Smith Bros. #2 Paper, photo, cardboard frame, taken at Smith Bros. Art Studio, Frederick, MD, 1920s-1930s Studio portrait, young woman, perhaps Conard Family member, probably Late Family relative, 5 1/8″ x 7 1/8″, b&w
679 P Brown CDV Paper, photo, taken at Brown’s studio, Martinsburg, WV, circa 1870s Studio portrait, young man in bowler and long coat, probably Late Family relative, 4 1/8″ x 6 1/2″, b&w
680 A J.W. McConnell Letter Paper, Ft. Smith, AR, July 20, 1864 From J.W. McConnell to brother Reason, 5 1/8″ x 8 1/8″, two sides of one sheet
681 A McConnell Treasury Dept. Letter Paper, San Francisco, CA, January 19, 1920 Copy of letter to Reason McConnell, 6 5/8″ x 9 1/4″
682 P Cook Family Montage #3 Scan, location and date unknown Four photos, top right – John Cook, Johnnie McGill, P.H. Cook; bottom right – Cyril and P.H.; bottom left – June, Cyril and great-grandson; top left – Cyril on horse, b&w
683 P Black Bart Plaque Digital photo, Funk Hill, date unknown Affixed to Black Bart Rock by Glenn Wasson, full color
684 P Black Bart #1 Digital photo, San Francisco, 1883 Includes description on back, b&w
685 P Bill Renwick #1 Digital photo, location unknown, 1918 With mother kneeling, b&w
686 P Bill Renwick #2 Digital photo, location unknown, 1918 With Reason McConnell, b&w
687 P Bill Renwick #3 Digital photo, location unknown, 1918 Closeup of #686, b&w
688 P Black Bart #2 Digital photo, publication and date unknown Newspaper illustration
689 P Lula Bunds Obituary Digital photo, location unknown, 1950 Newspaper article
690 P McConnell Envelope Digital photo, Stockton, 1897 Addressed to Reason McConnell
691 P McConnell Wagon Digital photo, Independence, MO, 1862 Includes description on back, b&w
692 P Bill Renwick #4 Digital photo, location unknown, 1918 With Reason McConnell and Renwick’s mother, b&w
693 P Black Bart Holdup #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown Newspaper illustration
694 P Jimmy Rolleri Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1890 Studio portrait, b&w
695 P Ella McConnell Digital photo, Stockton, 1896 High school class, includes description on back, b&w
696 P Reason McConnell #1 Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1900 With John Crowell, b&w
697 P Bill Renwick #5 Digital photo, location unknown, 1918 With mother standing, b&w
698 P Wells Fargo Medal & Pin #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown Pin and front of medal, full color
699 P Wells Fargo Medal & Pin #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown Pin and back of medal, full color
700 P Black Bart Article #1 Digital photo, newspaper article, Stockton, March 25, 1923 Stockton Daily Independent, “McConnell’s Death Recalls Capture of ‘Black Bart'”
701 P Other McConnell Bandit Digital photo, location and date unknown An unnamed robber of Reason McConnell, b&w
702 P Bill Renwick #6 Digital photo, taken by Wally Motloch, Stockton, March 3, 2007 Renwick at home, full color
703 P Bill Renwick #7 Digital photo, taken by Wally Motloch, Stockton, March 3, 2007 Renwick in profile, at home, full color
704 P McConnell Article Digital photo, newspaper article, San Francisco, date unknown San Francisco Call (4 pages), “Twenty-Five Years Experience As A Shotgun Messenger”, full color
705 P Black Bart Reward Poster Digital photo, location unknown, July 27, 1875 Full color
706 P Milton Diagram Digital photo, location and date unknown Drawing of Milton layout by Carolyn Hammond Babineau from Louis Beysser info, full color
707 P Black Bart Article #2 Digital photo, newspaper article, Oakland, date unknown Oakland Tribune, “The Gentle Highwayman”, full color
708 P Shine Watch Article Digital photo, newspaper article, Oakland, September 6, 1965 Oakland Tribune, “Old Watch Recalls ’76 Stage Holdup”, full color
709 P Thorn Article Digital photo, newspaper article, San Francisco, August 26, 1958 San Francisco Chronicle, “Thorn House In San Andreas Brings Back Many Memories”, full color
710 P Black Bart Article #3 Digital photo, newspaper article, Oakland, August 19, 1945 Oakland Tribune, “Days of Black Bart”, full color
711 P McConnell Log Book Digital photo, Stockton, 1918-1921 Two pages in log book, full color
712 P Carolyn Hammond Babineau Letter Digital photo, location unknown, 1862 Three-page draft and three-page final of letter to the editor, full color
713 P Milton #1 Digital photo, date unknown West view, b&w
714 P Jenny Lind Bridge Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, January 2014 Pen-and-ink illustration by Kinkead, 1977, b&w
715 P Bill Renwick #8 Digital photo, taken by Wally Motloch, Stockton, March 3, 2007 Renwick and Sal Manna at Renwick home, with cover of McConnell scrapbook, full color
716 P Bill Renwick #9 Digital photo, taken by Wally Motloch, Stockton, March 3, 2007 Renwick in his office, full color
717 P Bill Renwick #10 Digital photo, taken by Wally Motloch, Stockton, March 3, 2007 Closeup, Renwick in profile, full color
718 P Bill Renwick #11 Digital photo, taken by Wally Motloch, Stockton, March 3, 2007 Closeup, Renwick full face, full color
719 P McConnell Plaque Digital photo, taken by Wally Motloch, Stockton, March 3, 2007 Lost plaque depicting photos, mementos and info regarding his stage robberies, full color
720 P Reason McConnell #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown Newspaper illustration, full color
721 P Reason McConnell #3 Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1876 Studio portrait, at age 33, b&w
722 P Reason McConnell #4 Digital photo, postcard, taken at Horwich Bros., San Francisco, 1916 or 1917 Studio portrait, with sister, includes description on back, b&w
723 P Wells Fargo Letters Digital photo, two letters, taken at W. Kay Studios, Jackson, CA, date unknown Two framed photos of Wells Fargo letters to McConnell in appreciation, and watch and fob, full color
724 P Wells Fargo Medal Digital photo, location and date unknown Closeup of front of McConnell’s Wells Fargo commemoration medal, full color
725 P Wells Fargo Letter and Watch Digital photo, location and date unknown March 16, 1872 letter to McConnell with watch and fob on top, full color
726 P Bill Renwick #12 Digital photo, taken by Wally Motloch, Stockton, March 3, 2007 Renwick signing book at home, full color
727 P Bill Renwick #13 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Stockton, March 3, 2007 Renwick and Wally Motloch at Renwick home, full color
728 P Black Bart Trail #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Down manzanita alley, Glenn Wasson on left, full color
729 P Black Bart Trail #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 On New Melones, approaching trail head, full color
730 P Black Bart Trail #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Toward the Black Bart Rock, full color
731 P Black Bart Trail #4 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Down the trail away from the Black Bart Rock, full color
732 P Black Bart Trail #5 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Wally Motloch at the Black Bart Rock, full color
733 P Black Bart Trail #6 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Cleaned plaque on the Black Bart Rock, full color
734 P Black Bart Trail #7 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Black Bart Rock from a distance, full color
735 P Black Bart Trail #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Black Bart Rock facing plaque, full color
736 P Black Bart Trail #9 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Wally Motloch taking photo of Black Bart Rock, full color
737 P Black Bart Trail #10 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Black Bart Rock from round side, full color
738 P Black Bart Trail #11 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Closeup, Black Bart Rock from round side, full color
739 P Black Bart Trail #12 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 POV from behind left side of Black Bart Rock toward trail, full color
740 P Black Bart Trail #13 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 POV from behind right side of Black Bart Rock toward trail, full color
741 P Black Bart Trail #14 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Glenn Wasson, Julia Costello and others approaching Black Bart Rock, full color
742 P Black Bart Trail #15 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Frango Peri Ranch, creek, full color
743 P Black Bart Trail #16 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Frango Peri Ranch, rock fence, full color
744 P Black Bart Trail #17 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Frango Peri Ranch, oven, full color
745 P Black Bart Trail #18 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Frango Peri Ranch, closeup of oven, full color
746 P Black Bart Trail #19 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Frango Peri Ranch, nearby hill with Native American profile, full color
747 P Black Bart Trail #20 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Frango Peri Ranch, olive trees, full color
748 P Black Bart Trail #21 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Frango Peri Ranch, closeup of creek, full color
749 P Black Bart Trail #22 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Frango Peri Ranch, rock fence with tree in front, full color
750 P Black Bart Trail #23 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Frango Peri Ranch, closeup of rock fence, full color
751 P Black Bart Trail #24 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Funk Hill, April 2007 Looking down on New Melones, full color
752 P Black Bart Taken Poster Digital photo, location unknown, 1883 Full color
753 P Burson Founders Day #1 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Amador Mountaineers flag, 4″ x 6″, full color
754 P Burson Founders Day #2 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Parade in distance, 4″ x 6″, full color
755 P Burson Founders Day #3 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Parade entrance, 4″ x 6″, full color
756 P Burson Founders Day #4 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Bagpiper Kris Krug, 4″ x 6″, full color
757 P Burson Founders Day #5 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Amador Mountaineer Eugene Smith and SUVCW’s Kirby Morgan, 4″ x 6″, full color
758 P Burson Founders Day #6 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Unknown flag and bearer, 4″ x 6″, full color
759 P Burson Founders Day #7 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 SUVCW post flag with Harry Harlan and unidentified man, 4″ x 6″, full color
760 P Burson Founders Day #8 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Gravesite with flags lined up, 4″ x 6″, full color
761 P Burson Founders Day #9 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Three SUVCW men, 4″ x 6″, full color
762 P Burson Founders Day #10 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Gravesite with Sal Manna at left, 4″ x 6″, full color
763 P Burson Founders Day #11 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Audience, 4″ x 6″, full color
764 P Burson Founders Day #12 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Burson relatives at gravesite, Charles Marsteller, Mary ?, Unknown, Kim Burson, Weldon Burson, 4″ x 6″, full color
765 P Burson Founders Day #13 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Unveiling of monument, 4″ x 6″, full color
766 P Burson Founders Day #14 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Closeup of monument upon unveiling, 4″ x 6″, full color
767 P Burson Founders Day #15 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Burson relatives standing with monument, 4″ x 6″, full color
768 P Burson Founders Day #16 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Burson relatives standing with monument, with Burson headstone in left foreground, 4″ x 6″, full color
769 P Burson Founders Day #17 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Sal Manna with Supervisor Bill Claudino reading proclamation, 4″ x 6″, full color
770 P Burson Founders Day #18 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Supervisor Bill Claudino reading proclamation, 4″ x 6″, full color
771 P Burson Founders Day #19 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Supervisor Merita Callaway reading proclamation, 4″ x 6″, full color
772 P Burson Founders Day #20 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Along monument to bagpiper, 4″ x 6″, full color
773 P Burson Founders Day #21 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Supervisors Claudino and Callaway with proclamations, 4″ x 6″, full color
774 P Burson Founders Day #22 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Rifle salute, 4″ x 6″, full color
775 P Burson Founders Day #23 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Kim and Weldon Burson kneeling at monument, 4″ x 6″, full color
776 P Burson Founders Day #24 Paper, photo, Harmony Grove, Lockeford, September 17, 2005 Closeup of monument with flowers on ground, 4″ x 6″, full color
777 CD Burson Founders Day CD Digital photos (104), taken by Nick Baptista, Harmony Grove, Lockeford and Burson, September 17, 2005 35 photos of Harmony Grove ceremony, 69 photos of Burson festivities, full color
778 CD Early Friends Families of Upper Bucks (PA) PDFs, original book published Philadelphia, PA, 1925 Genealogical history, 680 pgs.
779 DVD Black Bart – Channel 13 DVD, feature story, San Andreas, May 3, 2007 With reporter John Iander
780 DVD Black Bart – Channel 10 DVD, feature story, San Andreas, May 18, 2007 With reporter Jonathan Mumm
781 DVD Calaveras Rocks – Channel 13 DVD, feature story, Valley Springs, January 3, 2007 With reporter John Iander
782 DVD Kathy’s Window #1 DVD, interview with Sal Manna, March 5, 2007 With host Kathy Mazzaferro, public access TV, about West Calaveras History
783 DVD Kathy’s Window #2 DVD, interview with Sal Manna, April 11, 2008 With host Kathy Mazzaferro, public access TV, about Train Times
784 P Whitehurst CDV Paper, photo, taken by J.H. Whitehurst, Baltimore, MD, 1860-1864 Studio portrait, unidentified man in coat holding hat, probably Late Family relative or friend, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
785 P Batchelder CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by B.P. Batchelder, Stockton, 1870s-1880s Studio portrait, unidentified child, probably Late Family relative or friend, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
786 P Parker & Parker CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by Parker & Parker, San Diego, circa 1880s Studio portrait, unidentified young woman in chair, probably Late Family relative or friend, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
787 P Bendann Bros. CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by Bendann Bros., Baltimore, MD, 1860s-1870s Studio portrait, two unidentified children, probably Late Family relative or friend, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
788 P Morse CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by G.D. Morse, San Francisco, CA, 1870s-1880s Studio portrait, Jennie Morse Charlnulwood, probably Late Family relative or friend, 2 1/2″ x 4″, b&w
789 P John Baumgardner Paper, photo, taken by J.W. Baker, San Francisco, CA, 1880s-1890s Studio portrait, on back – John Baumgardner, probably Late Family relative or friend, 3 3/8″ x 5″, b&w
790 P Monaco and Back Paper, photo, taken by Marino Monaco at Excelsior Art Gallery, Stockton, 1880s Studio portrait, unidentified young woman, probably Late Family relative or friend, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w
791 P Dean & Gay CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken by Dean & Gay, Selma, 1880s-1890s Studio portrait, unidentified young man, probably Wildermuth Family relative or friend, 2 1/2″ x 4 1/8″, b&w
792 P Asher CDV and Back Paper, photo, taken at Asher’s Studio, Sacramento, 1890s Studio portrait, unidentified young man, probably Wildermuth Family relative or friend, 2 1/2″ x 3 3/4″, b&w
793 P B.F. Ogden’s Sons and Back Paper, photo, taken at B.F. Ogden’s Sons Studio, Albany, NY, date unknown Studio portrait, probably Late Family relative or friend (same man in Morrill photo), 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w
794 P Baldwin Paper, photo, cardboard frame, taken at Baldwin Studio, Sacramento, date unknown Studio portrait, unidentified young man in bowler, probably Late Family relative or friend, 3 5/8″ x 7″, b&w
795 P Doll & Albaugh Paper, photo, Frederick, MD, date unknown Probably Late Family relative or friend, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w
796 P Goddard Map Digital photo, Survey of the Mokelumne Hill Canal by George Goddard, 1853 GIF image, b&w
797 P Lancha Plana Digital photo, date unknown Panoramic triptych, b&w
798 P Wildermuth Gravesite Digital photo, Campo Seco Protestant, June 2006 John and Elizabeth Wildermuth markers, full color
799 P Wildermuth Barn & Stone Corral Digital photo, Campo Seco, 1927 Barn in stone corral, b&w
800 P Wildermuth Barn #2 Digital photo, Campo Seco, 1927 Barn not in stone corral, b&w
801 P Wildermuth Chicken Coop Digital photo, Campo Seco, 1927 b&w
802 P Wildermuth Family #1 Digital photo, Campo Seco, circa 1880s At stile of home, John, Elizabeth, Ada and Reason, b&w
803 P Wildermuth Family #2 Digital photo, Campo Seco, circa 1890s At side of home, John Andrew, Ada, Isaac and dogs, b&w
804 P Wildermuth Family #3 Digital photo, location unknown, 1936 Isaac, Newton, John, Ada, Theo Berry, Mary Crocker, b&w
805 P Wildermuth Granary Digital photo, Campo Seco, 1926 b&w
806 P Wildermuth House 1970s Digital photo, Campo Seco, circa 1970s After renovation, b&w
807 P Wildermuth House Pre-Fire #1 Digital photo, Campo Seco, date unknown Front, b&w
808 P Wildermuth House Pre-Fire #2 Digital photo, Campo Seco, 1926 Rear view, b&w
809 P Wildermuth House Pre-Fire #3 Digital photo, Campo Seco, 1926 Side view, b&w
810 P Wildermuth Implement Shed Digital photo, Campo Seco, 1927 b&w
811 P Elizabeth & Ada Wildermuth Digital photo, Campo Seco, circa 1900s At home’s stone cistern, b&w
812 P Elizabeth Wildermuth Digital photo, probably California, circa 1870s Studio portrait, b&w
813 P Peter Wimmer Scan, San Francisco, circa 1854 Portrait, Mexican War, b&w
814 P Penn Mine #1 Digital photo, Campo Seco, circa 1890s-1900s Engine and ore cars, b&w
815 P Penn Mine #2 Digital photo, Campo Seco, 1899 Beginning of smelter construction, b&w
816 P Penn Mine #3 Digital photo, Campo Seco, 1899 Smelter construction including wooden buildings, b&w
817 P Penn Mine #4 Digital photo, Campo Seco, circa 1890s-1900s Electric engine with cars of melted waste rock, b&w
818 P Penn Mine #5 Digital photo, Campo Seco, circa 1890s-1900s Blast furnace with workers in front, b&w
819 P Penn Mine #6 Digital photo, Campo Seco, circa 1890s-1900s Workers atop cart with fuel for furnace, b&w
820 P Penn Mine #7 Digital photo, Campo Seco, date unknown Suspension bridge and dam while mine in operation, b&w
821 P Penn Mine #8 Digital photo, Campo Seco, date unknown Suspension bridge and dam after mine closed, b&w
822 P Penn Mine #9 Digital photo, Campo Seco, date unknown Five workers, perhaps Cook family members, b&w
823 P Bridget Cook Digital photo, original taken by Bushnell, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
824 P Cyril Cook Digital photo, Cook Ranch, date unknown Cyril and Cook children, b&w
825 P Minnie Cook Gallagher #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, head angled to her right, b&w
826 P Cook Children Digital photo, Cook Ranch, date unknown On horseback, b&w
827 P Cook Ranch House #1 Digital photo, Cook Ranch, date unknown Front, b&w
828 P Cook Ranch House #2 Digital photo, Cook Ranch, date unknown Front from right angle, b&w
829 P Wallace Ceremony 2006 #1 Digital photo, taken by Nick Baptista, Stockton Rural Cemetery, September 16, 2006 Evans great-granddaughter and Sal Manna unveiling large depot photo, full color
830 P Wallace Ceremony 2006 #2 Digital photo, taken by Nick Baptista, Stockton Rural Cemetery, September 16, 2006 Evans great-grandaughter with Sal Manna reading at large depot photo, full color
831 P Wallace Ceremony 2006 #3 Digital photo, taken by Nick Baptista, Stockton Rural Cemetery, September 16, 2006 Fred Fickert, Dave Evans, Evans great-grandaughter and Sal Manna at large depot photo, full color
832 P Wallace Ceremony 2006 #4 Digital photo, taken by Nick Baptista, Stockton Rural Cemetery, September 16, 2006 Dave Evans presenting depot photo to Fred Fickert, with Evans great-granddaughter at large depot photo, full color
833 P Alida Allison #2 Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1877 Studio portrait, b&w
834 P American Forest Products Digital photo, Toyon, 1963 Haupt Ranch at top left, b&w
835 P John Barker Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
836 P Mary Barker Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
837 P John Baumhogger #3 Paper, photo, Valley Springs, circa 1900s With goats, 3 7/8″ x 4 3/4″, b&w
838 P Behnken Citizenship Digital photo, document, San Andreas, July 1869 Citizenship paper of H.H. Behnken (Civil War), b&w
839 P George Washington Berry Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
840 P Eli Bewley Discharge Digital photo, document, Mobile, AL, July 12, 1865 Discharge paper (Civil War), b&w
841 P Marietta Bewley #1 Digital photo, Stockton, 1900s Dr. Bewley in her office, b&w
842 P Eli & Nancy Bewley #2 Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1860s Studio portrait, b&w
843 P Eli & Nancy Bewley #3 Digital photo, original taken by Elliott, Stockton Art Gallery, circa 1893 Studio portrait, b&w
844 P Stage To Sonora Digital photo, location and date unknown Stage at stop, b&w
845 P Eli Bewley Gravesite Digital photo, location and date unknown Full color
846 P Elizabeth Bewley #1 Digital photo, original taken by George Steckel, Los Angeles, CA, circa 1900 Studio portrait, b&w
847 P Elizabeth Bewley #2 Digital photo, original taken by Schumacher, Los Angeles, CA, date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
848 P Elizabeth Bewley & Charles Udell Digital photo, original taken by O. Elliott, Stockton Art Gallery, 1890 Studio portrait, taken after wedding, b&w
849 P Elizabeth Bewley Udell Digital photo, probably Los Angeles, circa 1920 Studio portrait, b&w
850 P Bewley Family #1 Digital photo, location unknown, March 1922 Elizabeth, Harriet Bewley Bandy, Nancy and George, b&w
851 P Estelle Bewley & Neil Bowers Digital photo, unknown location, Thanksgiving Day 1918 b&w
852 P Bewley Family #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown Eight adults and four children, b&w
853 P Hattie Bewley Gravesite Digital photo, location and date unknown Full color
854 P Hattie Bewley Digital photo, original taken by E.S. Comings, Los Angeles, January 16, 1898 Studio portrait, b&w
855 P Bewley Women Digital photo, location and date unknown Hattie, Nancy, Elizabeth and Marietta, b&w
856 P John Bewley #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, in bowler, b&w
857 P John Bewley #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, bust, b&w
858 P Bewley Family #3 Digital photo, location and date unknown John, Eli, Clarence and Nancy, b&w
859 P Marietta & Hattie Bewley Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
860 P Marietta Bewley #2 Digital photo, Los Angeles, July 1914 At her home, b&w
861 P Marietta Bewley #3 Digital photo, Los Angeles, date unknown For her medical school graduation, b&w
862 P Nancy Bewley Gravesite Digital photo, location and date unknown Full color
863 P Big Oak #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 With homeowner, full color
864 P Big Oak #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, January 2007 With homeowner, John Iander and cameraman, full color
865 P Burson Post Office #2 Digital photo, 1945 With postmaster Lizzie Brown cancellation, full color
866 P Burson Post Office #3 Digital photo, 1945 b&w
867 P Burson School #3 Paper, December 1898 With children in circle in front, photo 3 3/8″ x 3 3/8″ in gray cardboard frame, on back: Another view of school, Harry to the left with fedora hat, Ruth looking over her shoulder, Frank just above her, b&w
868 P Burson School #4 Digital photo, circa 1930s Class photo, b&w
869 P Burson School #5 Digital photo, June 1897 Class photo, teacher Lizzie G. Kennedy in window, center is Lucy Robbins with her hand on sister Sarah’s shoulder, b&w
870 P Burson School #6 and Back Digital photos (2), May 1906 Class photo with IDs on back, b&w
871 P Burson School #7 Digital photo, 1952 With basketball hoop in foreground, b&w
872 P Burson School #8 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, August 2005 Front view, full color
873 P Burson School #9 Digital photo, 1952 Teacher at blackboard with back to class, b&w
874 P Burson School #10 Digital photo, 1952 Teacher sitting at desk, b&w
875 P Burson School #11 Digital photo, 1952 Teacher standing and assisting students, b&w
876 P Burson School #12 Digital photo, 1952 Teacher assisting girl student at back of class, b&w
877 P Burson School #13 Digital photo, 1950s Empty schoolyard with basketball hoop at right, b&w
878 P Calaveras County Map #1 Digital photo, 1937 Calaveras Chamber of Commerce, b&w
879 P Calaveras County Officials #1 Digital photo, Summer 1888 Standing – Redmond, Coulter, Thorn, Hanscom, Steffler, Seated – Wylie, Reddick, Reed, b&w
880 P Camanche Cover #1 Digital photo, date unknown Postcard to J. Behrens, San Francisco, b&w
881 P Camanche Cover #2 Digital photo, date unknown Envelope to C.M. Keniston, Stockton, b&w
882 P Camanche Dam Digital photo, 1963 Aerial of dam construction, b&w
883 P Camanche School #4 Digital photo, 1952 b&w
884 P Duffy Hotel Digital photo, date unknown With boosters poster on front, b&w
885 P Camanche Hikers Digital photo, 2006 Full color
886 P Camp Douglas Letter Digital photo, document Utah Territory, June 8, 1864 Request for copy of discharge, refers to Capt. Micajah Lewis (Civil War), b&w
887 P Campo Seco Cover #1 Digital photo, date unknown Envelope to Mrs. Ruggles, Ashland, OH, b&w
888 P Campo Seco Cover #2 Digital photo, date unknown Envelope to Independence Lodge I.O.O.F., Rail Road Flat, b&w
889 P Campo Seco Protestant Cemetery Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, June 2006 Entrance, full color
890 P Campo Seco Cover #3 Digital photo, Valley Springs cancellation, July 30, 1899 Envelope from “The Copper Mines” to General Electric, San Francisco, full color
891 P Casa Blanca Painting Digital photo, painting by Margaret Roberts, 1980s Messenger House, full color
892 P Castle Rock #1 Digital photo, Valley Springs, early 1960s b&w
893 P Castle Rock #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, March 2007 Full color
894 P Samuel Catts Digital photo, newspaper article, Stockton Record, date unknown Includes illustration of Catts, b&w
895 P Charles Herbert & Kathryn Evans Digital photo, French Camp, date unknown TC Evans’ grandchildren, b&w
896 P Clear Spring Cottage Digital photo, date unknown b&w
897 P Athearn School and Back Digital photo, Clements, February 1907 Class photo, includes IDs on back, b&w
898 P Come Next Spring #4 Digital photo, movie poster, 1956 Full color
899 P Cook Family Group Scan, location and date unknown b&w
900 P Cook Family Montage #1 Scan, location and date unknown Five photos, includes Cyril, Patrick Henry, Bill, Bob and John, b&w
901 P Cook Family Montage #2 Scan, location and date unknown Five photos, includes Bridget, Jack and Agnes, b&w
902 P Patrick Henry Cook #2 Scan, Mokelumne River, circa 1920s-1930s Photo in frame, b&w
903 P Cook Ranch House #3 Scan, Camanche, date unknown b&w
904 P Calaveras County Officials #2 Digital photo, San Andreas, date unknown With dog, b&w
905 P Mary Wildermuth Crocker Paper, photo, cardboard frame, location unknown, circa 1890s Studio portrait, 6″ x 7 7/8″, b&w
906 P DeMartini Boys Digital photo, location and date unknown Six men with dog, b&w
907 P DeMartini House #1 Digital photo, Valley Springs, date unknown House in landscape, b&w
908 P DeMartini Ranch Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1890 Haying crew, with girls to right and men on pole in distance, b&w
909 P Dennis House Painting Digital photo, painting by Margaret Roberts, 1980s Full color
910 P Double Springs Courthouse #1 Digital photo, date unknown Side view, b&w
911 P Double Springs Courthouse #2 Digital photo, date unknown “First Courthouse In Calaveras”, b&w
912 P Double Springs Courthouse #3 Digital photo, date unknown “Calaveras County’s First Courthouse”, b&w
913 P Double Springs Courthouse #4 Digital photo, date unknown “Two Spring Ranch”, b&w
914 P Dredger Sinking Digital photo, Jenny Lind, date unknown b&w
915 P Corwin & Effie White Scan, location unknown, circa 1910s From “History of San Joaquin Co.” by Geo. Tinkham, b&w
916 P Gen. George S. Evans #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown 2nd California Cavalry (Civil War), facing left, b&w
917 P Gen. George S. Evans #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown 2nd California Cavalry (Civil War), facing right, b&w
918 P Katherine Evans #1 Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1874 Studio portrait, b&w
919 P Katherine Evans #2 Paper, photo, taken by J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton, circa 1890 Studio portrait, 8 1/2″ x 11″, b&w
920 P TC Evans #1 Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1874 Studio portrait, b&w
921 P TC Evans #2 Paper, photo, taken by J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton, circa 1890 Studio portrait, 8 1/2″ x 11″, b&w
922 P Wallace Depot #1 Paper, photo, 1882 TC Evans on left on buggy, 8 1/2″ x 11″, b&w
923 P Wallace Depot #2 Paper, photo, 1882 Closeup of #922, 8 1/2″ x 11″, b&w
924 P TC Evans French Camp Digital photo, circa 1900 House on Turnpike Rd., sheep shearers in a row, b&w
925 P TC Evans and Hoerl Bros. Digital photo, location unknown, pre-1900 Studio portrait, back – John and Henry, front – TC and Joseph, b&w
926 P Katherine Evans #3 Digital photo, Stockton, date unknown In front of house on Sperry Street, b&w
927 P Lettice Moore Digital photo, location unknown, 1904 Studio portrait, b&w
928 P TC Evans Royal Saloon Digital photo, Stockton, 1905 TC and TH Evans with sheep shearers, Hunter Square between Market and Main Streets, b&w
929 P TC Evans Aberdeen Saloon Digital photo, French Camp, circa 1900 Exterior, Old Turnpike Road, TC Evans holding tray, b&w
930 P TC Evans Cover Digital photo, Wallace, February 7, 1887 Envelope, front and back, TC Evans to J.M. McCarty, Stockton, full color
931 P Lucius Fairchild #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, standing in uniform, 2nd Wisconsin Infantry (Civil War), b&w
932 P Lucius Fairchild #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, sitting in uniform, 2nd Wisconsin Infantry (Civil War), b&w
933 P First Calaveras Auto Digital photo, Dorrington, 1902 b&w
934 P Addie, Alice & Ellen Folsom #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown b&w
935 P Addie, Alice & Ellen Folsom #2 Digital photo, taken at Boussum Studio, San Francisco, date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
936 P Arthur Earl Haddock Paintings Digital photo, location and date unknown Two paintings, Wallace on top, full color
937 P Al Folsom #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, as young man, b&w
938 P Alice Folsom Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, Alice Folsom Louttit Lawson, b&w
939 P Edwina, Alice & Violet Folsom Digital photo, taken by C.H. Whitten, location unknown, circa 1899 Studio portrait, b&w
940 P Ellen & Inez Folsom Digital photo, location and date unknown b&w
941 P Ellen Maley Folsom #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, as young woman, b&w
942 P Ellen Maley Folsom #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown As older woman, b&w
943 P George Folsom #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown Milking cow, b&w
944 P George Folsom #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, as young man, b&w
945 P John Folsom #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, as young man, b&w
946 P Folsoms & Granddaughters Digital photo, Paloma, date unknown George and wife with young granddaughters, b&w
947 P Folsom Home Digital photo, Paloma, date unknown Portion of original home, b&w
948 P Samuel Folsom #1 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, as child, b&w
949 P Samuel Folsom #2 Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, as young man, b&w
950 P Samuel & Daisy Folsom Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, Samuel and Daisy Woolery Folsom, b&w
951 P Fred & Charles Allison Digital photo, location and date unknown In auto, b&w
952 P Fred Allison Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
953 P GAR Encampment Badge #1 Digital photo, San Francisco, 1903 37th National Encampment, full color
954 P GAR Encampment Broadside Digital photo, San Francisco, 1903 “Welcome G.A.R. Veterans” poem by J.W. Dutton, b&w
955 P Gelbke Family #2 Digital photo, taken by W.E. Warren & Co., San Jose, date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
956 P Hiram Gillam Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
957 P Joseph & Nancy Gillam Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
958 P Juliza Gillam Digital photo, location and date unknown Studio portrait, b&w
959 P Gillam Ranch Digital photo, location and date unknown Possibly Joseph and Nancy Gillam in front, b&w
960 P Girl With Guitar and Back Photo, paper, taken by Marino Monaco, Pioneer Photo Gallery, Stockton, circa 1880s Perhaps Kate Haupt Schwoerer, 4 1/4″ x 6 1/2″, b&w
961 P Garcelon Wheat Ranch Digital photo, Salt Spring Valley, circa 1910 James Wheat and Ernest Siegel behind plow, b&w
962 P Gregory Home Digital photo, Jenny Lind, date unknown Unidentified people, b&w
963 P Group In Front Of Thresher Digital photo, Burson-Jenny Lind, circa 1900 Unidentified people, b&w
964 P Gwin Mine #1 Digital photo, Paloma, 1906 Base of mine operations, b&w
965 P Gwin Mine Cover Digital photo, Paloma, 1899 Envelope to Globe Iron Works, Stockton, full color
966 P Haddock House Digital photo, Wallace, 1895 Walter, George, May, dog Romeo, Charles Henry and Lecta Little, Frank, Emma Little, Arthur, Lizzie Little, and Rose Haddock, b&w
967 P Hamrick Family Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1860s Unidentified people, b&w
968 P Jesse & Elizabeth Hamrick #1 Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1860s Studio portrait, b&w
969 P Jesse & Elizabeth Hamrick #2 Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1875 Studio portrait, b&w
970 P Nimrod & Mariah Hamrick Digital photo, location and date unknown Individual studio portraits on one page, b&w
971 P Jesse & Elizabeth Hamrick #3 Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1875 Studio portrait same as #969, with Jesse signature, b&w
972 P Valley Springs Harness Shop Digital photo, date unknown Perhaps Oscar Late and his shop, b&w
973 P Jesse Haupt & Lucie Lillie Paper, photo, Double Springs, date unknown Also unidentified woman, on back – on way to the mts., on back of blue tinted copy – Taken at Double Springs, 4 3/4″ x 3 1/2″, b&w
974 P Lawson Hill Gravesite #1 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Pioneer Cemetery, San Andreas, September 2008 Full view of marker, full color
975 P Lawson Hill Gravesite #2 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Pioneer Cemetery, San Andreas, September 2008 Closeup of marker, full color
976 P Lawson Hill Gravesite #3 Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Pioneer Cemetery, San Andreas, September 2008 Overall view of marker and setting, full color
977 P Katherine Evans Rocking Chair Digital photo, location and date unknown Full color
978 P John Iander Digital photo, taken by Sal Manna, Valley Springs, December 2006 Iander and cameraman at Calaveras Lunch Ranch, full color
979 P Hub Ide Digital photo, original taken by William Wax, Universal Art Studio, Sheep Ranch, December 1899 With dog, b&w
980 P Jenny Lind #1 Digital photo, 1856 Town overview, b&w
981 P Jenny Lind #2 Digital photo, date unknown I.O.O.F. Hall and ruins of jail, b&w
982 P Jenny Lind #3 Digital photo, date unknown Main Street, b&w
983 P Jenny Lind #4 Digital photo, date unknown Cap Tyler Saloon, b&w
984 P Jenny Lind School #1 Digital photo, 1929 Students showing crafts, b&w
985 P Jenny Lind School #2 Digital photo, 1930 Students showing crafts, b&w
986 P Jenny Lind School #3 Digital photo, 1931 Class photo, b&w
987 P Jenny Lind School #4 Digital photo, 1931 Field trip with teacher, b&w
988 P Jenny Lind School #5 Digital photo, 1931 Class photo at fence, b&w
989 P Jenny Lind School #6 Digital photo, 1931 Class photo with teacher, all looking right, b&w
990 P Jenny Lind School #7 Digital photo, 1931 Class photo, standing and sitting on grass, looking at camera, b&w
991 P Jenny Lind School #8 Digital photo, 1931 Class photo, standing and sitting on grass, looking to right, b&w
992 P Burson Aerial #1 Digital photo, June 1971 b&w
993 P Katherine Allison Obituary Digital photo, newspaper article, Stockton Record, 1942 b&w
994 P Henry Kennett Digital photo, location unknown, circa 1860s In Civil War uniform, Co. S, 79th Ohio Infantry, b&w
995 P Late House #4 Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1970 TIF file, b&w
996 P Late Bros. Thresher #1 Digital photo, Valley Springs, 1892 At DeMartini Ranch, Miller, Oscar and John Late, Fred and George Reinking, Martin, Clement and Rick DeMartini, John Baumhogger, Charley and Gideon Marsh, Charley Wheat, Fred Shachten, b&w
997 P Late Bros. Thresher #2 Digital photo, Valley Springs, 1906-1907 At DeMartini Ranch, unidentified people, b&w
998 P Late Family Digital photo, Valley Springs, April 26, 1908 In front of house, standing – Oscar, Libbie and John, sitting – George III, b&w
999 P George Late Daguerrotype Photo, daguerrotype, location and date unknown Father of George Late II, with and without additional cloth frame, 2 7/8″ x 3 3/4″, b&w
1000 P Late House #5 Digital photo, Valley Springs, circa 1880s Left – Libbie Late, right – Reinking daughter, b&w