SPWCH Donor Agreements

By donating historic photos or artifacts of West Calaveras County to the SPWCH as a gift, you help keep history alive for future generations.  Donations, whether items or monetary contributions, are tax deductible.  Donors may also put items on permanent loan to the SPWCH.  Both agreements are simple and easy to complete.  Samples of the legal forms for such donations follow.  Please contact the SPWCH if you wish to make history today.











I, (donor)_____________________, herewith present to the Society for the Preservation of West Calaveras History (SPWCH), irrevocably and for the use and purposes of the SPWCH, all right, title, and interest in the following described materials, and transfer and assign all copyrights that I possess in the following described materials received on (date)_________________ to the SPWCH:









I also agree that appraisals of donated material are the responsibility of the donor.


Signed:_______________________ Date:_________________



Donor Address_________________________________________________






Signed:___________________________     Date:_________________

SPWCH Representative

PO Box 714, Burson, CA 95225 – (209) 772-0336

SPWCH, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation;

Contributions are tax-deductible

California Charitable Trust #CT-130709




I, (donor)_____________________, herewith present to the Society for the Preservation of West Calaveras History (SPWCH), for the use and purposes of the SPWCH, and for an indefinite period of time proscribed only by the conditions below, the following described materials received on (date)_________________:








The above-described property shall be returned to the donor (or a legal representative in the case of death) upon the donor’s written demand (or that of a legal representative in the case of death) only with at least 60 days’ notice to the SPWCH.


The SPWCH may request that the above-described property be removed by the donor upon its written demand and at least 60 days’ notice to the donor.  If the property is not removed, it shall become the property of the SPWCH.


Signed:_______________________ Date:_________________



Donor Address_________________________________________________






Signed:___________________________     Date:_________________

SPWCH Representative

PO Box 714, Burson, CA 95225 – (209) 772-0336

SPWCH, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation;

Contributions are tax-deductible

California Charitable Trust #CT-130709

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