Brands of Calaveras County, California 1854-1880 explores the earliest brands recorded in one of California’s original counties, beginning just after the Gold Rush. Yet what emerges from these pages is not just a story of brands, largely for livestock, but also a story of families–of heritage and emigration, births and deaths, marriages and children, success and failure. Taken together, the 245 brand filings included in its 376 pages, filled with vintage pioneer photographs, many never before published, also tell another story, that of the early years of a rural California county. For those fascinated by early California, brands of the Old West, and/or ranching in America, Brands of Calaveras County, California 1854-1880 is a rare volume that depicts history through the brands associated with one county’s ranchers.
Brands of Calaveras County, California 1854-1880 was authored by local historian Salvatore John Manna and Calaveras County Archivist Shannon Dixon Van Zant. The first publication from Calaveras History Publishing, a division of the Society for the Preservation of West Calaveras History, Brands of Calaveras County, California 1854-1880 may be the first book of its kind in publishing history.
Aldrich Alexander Allen Angier Arbeleche Armstrong Austin Bacigalupi Balensuela Bates Bavastrello Behrendt Bence Bennett Bernardi Bernasconi Bisencio Black Blackburn Blair Boforgues Boles Bradley Brawley Brower Brown Brunner Bund Burgess Burns Campbell Carley Carpenter Casenave Cavagnaro Caven Champion Chase Chicard Chinn Cobb Collier Comitins Coogan Cooper Cosgrave Coulter Coyne Crins Cuneo Darden Davey Davis Deeble Delano DeLong Dieren Donovan Drew Drivis Duffy Eastwood Engel Etcheverry Evans Fenton Ferguson Figaro Filippini Fischer Fisher Foster Frazier Frisbie Gable Gall Gallagher Gann Garcelon Gardella Garry Gatewood Gibbons Gillen Glass Gomes Goyenda Goyoneche Gray Grenoli Grillo Griswold Grossman Hardin Hardy Harper Harris Herald Hettick Heuston Hill Hizer Holmes Hood Horan Huberty Hunter Indart Irvine Isbell Janes Jarvis Jones Juri Kallenbach Kearns Kuhn Lanaye Lanig Leclert Lee Lewis Lindsay, J. Lindsay, T. Look Lottman Love Malaspina Manaudas Marshall Martinas Massoni Matheoud Mathews Matson McCormick McDonald, R. McDonald, J. McFadden McGovern McGowan McNicholas McNoble Medbury Meinecke Meyer Miller Moffit Monico Mooney Moore, E. Moore, P. Moya Mudgett Murdock Nantz Nelson Niehaus Nichols Nousiton Nuñes Ochoa Ochua Oliphant Ollrich Osborn Paentopollos Palafos Pardies Parnell Peirano Perryman Pitt Pool Prindle Proctor Quinn Raggio Rathgeb Ratz Reinking Renaturas Reynolds Rivara Robedee Rooney Rosenberg Rosling Ross Russell Salcido Sanborn Saunders Schacten Schanen Schoonover Schuckle Scieffard Searing Seeman Selkirk Shafer Shriver Sillas Silva Slandman Sletway Sloan Smith, A. Smith, C. Spellner Sproul Stackpole Stangood Steel Stenzig Stevenot Stoddard Sturla Subiati Swiss Ranch Sylvester Tarbat Tienne Tiret Tormey Torrey Totten Tower Tracy Tuchsen Tyson Valle Walsh Wangenheim Ward Waterman Webb Wells Werle Wheat Wherity White Whitman Willits Wilson, C. Wilson, T. Worth Yarbrough Young Yturaldo Zubista Zugar