Veterans of Calaveras County



Compiled and Updated by Sal Manna

As of January 2025

James Steedman

–Residency for a veteran is defined as fulfilling any of the following conditions–listed in the U.S. Census, registered to vote, married, divorced, buried, had children, owned land or other property, conducted a business, claimed a mine, member of a fraternal organization, paid a bounty by the county, registered for the draft or named in a newspaper or family record as having lived in Calaveras County before, during or after the Civil War.

Abbott, Ira: Cpl., Co. E, Co. C, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), May 1862-April 1865 (multiple gunshots in legs, shoulder and side from Indians, June 1863, Canon Station, Nevada)/reenlisted as a Veteran, Pvt., Co. A, April 1865-July 1866; b. New York, February 17, 1828; d. December 30, 1901, Ely, Nevada; buried Ely, Nevada

Abler, Louis M.: Pvt., Co. D, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), November 1861-November 1864; b. France, December 1828; d. November 4, 1902, Denver, Colorado (Colorado Soldiers and Sailors Home); buried Denver, Colorado (Riverside/GAR Plot)

Allen, George H.: Pvt., Co. E, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), March 1863-July 1865; b. New York, 1837; d. 1869, NA (probably New York); buried Brutus, New York (Weedsport Rural)

Allen, William Durfee: U.S. Navy, NA; b. New York, 1826; d. April 11, 1917, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Allkire, Henry J.: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, January 1847; d. July 9, 1929, New Jersey; buried Vineland, New Jersey (New Jersey Memorial Home Cemetery)

Ammons, Henry Jefferson: Sgt., Co. E, 1st Oregon Cavalry, January 1862-NA; b. Illinois, circa 1832; d. 1896-1930, NA (probably California); buried NA (probably California)

Anderson, Anthony B.P.: Cpl., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Norway, June 1832; d. August 22, 1909, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Andrews, Thomas Clarence: Enlisted, Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864 (rejected)/Pvt., Co. B, 2nd California Infantry, December 1864-May 1866; b. Boston, Massachusetts, circa 1848; d. 1880-1940, NA; buried NA

Angel, Charles W.: Sgt., Co. F, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Massachusetts, January 1830; d. March 9, 1909, Tioga, Pennsylvania; buried Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania (West Laurel Hill)

Anthony, David Richard: Pvt., Co. B, 143rd Pennsylvania Infantry, August 1862/Cpl., November 1863-June 1865; b. Pennsylvania, July 1839; d. October 29, 1922, Los Angeles Co.; buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Anwater, Charles (Karl): Pvt., Co. F, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864/Pvt., Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, December 1864-June 1866/Ordnance, U.S. Army, January 1867-January 1870; b. Germany, 1818 (brother of Jonathan); d. July 23, 1895, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Anwater, Jonathan (Johann and John): Pvt., Co. F, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. Germany, 1814 (brother of Charles); d. December 15, 1893, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Armstrong, William Irwin: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd Ohio Infantry (“Buckeye Warriors”), April 1861-August 1861; b. Harrison, Virginia (later West Virginia), August 29, 1835; d. December 23, 1909, Sheep Ranch; buried Sheep Ranch

Arthur, Augustus: Pvt., Sgt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Smithtown, New York, circa 1833; d. November 10, 1901, Calaveras Co.; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Asbury, John Calvin: Pvt., Co. I, 5th California Infantry, November 1861-November 1864; b. Kentucky, circa 1832; d. September 25, 1894, Kingman, Arizona Territory; buried San Francisco (I.O.O.F.)/reinterred San Francisco (National Cemetery)  

Ash, Thomas Peter: Pvt., Co. H, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), December 1864-March 1866; b. Findlay, Ohio, July 7, 1835; d. June 13, 1872, San Francisco; buried California (probably San Francisco)

Ashmead, John S. (possibly Stibbs): Sgt., Co. B, 1st California Cavalry, August 1861/Pvt., March 1862-September 1864; b. Ohio, circa 1824; d. May 31, 1895, Indianapolis, Indiana; buried Indianapolis, Indiana (Crown Hill/National Cemetery Lot)

Atherton, Joseph Clark: Cpl., Co. C, 49th Wisconsin Infantry, February 1865-November 1865; b. Milton, Wisconsin, April 13, 1845; d. February 1, 1922, Stockton; buried Milton, Wisconsin

Auerbeck, Herman: Pvt., Co. B, 14th New York Cavalry, November 1862-January 1864; b. Germany, circa 1832; d. June 12, 1916, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Hospital) [Photo – Monument for Unmarked Graves]

Aufenanger, John L.: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Prussia, circa 1830; d. January 28, 1897, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Austin, Charles: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, Sgt., Co. D, October 1864/Co. C, October 1864-July 1866; b. New York, circa 1835; d. 1866-1930, NA; buried NA

Austin, James William: Pvt., Co. I, 8th Maine Infantry, September 1861-January 1864/Cpl., January 1864-January 1866; b. Albion, Maine, March 19, 1842; d. April 6, 1916, South China, Maine; buried China, Maine (Chadwick Hill)

Avery, Joseph Dunton: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866/Farrier, Co. A, 1st U.S. Cavalry, September 1870-December 1879, died of disease; b. Jefferson, Maine, September 15, 1834; d. December 25, 1879, Fort Walla Walla, Washington Territory; buried Fort Walla Walla, Washington Territory (Post Cemetery)

Ayer, Osborn Wilbur: Pvt., Cpl., Co. L, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), January 1863-May 1865 (disability, severely wounded by gunshot to leg at Tom’s Brook, Virginia, October 9, 1864); b. Schuyler Falls, New York, November 27, 1827; d. October 4, 1902, Guide Rock, Nebraska; buried Guide Rock, Nebraska

Baddo, Israel: Pvt., Co. E, 4th California Infantry, May 1864, deserted at Fort Yuma (November 15, 1864), arrested (November 18, 1864), served to February 1866; b. St. Genevieve, Missouri, February 1835; d. February 20, 1911, Berkeley; buried California

Bainbridge, Robert: Pvt., Co. F, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-February 1864, reenlisted as a Veteran, February 1864-May 1866/Co. A, 5th U.S. Infantry, July 1868-August 1868 (disability); b. Ayr, Scotland, circa 1835; d. March 27, 1894, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Bair, William Reiter (Reverend): Pvt., Co. D, 7th Iowa Infantry, July 1861/re-enlisted, 1st Corp., January 1864/5th Sgt., June 1865-July 1865; b. Wooster, Ohio, October 17, 1840; d. April 18, 1912, Agnew; buried Oakland (Evergreen)

Baker, James B.: Pvt., Co. E, 149th Illinois Infantry, February 1865-January 1866; b. NA, NA (possibly Illinois, circa 1847); d. 1866-1930 (probably 1870-1904), California (probably Calaveras Co.); buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Baker, John Waterman Harris (Dr.): Asst. Surgeon (Camp McClellan, Davenport, Iowa), NA; b. Chesterfield, New Hampshire, August 21, 1821; d. April 7, 1905, Davenport, Iowa; buried Davenport, Iowa (Oakdale)

Balding, Frederick Harvey (Fred): Pvt., Co. A, 83rd Illinois Infantry, August 1862-February 1863 (disability); b. Richland Co., Ohio, September 21, 1841; d. February 9, 1922, Los Angeles Co.; buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Baldwin, Lemuel (“Lucky”): Pvt., Co. K, 5th New York Infantry (“Duryee’s Zouaves”), July 1861-October 1862 (disability); b. New York, June 7, 1841; d. November 8, 1907, Stockton; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Ballard, John Van Nortwick: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Chicago, Illinois, February 1846; d. February 6, 1920, Batavia, Illinois; buried West Batavia, Illinois

Barber, Amos: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. New York, New York, March 1823; d. July 28, 1900, Jackson; buried California (probably Amador Co.)

Barber, George Horace: Pvt., Co. C, 19th Wisconsin Infantry, December 1863-August 1865/Co. I, 1st U.S. Cavalry, October 1873, deserted July 19, 1874 (released from service July 1892); b. Dundee, Illinois, June 8, 1846; d. February 10, 1936, Mountain Home, Tennessee; buried Johnson City, Tennessee (Mountain Home Veterans Cemetery)

Barlow, James Marshall: Pvt., Co. A, 33rd Missouri Infantry, August 1862-August 1865; b. Cole Co., Missouri, October 22, 1826; d. May 6, 1917, Miller, Missouri; buried Chariton Co., Missouri (Mussel Fork)

Barnes, William Royal: Pvt., Co. F, 1st California Cavalry, July 1863-August 1866; b. West Indies, April 1830; d. May 19, 1904, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Barnhart, Elias: Pvt., Co. F, 16th New York Infantry (“1st Northern New York”), September 1861, deserted at Mechanicsville, Virginia (May 31, 1862); b. Malpool, Canada, April 8, 1842; d. January 29, 1911, West Point; buried West Point (Barnhart Ranch)

Barrickman, Martin C.: Pvt., Co. H, 68th Indiana Infantry, August 1862, captured and exchanged, December 1862/Co. A, 5th Veteran Corps, NA/Co. 93, 2nd Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, NA; b. Franklin, Indiana, February 19, 1844; d. March 13, 1913, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Barris, Laverne: Pvt., Co. I, 37th New York Infantry (“The Irish Rifles”), May 1861/Cpl., August 1862/Sgt., October 1862/2nd Lt., December 1862-June 1863; b. Pennsylvania, 1829; d. December 9, 1917, Los Angeles Co.; buried Los Angeles (Rosedale)

Barrow, Northwood A. (North): Pvt., Co. E, 16th Kentucky Infantry, November 1861-March 1865; b. Missouri, November 12, 1831; d. April 28, 1908, Sheep Ranch; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Bartlett, Oliver Norton: Pvt./Cpl., Co. A, 110th New York Infantry, August 1862, wounded at Port Hudson, Louisiana June 14, 1863/Sgt., October 1863-August 1865; b. Warsaw, New York, April 14, 1829; d. November 20, 1909, Sacramento Co.; buried Sacramento (City)

Bassi, Peter: Pvt., Co. B, 2nd California Infantry, March 1864-May 1866; b. Switzerland, July 1824; d. April 15, 1920, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Hospital)

Bateman, Aaron Lorenzo: Sgt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861/Commissary Sgt., Staff, December 1863-October 1864; b. Ohio, February 20, 1837; d. July 8, 1894, Elizabethtown, Indiana; buried Bartholomew, Indiana (Springer)

Bauny, Henry Frank: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1965-October 1865; b. France, January 28, 1829; d. September 17, 1910, Rail Road Flat; buried Rail Road Flat (Independence)

Beach, Isaiah Seymour: Pvt., Co. D, 10th New York Heavy Artillery, August 1862-May 1865 (disability); b. New York, New York, November 1836; d. January 1, 1904, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Beardsley, Martin: Pvt., Co. A, 43rd Wisconsin Infantry, August 1864-June 1865; b. Cass, Michigan, December 18, 1831; d. February 6, 1897, Waterford, Wisconsin; buried Waterford, Wisconsin (Oakwood)

Beatty, Samuel H.: Pvt., Co. E, 1st California Cavalry, August 1861-August 1864/Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 14, 1818; d. March 16, 1897, Camden, New Jersey; buried Camden, New Jersey (Evergreen)

Beckley, Benson Day: Pvt., Co. A, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Athens Co., Ohio, March 20, 1845; d. August 10, 1918, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Oakland (Mountain View)

Behnken, Hamil Henry Nicholas (aka Hammond Bencken and Herman and Harry): Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy (U.S.S. North Carolina, Iuka, Ohio), May 1864-August 1865; b. Hamburg, Germany, February 1842; d. December 9, 1907, Mountain Ranch; buried Mountain Ranch

Beikert, Heinrich Diedrich: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, NA; b. Germany, circa 1832; d. June 15, 1884, Ione; buried California

Belderrain, Guillermo (William): Pvt., Co. C, 1st Battalion California Native Cavalry, July 1865 (deserted September 7, 1865); b. Aquascalientes, Mexico or California, October 21, 1844; d. April 27, 1926, La Grange; buried La Grange

Bell, Timothy Carpenter: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. near Dallas, Texas, March 7, 1847; d. October 27, 1896, Waterford; buried Oakdale (Citizens)

Bemenderfer, Charles Henry: Pvt., Co. A, 196th Ohio Infantry, February 1865/Cpl., April 1865-September 1865; b. Ashland, Ohio, 1848; d. September 9, 1900, Everett, Washington; buried Everett, Washington (Evergreen)

Bemus, James: Pvt., Co. E, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), December 1861-July 1862, dishonorably discharged by order of G.C.M.; b. Ellery, New York, December 20, 1811; d. March 24, 1884, San Francisco; buried California

Bender, Damian: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-October 1865, died of disease; b. Baden, Germany, 1824; d. October 22, 1865, Fort Mason, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

Benedict, George Lafayette: Pvt., Co. F, 27th New York Infantry (“Union Regiment”), May 1861-June 1862 (disability)/Pvt., Co. F, 109th New York Infantry, January 1864/Co. F, 51st New York Infantry, May 1865-June 1865; b. New York, 1843; d. June 29, 1919, San Joaquin Co.; buried Lodi (Memorial)

Bennett, Jordan Campbell: NA, NA (possibly Pvt., Co. C, 1st Illinois Light Artillery, NA); b. Tennessee, December 21, 1825; d. March 4, 1906, Quincy; buried Quincy (Potter’s Field)

Benninger, Samuel Walter B.: Sgt., Co. A, 4th California Infantry, February 1865-November 1865; b. Pennsylvania, circa 1831; d. 1913-1914, NA (probably Madera Co.); buried NA (probably Madera Co.)

Benson, Otto: Pvt., 1st Sgt., Co. E, 2nd California Cavalry (“Tuolumne Rangers”), September 1861/re-enlisted as a Veteran, February 1864-June 1866; b. Sweden, circa 1828 (naturalized June 1867); d. 1867-1880, NA; buried NA

Bergue, Marc: Pvt., Musician, Co. H, 8th California Infantry, February 1865-October 1865; b. Switzerland, circa 1844 (naturalized July 1867); d. 1871-1940, NA; buried NA

Berthet, Arsene Celestine (Andre): Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), May 1862/Co. C, February 1864-May 1865; b. France, 1834 (naturalized June 1867); d. January 1, 1893, Flatbush, New York; buried NA (probably New York)

Bertholf, John Nichols: Pvt., Co. A, 39th Iowa Infantry, September 1862, deserted (October 20, 1862); b. Milton, Ohio, December 1, 1839; d. December 7, 1925, Tekoa, Washington; buried Tekoa, Washington (Goldenrod)

Bewley, Eli Fitzjerrel: Pvt., Co. A, 91st Illinois Infantry, August 1862-July 1865; b. Montgomery Co., Illinois, May 7, 1834; d. November 16, 1921, Lodi; buried Lodi

Bickerton, Joseph: Pvt., Co. U, 9th Illinois Cavalry, January 1864-NA; b. Wisconsin, 1830; d. 1870-NA, NA; buried NA

Billings, Frederick H. (Fred): Pvt., Co. D, 7th Kansas Cavalry (“Jennison’s Jayhawkers”), March 1864-October 1865; b. Wisconsin, August 1847; d. January 11, 1924, California; buried NA (probably California)

Billings, George Allen: Pvt., Co. H, 44th Massachusetts Infantry, September 1862-June 1863; b. Worcester, Massachusetts, September 5, 1843; d. January 26, 1926, Sonoma; buried Healdsburg (Oak Mound)

Bisencio, Caribo (or Toribio): Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Valparaiso, Chile, April 16, 1849 (naturalized August 1871); d. July 3, 1891, California; buried Sacramento (City)

Black, David: Capt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-November 1864; b. West Sonora, Ohio, March 15, 1823; d. August 12, 1910, Lanier, Ohio; buried Lewisburg, Ohio (Roselawn)

Blaisdell, Solon Greenleaf: Sgt., Co. F, 12th New Hampshire Infantry (“The Mountaineers”), August 1862/1st Sgt., November 1863, wounded in left arm and side at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 3, 1864/2nd Lt., May 1865-June 1865 (also fought at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wapping Heights, Swift Creek, Drury’s Bluff, Port Walthall, Bermuda Front and Petersburg, and at Richmond was one of the first to enter the city); b. Danville, Vermont, February 11, 1834; d. April 6, 1897, Mokelumne Hill; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Blossom, George Newton: 1st Lt./Quartermaster, 102nd Illinois Infantry, NA; b. Cayuga, New York, March 12, 1827; d. August 27, 1885, Kansas City, Missouri; buried Kansas City, Missouri (Elmwood)

Boardman, John Nelson: [Post-1854 Amador Co.]: Pvt., Co. M, 1st California Cavalry, October 1863-December 1866; b. Marion, Indiana, 1843; d. May 12, 1914, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Bode, Hermann: Musician, Pvt., Co. E, 32nd Indiana Infantry (“1st German Regiment”), August 1861-September 1864; b. Prussia, June 15, 1825 or 1826; d. August 3, 1895, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Bodell, Lewis Ferdinand: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864/Sgt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Utica, Ohio, March 1831; d. March 23, 1922, Santa Clara Co.; buried San Jose (Oak Hill)

Boege, Henry: NA, NA (possibly Pvt., Co. C, 5th New York Infantry (“Duryee’s Zouaves”), May 1861-August 1861); b. NA, NA (possibly 1830); d. December 28, 1899, Glencoe; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Bolander, John: Pvt., Co. G, 7th California Infantry, October 1864-May 1866; b. Elizabethtown, Ohio, September 26, 1831; d. May 15, 1909, El Dorado Co.; buried El Dorado (Public)

Booth, Elliot Lansing: Cpl., Co. D, 122nd New York Infantry, August 1862/Sgt., March 1863-August 1863; b. Canandaigua, New York, May 19, 1823; d. May 12, 1882, Stockton; buried California

Bostwick, Ebenezer (“Old Man”): Pvt., Co. F, 3rd California Infantry, October 1861-October 1864, reenlisted as a Veteran, Co. E, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Hinesburg, Vermont, September 6, 1803; d. Feburary 5, 1870, Soquel; buried Soquel

Botts, George Washington: Pvt., Co. D, 1st California Cavalry, September 1861-NA; b. Virginia, November 9, 1827; d. June 11, 1912, Colusa Co.; buried College City

Bowers, William: Pvt., Co. B, 12th Indiana Infantry, August 1862-May 1865; b. Indiana, 1843; d. June 14, 1934, Los Angeles Co.; buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Bowles, Johnson J. (John): Cpl., Co. A, 3rd Maryland Infantry (“Potomac Home Brigade”), June 1861-June 1864; b. Maryland, circa 1845; d. February 1, 1933, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Bowman, Edward: Pvt., Co. E, 107th Ohio Infantry (“Fifth German Regiment”), August 1862-March 1863 (disability, fever); b. Mount Eaton, Ohio, December 17, 1841 (brother of William of Ohio); d. July 14, 1914, Santa Cruz; buried Santa Cruz (I.O.O.F.)

Bowman, William (Billy): Pvt., Co. B, 1st California Cavalry, August 1861-September 1866, died of wounds; b. New York, circa 1828; d. September 4, 1866, Fort Union, New Mexico Territory; buried NA (probably New Mexico Territory)

Bowman, William: NA, NA (possibly Ohio Infantry); b. Massillon, Ohio, 1839 (brother of Edward); d. June 1, 1898, Salinas; buried Santa Cruz (I.O.O.F.)

Boyd, Sempronius Hamilton (“Pony”): Col., 24th Missouri Infantry (“Lyon Legion”), October 1861-March 1863; b. Nashville, Tennessee, May 28, 1828 (brother of Rufus King Boyd on Calaveras Confederate roster); d. June 22, 1894, Harrison, Arkansas; buried Springfield, Missouri (Hazelwood)

Boyd, Thomas: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. Ireland, circa 1835; d. 1864-1930, NA; buried NA

Bradshaw, Robert Rainey: Cpl., 1st Sgt., Co. G, 36th Illinois Infantry (“Fox River Regiment”), October 1861-January 1864/Veteran Corps, January 1864-October 1865; b. Fairview, Ohio, May 1840; d. March 26, 1907, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Brady, John: Pvt., Co. D, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864/Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Dublin, Ireland, 1833; d. March 25, 1890, Tehama Co.; buried Red Bluff (Oakhill)

Bragg, Augustus C. (possibly Church): Pvt., Co. H, 2nd California Cavalry, September 1861, deserted at Fort Churchill, Nevada (May 19, 1862); b. Vassalboro, Maine, March 8, 1834; d. May 12, 1912, Yuba Co.; buried Yuba City

Brand, Thomas H.: [Post-1854 Amador Co.]: Pvt., 7th Missouri Cavalry (“Irish Seventh”), 1861-1864 (disability)/Pvt., Co. H, 150th Illinois Infantry, February 1865-January 1866; b. Cambridge, England, April 20, 1825; d. October 16, 1892, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Northwestern Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Wood National Cemetery)

Brandon, William Mullinix: NA, 16th Iowa Infantry, NA; b. Tennessee, 1836; d. December 28, 1911, Alameda Co.; buried San Lorenzo (Pioneer)

Brannan, Hubert: Pvt., Co. I, 13th Ohio Cavalry, August 1864-NA; b. Ireland, circa 1837 (naturalized 1860); d. 1876-1900, NA; buried NA

Branson, Noah Chipman: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Wayne Co., Indiana, April 19, 1828; d. September 20, 1897, Independence, Kansas; buried Independence, Kansas (Mount Hope)

Bratton, William Grandison: Pvt., Co. K, 8th Indiana Infantry, April 1861-August 1861; b. Grant Co., Indiana, February 24, 1838; d. July 11, 1935, San Francisco; buried Woodbridge (Masonic) [Unmarked]

Breen, Joseph H. (“Checker Joe of Milton”): Pvt., Co. A, 9th Indiana Infantry, April 1861-July 1861; b. Indiana, February 1843; d. April 13, 1917, Alameda Co.; buried Milton

Brinkley, James: Pvt., Co. I, 4th California Infantry, April 1864-November 1865; b. North Carolina, 1823; d. 1888-1900, Modesto; buried Modesto (Citizens Cemetery/GAR Plot)

Brittan, Charles: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. France, circa 1835; d. 1864-1930, NA; buried NA

Broad, William Henry: Pvt., Co A, 11th Maine Infantry, November 1861/Sgt., January 1862-October 1862 (disability)/1st Lt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), December 1864-June 1866; b. Brownfield, Maine, 1841; d. July 3, 1881, outside Bakersfield; buried Bakersfield (Memorial now Union)

Brockway, John Pockman: Pvt., Co. E, 5th California Infantry, October 1861-November 1864/re-enlisted as a Veteran, Co. C, 1st Battalion of Veteran Infantry, January 1865-January 1866; b. Schodack, New York, March 1, 1833; d. June 18, 1921, Vining, Kansas; buried Clay Co., Kansas (Riverdale)

Brockway, Wallaston Jasper (Reverend): Cpl., Co. G, 169th Pennsylvania Infantry, November 1862/Commissary Sgt., November 1862-July 1863/Pvt., Quartermaster Sgt., Co. B, 34th New Jersey Infantry, October 1863-NA; b. New London, Connecticut, October 11, 1826; d. January 5, 1894, Murphys; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Brooks, Melancthon B. (possibly Bryant): Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-June 1863, accidentally shot and killed; b. Vermont (possibly St. Albans), circa 1831 (possibly March 11, 1828); d. June 5, 1863, Camp Lincoln; buried Camp Lincoln

Brothers, William: Pvt., Co. G, 6th California Infantry, October 1863-October 1865; b. Denmark, circa 1828 (naturalized 1871); d. 1892, California; buried California

Brown, Curtis Monroe: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-June 1866; b. Winnebago, Illinois, August 31, 1841 (brother of Daniel); d. January 2, 1914, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Brown, Daniel Webster: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Winnebago, Illinois, October 11, 1838 (brother of Curtis); d. August 19, 1921, Retsil, Washington; buried Retsil, Washington (Washington Veterans Home Cemetery)

Brown, William Sutton: Pvt., Co. G, 11th Massachusetts Infantry (“The Boston Volunteers”), June 1861-April 1864 (gunshot wound to left leg at Gettysburg July 3, 1863); b. New Hampshire, circa 1840; d. September 7, 1909, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Brusie, Luther (Dr.): Asst. Surgeon, Field & Staff, 3rd Indiana Cavalry (aka 45th Indiana Infantry), October 1861-November 1862 (resigned); b. Winsted, Connecticut, January 21, 1822; d. May 27, 1887, Ione; buried Ione

Bryant, Jesse William: Cpl., Co. B, 104th Illinois Infantry (“LaSalle County Regiment”), August 1862-December 1863 (disability); b. Putnam, Illinois, January 1839; d. January 22, 1905, Murphys; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Buchanan, NA: NA, NA; b. NA, NA; d. 1894-1930, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Buck, Gardner C.: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Glens Falls, New York, June 30, 1827; d. May 20, 1914, Onondaga, Michigan; buried Onondaga, Michigan

Buckingham, Nathaniel Ephraim: Pvt., Co. E, 1st Washington Territory Infantry, NA/Cpl., Brigade Band, District of Oregon, NA; b. Springfield, Illinois, September 16, 1840; d. May 14, 1919, Chicago, Illinois; buried Evergreen Park, Illinois (Evergreen)

Buckland, Henry Maitland: Pvt., Co. F, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864/Co. B, 6th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. Clinton, Pennsylvania, October 22, 1829; d. December 4, 1900, Adamsvlle, Texas; buried Adamsville, Texas (Townsen)

Buckley, Michael: Cpl., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, March 1863-March 1866; b. Rhode Island, circa 1829; d. May 18, 1873, San Francisco; buried California

Bundy, Daniel: Pvt., Co. F, 12th Wisconsin Infantry (“Marching Twelfth”), November 1861-July 1865; b. Delaware Co., New York, June 1830; d. March 12, 1911, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Burbank, Oscar Joseph: Pvt., Co. B, 29th Ohio Infantry, November 1861-February 1863; b. Ohio, circa 1834; d. March 13, 1898, Burson; buried Stockton (Rural)

Burchfield, Frederick Benjamin Franklin: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Cavalry, February 1865-May 1865; b. Springfield, Ohio, January 4, 1831; d. 1881, Butte Co.; buried California

Burgess, Alexander (“Dad”): Pvt., Co. D, 21st Ohio Infantry (“Black Swamp Boys”), April 1861-August 1861/Co. I, 99th Ohio Infantry, August 1862-December 1864/Co. K, 50th Ohio Infantry, December 1864-June 1865; b. Ohio, April 28, 1844; d. October 20, 1918, San Andreas; buried Mountain Ranch

Burghard, Ebenezer: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd Ohio Infantry (“Buckeye Warriors”), April 1861-August 1861/Co. C, 85th Ohio Infantry (“Zinn’s Battalion”), May 1862/Co. I, 87th Ohio Infantry, June 1862-October 1862/Co. B, 88th Ohio Infantry, December 1863-July 1865; b. Ohio, 1841; d. 1893-1930, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Burns, Patrick A.: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. Ireland, circa 1835; d. 1864-1910, NA; buried NA

Burrell, Presto: Sgt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. Carmi, Illinois, September 5, 1829; d. August 8, 1911, Blackfoot, Idaho; buried Blackfoot, Idaho (Grove City)

Burson, Daniel Smith: Pvt., Co. D, 7th Kansas Cavalry (“Jennison’s Jayhawkers”), November 1861-November 1862 (disability); b. Pennsylvania, August 1829; d. November 24, 1907, Monterey; buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Burton, James Odlin: Pvt., Battery 8, Indiana Light Artillery, April 1862-January 1865; b. Vigo Co., Indiana, March 7, 1843; d. May 19, 1922, Lodi; buried Stockton (Rural)

Byers, John Andrew: 1st Lt., Capt., Co. G, Co. K, 1st West Virginia Cavalry, July 1861-November 1864; b. Shepherdstown, Virginia (later West Virginia)), July 11, 1834; d. January 23, 1907, Colusa Co.; buried College City

Byrne, James Joseph (aka James Burns): U.S. Navy, 1861/Pvt., Co. F, 2nd California Infantry, October 1864-May 1866; b. Ulster, Ireland (later Northern Ireland), August 31, 1844; d. December 24, 1916, Kings Co.; buried Smartsville (Catholic)

Byrnes, Andrew Lewis: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, June 1863-June 1866; b. Maryland, circa 1827; d. 1869-1900 (possibly 1889-1900), NA (possibly Pueblo Co., Colorado); buried NA (possibly Colorado)

Calden, Frederick Rosealvin (Fred): Pvt., Co. M, 2nd Maine Cavalry, March 1864-May 1865; b. Maine, 1847; d. June 12, 1899, Yountville; buried Yountville (Pioneer)

Call, David, Jr.: Cpl., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Dresden, Maine, March 12, 1826; d. January 16, 1867, Forest Home; buried Farmingdale, Maine (Maine Avenue)

Cameron, Archibald: Pvt., Co. C (“Amador Mountaineers”), 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864/Co. A, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Scotland, circa 1825; d. August 1, 1898, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Cameron, James Beverly: Pvt., Co. C (“Amador Mountaineers”), 1st California Infantry, August 1861-1862, died of dysentery; b. Rockville, Indiana, September 28, 1831; d. November 11, 1862, Mesilla, New Mexico Territory; buried Mesilla, New Mexico Territory

Camp, George Washington: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Erie Co., New York, November 13, 1840; d. August 30, 1896, Armona; buried Armona (Grangeville)

Carlow, William Henry: Musician, Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-September 1864; b. Albany Co., New York, November 1844; d. May 27, 1908, Oakland; buried California

Carnduff, Frank Ford: Pvt., Battery A, 7th New York Heavy Artillery (“Seymour Guard”), January 1864/Battery M, February 1864/Cpl., April 1864-April 1865 (disability, gunshot wound to back, wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864); b. West Galway, New York, March 25, 1845; d. June 1, 1923, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Carpenter, Cary Dyer: Pvt., Co. G, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Rhode Island, 1827; d. 1864-1880, NA; buried NA

Carpenter, Stephen (or Steven) Henry: Pvt., Cpl., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Genesee Co., New York, May 1838; d. November 7, 1905, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Carrier, Victor: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. France, circa 1832 or 1840; d. April 10, 1895, Chiles Valley; buried St. Helena (Public)

Carter, Creed Columbus: Pvt., Co. C, 1st Nevada Infantry, January 1864-December 1865; b. Virginia, March 1825; d. November 1, 1907, Sonora; buried Sonora

Carter, Daniel J.: Pvt., Co. F, 4th California Infantry, November 1861-November 1864; b. Belfast, Maine, circa 1835; d. August 25, 1899, Tombstone, Arizona Territory; buried Tombstone, Arizona Territory

Carter, James Thompson Cray: Pvt., Co. L, 1st Arkansas Cavalry, August 1862-August 1865; b. Washingbton Co., Arkansas, January 28, 1846; d. March 18, 1916, Acampo; buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Caruthers, William E.: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Pennsylvania, circa 1834; d. 1890, Pennsylvania; buried Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Alleghany)

Casey, Francis J.: Cpl., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), February 1862/Co. D, February 1864-February 1865; b. New York, circa 1830; d. 1891, New York; buried New York

Catlin, George Lewis: Pvt., Co. C, 13th Missouri Infantry, May 1861-May 1865; b. Athens Co., Ohio, December 21, 1823; d. January 31, 1906, Danville, Illinois; buried Charleston, Illinois (Mound)

Chaloner, George Graves: Cpl., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Massachusetts, April 21, 1828; d. April 14, 1902, Copperopolis; buried Copperopolis

Chapman, NA (“Cap”): NA, NA; b. NA, NA; d. 1861-1930, NA; buried NA

Chase, Hiram Wilmarth: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), November 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, Co. A, October 1864-July 1866; b. Cattaraugus Co., New York, June 16, 1825; d. March 8, 1904, Galt; buried Franklin

Chellis, Charles Augustus: Cpl., Co. A, 1st Maine Infantry, May 1861-August 1861; b. Maine, circa 1829; d. March 19, 1887, San Andreas; bureid San Andreas (Peoples)

Chew, John W.: Pvt., Sgt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. District of Columbia, circa 1835 (possibly “mulatto”); d. 1880-1910, NA; buried NA

Chichester, Joseph B. (or G.): Cpl., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, Sgt., February 1864-September 1866; b. New York, circa 1831; d. 1880-1900, NA (possibly New Mexico Territory); buried NA (possibly New Mexico Territory)

Chittick, Alexander: Pvt., Co. C (“Amador Mountaineers”), 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Butler Co., Ohio, August 1829; d. December 4, 1869, Steilacoom, Washington Territory; buried Washington

Clark, Daniel Paddock: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. New York, New York, circa 1818; d. September 24, 1879, San Diego; buried California

Clark, Francis D.: Maj., Military Secretary, Dept. of North Carolina, NA; b. New York, 1829; d. July 15, 1899, East Orange, New Jersey; buried Newark, New Jersey (Mount Pleasant)

Clark, William Riley: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-July 1862 (disability); b. Tennessee, circa 1824; d. July 13, 1899, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Clasen, Otto Heinrich: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), November 1861/Co. D, October 1864-November 1864; b. New Orleans, Louisiana, June 30, 1843; d. 1895, Louisiana; buried Louisiana

Claxton, William Charles: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Yarmouth, England, February 28, 1832; d. January 20, 1908, Alameda Co.; buried Livermore (Roselawn)

Cleghorn, William: 1st Sgt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, March 1863-June 1866; b. Scotland, circa 1828; d. 1880-1900, NA (possibly Colorado); buried NA (possibly Colorado)

Cleveland, John Eddy: Pvt., Co. K, 10th Michigan Infantry, NA-Winter 1862; b. Hillsdale, Michigan, July 1843; d. October 4, 1901, near Sonora; buried California

Coberly, Enoch: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Madison Co., Ohio, November 5, 1821; d. October 5, 1911, Bozeman, Montana; buried Butte, Montana (Mount Moriah)

Coddington, James Smith: Pvt., Co. C, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Woodbridge, New Jersey, 1835 or 1836; d. 1903-1905, NA (probably California); buried NA (probably California)

Coffin, Nelson Gardner (Dr.): Asst. Surgeon, Staff, 107th Illinois Infantry (“Boyle’s Battery,” “Colvin’s Battery”), September 1862-August 1863 (dismissed); b. Guilford Co., North Carolina, October 3, 1820; d. November 1, 1910, Monticello, Illinois; buried Monticello, Illinois

Cogdill, Frederick Henry: Pvt., Co. A, Gentry Co. Regiment, Missouri Home Guards, September 1861/Cpl., Co. G, 31st Missouri Enrolled Militia, July 1863-October 1863, July 1864-August 1864; b. Clay Co., Missouri, April 1, 1830; d. January 11, 1905, Stanberry, Missouri; buried Stanberry, Missouri (Cooper)

Coggshall, Thomas Jefferson: Pvt., Co. B, Co. K, 4th Rhode Island Infantry, September 1861/Cpl., Co. B, 7th Rhode Island Infantry, October 1864-July 1865; b. Warwick, Rhode Island, June 10, 1843; d. March 21, 1906, Stockton; buried Farmington (Highland View)

Cogswell (or Coggswell), Henry Smith: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Washington, Connecticut, February 27, 1822; d. May 7, 1892, Altaville; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Cogswell, Horatio Frederick: Pvt., Co. E, 2nd California Infantry, September 1864-May 1865, died of consumption; b. Massachusetts, January 30, 1827; d. May 24, 1865, San Francisco; buried Foxboro (aka Foxborough), Massachusetts (Rock Hill)

Cole, Elliott George: Sgt., Co. I, 2nd California Infantry, November 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, November 1864-May 1866; b. Detroit, Michigan, March 1838; d. November 10, 1918, Weippe, Idaho; buried Weippe, Idaho

Collier, Isaac Thorne (or Thornton): Pvt., Co. E, 12th Ohio Infantry, April 1861-August 1861/Pvt., Co. D, 44th Ohio Infantry, September 1861-October 1862 (disability)/Co. F, 154th Ohio Infantry, Co. K, 184th Ohio Infantry, January 1865-September 1865; b. Greene Co., Ohio, November 7, 1841; d. January 15, 1912, Murphys; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Collins, Alvin Montgomery: Pvt., NA, 20th Minnesota Infantry, May 1862-December 1864/1st Lt., Co. F, 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery, February 1865-September 1865; b. Espeyville, Pennsylvania, August 8, 1832 (brother of Benjamin and Henry); d. October 2, 1917, Hillsboro, Oregon; buried Hillsboro, Oregon (Pioneer)

Collins, Benjamin Moss: Cpl., Co. G, 37th Wisconsin Infantry, April 1864-June 1865; b. North Shenango, Pennsylvania, June 12, 1835 (brother of Alvin and Henry); d. January 1, 1923, Empire, Oregon; buried Retsil, Washington (Washington Veterans Home)

Collins, Henry Anderson: Cpl., Sgt., Co. E, 16th Wisconsin Infantry, November 1862-July 1865; b. North Shenango, Pennsylvania, June 1837 (brother of Alvin and Benjamin); d. March 29, 1920, Kings Co.; buried Hanford

Conard, George Washington: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, March 1863/Sgt., August 1863/Regimental Quartermaster Sgt., June 1864/Sgt., Co. L, May 1865-March 1866; b. Knox Co., Ohio, January 30, 1830; d. December 23, 1909, Loon Lake, Washington; buried College Place, Washington (Mount Hope)

Conover, James Leslie: Cpl., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Montgomery Co., New York, circa 1833; d. 1886-1900, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Conway, John: Pvt., Co. D, 6th U.S. Infantry, October 1862-October 1865 (gunshot in right shoulder, Gettysburg July 5, 1863)/Ordnance, December 1865-December 1870; b. Urlingford, Ireland, circa 1826 (naturalized August 1888); d. September 25, 1905, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Cook, Clark Wells: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. Massachusetts, circa 1823 (father of George Cook); d. 1871-1880, NA (possibly San Francisco); buried NA (possibly San Francisco)

Cook, George Franklin (or Francis): Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Newburyport, Massachusetts, July 22, 1846 (son of Clark Cook); d. August 20, 1915, Altaville; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Copeland, Patrick H.: 2nd Lt., Co. G, 88th Ohio Infantry (“First Battalion Governor’s Guard”), May 1862-September 1862/1st Sgt., Co. A, 185th Ohio Infantry, February 1865/2nd Lt., July 1865-September 1865; b. Albany Co., New York, 1828; d. October 21, 1899, New Philadelphia, Ohio; buried New Philadelphia, Ohio (East Avenue)

Cordwell, Henry Charles: Cpl., Co. D, 13th Wisconsin Infantry (“Janesville Zouaves”), September 1861-November 1865; b. Irlam Eccles, England, July 5, 1835; d. 1906, Delhi, Kansas; buried Delhi, Kansas

Corson, William S. (possibly Stanger): Pvt., Co. G, 24th New Jersey Infantry, September 1862-December 1862; b. New Jersey, March 18, 1831; d. October 26, 1909, Millville, New Jersey; buried Glassboro, New Jersey (First United Methodist Church)

Corwin, Thomas: NA, NA; b. Louisiana, circa 1845; d. July 6, 1897, Angels Camp; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Cossell, Jackson (Jake): Pvt., Cpl., Co. F, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), April 1863, captured Rockville, Maryland, July 13, 1864 (Andersonville prison), exchanged February 22, 1865, Annapolis, Maryland/Sgt., July 1865; b. Virginia, circa 1830; d. April 15, 1898, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Cottle, Augustus Charles: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Wisconsin, circa 1847; d. July 14, 1876, Santa Clara Co.; buried San Jose (Oak Hill)

Cotton, Edwin: Pvt., Co. H, 24th Michigan Infantry, August 1862/Principal Musician, May 1864-June 1865; b. New York, August 23, 1832; d. November 12, 1917, Alameda Co.; buried Clements (Glen View)

Coyner, James Bell: Pvt., Co. B, 30th Iowa Infantry, August 1862-June 1865; b. Randolph, Virginia, September 16, 1841; d. December 9, 1928, Cherryville, Kansas; buried Cherryville, Kansas (Fairview)

Craig, Newton N. (“Nute”): Pvt., Co. G, 148th Illinois Infantry, February 1865-November 1865; b. Perryville, Missouri, June 4, 1849; d. February 4, 1933, Alameda; buried Colma (Cypress Lawn)

Cramer, William: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Ireland, circa 1834; d. 1866-1930, NA; buried NA

Crandall, Robert M. (Bob): 2nd Lt., Co. C (“Amador Mountaineers”), 1st California Infantry, August 1861/1st Lt., Co. G, February 1862/Provost Marshal, Western District of Arizona, October 1862/Capt., Co. A, February 1863-August 1864; b. Ohio, circa 1831; d. March 2, 1876, Tucson, Arizona Territory; buried Tucson, Arizona Territory (Military Cemetery)/reinterred in 1884 at Tucson, Arizona Territory (Evergreen)

Creath, Carroll Atkins: Pvt., Co. C, 1st California Cavalry, August 1861-September 1864/Substitute, Pvt., Co. G, 8th Kansas Infantry, November 1864, deserted at Nashville, Tennessee (June 16, 1865); b. Missouri, September 1830; d. August 1, 1902, Williamsville, Missouri; buried Wayne Co., Missouri (Wight)

Cree, William James: Sgt., Co. A, 2nd New Jersey Infantry, May 1861/2nd Lt., June 1861/1st Lt., November 1861-July 1862 (resigned); b. Elizabeth, New Jersey, February 11, 1827; d. December 10, 1869, Elizabeth, New Jersey; buried Hillside, New Jersey (Evergreen)

Crist, Daniel Leslie (“Uncle Dan”): Pvt., Co. A, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861—February 1864, reenlisted as a Veteran, February 1864-July 1866; b. Illinois, December 1842; d. March 20, 1917, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Crist, George: Cpl., Co. F, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), May 1862-January 1864/Co. C, January 1864-May 1865; b. Seneca, New York, May 10, 1834; d. February 9, 1901, California; buried Woodbridge (Masonic)

Crocker, Josiah W.: Landsman, U.S. Navy (U.S.S. Fort Henry, Iroquois, Ohio, Sangamon), August 1864-June 1865; b. Barnstable, Massachusetts, December 9, 1829; d. April 8, 1917, Raynham, Massachusetts; buried Raynham, Massachusetts (Pleasant Street)

Crockett, Jason Henry: Sgt., Co. H, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861-October 1864; b. Maine, circa 1822; d. March 23, 1900, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Crockett, William H. (“Colonel”): Pvt., Co. A, 1st Maine Sharpshooters, October 1864/Co. A, 20th Maine Infantry, June 1865-July 1865 (wounded three times); b. Maine, April 8, 1846; d. October 18, 1925, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Crowell, Amos Emery: Pvt., Co. K, 6th California Infantry, September 1863-October 1865; b. Newport, New Hampshire, June 15, 1835; d. October 11, 1903, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Culbertson, Jacob Clark: Pvt., Co. A, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861, deserted enroute from Stockton to Churchill, Nevada (October 6, 1862); b. Ohio, circa 1842; d. February 25, 1895, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Hospital)

Culver, Alexander Smith: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Utica, New York, circa 1829; d. 1893-1905, NA (possibly San Francisco); buried NA (possibly California)

Cunningham, James Vincent: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. Virginia, circa 1830; d. August 29, 1889, Woodland; buried Woodland

Currier, Orison Vandelene: Pvt., Co. D, 2nd Maine Infantry (“Bangor Regiment”), May 1861-June 1863; b. Jefferson, Maine, June 1840; d. October 5, 1868, Angels Camp; buried NA (possibly California) (Obituary/Calaveras Chronicle October 10 and October 31, 1868)

Curtis, Lyman Philitus: Pvt., Co. I, 60th New York Infantry (“First St. Lawrence Regiment,” “Ogdensburg Regiment”), September 1861-October 1862 (disability); b. Canada (French), May 12, 1824; d. February 18, 1897, Stockholm, New York; buried Brookdale, New York

Custerd, John: Pvt., Co. F, 18th U.S. Infantry, November 1861-November 1864; b. North Hampton, Pennsylvania, July 1824; d. November 16, 1906, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Damon, Charles Warren: Pvt., Co. A, 38th Massachusetts Infantry, July 1862-May 1864/U.S. Navy (U.S.S. Osage, Meteor), May 1864-September 1865; b. Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 7, 1838; d. January 17, 1912, Turlock; buried Turlock (Memorial Park)

Darnell, Walter Daniel: Cpl., Co. D, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. St. Peters, Ramsgate, England, March 1837; d. 1877-1900 (possibly 1890-1900), NA; buried NA

Davis, Bradley Sherman: Cpl., Co. I, 50th Illinois Infantry (“Blind Half-Hundred”), September 1861-September 1864; b. Illinois, 1839; d. January 7, 1900, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Davis, Charles Dickson: Pvt., Co. F, 6th Missouri Cavalry or Co. B or Co. D, 7th Missouri Cavalry, 1861-1864; b. Columbus, Ohio, May 20, 1825; d. March 8, 1875, Baker City, Oregon; buried Vale, Oregon (Pioneer)

Davis, Henry: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), February 1865-June 1866; b. Schoharie, New York, December 23, 1825; d. July 3, 1893, Calaveras Co.; buried Jenny Lind

Davis, Matthew Leonard: Pvt., Co. K, 25th Missouri Infantry, September 1861-January 1863 (lost eye and broke hip at Battle of Shiloh, disability); b. Clark, Kentucky, March 21, 1815; d. December 15, 1887, Hawleyville, Iowa; buried Hawleyville, Iowa

Davis, Nicholas S.: 2nd Lt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861/1st Lt., September 1861/Capt., Co. K, January 1862-October 1864/Brevet Lt. Col.; b. Pennsylvania, circa 1828; d. December 24, 1886, California or Arizona Territory; buried Malvern, Pennsylvania (Great Valley Presbyterian Church)

Davis, Sylvester (Syl): Pvt., Co. K, 52nd Massachusetts Infantry (Militia), October 1862-August 1863; b. Westhampton, Massachusetts, May 1831; d. December 27, 1900, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Davis, Thomas: NA, NA; b. NA, NA; d. NA, NA; buried NA

Davis, William Alfred (Alfred): Capt., Co. D, 60th Illinois Infantry, February 1862-March 1862 (resigned); b. Madisonville, Tennessee, April 29, 1824; d. March 30, 1869, Lake River, Washington; buried Fort Vancouver, Washington

Dawley, Daniel D.: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, November 1861-November 1864; b. Exeter, Rhode Island, March 29, 1829; d. March 4, 1911, San Andreas; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Dawson, John Wesley: Pvt., Cpl., Sgt., Co. C, 22nd U.S. Infantry, Colored Troops (Pennsylvania Regiment), December 1863-October 1865; b. Virginia, 1826; d. March 1, 1896, Jenny Lind; buried Jenny Lind

Dawson, Thomas Greene (or Greenbury)(Dr.): Pvt., Co. A, 6th Delaware Infantry, October 1862-August 1863; b. Smyrna, Delaware, December 12, 1845; d. August 25, 1930, Angels Camp; buried (cremated) Stockton (Crematory)/Delivered to family in Delaware

Day, Jules: Pvt., Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861-October 1864/Cpl., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Wisconsin, circa 1838; d. August 26, 1868, Mokelumne Hill; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Dean, Henry Stewart: 2nd Lt., Co. H, 22nd Michigan Infantry (“The Marching Regiment”), July 1862/Capt., July 1862/Major, January 1863/Lt. Col., June 1864-June 1864; b. Lima, New York, June 14, 1830; d. October 18, 1915, Ann Arbor, Michigan; buried Ann Arbor, Michigan (Forest Hill)

Dean, Silas (“Selso”): Pvt., Co. E, 25th New York Infantry, 1861-July 1863; b. New York, New York, circa 1839; d. May 22, 1924, Kearny, New Jersey (New Jersey Memorial Home for Disabled Soldiers); buried Arlington, New Jersey

Dean, Thomas Joseph: Lt., Co. A, 1st California Cavalry, March 1865-May 1866; b. Wellsburg, Virginia (later West Virginia), December 17, 1831; d. July 9, 1905, Sutter; buried Sutter

Decker, Isaac: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Ohio, November 14, 1833; d. September 28, 1915, Republic, Ohio; buried Tiffin, Ohio (Pleasant Ridge)

DeFrouville, Frederick: Pvt., Co. F, 1st California Cavalry, September 1863-September 1865 (disability); b. Brighton, England, 1828 (naturalized December 1848); d. August 14, 1894, San Miguel, New Mexico Territory; buried Las Vegas, New Mexico Territory (San Jose)

De Groff, Allen H.: Pvt., Co. G, 25th Wisconsin Infantry, January 1864-June 1865/Co. F, 12th Wisconsin Infantry, July 1865; b. Nelson, Wisconsin, September 1848; d. July 21, 1932, San Francisco; buried Oakland (Evergreen)

Delano, Abram Thomas: Master’s Mate, U.S. Navy (U.S.S. Nightingale), November 1861-June 1862 (disability/gunshot wound to left knee at New Orleans, Louisiana); b. Medford, Massachusetts, December 17, 1837; d. June 23, 1899, Fresno Co.; buried Fresno (Liberty)

Demarest, Abraham S.D. (probably Durie): Pvt., Co. I, 22nd New Jersey Infantry, September 1862-June 1863; b. Schraalenburg, New Jersey, May 18, 1834 (brother of Cornelius); d. September 27, 1914, Hackensack, New Jersey; buried Hackensack (First Dutch Reformed Churchyard)

Demarest, Cornelius Blauvelt: NA, NA (possibly Pvt., Co. G, 188th New York Infantry, October 1864-June 1865); b. Schraalenburg, New Jersey, May 11, 1836 (brother of Abraham); d. December 23, 1911, Kings Co., New York; buried Brooklyn, New York (Greenwood)

Dennis, Isaac Cummins: Pvt., Co. M, 14th Illinois Cavalry, January 1863-March 1865 (disability); b. Morris Co., New Jersey, March 27, 1842; d. July 8, 1915, Indian Island; buried Ferndale

Dennison, Lewis Grant: Pvt., Co. B, 15th Missouri Reserve Corps, July 1861/Co. A, 8th Missouri Cavalry, December 1861-November 1863 (disability); b. Kanawha Co., Virginia (later West Virginia), November 30, 1815; d. May 9, 1892, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Dennison, William: Pvt., Co. D, 8th California Infantry, April 1865-October 1865; b. New York, March 1828; d. August 30, 1913, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Depue, John: Recruit, Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864, deserted at the Presidio, San Francisco (November 23, 1864)/Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Dutchess Co., New York, circa 1846; d. February 27, 1932, San Diego Co.; buried San Diego (Greenwood)

DeWitt, Evert (Reverend): Pvt., Co. G, 9th Kansas Cavalry, September 1861-January 1865; b. Canada, August 12, 1832; d. May 12, 1913, Kings Co.; buried Hanford (Lakeside)

DeWitt, Isaac Newton (aka Charles Monroe): Pvt., Co. B, Thompsons Battalion, Missouri State Militia, October 1861-February 1862/Co. K, 4th Missouri State Militia Cavalry, April 1862, deserted at Westport, Missouri (September 23, 1863)/enlisted as Charles Monroe, Sgt., 1st Nebraska Cavalry, January 1864, arrested August 31, 1864 at Omaha, Nebraska Territory, dishonorably discharged by order of G.C.M.; b. Mt. Vernon, Ohio, May 9, 1844; d. February 8, 1912, Burson; buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Dexter, Jonathan (John): Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, November 1861-January 1863 (disability); b. London, England, circa 1838; d. April 23, 1898, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Dickerson, Curry E.: Pvt., Co. A, 63rd Illinois Infantry, April 1862-August 1862 (disability); b. Ohio, May 30, 1844; d. October 12, 1908, Rail Road Flat; buried Rail Road Flat (Independence)

Dillahanty, Henry Johnson: Cpl., Co. C, 1st Battalion California Mountaineers, May 1863-May 1865; b. New Jersey, circa 1829; d. 1866-1920, NA; buried NA

Dodge, Leonard Putnam:  Pvt., Co. E, 1st Battalion California Mountaineers, July 1863-June 1865; b. Nova Scotia (later Canada)[claims Maine as birthplace], May 15, 1826; d. April 12, 1907, Mendocino Co.; buried Westport

Doitline, John: Pvt., Co. A, 168th New York Infantry, January 1863-October 1863/Co. C, 98th New York Infantry, January 1864-August 1865; b. New York, circa 1843; d. July 4, 1918, Napa Co.; buried California

Donaldson, John: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Jefferson, Kentucky, circa 1832; d. April 12, 1902, California (probably Lake Co.); buried Upper Lake

Dorr, William Augustus: Sgt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Jonesport, Maine, 1845; d. February 6, 1883, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Doty, Clois Edgar: Pvt., Co. C, 2nd Ohio Heavy Artillery, December 1863-August 1865; b. Ohio, October 14, 1848; d. Febraury 2, 1926, Turlock; buried Turlock

Douglass, Elisha: Pvt., Co. B, 14th Maine Infantry, January 1862, deserted (February 5, 1862)/Cpl., Co. K, 25th Maine Infantry, September 1862-July 1863; b. Limington, Maine, October 16, 1824; d. March 5, 1907, Westbrook, Maine; buried Gorham, Maine (Eastern)

Downey, Byron Alonzo: Pvt., Co. K, 6th California Infantry, April 1863-October 1865; b. Harmony, Pennsylvania, January 11, 1843; d. February 26, 1905, Plymouth; buried Amador Co. (Shenandoah Valley)

Driscoll, Jeremiah: Pvt., Co. H, 5th Iowa Infantry, October 1861/6th Cpl., February 1862-February 1865; b. Ireland, circa 1831; d. November 17, 1897, California (possibly San Francisco); buried Oakland (Mountain View/GAR Plot)

Drown, William Henry: Pvt., Co. A, 61st Massachusetts Infantry, August 1864-June 1865; b. Pawtucket, Rhode Island, July 24, 1826; d. April 1, 1912, Richmond; buried Oakland

Drury, Wendell Witherington (or Wethington): Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-June 1866; b. Holden, Massachusetts, February 12, 1818; d. May 4, 1894, Kern Co.; buried Bakersfield (Union)

Dudley, Charles Pratt: 1st Lt., Quartermaster, Staff, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-May 1866; b. Westmoreland, New Hampshire, December 25, 1822; d. March 28, 1891, Oakland; buried San Francisco (Laurel Hill/Masonic)/reinterred Colma (Woodlawn) [Unmarked]

Dugan, Henry T.: 2nd Lt., Co. G, 5th Missouri State Militia Cavalry, 1862-NA; b. Missouri, circa 1827 (brother of Patrick); d. October 10, 1884, Bismarck, Missouri; buried DeSoto, Missouri (City)

Dugan, Patrick: Pvt., Co. G, 5th Missouri State Militia Cavalry, 1862-NA; b. Jefferson Co., Missouri, circa 1819 (brother of Henry); d. 1887, Crawford Co., Arkansas; buried Mulberry, Arkansas (Dugan)

Dugid (or Duguid), George: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, February 1864-September 1866; b. New York, January 25, 1831; d. March 28, 1917, Sterling, New York; buried Sterling, New York (Mount Pleasant)

Dunn, William Henry: Pvt., 11th Independent Battery, New York Light Artillery, December 1861-December 1864; b. New York, New York, June 1841; d. August 13, 1909, Napa Co. (probably Yountville (Veterans Home)); buried Yountville

Durgin, Franklin Weston: Pvt., Co. A, 16th Maine Infantry, September 1864-June 1865; b. Fairfield, Maine, July 14, 1845; d. June 27, 1925, San Joaquin Co.; buried Chico

Duvall, Charles Franklin: Pvt., Co. H, 9th Ohio Infantry (“Die Neuner,” “First German Regiment,” “Bloody Dutch,” “Dutch Devils,” “McCooks Dutchmen,” “Turner’s Regiment”), October 1863-July 1865; b. Bristol, Ohio, 1845; d. December 2, 1918, Tehama Co.; buried Red Bluff (Oak Hill)

Eastman, Gilman Lougee: Pvt., Co. E, 30th Maine Infantry, January 1864-August 1865; b. Cornish, Maine, October 23, 1848; d. February 26, 1929, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Edgerton, Charles Wakefield: Pvt., Co. C, 21st New York Infantry (“1st Buffalo Regiment”), May 1861-February 1863; b. New York, April 1834; d. August 22, 1902, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Hospital)

Edmonds, Richard: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Gwagynoe, Aberdaron, Caernarfonshire, Wales, circa 1810 (naturalized under registry law); d. March 17, 1868, Murphys; buried NA (possibly California)

Edwards, Isaac Nichols: 1st Sgt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Connecticut, 1834; d. circa 1874, NA (possibly Connecticut); buried NA (possibly Connecticut)

Egan, Patrick Henry: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry, October 1864-April 1866; b. Michigan, February 10, 1838; d. May 26, 1893, Calaveras Co.; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Eggleston, David A.: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Lawrence, New York, July 9, 1823; d. October 26, 1912, Ashton, Michigan; buried Ashton, Michigan

Eitel, John George Frederick (Frederick): Pvt., Co. B, 106th Ohio Infantry (“Fourth German Regiment”), August 1862 (never mustered/possibly too young)/Pvt., Co. G, 147th Ohio Infantry, May 1864-August 1864; b. Ohio, circa 1847; d. September 4, 1920, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Ellington, Michael: Pvt., Co. I, 8th U.S. Infantry, NA; b. Ohio, September 19, 1826; d. 1891, NA; buried NA

Elliott, Matthew E. (Matt): 1st Sgt., Co. D, 193rd Pennsylvania Infantry, July 1864-November 1864; b. Pennsylvania, October 1842; d. December 21, 1915, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Ellis, Charles: Landsman, U.S. Navy (U.S.S. Mohican, St. Marys), October 1859-NA/Pvt., Co. C, 1st California Cavalry, September 1861-September 1864/Co. K, 2nd California Cavalry, Decemeber 1864-May 1866; b. Malden, Massachusetts, January 1837; d. May 3, 1913, Sal Spring Valley; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Eloin, Francis: Cpl., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Canada, circa 1820; d. 1902, France; buried France

Elsy, Thomas: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861, deserted at Camp Halleck (June 12, 1862), surrendered October 1863/Co. C, November 1864-August 1865; b. Virginia, May 7, 1823; d. January 4, 1902, Salt Lake City, Utah; buried Salt Lake Co., Utah (Fort Douglas Military Cemetery)

Eltz, Frederick: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-May 1863, died of disease; b. Germany, circa 1826; d. May 26, 1863, Fort Bridger, Wyoming Territory; buried Fort Bridger, Wyoming Territory/reinterred Maxwell, Nebraska (Fort McPherson National Cemetery)

Etts, Egbert Mortimer: Pvt., Co. B, 6th Michigan Infantry, March 1862-October 1862 (disability)/Co. I, 9th New York Heavy Artillery (“Second Auburn Regiment,” “Cayuga and Wayne County Regiment”), December 1863-June 1865; b. New York, circa 1836; d. April 13, 1900, New York; buried Perinton, New York (Schummer’s)

Evans, George Lewis: Cpl., 6th Independent Co., Ohio Sharpshooters, October 1862/Sgt., December 1862/2nd Lt., June 1863/1st Lt., December 1863-January 1865 (resigned); b. South Wales, March 2, 1836; d. December 29, 1913, Everett, Washington; buried Snohomish, Washington (GAR)

Evans, George Spafford: Maj., Staff, 2nd California Cavalry, October 1861/Lt. Col., November 1861 (established Ft. Independence and named town of Independence, July 4, 1862)/Col., February 1863-May 1863 (resigned)/Adjutant-General, State of California, May 1864-May 1868/Brevet Brig. Gen., March 1865; b. Tecumseh, Michigan, August 8, 1826; d. September 17, 1883, San Francisco; buried Stockton (Rural)

Evans, John S.: Pvt., Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861-October 1864/Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), February 1865-June 1866; b. New York, circa 1819; d. 1891-1900, NA (possibly Oregon); buried NA (possibly Oregon)

Evans, Lemuel Luther: Pvt., Co. B, 53rd Indiana Infantry, October 1864-July 1865; b. Corydon, Indiana, February 18, 1846; d. July 22, 1928, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Ewing, Westly: Pvt., Co. G, 87th Ohio Infantry, May 1862-October 1862/Co. E, 31st Ohio Infantry, NA; b. Austintown, Ohio, March 28, 1844; d. December 8, 1908, San Joaquin Co.; buried Fresno (I.O.O.F.)

Fabian, James W.: Pvt., Rifle Co. B, U.S. Army, February 1850-October 1851/Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, March 1863-April 1866; b. Berks Co., Pennsylvania, circa 1827; d. June 2, 1867, San Bernardino; buried San Bernardino

Fairbanks, William Richard: Pvt., Co. A, 6th New Hampshire Infantry, November 1861-April 1863; b. Hyde Park, Vermont, December 29, 1838; d. May 14, 1901, Tomales; buried Tomales

Fairchild, Lucius: Capt., Co. K, 1st Wisconsin Infantry, April 1861/Capt., 16th U.S. Infantry/Maj., 2nd Wisconsin Infantry/Lt. Col., August 1861-September 1862, lost left arm at Gettysburg where captured July 1, 1863 and released/Brig. Gen., Veterans, October 1863-November 1863 (resigned); b. Franklin Mills, Ohio, December 27, 1831; d. May 23, 1896, Madison, Wisconsin; buried Madison, Wisconsin (Forest Hill)

Fann, James Newell: Pvt., Co. I, 6th Kansas Cavalry, April 1863-July 1865; b. Missouri, circa 1835; d. October 21, 1899, San Joaquin Co.; buried Stockton (Rural)

Fenno, Dana Grafton: Pvt., Co. F, 71st New York Infantry (“The American Guard”), May 1862/Sgt., Co. D, 165th New York Infantry (“The 2nd Duryee Zouaves”), September 1862/Pvt., April 1863-May 1863 (disability)/Sgt., Co. D, 3rd Massachusetts Cavalry, January 1864/Reg. Quartermaster Sgt., July 1865-September 1865; b. Salem, Massachusetts, February 5, 1827; d. July 29, 1888, Westboro, Massachusetts; buried Boston, Massachusetts (Mount Hope)

Ferris, Dewitt Clinton: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Sangerfield, New York, October 24, 1824; d. 1903, Corydon, Iowa; buried Corydon, Iowa

Ferris, James Hinkley: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. New York, June 5, 1829; d. May 30, 1905, Sacramento; buried Sacramento (City)

Ficken, Henry: Pvt., Co. B, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861-November 1864; b. Bremen, Germany, October 1842 (naturalized 1864); d. December 16, 1904, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery) 

Field, Lewis A.: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864, deserted at the Presidio, San Francisco (March 1865); b. Cumberland, Maine, circa 1827; d. 1865-1920, NA; buried NA

Finch, Robert Ivers: Pvt., Co. B, 4th California Infantry, March 1865-April 1866; b. Indiana, circa 1826; d. 1888, California; buried California

Finch, William Henry Jr.: Pvt., Co. D, 2nd Michigan Cavalry, September 1861-September 1862; b. Niagara Co., New York, March 3, 1814; d. May 24, 1895, Holland, Michigan; buried Holland, Michigan (Pilgrim Home)

Finks, Albert: Pvt., NA; b. Ohio, circa 1837; d. August 2, 1899, Elkhorn Station; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Finley, Welton Brown: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Wisconsin, December 17, 1847; d. November 1, 1899, Visalia; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Finnegan, John: Sgt., Co. I, 34th New York Infantry, May 1861, wounded December 13, 1862 (Fredericksburg, Virginia), April 1863 (disability); b. Pulteney, New York, 1834; d. 1905-NA, California; buried California

Fitzclarence, George: U.S. Navy, May 1861-March 1862/Pvt., Co. B, 1st Washington Territory Infantry, March 1862-March 1865/Co. F, 4th California Infantry, April 1865-November 1865; b. New York, March 1832; d. July 29, 1908, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Fitzpatrick, William: Pvt., Co. H, 99th Illinois Infantry, August 1862-NA; b. Pike Co., Illinois, May 13, 1838; d. November 13, 1927, Pike Co., Illinois; buried Pike Co., Illinois

Flanders, Edgar Warren: Pvt., Co. D, 8th Minnesota Infantry, August 1862-January 1864 (disability); b. Norfolk, New York, 1840; d. May 22, 1913, Oakland; buried California

Fletcher, Elias: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd Missouri State Militia Cavalry, NA/Co. G, 8th Missouri Cavalry, March 1862-April 1865; b. Vinton Co., Ohio, circa 1845; d. June 6, 1903, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery) 

Fletcher, William John: Pvt., Co. G, 80th Illinois Infantry, August 1862-February 1864 (disability)/Co. I, 23rd Veteran Reserve Corps, NA-NA/68th Co., 2nd Battalion, Vteran reserve Corps, NA-August 1865; b. Madeley, England, August 14, 1825; d. July 23, 1903, Clements; buried Clements

Forbes, James Henry: Pvt., Co. M, 2nd California Cavalry, September 1861-October 1864; b. Gloucester Co., New Jersey, November 15, 1829; d. April 15, 1914, Kahoka, Missouri; buried Kahoka, Missouri

Foster, Benjamin Franklin: Pvt., Cpl., Co. K, 1st California Cavalry, April 1863-April 1866; b. Calais, Maine, March 25, 1842; d. May 5, 1907, Jackson; buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Foster, Silas Curtis: Pvt., Co. K, 28th Maine Infantry, October 1862-August 1863; b. Jay, Maine, January 21, 1831; d. May 31, 1893, Jay, Maine; buried Jay, Maine (Bean’s Corner)

Foy, James Calvert: Capt., Co. A, 23rd Kentucky Infantry, October 1861/Maj., February 1863/Lt. Col., April 1863/Col., March 1864-July 1864 (died from wounds suffered near Vinings Station, Georgia); b. Washington, DC, February 11, 1826; d. July 24, 1864, Atlanta, Georgia; buried Covington, Kentucky (Linden Grove)

Franklin, Mark Anthony: Pvt., Co. C, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), May 1862, deserted at Athens Ferry (July 17, 1862); b. New York, circa 1827; d. 1896-1900, NA (probably California); buried NA (probably California)

Freeman, Robert Lee: Capt., Co. K (“The Union Rangers”), 1st Iowa Cavalry, June 1861-March 1864 (disability); b. New Jersey, April 1828; d. July 27, 1904, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

French, Thomas Joseph (T.J.): 1st Sgt., Co. I (“The Anti-Beauregards”), 19th Illinois Infantry, June 1861-July 1861 (disability); b. District of Columbia, July 28, 1838; d. May 21, 1920, Valley Springs; buried (cremated) San Francisco

Fuller, Benjamin Franklin: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Warwick, Rhode Island, January 16, 1827; d. January 26, 1908, NA (probably Rhode Island); buried NA (probably Rhode Island)

Fullerton, William Watson: Cpl., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Massachusetts, circa 1820; d. 1867-1920, NA; buried NA

Gallagher, Daniel: Cpl., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. Maine, circa 1833; d. 1864-1930, NA; buried NA

Gallagher, Patrick Austin: 1st Lt., 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861/Maj., Staff, December 1861-November 1864 (seriously wounded in left arm at Battle of Bear River, Utah Territory, January 29, 1863)(Post Commander, Fort Ruby, Nevada Territory, October 1862-July 1863); b. Ireland, circa 1838; d. August 24, 1890, Shoshone Co., Idaho; buried Murray, Idaho

Garland, Elbridge Alvah: Pvt., Co. H, 1st California Cavalry, February 1864-December 1866; b. Rye, New Hampshire, November 25, 1825; d. January 28, 1899, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Gatewood, Ephraim H. (possibly Hubbard): Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), May 1862/Co. C, January 1864-May 1865; b. Gallatin Co., Illinois, September 4, 1836; d. 1865-1900, NA; buried NA

Gaudin, John William (“Major”): 2nd Lt., 1st Lt., Co. D, Regimental Quartermaster, 11th Tennessee Cavalry, November 1863-January 1865; b. Lausanne, Switzerland, January 11, 1830; d. February 24, 1891, Wallace; buried Stockton (Rural – GAR Plot)

Gaylord, Levi Brakeman: Pvt., Co. C, 44th Iowa Infantry, June 1864-September 1864; b. Geneva, Ohio, July 10, 1845; d. March 4, 1909, San Diego; buried San Diego (Mount Hope)

Geer, Silas: Pvt., Co. D, 29th Iowa Infantry (“Fighting Hawkeyes”)/Co. E, 19th Iowa Infantry, December 1863-August 1865; b. Portage Co., Ohio, December 1840; d. June 25, 1906, Mokelumne Hill; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Geil, Gideon: Pvt., Co. K, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-April 1866; b. Ohio, circa 1828; d. April 10, 1900, Paloma; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Gemmil, John M.: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-December 1865, died of disease; b. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, circa 1829; d. December 2, 1865, Fort Mason, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

Getchell, Johnson Thompson: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Maine, December 1831; d. May 12, 1903, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Ghirardelli, Giambattista (John Baptiste or J.B.): Pvt., Co. C, 8th California Infantry, October 1864-April 1866; b. Italy, circa 1846; d. 1867-1900, NA; buried NA

Gildersleeve, John Wesley: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861/Cpl., Co. K, October 1861-October 1864; b. Brooklyn, New York, 1839; d. March 14, 1904, Hot Springs, South Dakota (Soldiers Home); buried Hot Springs, South Dakota (State Veterans Home Cemetery)

Gilman, Charles Henry: Pvt., Co. D, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), November 1861-November 1864; b. Exeter, New Hampshire, April 1836; d. December 30, 1910, San Francisco; buried Colma (Mount Olivet)

Gilmore, Henry Harrison: Pvt., Co. H, 2nd Maine Infantry (“Bangor Regiment”), May 1861-June 1863; b. Holden, Maine, January 6, 1841 (brother of Lyman); d. July 17, 1905, Tenino, Washington; buried Tenino, Washington (Forest Grove)

Gilmore, Lyman Wiswell: Pvt., 16th Independent Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery, NA; b. Holden, Maine, May 27, 1836 (brother of Henry); d. November 20, 1913, Castle Rock, Washignton; buried Castle Rock, Washington (I.O.O.F.)

Gingery, John E.: Pvt., Co. D, 21st Ohio Infantry, August 1861-October 1865; b. Wayne Co., Ohio, May 1832; d. October 25, 1910, Canaan, Ohio; buried Clinton, Ohio (Wauseon Union)

Glass, John Wesley (“Professor”): NA, NA (possibly Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), April 1862-July 1862 (disability)/Co. D, November 1862, deserted at Camp Hooker (November 17, 1862)); b. Ohio, circa 1825; d. February 16, 1899, Nassau; buried Altaville (Catholic)

Glenn, James Scudder: Pvt., Co. H, 17th Iowa Infantry, March 1862-October 1863; b. Ohio, April 6, 1836; d. April 16, 1910, Jackson; buried Jackson

Glover, Jacob O. (possibly Offness): Cpl., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, Pvt., June 1864, deserted at Camp Lincoln (October 16, 1864); b. Ohio, 1830 (possibly Portsmouth, Ohio, March 27, 1830); d. 1864-1900 (possibly March 1870), NA (possibly Coos Co., Oregon); buried NA (possibly Oregon)

Good, Henry: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Reading, Pennsylvania, circa 1831; d. April 30, 1888, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Goodrich, Stephen Beriah: Pvt., Co. H, 15th New York Infantry (National Guard), June 1864-July 1864; b. Locke, New York, October 7, 1821; d. July 14, 1910, Barber, Minnesota; buried Blue Earth, Minnesota (Riverside)

Gordon, Aaron: Pvt., Co. A, 83rd Illinois Infantry, August 1862-June 1865; b. Springfield, Ohio, August 21, 1831; d. August 10, 1909, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Gordon, Asa H.: Pvt., Co. M, 1st California Cavalry, May 1863-May 1866; b. Ohio, 1825; d. 1866-1905, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Gorham, John Nelson: Cpl., Co. K, 44th Wisconsin Infantry, February 1865-August 1865; b. Platteville, Wisconsin, May 16, 1844; d. March 12, 1927, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Gorman, James: Capt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, February 1863/Maj., Staff, February 1864-February 1866 (resigned)(Post Commander, Fort Tubac, Arizona Territory, June 1864/Post Commander, Fort Goodwin, Arizona Territory, August 1864/Post Commander, Fort Bowie, Arizona Territory, 1865); b. Springfield, Massachusetts, circa 1823; d. March 18, 1870, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Graham, Michael: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, November 1861-November 1864; b. County Mayo, Ireland, December 26, 1826 (naturalized 1856); d. January 2, 1887, Bakersfield; buried Bakersfield (Union)

Grant, Thomas Burns: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, April 1863-April 1866; b. New Hampshire, 1831; d. October 14, 1896, Los Angeles Co.; buried California

Grattan, Christopher M.: Pvt., Co. I, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry (aka 117th Volunteers), September 1862/Corp., March 1865/Sgt., May 1865-July 1865; b. Pennsylvania, March 1844; d. May 20, 1888, San Francisco; buried Stockton (Rural)

Graves, Stephen H.: Sgt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-November 1862/Pvt., Co. I, December 1862-October 1864; b. Kentucky, circa 1827; d. April 20, 1867, Campo Seco; buried California

Griggs, Joseph Northrop: Recruit, Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864, deserted at the Presidio, San Francisco (November 28, 1864)/Cpl., Co. I, 6th California Infantry, December 1864-December 1865; b. Stanhope, New Jersey, August 1843; d. September 13, 1930, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Grishaber, George Ferdinand: Farrier, Co. C, 15th Missouri Infantry (Polk County Home Guards), August 1861-December 1861/Co. K, 26th Enrolled Missouri Militia, August 1862-March 1863/Co. F, 7th Provisional Enrolled Missouri Militia, April 1863-February 1864, April 1864-November 1864; b. Centre Co., Pennsylvania, March 10, 1833; d. November 5, 1911, Coos Co., Oregon; buried Empire, Oregon (Pioneer)

Guerin, Frederick L.: Pvt., Co. F, 4th California Infantry, February 1965, deserted at Fort Humboldt (May 30, 1865); b. France, July 1828; d. April 14, 1904, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (Mt. Calvary)/reinterred in 1940-1941 in Colma (Holy Cross)

Gullion, Jeremiah IV: Enlistee, Co. B, 8th Iowa Cavalry, NA (rejected)/Pvt., Co. E, 22nd Iowa Infantry, February 1864-September 1864, died of disease; b. Marion Co., Iowa, 1845; d. September 15, 1864, Marion Co., Iowa; buried Marion Co., Iowa (Gullion)

Guthrie, Nathan Lewis (Lewis): Cpl., 2nd Ohio Light Artillery, August 1861-January 1863 (disability); b. Conneaut, Ohio, March 18, 1841; d. April 1, 1893, Cochise Co., Arizona Territory; buried Conneaut, Ohio (City)

Hackney, Amos Shannon: Pvt., Co. H, 5th Iowa Infantry, July 1861-June 1862 (disability for hernia July 26, 1862, at Camp Clear Creek, Tishomingo Co., Mississippi); b. Van Buren Co., Iowa, November 25, 1843; d. September 2, 1915, Chautauqua Co., Kansas; buried Chautauqua, Kansas (Oak Hill)

Haggart, Gilbert (Gill): Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Morristown, New York, September 7, 1833; d. May 23, 1886, Walnut Creek, Arizona Territory; buried Arizona Territory

Hahn, George: Pvt., Co. E, 2nd California Cavalry (“Tuolumne Rangers”), October 1864-June 1866; b. Bingen, Germany, 1831; d. November 30, 1901, Calaveras Co. (probably Murphys); buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Halbert, Edward Duffield: Pvt., Missouri Home Guards (Benton County Militia), June 1865-July 1865; b. Cross Timbers, Missouri, November 23, 1846; d. May 29, 1917, Porterville; buried Porterville (Home of Peace)

Hale, Oren Jackson: Pvt., Co. G, 22nd Wisconsin Infantry (“Abolition Regiment”), August 1862-June 1865; b. Iowa Co., Wisconsin, September 23, 1840; d. September 30, 1906, Wallace; buried Clements

Hamilton, John Paul: Pvt./Musician, Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Friendship, New York, May 5, 1829; d. April 17, 1895, Santiago, Chile; buried Santiago, Chile

Hamlin, Orin Eads: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864/Co. D, 45th Illinois Infantry, October 1864-July 1865; b. Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, February 1841; d. 1918-1920, Calaveras Co. (probably Wallace); buried Camanche (Dorsey-Holman-Osterman/reinterred in February 1962 at Clements (Glen View)

Hane, Peter:  Pvt., Co. F, 57th Indiana Infantry, September 1864-November 1864 (missing after Battle of Franklin, Tennessee, presumed killed in action); b. Pickaway Co., Ohio, March 13, 1829; d. November 30, 1864, Franklin, Tennessee; buried Murfreesboro, Tennessee (Stones River National Cemetery)

Hanford, Edward Raymond: Pvt., Co. E, 93rd New York Infantry (“Morgan’s Rifles”), January 1862/Co. H, 2nd U.S. Cavalry, October 1862-January 1865 (Congressional Medal of Honor for “extraordinary heroism” for capturing the battle flag of the 32nd Virginia Cavalry at the Battle of Tom’s Brook, Virginia on October 9, 1864); b. Springfield, Ohio or Allegany Co., New York, 1841-1845; d. January 30, 1890, Paloma; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Hanford, William Tecumseh: Sgt., Co. F, 6th California Infantry, May 1864/Quartermaster Sgt., Staff, January 1865/2nd Lt., Co. C, Co. I, July 1865-December 1865; b. New York, New York, December 1837; d. January 16, 1909, San Francisco; buried Oakland (Mountain View)

Hannah, William Currey: Pvt., Co. G, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864/Co. F, 2nd California Infantry, November 1864-November 1865; b. Ohio, circa 1831; d. June 11, 1899, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Hard, Giles Coy Jr.: Pvt., Co. G, 45th Illinois Infantry, September 1861-September 1864; b. Warren, Vermont, September 30, 1813; d. 1891, Winnebago Co., Illinois; buried Rockford, Illinois (Greenwood)

Harding, Julius Cratus (J.C.): Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry, October 1864-April 1866; b. Galion, Ohio, October 9, 1844; d. November 17, 1910, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Harkness, Allen McLain: Pvt., Co. G, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-June 1866; b. Mt. Vernon, Ohio, July 1842; d. February 1, 1909, Sonora; buried Sonora (I.O.O.F.)

Harrington, Frederick Joshua: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-June 1866; b. Brighton Corners, Massachusetts, November 24, 1847; d. July 16, 1918, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Harris, Elias Braman (Dr.): Asst. Surgeon, U.S. Volunteers, 1864 (Emory Hospital, Washington, DC); b. Richfield Springs, New York, September 13, 1824; d. August 7, 1900, San Francisco; buried (cremated) San Francisco (I.O.O.F. Columbarium)

Harris, William Carl (Carl): Pvt., Co. F, 4th California Infantry, February 1865-November 1865; b. Illinois, October 22, 1847; d. January 10, 1928, Lodi; buried Stockton (Rural)

Harryhausen, Christian: Pvt., Co. E, 6th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. Germany, circa 1845; d. October 26, 1925, Los Angeles Co.; buried Glendale (Forest Lawn)

Harshaw, David Tecumseh: Pvt., Co. I, 1st California Infantry, October 1861/1st Sgt., Co. K, February 1862/Pvt., November 1862/Sgt., January 1864-November 1864; b. Washington Co., New York, February 13, 1825; d. September 30, 1884, Davidson Spring, Arizona Territory; buried Tucson, Arizona Territory (GAR)

Hart, Oliver: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, August 1863-June 1866; b. Rhode Island, 1829; d. January 3, 1912, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Hart, Robert B. (possibly Barr) (Bob): Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, January 1862-January 1865; b. Washington County, Pennsylvania, 1830; d. June 5, 1877, Nueces County, Texas; buried Corpus Christi, Texas (Old Bayview)

Hartt, Lionel Benson: Chaplain, Co. D, 24th Michigan Infantry, April 1862/Co. B, August 1862-May 1864/Staff, 95th New York Infantry (“Warren Rifles”), May 1864-July 1865; b. Wallingford, Vermont, June 23, 1832; d. December 10, 1904, Yountville (possibly Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Hasche, Herman Charles (aka Herman Charles Holman): Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Dotlingen, Germany, February 24, 1843; d. February 6, 1910, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Haskell, Alonzo C.: 2nd Lt., Co. A, 4th California Infantry, September 1861/1st Lt., January 1863/Co. B, February 1863-July 1863 (dismissed for mutinous conduct); b. Massachusetts, circa 1823; d. February 1, 1870, Browns Flat; buried Sonora

Haskell, Daniel Bird: 1st Lt., Co. C (“Amador Mountaineers”), 1st California Infantry, August 1861/Capt., Co. H, January 1864/Co. B, 1st California Battalion of Veteran Infantry, April 1864-May 1865, drowned; b. Marblehead, Massachusetts, September 15, 1828; d. May 8, 1865, drowned while crossing Rio Grande River at Fort Craig, New Mexico Territory; buried Fort Craig, New Mexico Territory/reinterred Fort Marcy, Santa Fe, New Mexico Territory/reinterred 1876 in Santa Fe, New Mexico Territory (National Cemetery)

Haskins, Henry C.: Pvt., Co. B, 2nd California Cavalry, September 1861-December 1861/2nd Class Musician, Regimental Band, January 1862-September 1862/Pvt., Co. K, 2nd California Cavalry, October 1862-October 1864; b. New York, circa 1831; d. June 11, 1903, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Hatch, Grafton: Pvt., Co. G, 39th Massachusetts Infantry, September 1862-June 1865 (wounded May 5, 1864 at Wilderness, Virginia); b. Marshfield, Massachusetts, August 25, 1840; d. November 22, 1915, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Hathaway, Henry James: 1st Sgt., Co. I, 1st California Cavalry, March 1863/Sgt., December 1863/1st Sgt., March 1864-July 1865 (disability, gunshot wound to right arm from altercation with company farrier); b. Eastport, Maine or Deer Island, New Brunswick (later Canada), February 7, 1834; d. February 24, 1919, Forest City, Maine; buried Maine

Hay, Thomas F.: Pvt., Co. H, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-March 1866; b. Canada, 1838; d. September 22, 1880, Murphys; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Hayes, William: NA, NA; b. Ireland, March 1836 or 1837; d. December 14, 1906, Wallace; buried California

Haynes, Benjamin Franklin: Cpl., Co. I, 4th Maine Infantry, June 1861-August 1861/Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy (U.S.S. New Hampshire, Norwich, Sabine, Ohio, Colorado), NA; b. Maine, May 1840; d. September 14, 1923, French Camp; buried Sonora (I.O.O.F.)

Hays, Alexander (“Fighting Elleck”): [Post-1854 Amador Co.]: Col., 63rd Pennsylvania Infantry/Capt., 16th U.S. Infantry, May 1861 (wounded in left arm and right eye at Seven Days Battles, Richmond, Virginia, June 1862)/Lt. Col., U.S. Army, July 1862 (wounded in leg at Second Battle of Bull Run, August 1862)/Brig. Gen., Volunteers, September 1862/Col., U.S. Army, July 1863-May 1864, killed in action by shot to head/Maj. Gen., Volunteers (posthumous); b. Franklin, Pennsylvania, July 8, 1819; d. May 5, 1864, Wilderness, Virginia; buried Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania (Allegheny)

Hearon, Michael: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, Co. C, 2nd California Infantry, June 1864/Cpl., Co. D, January 1865-April 1866; b. Ireland, circa 1837; d. 1890, NA (possibly Nebraska); buried NA (possibly Nebraska)

Heenan, John: Pvt., Co. D, 2nd California Infantry, September 1862 (transferred to regular army as deserter, July 1863-NA); b. Ireland, circa 1832 (naturalized 1857); d. 1870-1920 (possibly March 9, 1878), NA (possibly Yuba Co.); buried NA (possibly California)

Hemmings, Joseph Benjamin: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Hantsport, Nova Scotia (later Canada), April 1827; d. January 3, 1903, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Hemstreet, John W.: Pvt., Co. C, 81st New York Infantry (“Second Oswego Regiment”), November 1861-November 1862 (disability); b. Russia, New York, March 13, 1828; d. February 19, 1910, Russia, New York; buried Russia, New York (Poland)

Henderson, Orrington Lunt: 2nd Lt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, February 1865-October 1865; b. Bangor, Maine, May 27, 1838; d. July 18, 1903, Vallejo; buried Vallejo (Masons and Odd Fellows Cemetery)

Henderson, William John: Pvt., Co. K, 43rd Massachusetts Infantry, October 1862-July 1863; b. Cape Cod or Roxbury, Massachusetts, August 25, 1843; d. February 25, 1927, Los Angeles; buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Henry, John: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-July 1865, killed in action by Indians; b. Derry, Ireland, circa 1825; d. July 22, 1865, 70 miles east of Tubac, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

Hepburn, James Worthington: Pvt., Co. E, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), February 1863/Cpl., Sgt., November 1863-March 1865 (wounded at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864)/2nd Lt., Co. A, 2nd California Cavalry, May 1865-April 1866; b. Williamsport, Pennsylvania, January 9, 1838; d. October 22, 1881, Napa; buried Stockton

Herkelmann, Carle (Charles): Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-September 1864; b. Hage, Germany, July 25, 1832; d. October 17, 1917, Elwood, Iowa; buried Lost Nation, Iowa

Hersey, George Washington: Pvt., Co. D, 39th Massachusetts Infantry, August 1862-April 1864/Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy, May 1864-June 1865; b. Quincy, Massachusetts, January 25, 1831; d. January 16, 1894, Weymouth, Massachusetts; buried Quincy, Massachusetts (Mt. Wollaston)

Hess, Jacob: Capt., Co. K, Ist Indiana Heavy Artillery (aka 21st Indiana Infantry), July 1861-August 1862 (resigned); b. Martinsburg, Virginia (later West Virginia), November 7, 1833; d. May 25, 1898, Manti, Utah; buried Manti, Utah

Hicks, Jacob (Jake): Pvt., Cpl., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Franklin, Pennsylvania, circa 1832; d. December 28, 1891, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

High, William: Sgt., Co. C, 4th California Infantry, September 1861-October 1864/Pvt., March 1865-February 1866; b. New York, circa 1824; d. 1870-1900, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Hiler, Catlett Van Buren: Pvt., Co. C, 15th Iowa Infantry, October 1861-July 1865; b. Clark Co., Indiana, 1837; d. March 10, 1893, Smith Center, Kansas; buried Smith Center, Kansas (Fairview)

Hill, William James: Cpl., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Ballyhenry, Ireland, July 12, 1840; d. November 10, 1910, Lewiston, Idaho; buried Grangeville, Idaho (Prairie View)

Hilton, Henry Isaac (aka George Everett): Pvt., Co. B, 73rd Pennsylvania Infantry, July 1861-July 1865; b. Pennsylvania, September 1845; d. March 19, 1909, Los Angeles Co.; buried Los Angeles (Rosedale)

Himes, Joseph Edwin: Pvt., Battery A, 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery, June 1861-June 1864; b. Massachusetts, January 14, 1839; d. May 13, 1900, Calaveras Co.; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Hines, William: Pvt., Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861-October 1864/Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), February 1865-June 1866; b. England, November 1827; d. February 1, 1908, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Hinkley, John F.: Pvt., Co. A, 5th California Infantry, October 1861-June 1863, killed in action by Indians; b. Posey Co., Indiana, circa 1831; d. June 21, 1863, Gallinas Springs, New Mexico Territory; buried Gallinas Springs, New Mexico Territory

Hiteshew, John T.: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Wyandot Co., Ohio, June 9, 1833; d. July 3, 1896, Champaign, Illinois; buried Fisher, Illinois (Beekman)

Hoagland, Daniel: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. New York, circa 1833; d. October 27, 1905, Montana; buried Columbia Falls, Montana (Soldiers Home Cemetery)

Hoffman, Frank: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-July 1862 (disability); b. Ebersdorf, Germany, April 18, 1827; d. June 1, 1903, Jackson; buried Jackson (City)

Holbrook, Charles Benson (C.B.): Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Indiana, 1847; d. May 11, 1906, Fruitvale; buried California

Holbrook, Irven Winfield Zachariah Scott Tylor: Pvt., Co. H, Co. A, 12th Illinois Cavalry, January 1863-July 1865; b. Newark, New York, September 5, 1847 (brother of Sylvester); d. August 30, 1912, Hayward; buried Hayward (Lone Tree)

Holbrook, Sylvester C.: Pvt., Co. C, 153rd Illinois Infantry, February 1865-May 1865; b. Oswego Co., New York, April 1838 (brother of Irven); d. February 16, 1914, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Holcomb, Martin A.: Pvt., Cpl., Chaplain, Co. I, 26th Michigan Infantry, August 1862-September 1865 (disability, musket ball entered outer side of his right leg two inches below knee May 12, 1864 at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia); b. Paris, Ohio, January 27, 1826; d. November 7, 1914, Bowne, Michigan; buried Bowne, Michigan

Holland, John Everett (“Dutch John”): NA, NA (possibly Wisconsin Regiment); b. Boston, Massachusetts, October 27, 1847; d. December 13, 1921, Murphys; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Holmes, Amasa Amos (Amzy): Pvt., Co. B, 6th California Infantry, May 1864-October 1865; b. Parma, New York, September 1824; d. October 6, 1909, Sonora; buried Sonora

Homer, Frederick: 2nd Lt., Co. E, 6th New Jersey Infantry, September 1861/1st Lt., December 1862-July 1864; b. Pennsylvania, July 26, 1839; d. February 12, 1909, Napa Co. (probably Yountville (Veterans Home)); buried Yountville

Homer, William Henry: Substitute, Pvt., Co. H, 95th Pennsylvania Infantry (“Gosline’s Zouaves”), April 1865-July 1865; b. Charlestown, Massachusetts, July 1842; d. May 25, 1901, Sonora; buried Newman (Hills Ferry Cemetery)

Hooper, John M.: Pvt., Co. D, 9th U.S. Infantry, November 1860-November 1865/Co. D, 2nd U.S. Artillery, March 1867, deserted November 1868, surrendered, November 1, 1870-November 1871, dishonorably discharged by order of G.C.M.; b. Claiborne Co., Tennessee, April 1824; d. August 6, 1906, Murphys; buried Murphys

Hopkins, Henry Clay: Pvt., Co. I, 84th Ohio Infantry, May 1862-September 1862; b. Calhoun, Ohio, April 1843; d. February 18, 1920, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Hopkins, Walter Leslie: 1st Lt., Co. F, 53rd Pennsylvania Infantry, October 1861/Capt., September 1862-January 1863 (resigned); b. Joliet, Illinois, September 24, 1841; d. September 25, 1879, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Hopping, Daniel Hicks: Pvt., Battery A, 3rd U.S. Light Artillery, April 1861-March 1862 (disability)/Co. B, 15th U.S. Cavalry, August 1863-August 1863; b. Throopsville, New York, February 12, 1817; d. March 13, 1870, Throopsville, New York; buried Throopsville, New York (Rural)

Horswill, Frederick Jeffrey: Pvt., Co. G/Co. I, 1st Washington Territory Infantry, NA; b. Sydney, Australia, February 28, 1846; d. June 19, 1918, Oakland; buried (cremated) Oakland (Chapel of the Chimes)

Houston, Albert Alexander: Ordnance, U.S. Army, September 1858, deserted (March 31, 1859)/Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861, deserted, transferred to Ordnance, U.S. Army, February 1862, dishonorably discharged by order of G.C.M./Co. B, 1st Washington Territory Infantry (“Kelly’s Co.”), NA; b. Ohio, June 10, 1838; d. July 11, 1916, Tacoma, Washington; buried Tacoma, Washington (Oakwood Hill)

Houston, George: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. New Hampshire, circa 1832; d. 1864-1930, NA; buried NA

Howard, Mark Ellery: Pvt., 4th Cpl., Co. F, 12th Illinois Infantry, April 1861-August 1861; b. Galena, Illinois, November 20, 1844; d. August 3, 1901, near Fresno; buried Galt

Hower, Leonard: Pvt., Battery C, 2nd Connecticut Heavy Artillery, December 1863-August 1865 (disability, gunshot wound to chest September 19, 1864 at Winchester, Virginia); b. Germany, circa 1844; d. January 10, 1917, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Hughes, Josiah C. (possibly Carpenter): Pvt., Co. E, 12th New Jersey Infantry, September 1862-June 1865; b. New Jersey, January 14, 1822; d. September 6, 1887, New Jersey; buried New Jersey

Hughes, Stephen Morgan: Pvt., Co. D, 2nd California Cavalry, September 1861-September 1864; b. Rumey, South Wales, May 6, 1843; d. January 14, 1904, San Francisco; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Hull, Octavius Hayman (O.H.): Pvt., Co. H, 12th West Virginia Infantry, January 1864/Co. C, 10th West Virginia Infantry, June 1865-September 1865; b. Taylor Co., Virginia (later West Virginia), July 16, 1845; d. September 1, 1914, Alameda Co.; buried (cremated) Oakland (Crematory)

Hummel, Simon David: Pvt., Co. F, 39th New Jersey Infantry, September 1864-June 1865; b. Germany, October 1832; d. June 8, 1909, Sonora; buried Sonora (I.O.O.F.)

Hurlbut, George Marshall: Pvt., Co. G, 24th Ohio Infantry, June 1861-February 1863 (disability, lungs); b. Gibsonburg, Ohio, March 24, 1842; d. March 8, 1921, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Hurlbut, Samuel Orlando: Pvt., Co. F, 2nd California Cavalry (“Sacramento Rangers”), August 1861-September 1865; b. New York, circa 1843; d. April 23, 1905, California (probably Calaveras Co.); buried Altaville (Protestant)

Hutchings, William M.: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), May 1862/Co. E, May 1862/Co. C, May 1862-May 1865; b. Maine, October 1835; d. February 3, 1902, Foxcroft, Maine; buried Brownville, Maine (Village)

Hutchins, John Wesley: [Post-1854 Amador Co.]: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry, October 1864-April 1866; b. Hermon, Maine, June 24, 1828; d. March 18, 1915, Contra Costa Co.; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Ide, Joseph Reed: Landsman, U.S. Navy (U.S.S. Ohio, Sonoma, New Hampshire, Princeton), NA; b. Attleboro, Massachusetts, September 10, 1834; d. May 21, 1925, Pawtucket, Rhode Island; buried Pawtucket, Rhode Island (Riverside)

Ingham, Edward: 1st Sgt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1862/Sgt.-Maj. October 1862/2nd Lt., Co. B, December 1862-May 1864 (resigned); b. llinois, August 6, 1841; d. September 9, 1870, Snake River, Idaho Territory; buried NA

Inks, James Benton: Pvt., Co. F, 2nd California Cavalry (“Sacramento Rangers”), August 1864-February 1866; b. St. Louis, Missouri, September 1, 1829; d. January 15, 1889, Murphys; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Inman, John Wesley: Pvt., Co. A, 33rd Iowa Infantry, August 1862-June 1865; b. Preble Co., Ohio, July 26, 1830; d. January 2, 1872, Walnut, Kansas; buried Walnut, Kansas

Innes, John Calder: Cpl., Co. I, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861/Sgt.-Maj., Staff, January 1863/2nd Lt., Co. A, March 1863/1st Lt., Co. G, July 1864/Co. I, December 1864-May 1866/Capt., Co. D, November 1865 (never mustered); b. New York, August 1840 (brother of William); d. October 19, 1914, Oakland; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Innes, William Lewis: 2nd Lt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), December 1864-December 1865 (resigned); b. New York, New York, February 14, 1845 (brother of John); d. May 25, 1872, Mokelumne Hill; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Ishmael, Hiram Watson: Cpl., Co. B, 23rd Missouri Infantry, August 1861-December 1864; b. Randolph, Indiana, April 11, 1838 (brother of John); d. August 3, 1891, Laredo, Missouri; buried Laredo, Missouri (Stucker)

Ishmael, John Watson (“Fiddling John”): Pvt., Co. E, 54th Indiana Infantry, October 1862-NA; b. Randolph, Indiana, January 4, 1840 (brother of Hiram); d. July 30, 1918, Lane Co., Oregon; buried Cottage Grove, Oregon (Fir Grove)

Jack, Alexander C. (Alex): Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), May 1862-March 1864, reenlisted as a Veteran, Co. A, September 1864-June 1865/Co. M, 2nd U.S. Artillery, December 1865-December 1868/Ordnance, December 1868-December 1871, May 1872-August 1873, January 1878-June 1879 (disability); b. London, England, circa 1842 (brother of James); d. 1890-1930, NA; buried NA

Jack, James G.: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. England, circa 1836 (brother of Alexander); d. March 21, 1867, Los Angeles; buried California

Jackins, Charles Edwin: Sgt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, Co. B, September 1864-October 1865; b. Maine, May 23, 1836; d. January 19, 1907, Douglas Co., Oregon; buried Roseburg, Oregon (National Cemetery)

James, Robert Rouseau: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry, October 1864-April 1866; b. Iowa, November 12, 1848; d. May 23, 1898, Calaveras Co.; buried Ione

Jenks, David Wilkinson: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. New York, March 11, 1848; d. July 1898, California (probably Modoc Co.); buried California (probably Modoc Co.)

Jewell, Henry C. (possibly Carson): Cpl., Sgt., Co. A, 21st Wisconsin Infantry, August 1862-June 1865; b. Clinton, Maine, 1838; d. October 17, 1907, Oakland; buried California

Johnson, Recelus H. (Dr.): Pvt., Co. A, 2nd U.S. Infantry, 1861; b. At Sea (arrival New York from England), October 5, 1823; d. March 23, 1923, Albany; buried El Cerrito (Sunset View)

Johnson, Washington Pringle: Musician, Principal Musician, Co. B, 101st Indiana Infantry, August 1862-June 1865; b. Muskingum, Ohio, October 5, 1838; d. March 2, 1912, Sherwood, Oregon; buried Clackamas Co., Oregon (Pleasant View)

Jones, David M.: Pvt., Co. I, 199th Pennsylvania Infantry, September 1864/Cpl., October 1864-June 1865 (discharged for wounds, shot in right thigh at Battle of Petersburg April 2, 1865, amputation of leg); b. Rhymney, Wales, June 26, 1839; d. October 25, 1896, Scranton, Pennsylvania; buried Scranton, Pennsylvania (Washburn Street)

Jones, Ira C.: Cpl., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), November 1861, deserted at Camp Halleck (July 1862); b. Massachusetts, circa 1831; d. 1862-1920, NA; buried NA

Jones, John (or Jonathan): Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-June 1866; b. Granville, Ohio, circa 1819; d. April 23, 1876, California; buried Jenny Lind

Jordan, John Green(e), Jr.: Pvt., Co. D, 4th California Infantry, October 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, February 1864-December 1865; b. Ellsworth, Maine, March 7, 1827; d. August 22, 1906, Ellsworth, Maine; buried Ellsworth, Maine (Beechland)

Keegan, Andrew: Pvt., Co. K, 1st California Cavalry, May 1863, deserted at San Bernardino (October 17, 1863); b. Pennsylvania, circa 1840; d. 1867-1930, NA; buried NA

Keen, Samuel J.: Pvt., Co. H, 2nd California Cavalry, December 1864/Co. E, February 1865-June 1866; b. Virginia, circa 1831; d. 1880-1900, NA (probably California); buried NA (probably California)

Kehoe, James: Pvt., Co. M, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), February 1863, deserted at New York, New York (April 15, 1863); b. Co. Queens, Ireland, November 1835 (naturalized 1869); d. March 7, 1891, Turlock; buried Modesto (St. Stanislaus)

Kehoe, Patrick M.: Pvt., Cpl., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Ireland, circa 1837; d. September 7, 1905, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Kellen, Charles Washington: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), November 1861-January 1865/Co. L, 1st U.S. Cavalry, February 1866, deserted (July 16, 1866), surrendered, December 1866-January 1868; b. Boston, Massachusetts, 1842 (son of Robert Kellen); d. 1868-1940, NA; buried NA

Kellen, Robert (Reverend): Chaplain, California Regiment (71st Pennsylvania Infantry), August 1861-July 1864/1st District of Columbia Infantry, NA; b. Maine, circa 1821 (father of Charles Washington Kellen); d. April 27, 1894, Alameda Co.; buried Oakland (Mountain View)

Kelly, William D.: Pvt., Sgt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-July 1865, killed in action by Indians; b. Ireland, circa 1824; d. July 22, 1865, 70 miles east of Tubac, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

Keltz, Alexander: Pvt., Co. K, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry, April 1861-July 1861; b. Ligonier, Pennsylvania, December 7, 1834; d. December 7, 1913, Los Angeles; buried Los Angeles (Evergreen)

Kemp, William: 3rd Class Musician, 4th California Infantry, October 1861-September 1862; b. Watertown, New York, April 1829; d. November 27, 1883, Placerville; buried Placerville (Union)

Kendall, Uriah John (John): Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Iowa, circa 1846; d. 1886-1930, NA (possibly California or Montana); buried NA (possibly California or Anaconda, Montana (Upper Hill))

Kendrick, William: Pvt., 14th Massachusetts Light Artillery, January 1864-June 1865; b. Gardiner, Maine, August 29, 1821; d. August 7, 1896, Chelsea, Maine; buried Chelsea, Maine (Libby Hill)

Kennedy, John: NA, NA (possibly Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864); b. Ireland, circa 1839; d. 1867-1930, NA; buried NA

Kennett, Henry Gassaway: Lt. Col., 27th Ohio Infantry, August 1861/Col., 79th Ohio Infantry, November 1862-August 1864/Brevet Brig. Gen., March 1865; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, August 29, 1835; d. January 6, 1895, Cincinnati, Ohio; buried Cincinnati, Ohio (Spring Grove)

Kieffer, Luther: Pvt., Sgt., Co. B, Co. I, 2nd U.S. Infantry, June 1838-September 1843/Capt., Battery D (“Banner Battery”), 1st New York Light Artillery, August 1861/Maj., October 1861-March 1863 (dismissed)/Capt., Co. M, 14th New York Heavy Artillery, December 1863-June 1864, killed in action at Battle of Wilderness; b. Tagolsheim, Alsace, France, November 22, 1820; d. June 2, 1864, Cold Harbor, Virginia; buried Cole Camp, Missouri

Kimball, Lavirgne John: Pvt., Co. C, 9th Michigan Infantry, March 1865-September 1865; b. Franklin, Michigan, March 1845; d. June 14, 1921, Los Angeles Co.; buried Altadena (Mountain View)

King, George Washington: Sgt., Co. K, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), December 1861, deserted at Benicia (June 2, 1862); b. Charlotte, North Carolina, May 17, 1832; d. November 4, 1876, Oneida; buried Sutter Creek (I.O.O.F.)

King, Linza: Pvt., Co. E, 3rd Arkansas Cavalry, June 1864-June 1865; b. Morgan Co., Alabama, June 28, 1837; d. August 31, 1920, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery) [Also Cpl., Co. G, 34th Arkansas Infantry, Confederate States of America, June 1862-August 1863]

Kirby, Asa Highsmith: Pvt., Co. C, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Keytesville, Missouri, June 1820; d. November 4, 1901, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Kirkland, Berry Spencer: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Monroe Co., Missouri, circa 1849; d. August 27, 1894, Madera; buried Madera (Arbor Vitae)

Kirkpatrick, John: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. St. John, New Brunswick (later Canada), circa 1828; d. 1891-1910, NA (possibly Montana); buried NA (possibly Montana)

Kirkwood, Hugh: Pvt., Co. A, 55th Indiana Infantry, June 1862-September 1862/Co. F, 137th Indiana Infantry, May 1864-September 1864; b. Ireland, August 22, 1835; d. February 5, 1914, San Andreas; buried Central City, Illinois (Elmwood)

Kittredge, Willard (Kitt): 1st Lt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861/Capt., Co. D, July 1864-December 1866; b. West Eden, Maine, November 12, 1828; d. August 27, 1886, Oakland; buried Los Angeles (Evergreen)

Kleiber, Frederick: Pvt., Co. K, 10th Ohio Infantry (“Bloody Tenth,” “Montgomery Regiment”), June 1861-January 1863 (disability for gunshot to right eye October 8, 1862); b. Switzerland, circa 1826; d. March 12, 1898, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Klinefelter, Samuel King: Cpl., Co. C, 7th Kansas Cavalry (“Jennison’s Jayhawkers”), March 1862-September 1865; b. Morrow Co., Ohio, June 10, 1843; d. October 30, 1912, Forbestown; buried Forbestown

Klinker, Frederick: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Elinshorn, Denmark, circa 1835; d. 1866-1930 (possibly September 1879), NA (possibly Napa); buried NA (possibly California)

Krebs, Bernhard Georg: Blacksmith, Co. L, 11th Michigan Cavalry, September 1863/Co. C, 8th Michigan Cavalry, July 1865-September 1865; b. Prussia, December 1842; d. June 3, 1921, Sandy, Oregon; buried Sandy, Oregon (Fir Hill)

Krim (Kremer), George: Pvt. (Hospital Cook), Co. B, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Eppstein, Germany, September 1828; d. 1888, Socorro Co., New Mexico Territory; buried San Antonio, New Mexico Territory

Labisch, Otto M. (“Mike”): Pvt., Co. A, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. Berlin, Germany, January 1842 (brother of Thomas); d. September 20, 1913, Watsonville; buried Santa Cruz (IOOF)

Labisch, Thomas Theodore: Pvt., Co. A, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. Germany, June 4, 1831 (brother of Otto); d. March 13, 1922, Santa Cruz; buried Santa Cruz (Evergreen)

Ladd, Nathaniel: Pvt., Co. A, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery (“Maine Heavies”), December 1863-June 1865, wounded at Petersburg (June 18, 1864); b. Williamsburg, Maine, August 16, 1830; d. August 12, 1904, Klamath Falls, Oregon; buried Klamath Falls, Oregon (Linkville Pioneer)

Lafferty, Wilson Shannon: Cpl., Co. I, 16th Ohio Infantry, April 1861-August 1861/Sgt., Co. H, 59th New York Infantry (“Union Guards”), December 1861/2nd Lt., December 1862-January 1863; b. Ohio, March 31, 1840; d. February 4, 1914, Bellville, Ohio; buried Bellville, Ohio

Latimer, Charles Augustus.: Pvt., Co. D, 6th California Infantry, August 1864-December 1865; b. New York, 1833 (brother of Elisha and William); d. December 10, 1891, California; buried Manteca (Park View)

Latimer, Elisha Edwin: Sgt., Co. B, 1st California Cavalry, August 1861/2nd Lt., February 1863-September 1864; b. New York, 1831 (brother of Charles and William); d. 1871-1930, NA; buried NA

Latimer, William Henry: Farrier/Blacksmith, Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, March 1863-March 1866; b. Michigan, circa 1838 (brother of Charles and Elisha); d. March 21 or 27, 1868, Los Angeles; buried California

Laubach, Peter: Pvt., Co. B, Co. E, 13th Illinois Cavalry (“German Guides,” “Hartmann’s Dragoons”), December 1861-April 1863 (disability); b. Germany, February 1841; d. June 14, 1915, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Laurence, Elisha Randolph: Pvt., Co. I, 1st Alabama Cavalry, July 1862, deserted at Nashville, Tennessee (October 11, 1862) [biography claims multiple captures and returns], returned July 1865; b. Morgan, Alabama, December 19, 1837; d. December 16, 1916, Jenny Lind; buried Stockton (Rural)

Laurence, William H.: “Colored Undercook,” Co. K, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-May 1865; b. West Indies, circa 1836; d. 1865-1930, NA; buried NA

Laws, Thomas Jefferson: Cpl., Co. A, 4th Ohio Cavalry (“Union Dragoons,” “Cincinnati Union Dragoons”), July 1863/Sgt., July 1863/Pvt., December 1863-February 1864/Quartermaster Sgt., 1st Sgt., Co. E, 13th Ohio Cavalry, February 1864-August 1865; b. Belmont Co., Ohio, November 23, 1843; d. November 14, 1925, Erie Co., Ohio; buried Sandusky, Ohio (Ohio Veterans Home)

Layton, David Willett: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), March 1862, deserted (August 2, 1862), surrendered (March 30, 1863)/Co. D, Co. B, January 1864-October 1865; b. Ohio, July 12, 1835; d. November 22, 1906, Iowa; buried Cherokee, Iowa (Oak Hill)

Leaycraft, Samuel H.: Pvt., Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861-October 1864/Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), February 1865-June 1866; b. New York, circa 1844; d. 1866-1880, NA; buried NA

Le Court, Stephen: Pvt., Co. C, 4th California Infantry, October 1864-February 1866; b. France, circa 1830; d. April 14, 1895, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (Golden Gate)/reinterred San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Lee, Andrew (Dr.): Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-August 1862 (disability); b. Norway, circa 1827; d. June 8, 1872, Campo Seco; buried Campo Seco (Protestant)

Lee, Frank (aka Frank Lertora): Pvt., Co. F, 4th California Infantry, March 1865-November 1865; b. Italy, March 1844 or 1845; d. March 22, 1914, Altaville; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Legare, Burnett H.: Pvt., Co. C, 2nd California Infantry, November 1864-May 1866 (joined company from desertion, possibly under pseudonym); b. New York, circa 1825; d. May-December 1866, At Sea; buried NA

Leman, Frederick Wallenstein: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Milton, Massachusetts, February 7, 1824 (brother of William); d. May 18, 1879, Angels Camp; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Leman, William Wirt: Cpl., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Milton, Massachusetts, September 24, 1834 (brother of Frederick); d. June 4, 1895, Carson Hill; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Lemon, George Frank: Maj., 32nd New York Infantry (“1st California Regiment”), May 1861, wounded in Battle of Crampton’s Gap, Maryland (September 14, 1862), shot through left thigh, breaking the bone, leg amputated, died from wounds/Lt. Col., October 1862; b. Troy, New York, December 1819; d. November 10, 1862, Burkittsville, Maryland; buried Troy, New York (Oakwood)

Lewis, Arnold Colt: Capt., Co. C, 46th Pennsylvania Infantry, August 1861/Major, September 1861, murdered by soldier of his regiment; b. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, March 2, 1829; d. September 22, 1861, Darnestown, Maryland; buried Allentown, Pennsylvania (Union & West End Cemetery)

Lewis, Major Alfred: Pvt., Co. D, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), December 1864-November 1865, died of disease; b. Aurora, New York, 1827; d. November 21, 1865, Fort Mason, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

Lewis, Micajah Green(e): Capt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-June 1863/Acting Adjutant-General (District of Utah), June 1863-September 1865; b. Columbia, Tennessee, May 1806; d. February 25, 1891, Vallecito; buried Vallecito

Littlefield, Rufus J., Jr.: Cpl., Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861-October 1864; b. Prospect, Maine, January 20, 1828; d. March 7, 1899, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Lloyd, Julius Sophronius: Pvt., Battery H, 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (aka 112th Pennsylvania Infantry), January 1862-July 1862 (disability); b. Orwell, Pennsylvania, July 26, 1838; d. March 9, 1905, Valley Springs; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Locke, Benjamin S. (Ben): Pvt., Cpl., Sgt., Co. A, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Hundred”), October 1862-July 1865; b. Lexington, Massachusetts, December 7, 1821; d. September 9, 1906, Everett, Massachusetts; buried Lexington, Massachusetts

Lofland, John Goult: Pvt., Co. G, 9th Delaware Infantry, January 1864-September 1864; b. Magnolia, Delaware, February 22, 1823; d. September 18, 1889, Wilmington, Delaware; buried Delaware

Long, John Christopher: Pvt., Co. A, 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry (“The Saber Regiment”), February 1864-August 1865; b. Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, April 1844; d. May 9, 1897, Burson; buried Stockton (Rural)

Loomis, James Angel: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), NA (not on muster roll); b. New York, April 20, 1828; d. October 10, 1868, San Francisco; buried Colma (Mt. Calvary), reinterred in 1940 to Colma (Holy Cross)

Lord, John McHenry: Pvt., 1st Sgt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Litchfield, Connecticut, circa 1824; d. January 19, 1867, Murphys; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Lott, Silas Augustus: Pvt., Co. E, 71st New York State Militia (“American Guard”), 1861/Pvt., Co. H, 11th New York Cavalry (“Scott’s Nine Hundred”), March 1862/Pvt., Co. B, 1st New York Infantry, March 1862-May 1863; b. Kings Co., New York, March 1828; d. August 6, 1903, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Loud, Eugene Francis: Pvt., Co. L, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), February 1863-July 1865 (wounded at Battle of Cedar Creek, Virginia, October 19, 1864); b. Abington, Massachusetts, March 12, 1847; d. December 19, 1908, San Francisco; buried (cremated) San Francisco (I.O.O.F. Columbarium)

Love, John Henry: 1st Class Cabin Boy, U.S. Navy, 1864 (U.S.S. Merrimac, sank February 15, 1865)-August 28, 1865; b. New York, New York, December 17, 1849; d. August 4, 1927, Angels Camp; buried Altaville

Lucas, James Bennett: Pvt., Co. E, 149th Illinois Infantry, February 1865-September 1865; b. Ohio, 1847; d. October 26, 1907, Valley Springs; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Luse, Luther S.: 1st Sgt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-July 1862 (disability); b. New York, circa 1829; d. 1891-1900, NA (possibly Nevada); buried NA (possibly Nevada)

Luttrell, John: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry, October 1864-April 1866; b. Lost Creek, Missouri, 1847; d. 1900, Amador Co.; buried Pine Grove

Lyon, John (or Jonathan): Musician, Co. C, 20th Wisconsin Infantry, August 1862-August 1863 (disability); b. New York, circa 1809; d. June 11, 1896, Vallecito; buried Vallecito

Lyon, William Augustus: Pvt., Co. A, 5th California Infantry, October 1861-November 1864/Co. C, 1st Nevada Infantry, NA-December 1865; b. Pennsylvania, circa 1831; d. July 19, 1891, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Machell, Thomas: Pvt., Co. E, 1st New York Engineers, December 1864-May 1865; b. New York, circa 1829; d. July 10, 1894, Carson Hill; buried Sonora

Malcolm, Walter: Pvt./Quartermaster Clerk, Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, December 1863-September 1866; b. Virginia, circa 1815; d. May 23, 1875, Fort Union, New Mexico Territory; buried Fort Union, New Mexico Territory (Post Cemetery)/reinterred Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (National Cemetery)

Mallady, Thomas Francis: Pvt., Co. I, 1st Massachusetts Infantry, May 1861 (fought at Gettysburg)/Sgt., August 1863-May 1864/Co. H, 61st Massachusetts Infantry, January 1865-May 1865; b. Massachusetts, circa 1841; d. February 1, 1916, Madera; burried Madera (Arbor Vitae)

Mankins, John C.: Pvt., Co. B, 1st Battalion California Mountaineers, June 1863-May 1865; b. Washington Co., Arkansas, December 13, 1835; d. September 5, 1919, Globe, Arizona; buried Globe, Arizona

Manley, James: Sgt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Zanesville, Ohio, March 23, 1827 (brother of Thomas); d. April 6, 1874, Fort Bridger, Wyoming Territory; buried Salt Lake City, Utah Territory (Salt Lake City Cemetery)

Manley, Thomas W.: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861/Cpl., Co. A, 1st California Veteran Infantry, March 1864-September 1866; b. Zanesville, Ohio, November 18, 1837 (brother of James); d. June 8, 1908, Angels Camp; buried Altaville (Catholic)

Manners, Frederick: Sgt., Co. E, 6th California Infantry, December 1863/Commissary Sgt., Staff, November 1864/2nd Lt., Co. H, May 1865-October 1865; b. England, circa 1834; d. 1865-1930, NA; buried NA

Manter, Fordyce Ridgeway: 1st Sgt., Co. H, 1st California Cavalry, October 1863-July 1864, died in service; b. Elyria, Ohio, January 28, 1838; d. July 16, 1864, Rio Miembres, New Mexico Territory; buried New Mexico Territory

Marsh, Alvah: Pvt., Unassigned, 4th Iowa Infantry, NA; b. Chautauqua Co., New York, November 13, 1833; d. March 15, 1914, Richmond; buried (cremated) Oakland (Chapel of the Chimes Columbarium)

Marsh, William Porter: Cpl., Co. B, 2nd California Cavalry, September 1861-October 1864; b. North Hadley, Massachusetts, March 9, 1842; d. May 7, 1893, Washington, District of Columbia; buried Washington, District of Columbia (Glenwood)

Martin, George Palmer: Pvt., Co. H, 89th New York Infantry (“Dickinson Guard”), January 1865-July 1865; b. New York, January 1846; d. July 3, 1923, San Joaquin Co.; buried Lodi

Martin, Leonard Pierce: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd Maine Infantry (“Bangor Regiment”), May 1861/Cpl., December 1861/Sgt., July 1862-June 1863/Co. I, 16th Maine Infantry (also 20th Maine Infantry), January 1864-June 1865; b. Hodgdon, Maine, March 27, 1835; d. April 1, 1918, Alameda Co.; buried Oakland (Evergreen)

Mase, Nathaniel Hopping: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Berkshire Valley, New Jersey, October 25, 1839; d. June 10, 1910, Dover, New Jersey; buried Dover, New Jersey (Locust Hill)

Mason, Joseph Cook: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, circa 1833; d. January 10, 1896, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Maul, Philip: Pvt., Co. K, 7th Illinois Cavalry, March 1865-November 1865; b. Ohio, May 1847; d. April 26, 1927, Alameda Co.; buried California

Maxwell, Charles Pinckney: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Washington Co., Arkansas, circa 1845 (brother of Thomas); d. September 3, 1891, Tulare Co.; buried California

Maxwell, James F.: Unassigned, Co. F, 102nd Illinois Infantry, March 1865/Pvt., Co. C, 16th Illinois Infantry, March 1865-July 1865; b. Rio, Illinois, June 2, 1848; d. June 6, 1931, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural/GAR Plot)

Maxwell, Thomas Washington, Jr.: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Washington Co., Arkansas, April 12, 1843 (brother of Charles); d. April 26, 1937, Los Angeles; buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

McAdam, James Reed: Pvt., Co. A, 134th Illinois Infantry, May 1864-October 1864; b. Canada (English), November 1846; d. November 22, 1921, Santa Cruz; buried Santa Cruz (Oakwood)

McBee, Robert Houston: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Grainger Co., Tennessee, October 31, 1822; d. February 14, 1898, Terre Haute, Iowa; buried Terre Haute, Iowa

McCann, John: Pvt., Cpl., Sgt., Co. M, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), March 1863-July 1865; b. Ireland, circa 1835; d. 1880-1903, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

McClelland, Amos Anson (“Mac” and “Pop”): Pvt., Cpl., Co. D, 38th Indiana Infantry, September 1861-June 1865; b. Washington Co., Indiana, January 1, 1843; d. October 16, 1918, Woodbridge; buried Woodbridge (Masonic)

McClelland, William W.: Pvt., Co. E, 1st Ohio Heavy Artillery, August 1862-March 1863; b. Adams Co., Ohio, November 19, 1831; d. August 14, 1882, Jackson, Ohio; buried Tranquility, Ohio (Tranquility Church)

McClenahan, John Peyton: 1st Sgt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, January 1862-February 1864, reenlisted as a Veteran, February 1865-May 1866; b. St. Genevieve Co., Missouri, June 12, 1828; d. June 13, 1898, Calaveras Co.; buried Milton

McCoy, Alexander: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-September 1865, died of congestion of the brain; b. Portrec, Scotland, circa 1825; d. September 21, 1865, Fort Mason, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

McCrillis, Albert Brickland: Pvt., Co. K, 6th California Infantry, April 1863-October 1865; b. Corinth, Vermont, March 31, 1829; d. April 28, 1891, California (probably Mendocino Co.); buried Ukiah

McDonald, John: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Little Rock, Arkansas, 1847; d. 1866-1940 (possibly 1871), NA (possibly Callahan, Texas); buried NA (possibly Texas)

McDonnell, John W.: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Ireland, January 1835; d. January 29, 1920, Los Angeles Co.; buried California

McEachern, Hugh: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861, deserted at Camp Halleck (June 10, 1862); b. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (later Canada), March 16, 1834; d. 1862-1930, NA (possibly 1902-1930, Prince Edward Island, Canada); buried NA (possibly Prince Edward Island, Canada)

McElhaney, Francis Orton (Frank): Pvt., Co. D, 3rd Ohio Cavalry, September 1861-April 1865; b. Billow, Ohio, May 8, 1840; d. September 8, 1902, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

McFarland, James Wilson: Chaplain, 38th Pennsylvania Infantry, August 1862-October 1862/74th Ohio Infantry, 1864-July 1865; b. New Athens, Ohio, January 14, 1830; d. January 15, 1902, on railroad train from Maricopa Co. to Yuma, Arizona Territory; buried New Athens, Ohio (Longview)

McGill, Neil B.: Cpl., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), November 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, Pvt., Co. A, February 1864-March 1865; b. Ireland, circa 1833; d. 1865-1930, NA; buried NA

McGinley, Theodore Beaumont: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, August 1863, deserted at Sacramento (January 18, 1864); b. Pennsylvania, circa 1831; d. 1904-1905, California (possibly Sonora); buried California (possibly Sonora)

McGonigal, Robert: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-January 1866, died of disease; b. Co. Derry, Ireland (later Northern Ireland), circa 1827; d. January 17 or 19, 1866, Tubac, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

McGorray, Thomas: Pvt., Co. B, 8th Illinois Infantry, November 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, December 1863/1st Lt., July 1864-May 1866; b. Derry, Ireland (later Northern Ireland), March 7, 1836; d. January 14, 1917, Los Angeles; buried Los Angeles (Calvary)

McHale, Ulrick S.: Cpl., Co. A, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), July 1862/Co. L, 2nd California Cavalry, January 1864-August 1865; b. Ireland, circa 1836; d. 1865-1930, NA; buried NA

McKay, James B.: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Scotland, 1823 or 1824; d. January 13, 1907, Sheep Ranch; buried Altaville (Protestant)

McKenzie, Alexander: Pvt., Co. D, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861, deserted at Camp Hooker (February 28, 1862)/Co. M, 1st California Cavalry, May 1863-May 1866; b. Scotland, circa 1826; d. 1868-1920, NA; buried NA

McKinley, William H.: Pvt., Co. D, 5th California Infantry, December 1861-November 1864; b. Providence, Kentucky, November 1831; d. October 12, 1894, Pennsylvania; buried Phoenixville, Pennsylvania (Morris)

McMahon, John: Pvt., Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861-October 1864; b. Ireland, circa 1833; d. December 1, 1864, Chili Gulch; buried California

McMartin, John: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Lancaster, Upper Canada (later Ontario), Canada, circa 1826; d. 1866-1930, NA; buried NA

McMillan, William Henry: Pvt., 5th Missouri State Militia Infantry (Col. Fagg’s), September 1861-February 1862; b. Missouri, June 5, 1843; d. September 23, 1927, Woodland; buried Woodland

McMillin, Warrenton Marion: Sgt., Co. H, 2nd NE Missouri Home Guards, NA/Co. D, 50th Missouri Infantry, NA/Pvt., Co. D, 21st Missouri Infantry, January 1864-April 1866; b. St. Louis, Missouri, July 16, 1836; d. September 25, 1910, Sacramento; buried Sacramento (City)

McMindes, Ira: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-June 1866; b. Jasper, New York, January 29, 1832; d. July 5, 1905, Buckley, Washington; buried Buckley, Washington

McPherson, Andrew Jackson (Jackson): Pvt., Co. D, 4th California Infantry, September 1861-October 1864; b. LaGrange, Michigan, 1832; d. 1864-1920, NA; buried NA

Mead, Nathan Benjamin: Pvt. Co. K, 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry, March 1862-April 1862 (disability)/Co. G, 23rd Wisconsin Infantry, August 1862-December 1862 (reported in hospital)/Co. D, 17th Wisconsin Infantry, February 1864-May 1865; b. Pawling, New York, September 15, 1842; d. December 10, 1910, Gresham, Oregon; buried Medford, Oregon (Eastwood I.O.O.F.)

Meader, Charles E.: Pvt., Co. M, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), February 1863/1st Sgt., March 1863/2nd Lt., January 1864/1st Lt., March 1864-August 1864, killed in action while in command of company; b. Austria, circa 1832; d. Halltown, Virginia, August 26, 1864; buried Vassalboro, Maine (North Vassalboro Village)

Medina, Lorenzo A. (aka Lawrence Newton, Newton was mother’s maiden name): Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), June 1862/Co. C, February 1864-June 1865/3rd U.S. Cavalry, October 1870, deserted (March 8, 1871)/Enlisted as Lawrence Newton, Co. F, 1st U.S. Cavalry, October 1873-August 1874; b. Newark, New Jersey, circa 1841 (brother of Theodore); d. February 17, 1883, California (probably Santa Clara Co.); buried San Jose (Oak Hill)

Medina, Theodore Augustus: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), July 1862/Co. C, February 1864-July 1865; b. New York, circa 1837 (brother of Lorenzo); d. October 9, 1897, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Medlin, Hardy: Pvt., Co. K, 23rd Missouri Infantry, NA; b. Tennessee, May 12, 1799; d. September 30, 1864, Carroll Co., Missouri; buried Carroll Co., Missouri (Bethlehem Baptist)

Mercer, Charles Alexander: Pvt., Co. A, 4th Tennessee Infantry, January 1863-August 1865; b. Greeneville, Tennessee, June 22, 1844; d. March 2, 1911, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Merrigan, Edward H.: Pvt., Co. A, 27th Massachusetts Infantry, March 1864-June 1865/Co. H, 13th U.S. Infantry, August 1872, deserted (July 12, 1873), surrendered, transferred to Co. G, 12th U.S. Infantry, December 1873-November 1874 (disability); b. East Hampton, Massachusetts, October 1848; d. 1904-1905, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Merrill, Daniel E.: Pvt., Co. E, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), March 1863/Cpl., April 1863/Sgt., October 1864-July 1865; b. West Gardiner, Maine, December 5, 1833; d. March 28, 1915, West Gardiner, Maine; buried West Gardiner, Maine (Babbs)

Merrill, Wilbur Palmer: Pvt., Co. F, 142nd Illinois Infantry, May 1864-August 1864; b. Shirland, Illinois, March 10, 1846; d. May 1, 1935, Stockton; buried Manteca (Park View)

Merritt, Amos: Pvt., Co. B, 8th Iowa Infantry, September 1861/Cpl., September 1861/Sgt., October 1864-April 1866; b. Coshcocton, Ohio, January 13, 1842; d. April 10, 1906, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Messenger, Hiram Ashley: Capt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Peru, Massachusetts, July 27, 1832; d. October 16, 1910, Campo Seco; buried Campo Seco (Protestant)

Meyer(s), Christian: Pvt., Co. E, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864/Co. M, 2nd California Cavalry, November 1864-July 1866; b. Prussia, circa 1817 (naturalized September 1867); d. 1879-1900, NA (probably California); buried NA (probably California)

Miller, Samuel Carson: Pvt., Farrier, Co. A, 3rd New Mexico Mounted Infantry, October 1861-May 1862; b. Princeville, Illinois, November 5, 1840; d. October 6, 1909, Prescott, Arizona Territory; buried Prescott, Arizona Territory (Arizona Pioneers Home Cemetery)

Miller, William Augustus: Recruit, Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864, deserted at the Presidio, San Francisco (November 21, 1864); b. Long Island, New York, circa 1821; d. 1866-1910, NA; buried NA

Milnes, John Lansdale: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. England, May 24, 1825; d. January 19, 1901, Lanark Park; buried Modesto (Citizens)

Minard, James Delano: Pvt., Co. D, 173rd Ohio Infantry, August 1864-June 1865; b. Portsmouth, Ohio, July 18, 1847; d. May 12, 1929, Angels Camp; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Miner, Albert Judson: 1st Sgt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864/Sgt.-Maj., Staff, 7th California Infantry, July 1865-November 1865; b. Connecticut, circa 1843; d. NA, NA; buried NA

Mockley, John: Pvt., Co. C, 34th Massachusetts Infantry, July 1862 (wounded October 18, 1863 at Ripon, Virginia), captured May 15, 1864 at Newmarket, Virginia (Libby prison, Richmond, Virginia), exchanged March 11, 1865, mustered out June 1865/Co. C, 14th U.S. Infantry, August 1865-December 1865; b. Albany, New York, July 4, 1844; d. January 8, 1931, Mare Island; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Moennigheim, Frederick (“Fritz”): Musician, Co. K, 7th New York Infantry (“Steuben Guard”), July 1861/Cpl., Co. B, 15th New York Engineers, August 1862-July 1865; b. Germany, circa 1827; d. March 22, 1907, Burson; buried Campo Seco (Protestant)

Molina, Ramon: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Mexico, circa 1825 or Chile, circa 1830; d. 1866-1920, NA; buried NA

Montgomery, Andrew Thomas: Pvt., Co. A, 24th Ohio Infantry, June 1861-NA; b. Ohio, March 1840; d. July 10, 1907, San Diego Co.; buried Escondido (Oak Hill)

Moore, William H.: Pvt., Cpl., Co. E, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), March 1863-July 1865 (disability for wounds at Dinwiddie Court House, Virginia, March 21, 1865); b. Georgia, circa 1834; d. 1865-1930, NA; buried NA

Moore, William H.: Cpl., Co. A, 37th Wisconsin Infantry, March 1864-July 1865; b. Phillipsburg, New Jersey, March 22, 1846; d. February 2, 1918, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Morse, Benjamin Willard: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, October 2, 1828; d. April 3, 1904, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Morse, Edward H.: Pvt., Cpl., Co. F, 13th Ohio Infantry, June 1861-June 1864; b. Ohio, January 5, 1841; d. July 28, 1920, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Morton, Charles Augustus: Sgt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-June 1866; b. Portland, Maine, circa 1829; d. 1876-1900, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Mosher, James Pierson: 1st Sgt., Co. K, 26th Michigan Infantry, October 1862/2nd Lt., July 1863/Co. I, April 1864-December 1864 (disability); b. Rensselaer Co., New York, March 4, 1834; d. August 12, 1905, Oakland; buried Linden

Mowry, David Aldrich: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), December 1864-June 1866; b. Smithfield, Rhode Island, February 24, 1825; d. March 26, 1902, Nicholsville, Rhode Island; buried North Smithfield, Rhode Island (Slatersville)

Moyer, Israel L.: Pvt., Co. B, 124th Ohio Infantry, August 1862-June 1865; b. Jackson, Ohio, January 10, 1836; d. March 23, 1910, Brownsville, Oregon; buried Portland, Oregon (Riverview)

Mulford, Jacob: Pvt., Co. A, 4th Iowa Infantry, March 1864-July 1865; b. Keene, Ohio, October 1834; d. March 31, 1909, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Murphy, Columbus: Pvt., Co. F, 22nd Ohio Infantry, October 1861-May 1862 (disability); b. Springfield, Ohio, April 13, 1838; d. January 30, 1912, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Hospital)

Myers, Russell: Capt., Co. G, 32nd New York Infantry (“1st California Regiment”), May 1861/Maj., January 1863-June 1863; b. New York, November 12, 1823; d. September 27, 1895, Tottenville, New York; buried NA (probably New York)

Neal, Aaron: Pvt., Co. C, 15th Illinois Cavalry, September 1862-February 1863; b. Franklin Co., Illinois, July 20, 1832; d. January 22, 1897, Franklin Co., Illinois; buried Frankfort, Illinois (Neal)

Nellis, Colburn (or Emery): Pvt., Co. A, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Hundred”), December 1862, deserted at Readville, Massachusetts (January 26, 1863); b. New York, circa 1838; d. 1863-1930, NA; buried NA

Nelson, Michael J.: Pvt., Co. G, 4th California Infantry, February 1864-March 1866; b. Vossevangen, Norway, March 12, 1830 (brother of Ole); d. April 10, 1903, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Nelson, Ole: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Vossevangen, Norway, April 24, 1834 (brother of Michael); d. January 12, 1913, Oakland; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Newell, George William: Pvt., Co. E, 14th Maine Infantry, February 1865-August 1865; b. Maine, April 1, 1845; d. November 5, 1921, Stockton; buried Stockton (Catholic)

Newman, Schooley Dennis: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. New Jersey, July 19, 1819; d. March 1888, Colorado; buried Salida, Colorado (Cleora)

Newton, Washington Wallace: Pvt., Co. L, 5th Iowa Cavalry (“Curtis Horse”), March 1864-August 1865; b. Lexington, New York, August 2, 1832; d. 1911, Iowa; buried Iowa

Nichol (or Nichols), William: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-July 1863, died of pneumonia; b. Scotland, circa 1836; d. July 23, 1863, Las Cruces, New Mexico Territory; buried New Mexico Territory

Nickerson, Erastus: Pvt., Co. C, 124th Ohio Infantry, December 1862-September 1863/Sgt., Co. E, 8th U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps, September 1863-July 1865; b. Deposit, New York, July 15, 1819; d. August 30, 1895, Canton, Ohio; buried Canton, Ohio (West Lawn)

Nippins, William J.: 2nd Lt., Co. B, 4th New Jersey Infantry, April 1861-July 1861/Capt., Co. I, 1st New Jersey Infantry, August 1861-January 1863 (resigned)/Capt., Co. D, 34th New Jersey Infantry, October 1863-November 1863 (died of disease); b. Mount Holly, New Jersey, 1828; d. November 25, 1863, Mount Holly, New Jersey; buried Mount Holly, New Jersey (St. Andrews)

Norris, Ethelbert George: Pvt., Co. K, 21st New York Infantry (“First Buffalo Regiment”), May 1861/Co. E, October 1861-May 1863; b. Godalming, England, May 22, 1842; d. September 9, 1925, South Carolina; buried NA

Norris, Jacob Willet: Pvt., Co. K, 71st New York Infantry (“American Guard”), May 1862-September 1862/Co.E, 1st New Jersey Light Artillery, February 1865-July 1865; b. New York, July 1829; d. 1907, New Jersey; buried Hillside, New Jersey (Evergreen) 

Norton, Abner P.: Cpl., Co. K, 14th New York Infantry (“First Oneida County Regiment”), April 1861-July 1862, killed in action; b. Claverack, New York, circa 1830; d. July 1, 1862, Malvern Hill, Virginia; buried NA (probably Richmond, Virginia (Glendale National Cemetery))

Norton, Alfred W.: Sgt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, March 1863-August 1863/2nd Lt., February 1864 (Post Quartermaster, Fort Tubac, Arizona Territory, 1864-1865)/1st Lt., April 1865-June 1866; b. New York, circa 1830; d. 1866-1900, NA; buried NA

Norton, George Andrew: 1st Lt., Quartermaster, 5th Massachusetts Infantry, July 1862-July 1863/Capt., Asst. Quartermaster, U.S. Volunteers, September 1863-November 1865; b. Livermore, Maine, January 20, 1838; d. March 7, 1908, Morgan Hill; buried Oakland (Evergreen)

Nottage, George Edward (Dr.): Pvt., Co. H, 1st Rhode Island Infantry, May 1861-August 1861/Co. H, 4th Rhode Island Infantry, September 1861-November 1864 (wounded in left thigh, disability); b. Rhode Island, March 1844; d. December 12, 1921, Portland, Oregon; buried Portland, Oregon (Lone Fir)

O’Brien, Henry: Pvt., Co. H, 2nd California Cavalry, April 1862, deserted April 6, 1864, apprehended, served to April 1866/Co. D, 2nd U.S. Artillery, July 1866-July 1869/Co. A, 3rd U.S. Infantry, deserted January 1871; b. Canada, circa 1833; d. 1880-1900, NA; buried NA

O’Brien, Michael J.: Pvt., Co. G, 11th New York Infantry (“Fire Zouaves”), May 1861-September 1861, died of consumption; b. New York, New York, 1841; d. September 17, 1861, New York, New York; buried NA (probably New York)

Odlin, Hiram Bainbridge, Jr.: Pvt., Co. B, 2nd Maine Infantry (“Bangor Regiment”), May 1861-June 1863/Substitute, Co. I, 9th Maine Infantry, August 1863-July 1865; b. Bangor, Maine, January 10, 1845; d. June 3, 1927, Coles Station; buried Grizzly Flat

Ortega, Jose Santos: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Aconcagua, Chile, circa 1834; d. 1866-1930, NA; buried NA

Osborn, Ambrose Augustus: Fireman, U.S. Navy (U.S.S. Vermont), May 1864-August 1865; West Arkland, Connecticut, February 1843; d. February 15, 1930, Alameda Co.; buried Hayward (Lone Tree)

Osborn, Jacob Rall: Pvt., Co. C, 110th Ohio Infantry, NA-1863; b. Clark Co., Ohio, November 20, 1830; d. December 12, 1905, Plumas Co.; buried Sacramento (City)

Osgood, Silas Richard: 4th Sgt., Co. C, 47th Iowa Infantry, May 1864-September 1864; b. Biddeford, Maine, February 1, 1828; d. March 16, 1903, Oakland; buried Oakland (Mountain View)

Ostrander, Gerhome (also Jerome): Pvt., Co. C, 45th Illinois Infantry (“Washburne Lead Mine Regiment”), April 1864-July 1865; b. Galena, Illinois, February 12, 1842; d. December 29, 1914, San Jose; buried San Jose (Oak Hill)

Ostrander, Hiram: Pvt., Co. K, 12th Wisconsin Infantry, November 1861-July 1865; b. Allen, New York, August 1829; d. April 3, 1897, Crawford Co., Wisconsin; buried Boydtown, Wisconsin

Owens, George Washington: Cpl., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Virginia, 1831; d. October 9, 1897, San Joaquin Co.; buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Oxendine, William Henry: Pvt., Co. H, 1st Oregon Infantry, 1865-1866; b. Arkansas, September 23, 1846; d. May 11, 1900, Copperopolis; buried Copperopolis

Paddock, Byron Densmore: Pvt., Battery F, 1st Michigan Light Artillery, October 1861/Quartermaster Sgt., January 1862/2nd Lt., July 1862/1st Lt., December 1862/Capt., September 1863-April 1865; b. Penfield, New York, June 9, 1833; d. July 30, 1920, Rutherford, New Jersey; buried Coldwater, Michigan (Oak Grove)

Paddock, James Lemuel: Pvt., Co. D, 4th California Infantry, September 1861-December 1865; b. Lake Co., Illinois, January 1840; d. November 25, 1910, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Palmer, Andrew Jackson: Sgt., Co. A, 2nd Wisconsin Infantry, October 1861/1st Lt., May 1864/Capt., July 1864-November 1865; b. Allegany, New York, December 1833; d. October 11, 1919, Alameda; buried Oakland (Evergreen)

Park, Thomas Eaton: Pvt., Co. D, 12th Massachusetts Infantry (“Webster Regiment”), June 1861-February 1863 (disability)/Co. G, 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, September 1863-September 1865; b. Massachusetts, circa 1839; d. August 2, 1916, Riverside Co.; buried California

Parrish, Nelson Lane: Pvt., Co. D, 19th Michigan Infantry, August 1862, captured October 27, 1864, released, mustered out June 1865; b. Michigan, circa 1837; d. March 9, 1899, Calaveras Co.; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Parsons, Alonzo Orson: Pvt., Co. C, 21st Wisconsin Infantry, August 1862-February 1863 (disability)/Co. B, 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry, January 1864-July 1865; b. Copenhagen, New York, 1824; d. October 11, 1901, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Parsons, Sylvanus Manville: Pvt., Co. H, 35th Illinois Infantry (“Gustavus Smith’s Independent Regiment”), July 1861/Sgt., January 1863/1st Lt., March 1863/Capt., November 1863-September 1864; b. Missouri, June 1842; d. August 27, 1917, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Partin, Martin P.: Pvt., Co. K, 63rd Missouri Enrolled Militia, October 1864-December 1864; b. Adair Co., Missouri, October 3, 1827; d. September 25, 1902, Red Bluff; buried California

Paulk, Jacob Marshall: 1st Lt., Co. K, 39th Ohio Infantry, July 1861/Capt., February 1862-October 1864; b. Hockingport, Ohio, June 7, 1837; d. January 3, 1898, Sacramento; buried Sacramento (City)

Payne, Abraham Darrow Lea (or Leon): Pvt., Co. B, 64th Ohio Infantry, October 1861/Musician, November 1861-April 1863 (disability); b. Marietta, Ohio, July 13, 1833; d. September 20, 1912, Sacramento; buried Sacramento (City)

Pearsall, Samuel William: Enlisted, Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), December 1864 (rejected)/Pvt., Co. C, 2nd California Infantry, December 1864-May 1866; b. New York, New York, August 22, 1821; d. August 2, 1900, Mokelumne Hill; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Peat, James W.: Pvt., Co. F, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), November 1861-January 1865; b. Scotland, circa 1827; d. March 1867, San Joaquin Co.; buried Stockton (Catholic)

Peck, George W.: Sgt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. Lewiston, New York, October 1828 (brother of James); d. October 5, 1909, Ada Co., Idaho; buried Boise, Idaho (Fort Boise Military Cemetery)

Peck, James M.: Cpl., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. Lewiston, New York, circa 1831 (brother of George); d. March 16, 1894, Anaconda, Montana; buried Anaconda, Montana

Pennell, Joseph Ward, Jr.: Pvt., Co. L, 6th Massachusetts Infantry, April 1861-August 1861/Co. K, 5th Massachusetts Infantry, July 1864-November 1864; b. Massachusetts, June 1840; d. December 1, 1888, Mokelumne Hill; buried California

Pennington, Andrew Reid: Pvt., Co. F, 60th Ohio Infantry, August 1862-November 1862/24th Independent Battery, Ohio Light Artillery, June 1863-June 1864; b. Hillsboro, Ohio, August 26, 1842; d. May 24, 1901, Monterey; buried Pacific Grove (El Carmelo)

Pepin, Edward: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Nova Scotia (later Canada), circa 1832; d. January 19, 1897, Calaveras Co.; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Perkins, Marquis de Lafayette (Lafayette): Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), July 1861/Co. C, February 1864-July 1865; b. Castine, Maine, March 13, 1838; d. April 20, 1920, South Brewer, Maine; buried Orrington, Maine (Oak Hill)

Perkins, Orlo Cady: Drummer, Co. E, 13th Vermont Infantry, September 1862-July 1863; b. Stowe, Vermont, 1833; d. April 27, 1908, San Francisco; buried (cremated) San Francisco (Cypress Lawn)

Perkins, Richard: Cpl., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, April 1863-April 1866; b. Rock, Wisconsin, June 7, 1844; d. February 15, 1907, Orting, Washington (Soldiers Home); buried Orting, Washington (Soldiers Home Cemetery)

Perry, Albert Otis: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Connecticut, circa 1825; d. 1878, California (possibly San Francisco); buried California

Peters, John Henry: Cpl., Co. G, 2nd California Cavalry, October 1864-February 1866; b. Ash, Michigan, May 1837; d. March 28, 1917, Stockton; buried Lodi (Memorial)

Peterson, Frederick: Pvt., Co. E, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864 (also possibly reenlisted Pvt., Co. G, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865); b. Denmark, circa 1827 (naturalized 1864); d. July 6, 1899, Murphys; buried Murphys

Petty, George F. (aka George F. Lukens): Pvt., Co. F, 73rd Ohio Infantry, February 1864-May 1865; b. Ohio, circa 1845; d. June 4, 1921, Solano Co.; buried Stockton (Rural)

Pierson, John Ogden: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. New Jersey, circa 1824; d. February 8, 1871, San Joaquin Co.; buried Stockton (Rural)

Pinney, Ephraim Hyde: Landsman, U.S. Navy, May 1862-December 1862/Pvt., Co. B, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), December 1862/captured at Dranesville, Virginia, February 22, 1864 (Andersonville prison), exchanged April 1, 1865/Sgt., June 1865; b. Stafford, Connecticut, November 4, 1825; d. November 24, 1916, Los Angeles; buried California

Polk, Wesley Arthur: Pvt., Cpl., Co. H, 127th Illinois Infantry, August 1862-June 1865; b. Jefferson, Kentucky, November 4, 1818; d. May 23, 1893, Lyons, Illinois; buried Indian Head Park, Illinois (Lyonsville)

Poole, Duff Green(e): Pvt., Co. K, 2nd California Cavalry, August 1864-May 1866; b. Kentucky, December 1839; d. April 29, 1911, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Porter, Vandergriff: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Delaware, circa 1822; d. August 6, 1898, Yolo Co.; buried Woodland

Potter, James W.: Pvt., Co. I, 2nd Rhode Island Infantry, July 1863/Cpl., November 1864-July 1865; b. Scituate, Rhode Island, March 29, 1827; d. December 9, 1891, Providence, Rhode Island; buried North Smithfield, Rhode Island (Union)

Powles, Henry: Pvt., Co. A, 26th New Jersey Infantry, NA; b. Orange, New Jersey, August 1827; d. April 12, 1902, East Orange, New Jersey; buried Montclair, New Jersey (Rosedale)

Pratt, Morgan Jacob: Pvt., Co. M, 3rd Colorado Cavalry, September 1864-December 1864; b. Ohio, September 1844; d. June 22, 1921, San Joaquin Co.; buried Manteca (Park View)

Pray, John Coleman: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, April 1863-April 1866; b. New Hampshire, circa 1840; d. February 9, 1898, Murphys; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Pullen, Clark Johnson: Pvt., Co. G, 11th New Jersey Infantry, June 1862-January 1863; b. New Jersey, August 1847; d. September 4, 1917, Placerville; buried California

Putney, Henry Augustus: Pvt., Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-September 1861; b. Portland, Maine, August 30, 1838; d. June 3,1877, San Francisco; buried San Francisco

Rabenack, Jacob (“Whiskey Jake”): Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861, deserted at Camp Halleck (June 18, 1862); b. Bavaria, circa 1824; d. December 6, 1881, Jackson; buried Amador Co.

Rank, William Ezra: Pvt., Co. C (“Amador Mountaineers”), 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864/Co. K, 1st California Cavalry, April 1865, deserted (May 1866); b. Lebanon, Pennsylvania, 1830; d. February 5, 1904, Lincoln, Missouri; buried Warsaw, Missouri (Shawnee)

Ratliff, Miles Cochran: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), June 1862, deserted en route to Salt Lake City, Utah Territory (July 30, 1862)/Pvt., Co. C, 1st Oregon Cavalry, December 1864-December 1865 (disability); b. Missouri, February 8, 1832; d. July 25, 1923, Craigmont, Idaho; buried Lewis County, Idaho (Fletcher)

Ray, James Lemmon, Jr.: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Washington, Kentucky, January 11, 1822; d. January 10, 1897, Helena, Montana; buried Helena, Montana (Benton Avenue)

Reed, Andrew Jackson: Pvt., Co. F, 1st Battalion California Mountaineers, August 1863-June 1865; b. Antrim, New Hampshire, 1822; d. September 14, 1866, Arcata; buried California

Reed, Cecil Crane: Sgt., Battery K, 1st Ohio Light Artillery, September 1861/Quartermaster Sgt., November 1862-May 1864/2nd Lt., Battery D, May 1864-July 1865 (“27 battles, with Sherman going in Atlanta, wounded in head by shot”); b. Williamstown, Virginia (later West Virginia), May 9, 1843 (brother of Ira and Russell); d. April 30, 1923, Alameda Co.; buried California

Reed, Etheridge Wilson: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Ohio, January 1844; d. 1903, Keswick; buried California (probably Shasta Co.)

Reed, Ira Hill: Pvt., Co. D, 4th California Infantry, September 1861-October 1864 (not on muster roll); b. Williamstown, Virginia (later West Virginia), September 8, 1833 (brother of Cecil and Russell); d. March 19, 1915, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Reed, Russell Parkinson: Pvt., Battery K, 1st Ohio Light Artillery, March 1864-July 1865; b. Williamstown, Virginia (later West Virginia), June 1, 1847 (brother of Cecil and Ira); d. March 13, 1925, San Francisco; buried Oakland (Mountain View)

Reeder, Charles D.: Pvt., Co. B, 46th Indiana Infantry, October 1861-September 1865; b. Venango Co., Pennsylvania, circa 1844; d. February 7, 1910, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Rees(e), Frederick: Pvt., Co. C, 98th Pennsylvania Infantry, February 1865-June 1865: b. Mahanoy Plane, Pennsylvania, March 22, 1836 (brother of Jacob); d. November 30, 1901, Reading, Pennsylvania; buried Reading, Pennsylvania (Charles Evans Cemetery)

Rees(e), Jacob: Pvt., NA Pennsylvania Infantry, NA (possibly Co. C, Co. H, 39th Pennsylvania Infantry, July 1863-August 1863 or Co. D, 122nd Pennsylvania Infantry, August 1862-May 1863); b. St. Clair, Pennsylvania, March 22, 1844 (brother of Frederick); d. November 11, 1919, Livermore; buried Livermore (I.O.O.F.)

Rees, Joseph Trimble: Pvt., Co. H, 145th Illinois Infantry, April 1864-September 1864; b. near Zanesville, Ohio, March 23, 1847; d. October 29, 1928, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Reese, William: Pvt., Co. A, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Cornwall, Wales, March 1833; d. May 26, 1916, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Reynolds, William Woolsey: Pvt., Co. G, 5th California Infantry, NA; b. Greene Co., Tennessee, April 1, 1833; d. December 17, 1917, Santa Cruz; buried Santa Cruz (I.O.O.F.)

Rice, John C.: NA, NA (possibly Pvt., Co. B, 5th California Infantry, October 1861-December 1864); b. Ireland, July 4, 1822; d. December 19, 1903, Stockton; buried California

Richards, Samuel Cincinnati: NA, NA; b. Tennessee, circa 1834; d. July 18, 1892, Nassau; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Richards, William Jones: Pvt., Co. G, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-July 1865 (disability); b. Pennsylvania, circa 1832; d. May 28, 1901, Copperopolis; buried Jenny Lind (marker also at Copperopolis)

Richardson, Alexander Albert: Pvt., Co. A, 1st Maine Cavalry, February 1864-June 1865; b. Winslow, Maine, February 1842; d. September 5, 1934, Portland, Oregon; buried Winslow, Maine (Getchell)

Richey, William: NA, NA; b. Pennsylvania, circa 1838; d. NA, Calaveras Co.; buried Copperopolis

Rickey, Joseph Franklin: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Iowa City, Iowa, July 5, 1846; d. 1892-1900, California; buried NA (probably California)

Rigel, Michael J.: Pvt., Co. D, 182nd Ohio Infantry, September 1864-July 1865; b. Coshocton, Ohio, March 14, 1847; d. March 4, 1918, Caney, Kansas; buried NA (probably Kansas)

Riley, William: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, March 1864-September 1866; b. Ireland, circa 1834; d. 1866-1930, NA; buried NA

Robb, James B.: Pvt., Co. K, 1st California Infantry, November 1861-November 1864; b. Ireland, circa 1824; d. 1864-1900, NA; buried NA

Roberts, John: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861, deserted at Camp Halleck (June 9, 1862), apprehended (June 15, 1862), tried by G.C.M. and sentenced to confinement on Alcatraz Island, dishonorably discharged September 20, 1862; b. England, circa 1823; d. 1880-1920, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Robertson, Horatio Perry (H.P.): Pvt., Co. G, 6th California Infantry, October 1863-October 1865; b. Georgia, December 1840; d. June 3, 1903, Sheep Ranch; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Robinson, Joshua Clayton: Pvt., Co. D, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-May 1865 (disability); b. New York, November 3, 1829; d. September 26, 1879, West Point; buried West Point

Robjent, Frederick B. (“Cockney Bob”): Pvt., Co. C (“Amador Mountaineers”), 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864/Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. London, England, circa 1829; d. June 28, 1892, Jackson; buried Jackson (City)

Romiro, Navor: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. San Miguel, Mexico, circa 1835; d. 1866-1930, NA; buried NA

Root, Lemuel Goodell: Pvt., Co. F, 177th Ohio Infantry, September 1864-June 1865; b. New York, November 27, 1824; d. 1906, Ohio; buried Wakeman, Ohio

Roots, Abram (or Abraham): Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, May 1863-May 1866; b. Clark Co., Ohio, circa 1831; d. August 11, 1898, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Roper, Edward: 1st Sgt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, April 1863-January 1865 (disability); b. England, circa 1828; d. February 5, 1900, Petersburg; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Rose, William: Cpl., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. New Jersey, circa 1836; d. 1865-1930, NA; buried NA

Ross, Ichabod Olmstead: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Pennville, Missouri, August 26, 1840; d. September 24, 1906, Oakland; buried Oakland (Mountain View)

Ross, James M.: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. New York, circa 1832; d. 1890-1920, NA; buried NA

Roundy, James Payson: Substitute, Pvt., Co. A, 12th New Jersey Infantry, April 1865-July 1865; b. Lempster, New Hampshire, August 27, 1838; d. January 30, 1910, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Ruhland, George Peter: Pvt., Cpl., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, February 1864-June 1866; b. Baden, Germany, circa 1838; d. July 6, 1899, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Rumble, George William Torkington (“Oc”): Pvt., Co. H, 3rd New York Cavalry (“Van Allen Cavalry”), August 1861, captured at Chula, Virginia, May 15, 1864 (Libby prison, Richmond, Virginia), escaped September 7, returned to company September 19, 1864-October 1864; b. Gates, New York, May 20, 1844; d. March 30, 1926, Berkeley; buried Oroville (Old Cemetery)

Rushmer, Thomas Barnes (aka Thomas Rushmore): Pvt., Co. C, 84th New York Infantry (“Red Legged Devils”/“14th Brooklyn”), April 1861-February 1863 (disability)/Co. B, 2nd New Jersey Cavalry, September 1863/Cpl., January 1864/Sgt., March 1865-November 1865; b. New York, New York, January 18, 1839; d. March 17, 1919, Angels Camp; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Russell, Calvin W.: Pvt., Co. H, 44th Iowa Infantry, June 1864-September 1864; b. Prairie City, Indiana, circa 1846; d. January 26, 1890, West Point; buried West Point

Russell, George: Pvt., Co. F, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), March 1865-April 1866; b. Arkansas, March 9, 1842; d. October 23, 1929, Angels Camp; buried Sheep Ranch

Rychner, Robert: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864/Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, December 1864-June 1866; b. Switzerland, circa 1828; d. 1866-1920, NA; buried NA

Ryder, Abner: Cpl., Sgt., Co. G, 2nd California Cavalry, October 1861-October 1864; b. Quebec, Canada, circa 1841 (naturalized July 1867); d. July 18, 1890, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Sanders, Chilion Wait: Construction Corps, Quartermaster Dept., U.S. Volunteers, NA; b. New York, May 30, 1845; d. June 26, 1930, San Andreas; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Sanders, George W.: 1st Sgt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, December 1863-September 1866; b. Pennsylvania (possibly Washington Co.), circa 1826; d. 1870-1920, NA; buried NA

Sappington, Hartley White: Pvt., Co. C, 43rd Provisional Enrolled Missouri Militia, NA; b. Clarksburg, Missouri, November 10, 1826; d. November 4, 1904, Clarksburg, Missouri; buried Clarksburg, Missouri (Sappington)

Sargent, Walter Herbert: Pvt., Co. B, 12th Massachusetts Infantry (“Webster Regiment”), February 1862, wounded at Antietam (September 17, 1862) and Wilderness, Virginia (May 5, 1864)/Co. C, 39th Massachusetts Infantry, June 1864-February 1865/Artificer, Co. C, Co. D, U.S. Army Engineers Battalion, February 1867-February 1871; b. Boston, Massachusetts, September 21, 1845; d. October 4, 1927, Stockton; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Saul, George M.: Pvt., Co. H, 4th California Infantry, September 1864-November 1865; b. Kentucky, circa 1832; d. 1865-1930, NA; buried NA

Saunders, Robert: Sgt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, February 1865-October 1865; b. Ohio, July 25, 1822; d. June 13, 1900), Ohio; buried Columbus, Ohio (Green Lawn)

Sawyer, Jerome: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, August 1863-May 1866; b. Swansey, New Hampshire, September 12, 1836 (brother of Leroy); d. October 7, 1878, Queretaro, Mexico; buried Mexico City, Mexico (National Cemetery)

Sawyer, Leroy Milton: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-September 1864; b. Swansey, New Hampshire, March 1, 1831 (brother of Jerome); d. February 22, 1886, Angels Camp; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Schnabel, Gustavus: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), May 1862/Co. C, February 1864-May 1865; b. France, circa 1831; d. 1865-1920, NA; buried NA

Schroth, George: Pvt., Co. B, 2nd California Cavalry, September 1861-October 1864, re-enlisted November 1864-June 1866/U.S. Navy (U.S.S. Independence, Jamestown and Vixen), NA; b. Hamburg, Germany, circa 1834 (naturalized September 1867); d. September 25, 1911, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Schultz, Herman: Pvt., Co. I, 1st Wisconsin Cavalry, January 1862-December 1862/Co. H, 37th Wisconsin Infantry, November 1864-July 1865; b. Germany, January 1837; d. July 6, 1912, Lockeford; buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Schwoerer, William: Pvt., Co. G, 9th U.S. Infantry, May 1865-May 1868; b. Boston, Massachusetts, January 11, 1851; d. May 30, 1907, Spring Valley (later Valley Springs); buried Double Springs

Scofield, Charles: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-September 1864; b. Marathon, New York, circa 1824; d. April 10, 1898, Groveland; buried California (probably Tuolumne Co.)

Scott, Edward: 1st Lt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, February 1865-October 1865; b. Wetherbends, England, May 11, 1831; d. September 22, 1891, Houston, Texas; buried Stockton (Rural)

Scott, Lyman Samuel (L.S.): [Post-1854 Amador Co.]: Capt., Co. D, 4th California Infantry, September 1861-December 1865 (Post Commander, Fort Yamhill, Fort Hoskins, Oregon Territory, 1861-July 1865); b. Winsted, Connecticut, October 1, 1830; d. November 21, 1892, Salem, Oregon; buried Salem, Oregon (Pioneer)

Sells, Abraham H. (possibly Hutchinson): Pvt., Co F, 95th Ohio Infantry, August 1862-August 1865; b. Franklin, Ohio, April 1822; d. February 7, 1905, Columbus, Ohio; buried Columbus, Ohio (Green Lawn)

Severance, Daniel Robert: Cpl., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, February 1865-October 1865; b. Knox, Maine, June 12, 1843; d. July 1, 1885, Milford, Utah Territory; buried Milford, Utah Territory

Shackelford, Albert Royal: 1st Lt., Co. D, 25th Kentucky Infantry, January 1862/Co. E, 17th Kentucky Infantry, April 1862-April 1862 (resigned); b. Hustonville, Kentucky, 1818 (brother of John); d. January 26, 1889, Colusa; buried Colusa

Shackelford, John K. (Dr.): Pvt., Co. A, 17th Kentucky Cavalry, March 1864-September 1865; b. Hustonville, Kentucky, April 15, 1829 (brother of Albert); d. August 17, 1898, Madisonville, Kentucky; buried Madisonville, Kentucky (I.O.O.F.)

Shank, Jacob Pebbler: Pvt., Co. F, 3rd Kansas Infantry, NA; b. Lee Co., Iowa, August 16, 1843; d. November 23, 1931, San Joaquin Co.; buried Manteca (East Union)

Sharp, Franklin W. (Frank): Pvt., Co. I, 30th Iowa Infantry, September 1862-June 1865; b. Ohio, January 3, 1831; d. April 5, 1885, California; buried Jenny Lind

Sharp, George Robert: Sgt., Co. K, 1st California Cavalry, March 1863/2nd Lt., November 1864/Co. C, March 1866 (resigned); b. Bellevue, Ohio, July 2, 1842; d. January 3, 1917, Oakland; buried (cremated) Oakland (Chapel of the Chimes Columbarium)

Shaw, Oliver Walden: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, March 1863-March 1866; b. Wallkill, New York, February 14, 1813; d. February 28, 1880, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Shear, Abram (or Abraham): Pvt., Co. G, 127th New York Infantry (“Monitors”), August 1862-1865; b. New York, circa 1841; d. March 17, 1929, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Shearer, George Brown: Quartermaster Sgt., Co. B, 2nd California Cavalry, September 1861-October 1864; b. Hollidays Cove, Virginia (later West Virginia), January 28, 1838; d. May 22, 1902, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Sheffer, Francis Davis: Pvt., Co. B, 10th Indiana Infantry, April 1861-August 1861; b. Ashland, Indiana, January 16, 1839; d. September 1, 1917, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Sheldon, Joseph Wade: Pvt., Co. E, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), March 1863-July 1865; b. Newcastle, Maine, September 15, 1830; d. October 2, 1908, Dresden, Maine; buried Dresden, Maine (Pine Grove)

Shepherd, David Christy: Pvt., Co. K, 2nd California Cavalry, June 1864-May 1866; b. South Carolina, September 1848; d. October 29, 1928, San Francisco; buried California

Sheppard, William (aka Bill Johnson): Pvt., Co. B, 9th Delaware Infantry, September 1864-January 1865; b. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 23, 1847; d. July 8, 1907, West Point; buried West Point

Sherman, Ephraim Maynord: Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry, October 1864-April 1866; b. Keokuk Co., Iowa, March 7, 1841; d. January 10, 1916, Tulare Co.; buried Strathmore (Frazier Valley)

Sherwood, Charles Theodore: Sgt., Co. H, 6th California Infantry, February 1863/2nd Lt., Co. K, September 1864/1st Lt., Adjutant, Staff, March 1865-October 1865/2nd Lt., Co. I, 2nd California Cavalry, November 1865-June 1866; b. Greenwich, Connecticut, June 1, 1833; d. August 24, 1868, San Francisco; buried California

Sherwood, Thomas: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Scotland, circa 1821; d. 1871-1900, NA; buried NA

Shoemaker, Francis Marion: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861/Sgt., 2nd Lt., December 1861/1st Lt., August 1864/Co. I, September 1864/Co. D, September 1864-December 1865; b. Lycoming, Pennsylvania, November 30, 1824; d. March 31, 1896, Blackfoot, Idaho; buried Blackfoot, Idaho (Grove City)

Shreve, John Allen: Pvt., Co. I, 1st California Cavalry, September 1863-May 1866; b. Salem, Massachusetts, January 1, 1825; d. May 8, 1893, Blanket Creek (near Sonora); buried California

Shute, John William: Pvt., Co. I, 26th Illinois Infantry, November 1861-June 1862 (disability); b. Newmarket, New Hampshire, March 31, 1835; d. December 22, 1923, Oakland; buried California

Siegler, John Frederick: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Holstein, Germany, May 31, 1832; d. March 30, 1906, Fosteria; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Simon, Luther Bert: Pvt., Co. F, 9th Iowa Cavalry, June 1863/Cpl., January 1864-October 1864 (disability); b. Washington Co., Ohio, August 1834; d. June 14, 1917, Los Angeles; buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Simonson, Tompkins: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Richmond Co., New York, circa 1829 (brother of William); d. November 10, 1899, Staten Island, New York; buried West New Brighton, New York (Staten Island/Trinity Church)

Simonson, William: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, April 1863-April 1866; b. Richmond Co., New York, circa 1827 (brother of Tompkins); d. 1880-1900, New York, New York; buried New York, New York

Simonton, (Elisha) Morgan: Pvt., Co. C, Co. D, 7th Indiana Infantry, April 1861-August 1861/Pvt., 2nd Battery, Indiana Light Artillery, NA-April 1864/Pvt., Battery H (“Montgomery’s Battery”), 2nd Missouri Light Artillery/Cpl., 1st Lt., June 1864/Capt., Co. B, November 1865-December 1865; b. Indiana, January 8, 1844; d. July 26, 1913, Stockton.; buried Stockton (Rural)

Simpson, Alexander C.: Cpl., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. New York, circa 1832; d. 1901, California; buried California

Sisson, Esek Samuel: Pvt., Co. B, 18th Wisconsin Infantry, December 1861-March 1865; b. Steuben, New York, March 3, 1831; d. June 4, 1923, Camanche; buried Nevada City (Pine Grove)

Sliter, Charles Francis: Pvt., Co. I, 14th New Hampshire Infantry, December 1863, deserted at Washington, DC (January 29, 1864); b. Tompkins, New York, 1843; d. December 13, 1931, San Francisco; buried California

Smale, Robert: Pvt., Co. F, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-February 1864, died of typhoid fever; b. Devonshire, England, 1830; d. February 9, 1864, Camp Douglas, Utah Territory; buried Salt Lake City, Utah Territory (Fort Douglas)

Smart, John: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-September 1865, died of disease; b. London, England, circa 1824; d. September 28, 1865, Fort Mason, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

Smith, Charles: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864, deserted at the Presidio, San Francisco (March 24, 1865); b. West Carlisle, Ohio, circa 1824; d. 1865-1920, NA; buried NA

Smith, Charles W.: Capt., Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-June 1862 (resigned); b. Massachusetts, circa 1826; d. July 4, 1867, near Murphys; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Smith, Edward: Pvt., Co. A, 159th Ohio Infantry, February 1864-August 1864; b. Baltimore, Maryland, May 4, 1835; d. October 15, 1927, Clements; buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Smith, Henry P.: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-October 1865, died of intermittent fever; b. Cork, Ireland, circa 1820; d. October 13, 1865, Fort Mason, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

Smith, James Luther: Pvt., Co. H, 39th Iowa Infantry/Co. C, 7th Iowa Infantry, NA; b. Illinois, November 1845; d. February 1, 1926, Lockeford; buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Smith, James Wesley: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. Indiana, circa 1828; d. December 27, 1903, Calaveras Co.; buried San Andreas (Hospital)

Smith, John William: Pvt., Co. F, 9th Kansas Cavalry, October 1861-November 1862 (disability)/Co. I, 16th Kansas Cavalry, April 1864-May 1865; b. Dearborn, Indiana, October 15, 1823; d. February 9, 1896, California (probably San Joaquin Co.); buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Smith, Silas Church: Cpl., Co. A, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-June 1863 (disability); b. Maine, circa 1833; d. 1891, Maine; buried Maine

Smith, Wilson Chamberlain: Pvt., Co. F, 3rd Maine Infantry, June 1862/Co. H, 17th Maine Infantry, June 1862-June 1865 (disability, gunshot wound on left side); b. Farmington, Maine, April 1843; d. September 4, 1931, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Smyser, Henry Lanius (Dr.): Doctor, U.S. Army (Hospital, York, Pennsylvania), 1862-NA; b. York, Pennsylvania, December 8, 1825; d. September 16, 1900, York, Pennsylvania; buried York, Pennsylvania (Prospect Hill)

Sohn, James Alfred: Pvt., Co. L, 55th Ohio Infantry, February 1864-July 1865; b. Wyandot, Ohio, August 26, 1844; d. February 16, 1926, Ione; buried Ione

Souder, Samuel Van Buren: Pvt., Co. H, 50th Pennsylvania Infantry, September 1861-September 1864; b. Pennsylvania, 1843; d. April 7, 1887, Angels Camp; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Southworth, Herbert Clarence: Pvt., Co. A, 24th Michigan Infantry, March 1865-June 1865; b. Leoni, Michigan, July 24, 1845; d. July 30, 1902, Wallace; buried Clements

Spaulding, John: Pvt., Co. E, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), February 1863-June 1864, captured Dranesville, Virginia, February 22, 1864 (Andersonville prison), died of diarrhea; b. North Anson, Maine, April 4, 1834; d. June 19, 1864, Andersonville, Georgia; buried Andersonville, Georgia (National Historic Site)

Spear, Leander: Sgt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. West Gardiner, Maine, February 3, 1835; d. September 4, 1895, West Gardiner, Maine; buried West Gardiner, Maine (Fairbanks)

Spencer, Moses Currier: Pvt., Cpl., Co. D, 4th Vermont Infantry, March 1862-July 1862 (disability)/Co. E, 13th Veteran Reserve Corps, August 1863-November 1865; b. Vermont, circa 1845; d. September 6, 1914, Los Angeles; buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Sperry, James A.: Pvt., Co. H, 70th Ohio Infantry, November 1861-August 1865; b. Ohio, circa 1843; d. 1898-1940, NA; buried NA

Sperry, John Austin: Sgt., Co. K, 25th Michigan Infantry, July 1862-January 1863 (disability); b. La Harpe, Illinois, November 7, 1835; d. February 10, 1921, San Joaquin Co.; buried Stockton (later Manteca) (East Union)

Stacey, Robert Edgely: Pvt., Cpl., Sgt., Co. F, 30th Maine Infantry, September 1863-August 1865; b. Staceyville, Maine, March 10, 1844; d. November 7, 1919, San Joaquin Co.; buried Stockton (Rural)

Stackpole, Jacob Emmons: Pvt., Co. A, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864/Co. L, 2nd California Cavalry, February 1865-July 1866; b. Kennebunk, Maine, August 13, 1826; d. November 6, 1907, Felix; buried Milton

Stage, George Miflin: Pvt., Co. D, 3rd New Jersey Infantry, May 1861, captured 1862 (Libby and Belle Isle prisons, Richmond, Virginia), escaped from Libby, recaptured, exchanged or released, November 1862 (disability); b. Dover, New Jersey, April 23, 1844; d. November 27, 1915, Burson; buried Jenny Lind

Stanley, Ezekiel C.: Pvt., Co. A or E, 6th Missouri Cavalry, 1861-NA; b. Tennessee, circa 1829; d. August 5, 1864, Dadeville, Missouri; buried Bona, Missouri (Long)

Staples, John Frederick (Fred): 1st Lt., Co. A, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-April 1863/Capt., Co. K, April 1863-February 1864 (resigned); b. Baltimore, Maryland, January 26, 1828; d. January 5, 1915, Los Angeles; buried Los Angeles (Westwood)

Starkey, James Dennis: Pvt., Co. C, 1st Iowa Cavalry, February 1864-February 1866; b. Iowa, April 19, 1842; d. January 16, 1930, Sacramento; buried Sacramento (I.O.O.F.)

Staton, James M.: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-June 1866; b. Henry, Kentucky, October 22, 1813; d. April 26, 1895, Carroll Co., Missouri; buried Carroll Co., Missouri (Salem)

Staunton, Michael B.: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Washington Co., Maryland, July 1828; d. June 10, 1905, Winnemucca, Nevada; buried Winnemucca, Nevada

Steedman, James Blair: Col., 14th Ohio Infantry, April 1861/Brig. Gen., General Staff, U.S. Volunteers, July 1862/Maj. Gen., April 1864/Military Governor of Georgia, NA-July 1866; b. Chillisquaque, Pennsylvania, July 29, 1817; d. October 18, 1883, Toledo, Ohio; buried Toledo, Ohio (Woodlawn)

Steel(e), John Allen: Pvt., Co. E, 94th Ohio Infantry, August 1862-May 1863 (disability); b. Xenia, Ohio, October 21, 1844; d. July 20, 1917, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Stemmons, Morton: Pvt., Co. A, 5th California Infantry, September 1861-November 1864/Co. E, 1st California Veteran Infantry, January 1865-September 1866; b. Boone Co., Missouri, 1834; d. 1880-1910, NA; buried NA

Stephens, Henry Mackleberry: Bugler, Co. L, 5th Kansas Cavalry, May 1863/Co. B, 15th Kansas Cavalry, July 1865-August 1865; b. Des Moines, Iowa, August 27, 1846; d. March 9, 1927, Chico; buried Chico

Stevens, Frederick Smith: 1st Sgt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), November 1861-October 1864; b. Lynn, Massachusetts, August 7, 1838; d. March 27, 1918, Blackfoot, Idaho; buried Blackfoot, Idaho (Grove City)

Stevenson, John: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866/Enlistee, U.S. Cavalry, September 1866, deserted (November 3, 1866); b. Glasgow, Scotland, March 21, 1827; d. July 11, 1907, Shasta Co.; buried Anderson

Stevison, Calvin Hill: Pvt., Co. K, 6th U.S. Infantry, March 1858, deserted October 17, 1858, apprehended, served to NA; b. Mt. Vernon, Ohio, December 31, 1829; d. August 11, 1911, Houston, Texas; buried Houston, Texas (Hollywood)

Still, Alonzo Delfarado: Pvt., Co. L, 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (“The California Battalion”), February 1863-March 1864 (disability, lost left eye); b. Macedon, New York, August 25, 1828; d. March 25, 1904, Hastings, Michigan; buried Yankee Springs, Michigan (Coman)

Stuart, William Worthington: Capt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-May 1863 (dismissed) [claimed service in Mexican War and British Army proved untrue]; b. Connecticut, circa 1812; d. February 7, 1888, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Suddarth, Andrew Jackson: Pvt., Co. I, 15th Kansas Cavalry, August 1863-October 1865; b. Albemarle Co., Virginia, August 11, 1847; d. July 3, 1914, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Sullivan, Claiborne (alias William C. Sullivan): Pvt., Stone Co. Battalion, Missouri Home Guards, NA; b. Meramec, Missouri, 1831; d. 1867, Pea Ridge, Arkansas; buried NA

Summers, James Elmer: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864/Co. M, 2nd California Cavalry, November 1864-July 1866; b. Illinois, August 19, 1838; d. June 11, 1924, Oroville; buried Oroville (Old Cemetery)

Swain, James Wilder: Pvt., Co. C, 1st Maryland Infantry (“Potomac Home Brigade”), November 1864-June 1865/Co. F, 5th U.S. Cavalry, December 1865-December 1868/Battery G, D, E, 4th U.S. Artillery, January 1870-January 1875; b. Elkridge, Maryland, 1840; d. January 30, 1925, Healdsburg; buried Healdsburg (Oak Mound)

Swank, Casper S. (possibly Study): Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864/Pvt., Sgt., Co. A, 187th Ohio Infantry, March 1865-January 1866; b. Jefferson Township, Richland Co., Ohio, October 8, 1837; d. August 25, 1902, Eden Township, Wyandot Co., Ohio; buried Eden Township, Wyandot Co., Ohio (Nevada)

Swarnes, William: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Hamburg, Illinois, January 20, 1831; d. March 9, 1892, Butler, Missouri; buried Butler, Missouri (Double Branch)

Swetland, Mulford Reed: Pvt., Co. I, 189th New York Infantry, September 1864-May 1865; b. Freetown, New York, February 12, 1830; d. August 4, 1893, Potter Co., Pennsylvania; buried Mills, Pennsylvania

Swinford, Elijah H. (“Lige”): Cpl., Co. M, 12th Missouri Cavalry, March 1864, captured at Campbellsville, Tennessee (November 24, 1864), paroled at Jacksonville, Florida (April 28, 1865), returned May 1865-June 1865; b. Polk Co., Tennessee, 1835; d. December 16, 1890, North Branch; buried Jenny Lind [Also Pvt., Co. C, 1st Regiment, Missouri State Guards, Confederate States of America, NA-September 1862]

Tannatt, George Frost: 1st Lt., Co. A, 1st Illinois Cavalry, July 1861/Capt., Aide-de-camp, U.S. Volunteers, July 1862-August 1862 (wounded August 9, 1862, Cedar Mountain, Virginia), died from wounds; b. Springfield, Massachusetts, 1824; d. August 15, 1862, Alexandria, Virginia; buried Springfield, Massachusetts (Springfield)

Tanner, Charles Elmer: Pvt., Co. G, 9th Illinois Cavalry (“Brackett’s Cavalry Regiment,” “Western Cavalry”), February 1865-October 1865; b. Marengo, Illinois, August 27, 1845; d. March 1, 1903, Sutter Creek; buried Sutter Creek (City)

Tascell, Eugene: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864/Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. France, circa 1834 (naturalized May 1860); d. May 9, 1906, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Taylor, George P.: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Ohio, circa 1829; d. 1907-1920, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Taylor, Marshall (Marsh) B. (possibly Brown): Capt., Co. H, 10th Indiana Infantry, September 1861/Brevet Maj., August 1862, for gallantry in action on January 19, 1862, capturing the Confederate flag at Battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky/Lt. Col., November 1862/., September 1863-September 1864 (resigned)/150th Indiana Infantry, March 1865-August 1865; b. Lafayette, Indiana, March 13, 1833; d. July 27, 1879, Hagansport, Texas; buried NA

Taylor, Nelson: Col., 72nd New York Infantry (“The Excelsior Brigade”), July 1861/Brig. Gen., September 1862/U.S. Volunteer Infantry, September 1862-January 1863 (resigned); b. S. Norwalk, Connecticut, June 5, 1821; d. January 16, 1894, S. Norwalk, Connecticut; buried Norwalk, Connecticut (Riverside)

Taylor, Renaldo Eugene: Pvt., Co. H, 23rd Maine Infantry, September 1862-July 1863; b. Roxbury, Maine, August 17, 1840; d. January 2, 1917, Angels Camp; buried Gridley (Biggs)

Tefft, Perry Greene: Sgt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Rhode Island, June 1835; d. January 10, 1910, Walla Walla, Washington; buried Walla Walla Co., Washington (Mountain View)

Tefft, Thomas Wilbur: 2nd Lt., Co. B, 69th Illinois Infantry, June 1862-September 1862/1st Lt., Co. A, 141st Illinois Infantry, June 1864-October 1864; b. Lebanon, New York, October 30, 1824; d. January 8, 1912, Elgin, Illinois; buried Elgin, Illinois (Bluff City)

Thomas, Job Francis: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd U.S. Sharpshooters (“Berdan’s Sharpshooters”), October 1861-December 1863 (disability, shot in right hip at Antietam, September 17, 1862); b. Derry, New Hampshire, October 12, 1839; d. February 3, 1907, Urbana, Ohio; buried Urbana, Ohio (Oakdale)

Thomas, Robert McElrath (aka Robert McThomas): Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Williamsport, Pennsylvania, circa 1841; d. July 8, 1872, Angels Camp; buried Angels Camp

Thompson, Cyrus Weller: Pvt., Co. B, 1st Arkansas Cavalry, June 1862-August 1865; b. Evansville, Arkansas, January 22, 1845; d. February 26, 1928, Lockeford; buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Thorp, Arthur Merlyn: Pvt., Co. A, 5th Connecticut Infantry, July 1861/Co. F, 3rd U.S. Infantry, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 1863-July 1864/Co. K, 8th U.S. Cavalry, November 1866, deserted (August 30, 1867), surrendered (October 24, 1873), transferred to Co. K, 4th U.S. Artillery, October 1873-December 1873 (disability); b. Weston, Connecticut, 1843; d. April 11, 1913, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Thorp, John Bailey: Enlisted, Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864 (rejected)/Pvt., Co. B, 2nd California Infantry, December 1864-May 1866; b. Camden, Texas, August 1846; d. October 11, 1924, Santa Cruz; buried Yountville

Tidball, Thomas Theodore: [Post-1854 Amador Co.]: Capt., Co. K, 5th California Infantry, November 1861/Post Commander, Fort Bowie, Arizona Territory, May 1863-September 1864/Brevet Major and Lt. Col., March 1864-November 1864; b. Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, October 2, 1826; d. January 28, 1913, Monterey; buried Monterey (El Encinal)

Tilford, George Wilson: 1st Lt., Co. F, Staff, 9th Iowa Cavalry, July 1863-February 1866; b. New York, 1836; d. September 23, 1903, Salt Spring Valley; buried Milton

Tilton, Calvin: Sgt., Co. B, Harrison Missouri Home Guards (Burris’ Battalion), October 1861-March 1862/2nd Lt., Co. A, 35th Missouri Infantry, August 1862-February 1864 (disability); b. Maine, April 26, 1829; d. March 21, 1909, Missouri; buried Allendale, Missouri

Tolman, George Bowers (Dr.): Asst. Surgeon, 6th California Infantry, January 1865/Staff, 1st Battalion California Native Cavalry, May 1865-April 1866; b. Troy, New Hampshire, January 10, 1826; d. December 2, 1912, Madera; buried Yountville

Tomlinson, Silas White: Pvt., Co. A, 6th California Infantry, September 1864-October 1865; b. Missouri, circa 1843; d. March 16, 1890, Mountain Ranch; buried Mountain Ranch

Tongate, William H.: Cpl., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861/Pvt., Co. H, October 1861-October 1864; b. Kentucky, circa 1827; d. 1870-1900, California (probably Calaveras Co.); buried West Point

Tower, Levi Nicholas Colby: Capt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, February 1865-October 1865; b. Maine, March 6, 1834; d. Augus 4, 1897, California (probably San Francisco); buried California

Townley, Israel Coriell: Fifer/Musician, Co. A, 1st New Jersey Infantry, May 1861-October 1862 (disability); b. Westfield, New Jersey, September 26, 1822; d. January 12, 1889, Elizabeth, New Jersey; buried Hillside, New Jersey (Evergreen)

Townsend, Alpheus C.: Cpl., Co. F, 1st U.S. Dragoons, October 1857-October 1862; b. Portland, Maine, October 1834; d. November 1, 1916, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Townsend, Nathan, Jr.: Pvt., Co. G, 44th Iowa Infantry, June 1864-September 1864; b. Jefferson Co., Iowa, November 5, 1844; d. December 25, 1909, Mokelumne Hill; buried Mokelumne Hill (Protestant)

Trapp, Uriah S. (possibly Sarls): Pvt., Co. C, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-April 1866; b. Wayne Co., Ohio, July 1837; d. April 5, 1917, Yankee Hill; buried Oroville (Old Cemetery)

Trussell, Anson Ward: Pvt., Co. A, 4th Maine Infantry, June 1861-July 1864; b. Sedgewick, Maine, March 12, 1824; d. August 6, 1898, Northport, Maine; buried Belfast, Maine (Grove)

Tucker, Egbert Harris: [Post-1854 Amador Co.]: Capt., Co. K, 1st Washington Territory Infantry, December 1862-April 1865; b. Livingston Co., Kentucky, March 9, 1838; d. April 13, 1912, San Francisco; buried Selma (West Selma)

Tucker, William B.: Pvt., Co. H, 64th Ohio Infantry, October 1861-June 1862 (disability); b. Salem, Ohio, June 23, 1841; d. October 20, 1924, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Turley, Marshall M.: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Ralls Co., Missouri, 1822; d. 1889-1900, NA (possibly Wyoming Territory); buried NA (possibly Wyoming Territory)

Turner, George L.: Pvt., Bugler, Co. A, 9th Illinois Cavalry (“Brackett’s Cavalry Regiment,” “Western Cavalry”), March 1864-October 1865; b. Illinois, November 1845; d. October 29, 1906, Los Angeles; buried California

Tynan, William H.: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), November 1861/Co. I, November 1861-April 1862, drowned in Suisun Bay; b. Massachusetts, circa 1843; d. April 21, 1862, Suisun Bay; buried Benicia (Post Cemetery)

Tyrell, William B.: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-August 1865, died of disease; b. Beecher, England, circa 1819; d. August 14, 1865, Fort Tubac, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

Umlauff, Johann F. (John): Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-September 1865, died of pneumonia; b. Hamburg, Germany, circa 1820; d. September 21, 1865, Fort Mason, Arizona Territory; buried Nogales, Arizona Territory (Calabasas)

Underwood, George S.: Pvt., Co. E, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861, deserted at Fort Humboldt (September 16, 1862); b. New York, circa 1825; d. November 15, 1881, Portland, Oregon; buried NA (probably Oregon)

Utley, John: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864/Co. F, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. New York, circa 1825; d. 1865-1920, NA; buried NA

Utter, William Henry: Sgt., Co. H, 7th California Infantry, November 1864-March 1866; b. Pennsylvania, circa 1834; d. May 31, 1889, Campo Seco; buried NA (probably California)

Van Buren, Thomas Brodhead: Lt. Col., 102nd New York Infantry (“Van Buren Light Infantry”), December 1861/Col., February 1862-December 1862 (resigned)/Brevet Brig. Gen., Volunteers, March 1865; b. Clermont, New York, June 20, 1824; d. October 13, 1889, San Francisco; buried Englewood, New Jersey

Vaughan, Glendower F.: Pvt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Michigan, circa 1833; d. 1864-1930, NA; buried NA

Vaughn, Walter Warder: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. West Liberty, Ohio, November 25, 1827; d. March 5, 1889, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Vitry, Louis: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. France, circa 1825; d. 1872-1910, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Vondey, Thomas: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-May 1866; b. Douglas, Isle of Man, circa 1826; d. 1892-1900, NA (possibly Oregon); buried NA (possibly Oregon)

Vote, Jacob George: Pvt., Co. B, 17th Illinois Cavalry, January 1864-December 1865; b. Sandusky, Ohio, December 25, 1846; d. December 26, 1928, Valley Springs; buried Jenny Lind

Wade, Joseph Nathan: Bugler, Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, March 1863-March 1866; b. Texas, August 7, 1840; d. June 27, 1910, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Wagstaff, Jeremiah: Pvt., Co. A, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-May 1863 (drowned in Carson River); b. New York, 1827; d. May 1, 1863, near Fort Churchill, Nevada Territory; buried Fort Churchill, Nevada Territory/reinterred in 1884 in Carson City, Nevada Territory (Lone Mountain)

Wait(e), Loyal C.: Pvt., Co. K, 7th California Infantry, November 1864-April 1866; b. Potsdam, New York, July 1834; d. June 16, 1898, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Waite, William Wallace: Pvt., Co. A, 9th Iowa Infantry, 1861-July 1865; b. Ohio, May 13, 1840; d. November 29, 1922, Mountain Ranch; buried Mountain Ranch

Walker, Truman Granville: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry ((“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), NA; b. Providence, Rhode Island, February 1846; d. May 13, 1924, Medical Lake, Washington; buried Spokane, Washington (Fairmount Memorial Park)

Wall, William Henry: Pvt., Co. B, 1st Battalion, California Mountaineers, April 1863-May 1865; b. New York, June 6, 1827; d. March 2, 1917, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Walsh, James: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1862 (disability); b. Pennsylvania, circa 1820; d. November 3, 1895, Los Angeles; buried Los Angeles (Evergreen)

Walters, Ezekiel (Zeke): Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. Virginia (later West Virginia), March 1832; d. July 5, 1911, Sacramento Co.; buried Sacramento (City)

Walton, Samuel (aka Thomas Wilson): Pvt., Co. A, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry, June 1864 (wounded in right knee at Taylorsville, North Carolina)/Co. A, 33rd Massachusetts Infantry, July 1865-NA; b. Bucks Co., Pennsylvania, July 18, 1828; d. February 19, 1913, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Hospital)

Ward, Lewis Porter: Cpl., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864; b. Michigan, November 1840; d. February 10, 1908, Delta, Colorado; buried Delta, Colorado

Ware, Henry Clay: Sgt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Virginia, circa 1839 (brother of William); d. September 11, 1904, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples)

Ware, William Thomas: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-August 1864; b. Virginia, November 1838 (brother of Henry); d. 1900-1905, NA (probably California); buried NA (probably California)

Warner, Robert Benson: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), October 1864-June 1866; b. London, Ohio, October 1825; d. March 6, 1902, Avery; buried Murphys (Buena Vista)

Warren, John Henry: Pvt., Co. E, 23rd Indiana Infantry, July 1861-April 1862 (died while on leave to recuperate from typhoid fever); b. Orange, Indiana, September 14, 1832; d. April 4, 1862, Washington Co., Indiana; buried Campbellsburg, Indiana (Hop)

Washburn, Lysander E.: 1st Lt., Co. H, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861/Capt., Co. B, August 1864-November 1864; b. Massachusetts, October 1829; d. March 12, 1909, East Oakland; buried Oakland (Mountain View)

Washburn, Montrose: Pvt., Co. C, 16th Illinois Infantry (“The Twins”), June 1861-July 1865; b. Syracuse, New York, April 28, 1833; d. October 31, 1919, San Jose; buried Hollister (I.O.O.F.)

Weaver, Horace: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, October 1861-September 1864; b. Chelmsford, Massachusetts, 1829; d. December 28, 1880, Hampton, Virginia (Soldiers Home); buried Hampton, Virginia (National Cemetery)

Webb, Chester: Pvt., Cpl., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-February 1866; b. Wyoming, Pennsylvania, circa 1834; d. August 23, 1874, Stockton; buried Stockton (Rural)

Weeks, Lewis: U.S. Navy (U.S.S. Lodona), 1863-1865; b. Jefferson, Maine, March 29, 1845; d. February 4, 1923, Sebastopol; buried Sebastopol (Memorial)

Weeks, Lyman, Jr.: Pvt., Co. D, 39th New York Infantry, September 1864-June 1865; b. Walden, Vermont, March 8, 1820; d. March 9, 1900, Lopez Island, Washington; buried Lopez Island, Washington (Lopez Union

Wellman, George Henry: Pvt., Co. I, 8th Massachusetts Infantry, September 1862-August 1863/Pvt., Sgt., Co. G, 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, October 1863-September 1865; b. Lynn, Massachusetts, June 29, 1847; d. May 30, 1896, Fairfax; buried San Francisco (Masonic)/removed in 1940s to Colma (Woodlawn)

Wendell, Charles: Pvt., Co. K, 1st California Cavalry, April 1863-March 1865 (disability); b. Arkansas, circa 1829; d. 1865-1920, NA; buried NA

Wenzel, William: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Monterrey, Mexico, circa 1848; d. 1898-1940, NA; buried NA

Westcott, Varnum: Pvt., Co. A, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. Clayton, New York, May 31, 1825; d. July 30, 1912, Yountville; buried Yountville (Veterans)

Westfield, William: Pvt., Co. C, 5th California Infantry, December 1861/Co. F, 1st California Veteran Infantry, November 1864-December 1864; b. Pennsylvania, circa 1825; d. 1865-1920, NA; buried NA

Westgate, Levi Seymour: Pvt., Co. E, 38th Iowa Infantry, August 1862, deserted (October 8, 1862)/Co. B, 9th Michigan Cavalry, December 1862, deserted (February 3, 1863); b. Michigan, circa 1838; d. 1888-1910, NA (possibly Caifornia); buried NA (possibly California)

Weston, John: Pvt., Cpl., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Calais, Maine, circa 1831; d. November 1, 1880, Stockton; buried Milton

Whalen, William: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864/Co. B, 8th California Infantry, November 1864-October 1865; b. Ireland, 1827; d. February 22, 1896, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Peoples or Hospital)

Wheeling, William: Sgt., Co. F, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-June 1862 (killed by Indians); b. Ireland, 1832; d. June 18, 1862, Apache Pass, Cochise Co., Arizona Territory; buried (remains not recovered)

Whetstone, Washington Taylor (W.T.): Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, January 1865-October 1865; b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, November 21, 1846; d. August 23, 1877, Oakland; buried Ione

Whipple, George Moses: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. Foster, Rhode Island, February 14, 1825 (brother of Harvey); d. November 4, 1883, Minnetonka, Minnesota; buried Minnetonka, Minnesota (Groveland)

Whipple, Harvey O.: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), September 1861-October 1864; b. Foster, Rhode Island, February 9, 1832 (brother of George); d. March 27, 1895, Minnesota; buried Osakis, Minnesota (Lake Side)

White, James Enoch: Pvt., Co. H, 5th California Infantry, November 1861-December 1864/Co. B, 4th California Infantry, March 1865-April 1866; b. Vermont, 1830; d. 1872, Mokelumne Hill; buried NA (probably Mokelumne Hill)

White, Solomon Henry: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, May 1863, Cpl., May 1864-May 1866; b. Sugar Grove, Ohio, June 20, 1841; d. August 3, 1916, Big Oak Flat; buried Big Oak Flat (Divide)

Whiting, Henry: Cpl., Co. B, 4th California Infantry, September 1861-October 1864/Co. C, 4th U.S. Veteran Corps, NA; b. Connecticut, December 1829; d. September 14, 1900, California (probably Amador Co.); buried Clements

Whiting, Joseph Ross: Pvt., Cpl., Co. B, 10th Michigan Cavalry, NA-November 1865; b. Vermont, 1846; d. April 17, 1936, Alameda Co.; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

Whitmore, Hannibal P.: Pvt., Co. H, 25th Massachusetts Infantry, February 1864, wounded May 16, 1864 near Drury’s Bluff, Virginia and June 3, 1864 at Cold Harbor, Virginia/Co. B, January 1865-July 1865; b. Penn Yan, New York, December 14, 1834; d. July 5, 1905, Worcester Co., Massachusetts; buried Uxbridge, Massachusetts (Prospect Hill)

Whitney, James S.: Pvt., Co. C, 60th Illinois Infantry, NA; b. Massachusetts, August 1833; d. June 6, 1900, Jenny Lind; buried California (possibly Clements)

Whitney, Samuel A.: Pvt., Co. G, 5th California Infantry, October 1861-February 1863, died of illness; b. New Boston, New Hampshire, January 23, 1821; d. February 2, 1863, Fort Craig, New Mexico Territory; buried Fort Craig, New Mexico Territory/reinterred in 1876 in Santa Fe, New Mexico Territory (National Cemetery)/reinterred in 1884 in Oswego, New York (Riverside)

Whitton, James: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861, deserted at Camp Halleck (June 12, 1862); b. Scotland, circa 1826; d. 1862-1920, NA; buried NA 

Whittum, Stephen Chase: Cpl., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Lewiston, Maine, October 13, 1831; d. May 12, 1904, Yountville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville/reinterred at Woodland

Whitwell, William Henry: Pvt., Co. B, 1st Battalion California Mountaineers, April 1863-May 1865; b. Milton, Florida, 1834; d. January 31, 1906, West Los Angeles (Pacific Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers); buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Wickersham, Levi A.: Cpl., Co. G, 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry, July 1863/Sgt., September 1864-July 1865; b. Pennsylvania, circa 1828; d. February 27, 1894, Stockton; buried California

Wickham, George Russell: Pvt., Co. A, 9th Michigan Cavalry, October 1862-July 1865 (disability for wounds, gunshot to head and groin); b. New York, August 20, 1846; d. February 4, 1901, Coquille, Oregon; Coquille, Oregon (Masonic)

Wilder, George Kendrick: Musician, 9th Michigan Infantry, NA; b. Sandy Creek, New York, July 12, 1828; d. July 6, 1897, Orland, Indiana; buried Orland, Indiana (Greenlawn)

Wiley, Gustavus Adolphus: Pvt., Co. F, 1st California Cavalry, January 1864-September 1866; b. Illinois, 1838; d. February 14, 1907, Ypuntville (Veterans Home); buried Yountville

Wilkins, Frederick Gray: 1st Sgt., Co. E, 11th Massachusetts Infantry (“The Boston Volunteers”), June 1861, deserted October 23, 1861/Seaman, U.S. Navy (U.S.S. Cumberland), NA/Co. K, 35th Massachusetts Infantry, August 1862, arrested February 9, 1863 as deserter from 11th Massachusetts, transferred to Co. C, 11th Massachusetts, February 1863-June 1865; b. Massachusetts, 1838; d. January 25, 1897, Boston, Massachusetts; buried NA (probably Massachusetts)

Williams, Elisha A. (Lish): Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, April 1863-April 1866; b. Putnam Co., Illinois, August 22, 1833; d. August 5, 1914, Angels Camp; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Williams, Gabriel M.: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861, deserted at Benicia (August 6, 1863); b. Louisiana, circa 1835 (brother of William D.); d. 1883-1920, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Williams, James Alexander: Pvt., Co. L, 9th Michigan Cavalry, December 1862/Corp., May 1865-July 1865; b. Indiana, circa 1844; d. November 5, 1918, Los Angeles; buried Los Angeles (National Cemetery)

Williams, James Franklin: Pvt., Co. K, 5th California Infantry, September 1861/Co. A, May 1863/Principal Musician, Non-Commissioned Staff, August 1863-December 1864; b. Missouri, March 15, 1831; d. January 19, 1907, Richfield, Utah; buried Richfield, Utah

Williams, Joseph: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, May 1863-May 1866; b. Massachusetts, January 15, 1825; d. January 21, 1899, Calaveras Co.; buried Altaville (Protestant)

Williams, William Denver: Cpl., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-September 1864; b. Louisiana, February 13, 1839 (brother of Gabriel); d. November 24, 1924, Westerville, Ohio; buried Westerville, Ohio (Otterbein)

Williams, William F. (possibly Fredrik) (Bill): Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Massachusetts (possibly Boston), June 1833; d. February 27, 1908, Hawaii Territory; buried Honolulu, Hawaii Territory (Oahu)

Wilmot, Carlos Van Rantz (“Professor”/Carl): Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861/Musician, Regimental Band, October 1861-September 1862/Pvt., Principal Musician, Co. C, 4th California Infantry, November 1862-November 1865; b. Rutland, New York, November 1825; d. August 3, 1873, Healdsburg; buried Healdsburg (Oak Mound)

Wilson, George Washington (Dr.): Hospital Steward, 1st California Cavalry, April 1863/Acting Hospital Steward, November 1865-April 1866; b. Cherokee Nation, Tennessee, August 23, 1825; d. December 26, 1888, San Andreas; buried San Andreas (Hospital)

Wilt, William: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-May 1866; b. St. Crist (possibly Saint-Christophe-en-Bazelle), France, circa 1834; d. 1897-1920 (possibly 1897-1905), NA (probably California); buried NA (probably California)

Winchell, Herman Philo: Pvt., Co. F, 141st Illinois Infantry, June 1861-October 1864; b. Yorkville, Illinois, December 12, 1847; d. September 26, 1913, San Andreas; buried San Francisco (Presidio Post Cemetery)

Winchell, Woodson Wrenn: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, Cpl., February 1864-September 1866; b. Pleasantview, Illinois, June 9, 1835; d. June 12, 1906, Rushville, Illinois; buried Pleasant View, Illinois (Messerer)

Wiseman, George: Pvt., Co. E, 2nd California Cavalry (“Tuolumne Rangers”), October 1864-June 1866; b. Littleport, England, February 26, 1839; d. October 31, 1909, Fresno; buried Fresno (Mountain View)

Witham, Gilbert Tapley: Capt., Co. M, 1st California Cavalry, May 1863-February 1865 (resigned); b. Alfred, Maine, October 24, 1831; d. July 13, 1913, Sacramento Co.; buried Sacramento (Masonic Lawn)

Witham, James H.: Pvt., Co. A, 15th Maine Infantry, February 1865-July 1866; b. Washington, Maine, July 13, 1823; d. January 9, 1901, Jefferson, Maine; buried NA (probably Maine)

Withers, William Price: Capt., Co. C, 5th Illinois Cavalry, December 1861-November 1864/Brevet Maj., December 1864; b. Nicholsville, Kentucky, September 27, 1819; d. November 18, 1898, Richmond, Missouri; buried Knoxville, Missouri

Wollner, Jacob: Pvt., Co. K (“Shield’s Guards”), 23rd Illinois Infantry (“Irish Brigade,” “Mulligan’s Brigade”), May 1864-June 1864/Co. A, 142nd Illinois Infantry, June 1864-October 1864/Co. K, 23rd Illinois Infantry, April 1865-June 1865/Co. F, 18th U.S. Infantry, December 1865-December 1868; b. Willna, Austria, March 15, 1845 (naturalized 1865); d. June 1, 1907, San Francisco; buried Colma (Home of Peace – Jewish)

Wood, Charles: Pvt., Co. L, 1st California Cavalry, May 1863-May 1866; b. Massachusetts, circa 1829; d. 1866-1920, NA (possibly 1877-1920, California); buried NA (possibly California)

Woodhull, Edward Foster: Pvt., Co. A, 1st Maine State Guards (1st Maine Infantry), 1861; b. Bangor, Maine, April 16, 1847; d. May 6, 1923, Santa Clara Co.; buried Colma (Cypress Lawn)

Woodrow, Howard Cromwell: Pvt., Co. A, 6th Ohio Infantry, April 1861/Sgt., 2nd Lt., Co. H, 13th Ohio Infantry, June 1861/1st Lt., July 1861/Lt., 17th U.S. Infantry, July 1861/Capt., December 1863-October 1865 (including Lt. Col., 2nd Louisiana Cavalry, April 1864-September 1864)(resigned); b. Cincinnati, Ohio, October 12, 1841; d. August 5, 1912, Hagerstown, New York; buried Cincinnati, Ohio (Spring Grove)

Woodworth, Selim Edward: Acting Lt., U.S. Navy, September 1861/U.S.S. John P. Jackson, January 1862-September 1862/Commander, U.S.S. Glide, January 1863/Commander, U.S.S. General Price, February 1863-August 1863/Commander, U.S.S. Narragansett, October 1863-November 1865/Commander, U.S.S. Monocacy, November 1865-March 1866; b. New York, New York, November 27, 1815; d. January 29, 1871, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (Laurel Hill)

Worth, Henry Martin: Pvt., Cpl., Co. A, 28th Iowa Infantry, August 1862-July 1865; b. North Carolina, August 1829; d. January 2, 1913, Lodi; buried Lockeford (Harmony Grove)

Wright, Ephraim R.: 2nd Cpl., Co. F, 21st Iowa Infantry, August 1862/1st Cpl., January 1863 (disability); b. Yorktown, New York, April 22, 1828; d. October 6, 1911, Scott Co., Iowa; buried Davenport, Iowa (Oakdale)

Wright, Gustavus Alexander: Pvt., Cpl., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Golddiggers’ Regiment”), November 1864-June 1866; b. Baltimore, Maryland, circa 1822; d. 1886-1900, NA (probably California); buried NA (probably California)

Wright, John Simeon (“Sim”): NA, NA (possibly Pvt., Co. H, 28th Indiana Infantry aka 1st Indiana Cavalry, NA); b. Preble Co., Ohio, April 1840; d. January 30, 1919, Jenny Lind; buried Jenny Lind

Wrightington, James B.: Pvt., Co. I, 3rd California Infantry (“McClellan Guards”), October 1861-October 1864/Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. Massachusetts, June 1, 1821; d. January 13, 1897, Tacoma, Washington; buried Tacoma, Washington (Old Tacoma)

Yost, John H.T.: Pvt., Co. F, 6th Indiana Infantry, September 1861-September 1864; b. Indiana, July 1833; d. March 3, 1912, Leavenworth, Kansas; buried Independence, Missouri (Mount Washington)

Yost, Michael: Pvt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861-October 1863, died of illness; b. Pennsylvania, circa 1816; d. October 15, 1863, Fort Union, New Mexico Territory; buried Fort Union, New Mexico Territory (Post Cemetery)/reinterred Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (National Cemetery)

Young, George E.: Pvt., Co. G, 2nd California Infantry, September 1861-September 1864/Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-February 1865; b. New York, circa 1824; d. 1880-1920, NA (possibly California); buried NA (possibly California)

Young, William Madison: Pvt., Co. B, Co. G, 168th Ohio Infantry, May 1864-September 1864; b. Ohio, June 16, 1847; d. April 18, 1924, San Andreas; buried West Point

Zanoli, Joseph: Pvt., Co. H, 8th California Infantry, December 1864-October 1865; b. France, circa 1826; d. February 2, 1902, Calaveras Co.; buried Campo Seco (Catholic)

Zea, David F.: Sgt., Co. A, 1st California Infantry, August 1861, reenlisted as a Veteran, March 1864-September 1866; b. New York (probably Cobleskill), May 16, 1831 or 1832; d. October 12, 1867, Wheeler, Indiana; buried Valparaiso, Indiana (Mosier)

Zigler, Edgar J.: Pvt., Co. E, 7th California Infantry (“The Goldiggers’ Regiment”), May 1865-May 1866; b. New Richmond, Ohio, August 1839; d. August 20, 1904, Seattle, Washington; buried San Juan Island, Washington

Zimmer, John Hancock: Pvt., Co. B, 47th Iowa Infantry, May 1864-September 1864; b. Van Buren Co., Iowa, December 27, 1842; d. March 26, 1918, San Francisco; buried San Francisco (National Cemetery)

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